84 research outputs found

    Native extracellular matrix: a new scaffolding platform for repair of damaged muscle

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    Effective clinical treatments for volumetric muscle loss resulting from traumatic injury or resection of a large amount of muscle mass are not available to date. Tissue engineering may represent an alternative treatment approach. Decellularization of tissues and whole organs is a recently introduced platform technology for creating scaffolding materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The muscle stem cell niche is composed of a three-dimensional architecture of fibrous proteins, proteoglycans, and glycosaminoglycans, synthesized by the resident cells that form an intricate extracellular matrix (ECM) network in equilibrium with the surrounding cells and growth factors. A consistent body of evidence indicates that ECM proteins regulate stem cell differentiation and renewal and are highly relevant to tissue engineering applications. The ECM also provides a supportive medium for blood or lymphatic vessels and for nerves. Thus, the ECM is the nature's ideal biological scaffold material. ECM-based bioscaffolds can be recellularized to create potentially functional constructs as a regenerative medicine strategy for organ replacement or tissue repopulation. This article reviews current strategies for the repair of damaged muscle using bioscaffolds obtained from animal ECM by decellularization of small intestinal submucosa (SIS), urinary bladder mucosa (UB), and skeletal muscle, and proposes some innovative approaches for the application of such strategies in the clinical setting

    Proliferation of the superficial epithelium of ovaries in senile female rats following oral administration of conjugated equine estrogens

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of different concentrations of estrogen on the ovarian superficial epithelium in senile female rats. Design: Fifty female rats at 15 months of age and with irregular estrous cycles were selected and randomly divided into five experimental groups containing equal numbers of animals in each: GPROP, control group receiving vehicle only; GE0.05mg, group receiving conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) at a dose of 50 µg/kg; GE0.5mg, group receiving CEE at 500 µg/kg; GE1mg, group receiving CEE at 1 mg/kg; and GE2mg, receiving CEE at 2 mg/kg. The length of treatment was 21 days. After this period, the animals were anesthetized and the ovaries were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed for routine histology. Histomorphology was analyzed by light microscopy, and histomorphometrics were evaluated using the Imagelab program. RESULTS: In the GPROP and GE0.05mg groups, the superficial epithelium of the ovary had a simple cuboidal shape, and as the estrogen dose increased, the epithelium thickened, with pseudo-stratified or stratified epithelium appearing in the GE2mg group. The animals in the group given the highest estrogen dose (GE2mg) showed the thickest ovarian epithelium and the largest perimeter and surface area of the surface ovarian epithelium (P < 0.01). However, the difference in epithelium thickness between the GE0.5mg and GE1mg groups was only slight. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that CEE at a dose of 2 mg/kg may induce marked proliferation of rat ovarian epithelium.UNIFESP Morphology Department Histology and Cellular Biology DivisionUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Faculdade de Medicina Gynecology DepartmentUNIFESP, Morphology Department Histology and Cellular Biology DivisionUNIFESP, Faculdade de Medicina Gynecology DepartmentSciEL

    Muscle acellular scaffold as a biomaterial: Effects on C2C12 cell differentiation and interaction with the murine host environment

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM) of decellularized organs possesses the characteristics of the ideal tissue-engineering scaffold (i.e., histocompatibility, porosity, degradability, non-toxicity). We previously observed that the muscle acellular scaffold (MAS) is a pro-myogenic environmentin vivo. In order to determine whether MAS, which is basically muscle ECM, behaves as a myogenic environment, regardless of its location, we analyzed MAS interaction with both muscle and non-muscle cells and tissues, to assess the effects of MAS on cell differentiation. Bone morphogenetic protein treatment of C2C12 cells cultured within MAS induced osteogenic differentiation in vitro, thus suggesting that MAS does not irreversibly commit cells to myogenesis.In vivo MAS supported formation of nascent muscle fibers when replacing a muscle (orthotopic position). However, heterotopically grafted MAS did not give rise to muscle fibers when transplanted within the renal capsule. Also, no muscle formation was observed when MAS was transplanted under the xiphoid process, in spite of the abundant presence of cells migrating along the laminin-based MAS structure. Taken together, our results suggest that MAS itself is not sufficient to induce myogenic differentiation. It is likely that the pro-myogenic environment of MAS is not strictly related to the intrinsic properties of the muscle scaffold (e.g., specific muscle ECM proteins). Indeed, it is more likely that myogenic stem cells colonizing MAS recognize a muscle environment that ultimately allows terminal myogenic differentiation. In conclusion, MAS may represent a suitable environment for muscle and non-muscle 3D constructs characterized by a highly organized structure whose relative stability promotes integration with the surrounding tissues. Our work highlights the plasticity of MAS, suggesting that it may be possible to consider MAS for a wider range of tissue engineering applications than the mere replacement of volumetric muscle loss

    Decellularised skeletal muscles allow functional muscle regeneration by promoting host cell migration

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    Pathological conditions affecting skeletal muscle function may lead to irreversible volumetric muscle loss (VML). Therapeutic approaches involving acellular matrices represent an emerging and promising strategy to promote regeneration of skeletal muscle following injury. Here we investigated the ability of three different decellularised skeletal muscle scaffolds to support muscle regeneration in a xenogeneic immune-competent model of VML, in which the EDL muscle was surgically resected. All implanted acellular matrices, used to replace the resected muscles, were able to generate functional artificial muscles by promoting host myogenic cell migration and differentiation, as well as nervous fibres, vascular networks, and satellite cell (SC) homing. However, acellular tissue mainly composed of extracellular matrix (ECM) allowed better myofibre three-dimensional (3D) organization and the restoration of SC pool, when compared to scaffolds which also preserved muscular cytoskeletal structures. Finally, we showed that fibroblasts are indispensable to promote efficient migration and myogenesis by muscle stem cells across the scaffolds in vitro. This data strongly support the use of xenogeneic acellular muscles as device to treat VML conditions in absence of donor cell implementation, as well as in vitro model for studying cell interplay during myogenesis

