9 research outputs found

    Development of Augmented Reality for Children Book Lutung Kasarung

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    Folklore needs to be preserved and developed to improve the nation's emotional intelligence, especially the emotional intelligence of elementary school students who are the nation's next generation. With current technological advances, it is possible to develop an ordinary folklore book into a more interesting folklore book with the addition of Augmented Reality technology in it. By using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method, an Augmented Reality-based application can be created to be able to make Lutung Kasarung children's folklore books can be enjoyed by getting experience that is more than just reading ordinary physical books because there is Augmented Reality technology inside. This Augmented Reality technology has 100% accuracy if it meets the specified requirements, namely a distance of 45 centimeters and a height of 30 centimeters, and in testing at a distance of 50 centimeters, 55 centimeters, 60 centimeters, 65 centimeters with a height of 25 centimeters and 30 centimeters. In addition, with the AR Book, it is also expected to be able to introduce AR technology to both parents and children as an alternative to children's fairy tale books

    Augmented reality objects design in augmented story book mobile application for better engagement

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    The folktale is a kind of story that has some good points, such as developing a sense of story and shaping up positive attitudes towards children. However, people seem to abandon those good points and often give the children smartphones instead of folktale through the conventional book. Recently, smartphones’ capabilities have rapidly improved, so that augmented reality (AR) story books which combine conventional book and smartphone can be developed. This research is conducted to examine which one from three provided models that work best for engagement in a folktale augmented book. Those designs will be discussed in both subjective and objective approach, correspondingly. The result from subjective approach is the animated video AR design becomes the most pleasing design. The picture and narrator’s voice AR design, by contrast, becomes the most efficient design based on objective approach

    Application of VR in Furniture Connection Learning for Interior Design Students

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    This study aims to provide information about virtual reality media that can be used as information about interior learning, especially furniture joints. This project uses an experimental method to create a prototype in the form of virtual reality in which there will be several furniture connections that can be used as learning media. This study uses the main software, namely Unity, which is used as the basic software in virtual reality, as well as additional software that is used as a furniture connection modelling application. Its implementation will later use additional hardware, namely oculus. The results obtained from this study are that student’s interest in the learning process using new media, is more interesting because it can create different alternative learning media than before, by using virtual reality facilities. The use of virtual reality in furniture connections provides significant benefits to students in the learning process. It removes the physical barrier of choosing a good joint to use and helps users make better decisions. As virtual reality technology continues to evolve, it is hoped that a more realistic and immersive furniture joinery learning experience will become more accessible and provide greater benefits to all involved

    Pengembangan Simulasi Gamelan Berbasis Augmented Reality (Ar) Dengan Kendali Leap Motion

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    Pada zaman yang modern saat ini teknologi berkembang dengan pesatnya. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi berkembang juga jenis musik dan juga alat musik yang ada. Sehingga sebagian dari kita melupakan alat musik kuno ataupun alat musik tradisional yang ditinggalkan oleh nenek moyang dan pendahulu kita, salah satunya musik gamelan. Pada era serba digital ini, dalam mengatasi permasalahan sulitnya mencari serta langkanya alat musik gamelan, terdapat sebuah teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat replika dari alat musik gamelan yang dapat dimainkan dengan cara yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan cara biasanya memainkan alat musik gamelan. Teknik tersebut biasa disebut dengan Augmented Reality, dan dengan bantuan teknologi lain yaitu Leap Motion dimana teknologi ini akan membantu Aplikasi Augmented Reality untuk lebih mudah mendeteksi gesture dari pemain yang mana akan menjadi input untuk simulasi alat musik gamelan, sehingga cara memainkan nya akan lebih serupa dengan yang asli yaitu dengan cara dipukul. Dan untuk menjamin aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai keinginan, haruslah dilakukan beberapa pengujian untuk mengetahui parameter jarak, sudut dan cahaya terhadap akurasi dari aplikasi simulasi gamelan berbasis Augmented Reality dengan kendali Leap Motion. Serta untuk penilaian aplikasi mudah digunakan, maka dilakukan evaluasi usability dari aplikasi simulasi gamelan berbasis Augmented Reality dengan kendali Leap Motion. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan jarak merupakan salah satu faktor penentu yang diperlukan agar pengguna dapat memainkan simulasi gamelan dengan baik. Parameter jarak dan tinggi Head Mounted Display (HMD) terhadap posisi marker mempengaruhi persentase keberhasilan memainkan simulasi gamelan hingga 100%. Untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan 100% dalam memainkan simulasi gamelan berbasis AR dengan kendali Leap Motion ini jarak HMD dari marker adalah berkisar dari 45 cm sampai dengan 65 cm dengan tinggi HMD dari marker adalah dari 25 cm sampai dengan 30 cm. Sedangkan untuk parameter sudut yang dapat digunakan agar simulasi gamelan berbasis AR dengan kendali Leap Motion mendapatkan keberhasilan 100% adalah 21,097 o sampai dengan 33,690 o. Dan penggunaan parameter cahaya yang dibutuhkan adalah 9 sampai 56 lux. Dan untuk pengujian usability yang diperoleh dari pengujian terhadap lima orang pengguna diketahui bahwa rata-rata usability yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 86,48% dan termasuk dalam kategori sangat memuaskan

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android pada Mata Pelajaran Desain Multimedia Jurusan Multimedia di SMK PGRI 3 Malang

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    ABSTRAK   Permana, Frihandhika.2014. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Android pada Mata Pelajaran Desain Multimedia Jurusan Multimedia di SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Skripsi. S1 Pendidikan Teknik Informatika. Jurusan Teknik Elektro. Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Negeri Malang.  Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Android, Multimedia. Pelajaran Desain Multimedia merupakan mata pelajaran yang harus ditempuh oleh siswa jurusan Multimedia di SMK PGRI 3 Malang.Media pembelajaran yang dipakai adalah Buku Elektronik atau E-Book. Dikarenakan EBook yang dibuat kurang menarik perhatian siswa, maka siswa jarang untuk membuka E-Book tersebut. Di dalam E-Book tersebut hanya terdapat materi saja, penyampaian materi tidak ada bedanya dengan sebuah buku, hanya kalimat penjelasan saja. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan media pembelajaran yang lebih menarik yang unggul dalam hal tampilan, warna, animasi, dan juga dalam hal ketersediaan konten di dalam media pembelajaran tersebut. Tujuan dari pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Multimedia ini antara lain: (1) Mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis android pada mata pelajaran Desain Multimedia untuk siswa jurusan Multimedia SMK PGRI 3 Malang; (2) Mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis android pada mata pelajaran Desain Multimedia untuk siswa jurusan Multimedia SMK PGRI 3 Malang. Terdapat 10 (sepuluh) langkah yang akan dilalui, antara lain: (1) Potensi & Masalah; (2) Pengumpulan Informasi; (3) Desain Produk dan Materi; (4) Validasi Desain dan Materi; (5) Revisi Desain; (6) Uji Coba Produk; (7) Revisi Produk; (8) Uji Coba Produk; (9) Revisi Produk; (10) Produksi Masal. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan angket yang ditujukan kepada ahli media, ahli materi, dan pengguna. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan yang dilakukan, didapatkan data akhir sebesar 84,55% untuk validasi ahli media, 79,58% untuk validasi ahli materi, 72,83% untuk uji coba kelompok kecil dan 80,02% untuk uji coba kelompok lapangan. Rata-rata presentase uji coba adalah 79,24% . Dari hasil tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa Media Pembelajaran Multimedia ini sudah valid dan tidak perlu revisi sesuai dengan pedoman kriteria tingkat kelayakan serta layak digunakan. Kesimpulan pengembangan ini sebagai berikut: (1) Telah dikembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis android  pada mata pelajaran Desain Multimedia untuk siswa jurusan Multimedia SMK PGRI 3 Malang; (2) Media Pembelajaran ini telah memenuhi kriteria valid dan layak setelah melalui tahap validasi ahli media dan ahli materi serta tahapan uji coba

    Development of Augmented Reality (AR) Based Gamelan Simulation with Leap Motion Control

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    One of the traditional musical instrument from Indonesia is gamelan, that is now less desirable because people nowadays prefer to play modern musical instruments, or because of its expensive price. This study combines the modern technology of AR and Leap Motion and also utilizes the sophisticated smartphone to develop a gamelan simulation that is presentable to the user. There are two kinds of an experiment performed in this research. The first is Augmented Reality (AR) experiment which authenticates that the distance and the height parameters are the keys to get a 100% success in running the gamelan simulation. The distance is ranged from 45 cm to 65 cm and the height is ranged from 25 cm to 30 cm. And the second one is the usability evaluation to five users, who resolves the completion task very well, acquires the result of 86.48%

    The Connectivity Between Leap Motion And Android Smartphone For Augmented Reality (AR)-Based Gamelan

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    The smartphone development today makes the gadget not only used as a communication tool but also as an entertainment tool such as to play games and play music. The development of the smartphone also supports many technologies that can be run on the smartphone itself, such as Augmented Reality (AR), for example. There are some studies evaluated the AR application combined with Leap Motion, but those studies were using the SDK alpha of the Leap Motion Corp. that is now no longer accessible for the developers to use. This research is meant to overcome such a problem. The method proposed in this study is a technique to connect the Leap Motion with Android for Augmented Reality application. This paper also evaluates the technique used to connect the AR technology to Leap Motion so it can be a visual instrument simulation, which applied to the Gamelan traditional music instrument. The experiments resulted in the accuracy rate of the application of 96.43% for right-hand movement and 97.86% for the left-hand motion. The high accuracy result obtained in the research can be a promising result for the future research

    Application of VR in Furniture Connection Learning for Interior Design Students

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    This study aims to provide information about virtual reality media that can be used as information about interior learning, especially furniture joints. This project uses an experimental method to create a prototype in the form of virtual reality in which there will be several furniture connections that can be used as learning media. This study uses the main software, namely Unity, which is used as the basic software in virtual reality, as well as additional software that is used as a furniture connection modelling application. Its implementation will later use additional hardware, namely oculus. The results obtained from this study are that student’s interest in the learning process using new media, is more interesting because it can create different alternative learning media than before, by using virtual reality facilities. The use of virtual reality in furniture connections provides significant benefits to students in the learning process. It removes the physical barrier of choosing a good joint to use and helps users make better decisions. As virtual reality technology continues to evolve, it is hoped that a more realistic and immersive furniture joinery learning experience will become more accessible and provide greater benefits to all involved