31 research outputs found


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    Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be renewed and as a promising of diesel fuel in the future.  In this study, the production of biodiesel from used waste vegetable oil through the initial treatment reaction saponification and without saponification. The process of producing of biodiesel can used by the transesterification method. The yield of biodiesel were obtained then analysis for quantity by calculating of the percent yield on each yield for biodiesel with saponification successively is 61.68%. The biodiesel product without saponification successively is 81.93%. The quality test produced for biodiesel density test with and without saponification is 0.8871 g / mL and 0.8975 g / mL ,% FFA 0.3375 mg KOH / g and 0.6325 mg KOH / g, and flash point 184 ℃ and 182.6 ℃

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Problem Based Learning Berbantuan E-Module untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurang optimalnya kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik kelas XI SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan RPP dan e-module menggunakan model problem based learning yang valid, praktis dan efektif untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dengan karakteristik e-module berbantuan flip pdf profesional pada materi turunan fungsi aljabar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan yang dilaksanakan dengan model pengembangan Plomp dimana terdiri dari atas preliminary research, prototyping phase dan assesment phase. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 3 Bukittinggi. Instrument pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, dokumentasi, angket dan soal tes. Data yang diperoleh analisis dengan teknik analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Karakteristik penelitian ini berupa e-module berbantuan flip pdf profesional pada materi turunan fungsi aljabar kelas XI SMA semester 2 dalam penerapannya menggunakan syntaks yang terdapat dalam model problem based learning untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa RPP dan e-module berbasis problem based learning yang dikembangkan tergolong valid berdasarkan dari expert review untuk RPP  yaitu sebesar  81.06%  dan e-module sebesar 82.92%. Sedangkan hasil uji praktikalitas  peserta didik dan pendidik adalah 77.82% dan  81.67% dimana e-module dikategorikan praktis.  Selain itu efektivitas pesentase ketuntasan peserta didik yang mengikuti tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis untuk tahapan small group memperoleh persentase ketuntasan sebesar 83.33% dan pada tahap field test memperoleh persentase ketuntasan sebesar 81.82% sehingga dikategorikan efektif.  Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa RPP dan e-module berbasis model problem based learning pada materi turunan fungsi aljabar dikatakan valid, praktis, dan efekti

    Studi Pengaruh Waktu Kontak, Laju Alir, dan Ukuran Packing terhadap Adsorpsi Cr(VI)

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    ABSTRAK   Industri elektroplatting merupakan penghasil limbah logam berat berbahaya, salah satunya kromium heksavalen. Kromium heksavalen merupakan logam yang berbahaya, mempunyai kadar racun yang tinggi dan bersifat karsinogenik penyebab kanker. Sehingga dilakukanlah upaya meminimalisasi limbah cair kromium dengan cara adsorpsi. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pembuatan adsorben dari campuran tanin dan bentonit dengan perbandingan massa 1:3. Sampel yang digunakan adalah limbah cair sintetis dimana komposisi dari logam kromium heksavalen sesuai dengan limbah industri elektroplatting yaitu K2Cr2O7. Variabel yang digunakan adalah ukuran packing 1,0 cm dan 1,5 cm, dengan laju alir sebesar 180 ml/menit dan 240ml/menit sedangkan waktu kontak 20 menit hingga 100 menit. Pada hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penyerapan krom tertinggi terjadi pada ukuran packing 1,5 cm dengan laju alir 240 ml/menit dan waktu kontak 20 menit yaitu 80,37%.   Kata Kunci : Elektroplatting, adsorpsi, kromium heksavalen &nbsp

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik Menggunakan E-Modul Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMA

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    This study adapts the Plomp development model by including the stages of preliminary research, prototyping, and evaluation. The tools developed are in the form of lesson plans and electronic modules based on a scientific approach for class XI high school. The tools used are confirmation sheets, observation sheets, questionnaires, interviews and tests. The value of the validity of the lesson plan is 3.5 with a very valid category and the electronic module is 3.28 with a valid category. The practical level of students in the electronics module is 88.39 in the very practical category and according to the educators, it reaches 97.91% for the lesson plan and 89.00% for the electronic boiler module in the very comfortable type. Learning tools based on a scientific approach using e-modules in the form of lesson plans and e-modules are very effective types with an efficiency level of 83.78%. It can be concluded that the scientific approach developed on learning tools using electronic modules on polynomial material is useful, practical and effective in improving the mathematical connection skills of class XI middle school student

    Adsorption Of Cr(VI) Ions Using Sugar Palm Fruit Peel (Arenga Pinnata) Immobilized in Ca-Alginate Bead

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    physiological or metabolic processes that can cause cancer in humans. Adsorption is one of the method that is quite effective for removing Cr(VI) in waters because this method uses low cost with good efficiency. Sugar palm fruit peel waste can be used as an adsorbent because it contains active compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats that can play a role in the absorption of metal ions. This sugar palm peel waste will be immobilized using a Ca-alginate medium to increase the absorption of mechanical forces in the adsorption process. The sugar palm fruit peel was activated using 4% NaOH, which was then immobilized by Ca-alginate. The adsorbent was tested to determine its functional group using FTIR and using SEM EDX to see the surface morphology and the elements present in the adsorbent. The results showed that the optimum absorption of metal ions Cr(VI) using Ca-alginate immobilized palm peel as adsorbent at optimum pH 2 with an efficiency of 63% and adsorption capacity of 0.35396 mg/g, the optimum contact time was 75 minutes with an efficiency of 73, 83% and adsorption capacity of 0.41314 mg/g and the optimum concentration at 150 ppm with adsorption capacity of 13.15185 mg/

    Penjernihan Air dengan Metode Rapid Sand Filter menggunakan zeolit dan karbon aktif sebagai adsorben di Kelurahan Lingkar Selatan, Kota Jambi.

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    The need for clean water for the citizens of Jambi City still remains a serious problem until now. Ironically, for the past five years, the difficulty of fulfilling the need for clean water in some areas of Jambi City is even more alarming. The supply of tap water to the citizen’s houses is still not smooth. So as an alternative, citizens use ground water as a source of water. However, the groundwater obtained is still cloudy and smelly, and the flow of water causes the formation of the crust on the bathroom wall. This will certainly hamper the productivity and the economy of the citizens. Efforts are needed to overcome this problem so that people can get clean water. In this program, conducted a counseling or socialization on the way of water treatment from well water. This community service program aims to share knowledge about how to conduct water purification process to the community so that citizens can consume clean water. In this program, performed demonstration of a simple water purifier using Rapid Sand Filter method in the presence of zeolite and activated carbon that will maximize the water purification process


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    Provinsi Jambi memiliki peran yang cukup besar dalam dalam bidang perkebunan karena memiliki beberapa komoditi unggulan seperti perkebunan kelapa sawit dan karet. Kabupaten Bungo tahun pada tahun 2016 memiliki perkebunan karet seluas 98220 hektar dan perkebunan kelapa sawit mencapai 97.630 Ha. Penggunaan tanah secara simultan dalam perkebunan sawit akan mengurangi kualitas tanah, sehingga berdampak pada kualitas sawit yang dihasilkan. Untuk meningkatkan produksi, digunakan pupuk, yang biasanya digunakan berupa pupuk sintesis, yang dalam jangka panjang akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan dan tanah, sehingga dibutuhkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam menghasilkan pupuk berbasis alam (organik) dengan memanfaatkan limbah hasil pertanian. Salah satu limbah pertanian yang dilaporkan oleh Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) Karya Mukti Kecamatan Jujuhan Ilir, Kabupaten Bungo adalah biji karet, yang hampir sebagian besar belum termanfaatkan dengan baik. Biji karet diketahui memiliki mikroorganisme lokal yang bersifat probiotik sebagai fermenter dalam reaksi fermentasi menghasilkan pupuk organik. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam mengolah potensi tersebut sangat diperlukan dalam rangka penerapan teknologi tepat guna bagi petani dan untuk menerapkan sistem pertanian organik untuk menciptakan produk pertanian yang berkualitas dan sehat serta menciptakan salah satu pupuk organik cair yang ramah lingkungan.  Tujuan Program ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dan kompetensi kepada masyarakat dalam mengolah limbah perkebunan untuk menghasilkan pupuk organik cair yang merupakan salah satu dekomposer yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hasil perkebunan. Selain itu, untuk jangka panjang, diharapkan program ini dapat meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat untuk menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan berdaya saing. Kata kunci: Sawit, Karet, Fermenter, Pupuk Cair ABSTRACT Jambi Province has a significant role in the plantation sector because it has several superior commodities such as oil palm and rubber plantations. In 2016, Bungo District had rubber plantations covering 98.220 hectares and oil palm plantations 97.630 hectares. The simultaneous use of land in oil palm plantations will reduce the quality of the soil, thus having an impact on the quality of the palms produced. Usually, synthetic fertilizers use to increase production yields. The continued use of synthetic fertilizers will harm the soil and the environment, so that community skills are needed to produce natural-based (organic) fertilizers by utilizing agricultural waste. The Karya Mukti cooperative reports that rubber seeds are agriculture waste that has not to use appropriately. Rubber seeds are known to have local microorganisms that are probiotic as a fermenter in the fermentation reaction to produce organic fertilizer. Community service in processing this potential is needed to apply appropriate technology for farmers and to apply an organic farming system to create quality and healthy agricultural products and to create one of the environmentally friendly liquid organic fertilizers. This program aims to provide training and competence to the community in processing plantation waste to produce liquid organic fertilizer, which uses the decomposer to improve the quality of plantation products and also improve community skills to make quality and competitive products. Keywords: Palm Oil, Rubber, Fermenter, Liquid fertilize

    Preparation of Cellulose Pineapple (Ananas comosus) Peel as Adsorbent of Remazol Yellow Dye

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    The extraction of cellulose from pineapple (Ananas comosus) peel has been carried out through delignification using alkaline and hydrolysis with acid. The extraction of cellulose was carried out by de-waxing, delignification followed by hydrolysis with H2SO4 acid. The cellulose obtain was identified by FTIR and SEM-EDS. The results showed that the FTIR spectra of pineapple peel cellulose contain hydroxyl and carboxyl functional groups which useful in the adsorption process. The morphology of cellulose has a more homogeneous and porous shape. The cellulose obtained was used for adsorption of Remazol yellow dye by studying adsorption parameters, namely the effect of pH, contact time and solution concentration. The adsorption process was obtained at pH 2, the optimum contact time was 30 minutes and concentration at 100 mg/L with an adsorption capacity is 19.888 mg/g

    Remazol Briliant Blue Uptake by Green and Low-Price Black Carbon from Ilalang Weeds (Imperata cylindrica) Activated by KOH Solution

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    Synthesis of activated carbon (AC) from green, low-price, and renewable source as a pollutant adsorbent is growing interest of researcher. This work aims to synthesis of AC from Ilalang weed (Imperata cylindrica) (IW-AC) with KOH activator as a green and low price Remazol Brilliant Blue dye (RBB) adsorbent. The success IW-AC synthesis was evidently characterized by Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The effects of initial solution pH, adsorbent dosage, initial RBB concentration, and contact time were systematically investigated. Results showed the optimum condition of RBB adsorption was occurred at low pH (2.0-4.0) and 75 mg of adsorbent dosage. Under the optimum condition, the equilibrium adsorption data fitted well to the Langmuir isotherm with the adsorption capacity of RBB uptake was 13.42 mg/g. Calculation of adsorption energy by Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) isotherm model (13.39 kJ/mol) showed that the electrostatic interaction was the main interaction of RBB adsorption on IW-AC. Adsorption kinetics showed that the adsorption behavior followed the Ho pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The experimental results of this work demonstrate that the IW-AC can be used as a promising green and low-cost adsorbent for removal of anionic dyes from aqueous solution


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    Provinsi Jambi merupakan salah satu Provinsi penyumbang hasil perkebuan kelapa sawit dengan luas areal lahan mencapai 10 – 15 ton/ha/tahun ha dan mampu memproduksi 0.55% berupa limbang cangkang kelapa sawit dan tempurung kelapa sawit. Abu cangkang kelapa sawit mengandung banyak mineral seperti SiO2 58,02%; Al2O3 8,7%; CaO 12,65%; Fe2O3 2,6%; Na2O 0,41%; MgO 4,32%; K2O 0.72%; H2O 1,97%; serta hilang pijar 8.59%, unsur K 7,5%; Ca 1,5%; Cl 1,3%; CO3 1,9%; Mg 2,8%; Na 1,1%, N 0.05%; PO4 0,9% dan SiO2 61%. Tujuan pengabdian ini memberikan pelatihan dan keterampilan kepada masyarakat Desa Kuamang Kuning dalam memanfaatkan abu cangkang kelapa sawit menjadi material zeolite 4A sebagai bahan pembangun deterjen ramah lingkungan, yang mampu menurunkan tingkat kesadahan air akibat pencemaran limbah rumah tangga. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang potensi limbah abu cangkang kelapa sawit, pengolahnnya sebagai bahan pembangun deterjen berbasis zeolite 4A, dan melakukan pelatihan. Pelatihan ini memberikan peningkatan kompetensi bagi masyarakat, sebanyak 90% masyarakat peserta pelatihan yang hadir merasakan manfaat program ini untuk menambah pengatahuan dan wawasan, 100% merasakan ada pengaruh peningkatan pengetahuan tentang deterjen sintesis dan bahayanya terhadap lingkungan, serta pengetahuan tentang potensi limbah abu cangkang kelapa sawit dan sekitar 80% masyarakat berminat untuk mengelola abu cangkan kelapa sawit sebagai salah satu alternatif peluang usaha, serta 75% berniat untuk meneruskan program ini. Kata kunci: Sawit, Cangkang Kelapa Sawit, Zeolit 4A, Pembangun Deterjen ABSTRACT Jambi Province is one of the contributing provinces to oil palm plantation products with a land area of ​​10-15 tons/ha/years and is capable of producing 0.55% in the form of palm oil shells and oil palm shells. Oil palm shell ash contains many minerals such as SiO2 58.02%; Al2O3 8.7%; CaO 12.65%; Fe2O3 2,6%; Na2O 0.41%; MgO 4.32%; K2O 0.72%; H2O 1.97%; and loss of glow 8.59%, K elements 7.5%; Ca 1.5%; Cl 1.3%; CO3 1.9%; Mg 2.8%; Na 1.1%, N 0.05%; PO4 0.9% and SiO2 61%. This program aims to provide training and skills to the people of Kuamang Kuning Village in utilizing oil palm shell ash into zeolite 4A material as a building block for environmentally friendly detergents, which can reduce water hardness levels due to household waste pollution. The activity was carried out by providing counseling on the potential for oil palm shell ash waste, processing it as a building block for zeolite 4A-based detergents, and conducting training. This training provides increased competence for the community, as many as 90% of the training participants who attended felt the benefits of this program to increase knowledge and insight, 100% felt that there was an effect of increasing knowledge about synthetic detergents and their dangers to the environment, as well as knowledge about the potential waste of oil palm shell ash and about 80% of the community are interested in managing the ash of the oil palm kernel as an alternative business opportunity, and 75% intend to continue this program. Keywords: Palm Oil, Palm Shell, Zeolite 4A, Detergent Builde