446 research outputs found

    Lattice-Free Simplexes in Dimension 4

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    We use a numerical approach to discover lattice free simplexes in dimension 4 with width at least 3. We follow the methodologies of Mori, Morrison, and Morrison and use a theoretical result proven by Barille, Bernardi, Borisov, and Kantor to conjecture a complete list of empty-lattice simplexes in dimension 4. Similar work was done by Haase and Ziegler, however, using a different approach we were able to both produce more evidence for the conjecture and provide an explicit list of distinct empty-lattice simplexes in dimension 4

    Junior Recital: Allen Perriello, piano

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    Senior Recital: Allen Perriello, piano

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    The Impact Of Using Selected Art Therapy Approaches On Students Diagnosed On The Autism Spectrum (As) Or With Behavioral Disabilities (Bd) In An Elementary School Art Classroom.

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    Students with autism and behavior disorders frequently have a difficult time communicating with their teachers and peers. Art can serve as a vehicle for communication while supporting strengths and encouraging self-esteem. Yet few art teachers have the specialized training needed to work with students on the spectrum, and we are often times left to our own intuition and devices on how to deal with these students. These students deserve greater individualized education, yet this can present a unique challenge to any classroom art teacher who does not have the training to deal with students who come from these special populations. With greater emphasis placed on core subjects such as math, science and reading, there is even less time to have students fully engage in art making activities that may help these students reach their full human potential. This proposal investigates the potential benefits of using selected art therapy approaches within art education classes, and its impact on students diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum (AS) or with Behavioral Disabilities (BD) in an elementary school setting. Through a multiple case study methodology, this proposal investigated the use of a variety of art therapy approaches being developed for use among the AS and BD population in an art classroom setting. Participants in this study were given an additional art class where art therapy approaches were implemented into the projects within the elementary art classrooms. Art therapy fundamentals included Color Psychology, Line Quality and Placement, all of which were used to help decode hidden messages that the artwork may have contained.The purpose of this paper was to discuss how art therapy, when integrated into an art education classroom, could benefit students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum or Behavioral Disabilities. The findings appear to suggest that when certain art therapy approaches are used with students with AS and BD, there is noticeable improvement in student behaviors, student learning outcomes and student creativity

    Fagus sylvatica (European Beech) ID #1191

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    Location: Wakehurst Condition: Fair Age Class: Maturehttps://digitalcommons.salve.edu/bio140_arboretum/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Elective Recital: Allen Perriello & Peter Cirka, piano

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    Improving the Efficiency of Quantum Circuits for Information Set Decoding

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    The NIST Post-Quantum standardization initiative, that entered its fourth round, aims to select asymmetric cryptosystems secure against attacker equipped with a quantum computer. Code-based cryptosystems are a promising option for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), as neither classical nor quantum algorithms provide polynomial time solvers for its underlying hard problems. Indeed, to provide sound alternatives to lattice-based cryptosystems, NIST advanced all round 3 code-based cryptosystems to round 4. We present a complete implementation of a quantum circuit based on the Information Set Decoding (ISD) strategy, the best known one against code-based cryptosystems, providing quantitative measures for the security margin achieved with respect to the quantum-accelerated key recovery on AES, targeting both the current state-of-the-art approach and the NIST estimates. Our work improves the state-of-the-art, reducing the circuit depth from 2¹⁹ to 2³⁰ for all the parameters of the NIST selected cryptosystems. We further analyse recently proposed optimizations, showing that the overhead introduced by their implementation overcomes their asymptotic advantages. Finally, we address the concern brought forward in the latest NIST report on the parameters choice for the McEliece cryptosystem, showing that the parameter choice yields a computational effort which is slightly below the required target level

    I diritti dei passeggeri aerei in tempi di pandemia tra cancellazioni straordinarie, rimborsi negati e voucher imposti

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    La pandemia da Covid-19 ha travolto il settore del trasporto aereo, costringendo molte compagnie a cancellare i voli in séguito ai provvedimenti restrittivi adottati dalle autorità o per altre cause connesse all’emergenza. I rimedi, di matrice europea, del rimborso del biglietto e del risarcimento del danno rischiano di esporre le compagnie a gravi crisi di liquidità e al rischio di fallimento. Lo scopo del presente contributo è ragionare sulla opportunità di prevedere voucher obbligatori sostitutivi del rimborso immediato, che il passeggero non potrebbe rifiutare a condizione che abbiano un contenuto ragionevole, in un’ottica complessiva di valorizzazione della concorrenza nel mercato del trasporto aereo in Europa

    Salute, ambiente e iniziativa economica: : Tecniche di bilanciamento ed effettività dei rimedi

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    Il bilanciamento tra tutela della salute, dell?ambiente e interessi economici ? la produzione ma anche il lavoro ? è di estrema complessità per le corti nazionali, europee e internazionali e, prima ancor per le istituzioni politiche. Una ?scelta tragica? va compiuta. Il caso Ilva è il simbolo di un disastro ambientale che offre l?opportunità di affrontare diverse tematiche sensibili. La prima parte analizza i possibili metodi e i limiti del bilanciamento degli evocati diritti costituzionali nell?ordinamento giuridico italiano, basandosi sulla natura flessibile e dinamica della gerarchia dei valori. Inoltre, si esplora l?effettività delle tecniche di giustiziabilità in materia ambientale, in termini di accesso alla giustizia e di rimedi effettivi, sulla scia delle indicazioni della Corte europea dei diritti dell?uomo (CEDU). La seconda parte si concentra sulle funzioni svolte dalla responsabilità civile nel reintegrare i pregiudizi quando nessuna prevenzione effettiva è possibile. Argomentando dalla prevenzione unilaterale degli incidenti e dall?irrilevanza dell?eccezione del rispetto dei permessi di inquinamento, si osserva che i danni ambientali ?riflessi? devono essere risarciti attraverso una regola oggettiva di responsabilità. Lo scritto termina con alcune considerazioni di politica del diritto circa il modello piú effettivo per regolare i disastri ambientali