    Molecular, cellular and physiological characterization of the cancer cachexia-inducing C26 colon carcinoma in mouse

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of cancer patients experience dramatic weight loss, due to cachexia and consisting of skeletal muscle and fat tissue wasting. Cachexia is a negative prognostic factor, interferes with therapy and worsens the patients' quality of life by affecting muscle function. Mice bearing ectopically-implanted C26 colon carcinoma are widely used as an experimental model of cancer cachexia. As part of the search for novel clinical and basic research applications for this experimental model, we characterized novel cellular and molecular features of C26-bearing mice. METHODS: A fragment of C26 tumor was subcutaneously grafted in isogenic BALB/c mice. The mass growth and proliferation rate of the tumor were analyzed. Histological and cytofluorometric analyses were used to assess cell death, ploidy and differentiation of the tumor cells. The main features of skeletal muscle atrophy, which were highlighted by immunohistochemical and electron microscopy analyses, correlated with biochemical alterations. Muscle force and resistance to fatigue were measured and analyzed as major functional deficits of the cachectic musculature. RESULTS: We found that the C26 tumor, ectopically implanted in mice, is an undifferentiated carcinoma, which should be referred to as such and not as adenocarcinoma, a common misconception. The C26 tumor displays aneuploidy and histological features typical of transformed cells, incorporates BrdU and induces severe weight loss in the host, which is largely caused by muscle wasting. The latter appears to be due to proteasome-mediated protein degradation, which disrupts the sarcomeric structure and muscle fiber-extracellular matrix interactions. A pivotal functional deficit of cachectic muscle consists in increased fatigability, while the reported loss of tetanic force is not statistically significant following normalization for decreased muscle fiber size. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude, on the basis of the definition of cachexia, that ectopically-implanted C26 carcinoma represents a well standardized experimental model for research on cancer cachexia. We wish to point out that scientists using the C26 model to study cancer and those using the same model to study cachexia may be unaware of each other's works because they use different keywords; we present strategies to eliminate this gap and discuss the benefits of such an exchange of knowledge

    Proliferation of the ovarian superficial epithelium after administration of conjugated equine estrogens in senile female rats

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of different concentrations of estrogen on the ovarian superficial epithelium in senile female rats. Design: Fifty female rats at 15 months of age and with irregular estrous cycles were selected and randomly divided into five experimental groups containing equal numbers of animals in each: GPROP, control group receiving vehicle only; GE0.05mg, group receiving conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) at a dose of 50 ìg/kg; GE0.5mg, group receiving CEE at 500 ìg/kg; GE1mg, group receiving CEE at 1 mg/kg; and GE2mg, receiving CEE at 2 mg/kg. The length of treatment was 21 days. After this period, the animals were anesthetized and the ovaries were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed for routine histology. Histomorphology was analyzed by light microscopy, and histomorphometrics were evaluated using the Imagelab program. RESULTS: In the GPROP and GE0.05mg groups, the superficial epithelium of the ovary had a simple cuboidal shape, and as the estrogen dose increased, the epithelium thickened, with pseudo-stratified or stratified epithelium appearing in the GE2mg group. The animals in the group given the highest estrogen dose (GE2mg) showed the thickest ovarian epithelium and the largest perimeter and surface area of the surface ovarian epithelium (P < 0.01). However, the difference in epithelium thickness between the GE0.5mg and GE1mg groupswas only slight. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that CEE at a dose of 2 mg/kg may induce marked proliferation of rat ovarian epithelium.Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentracoes de estrogenio sobre o epitelio superficial do ovario de ratas senis. Foram empregadas cinquenta ratas adultas com15 meses de idade e com ciclos irregulares, sendo aleatoriamente dividas em cinco grupos com o mesmo numero de animais: GPROP - controle (veiculo); GE0,05mg - Estrogenios Conjugados Equinos 50 ƒÊg/Kg (ECE); GE0,5mg - ECE 500 ƒÊg/Kg; GE1mg - ECE 1 mg/Kg; GE2mg - ECE 2mg/Kg. As ratas foram tratadas por gavagem durante 21 dias. Apos este periodo, os animais foram anestesiados e os ovarios foram fixados em formol 10% e submetidos a tecnica histologica convencional e corados pelo HE. O aspecto morfologico foi analisado em microscopia de luz e a histomorfometria foi avaliada usando o programa imagelab. Nos grupos GPROP and GE0,05mg, o epitelio superficial do ovario era cubico simples e conforme o aumento da dose de estrogenio, houve espessamento do epitelio ovariano com presenca de epitelio pseudo-estratificado ou estratificado no GE2mg. Os animais do grupo que recebeu a maior dose de estrogenios (GE2 mg) apresentaram a maior area, espessura e perimetro do epitelio superior ovariano comparado aos outros grupos (P<0.01). Contudo, houve pequena variacao da espessura entre o GE0,5mg e o GE1mg nos parametros histomorfometricos analisados. Nossos dados sugerem que a dose de 2mg de ECE pode induzir a proliferacao acentuada aumento de espessura e area do epitelio superficial do ovario de ratas senis.TEDEBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe