368 research outputs found

    Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 2002

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    Despite the lackluster performance of the U.S. economy, the profitability of the U.S. commercial banking industry was again high in 2002, and the return on bank assets reached its highest level in more than three decades. Profitability was spurred in considerable part by declines in market interest rates to extraordinarily low levels. Short-term interest rates were low throughout 2002 as a result of the Federal Reserve's aggressive easing the year before in response to economic weakness, and longer-term rates fell to multidecade lows by year-end. Nevertheless, the yield curve steepened on average, benefiting net interest margins. The decline in longer-term interest rates also boosted realized gains on securities. The low interest rates strengthened the ability of households and businesses to service their debt, which also supported bank profitability. Finally, a change in accounting rules that largely eliminated the requirement to amortize goodwill caused a one-time drop in expenses. Despite the largest decline in commercial and industrial loans since the 1990-91 recession, the expansion of bank balance sheets quickened last year, driven primarily by real estate lending and substantial acquisitions of securities. Equity capital rose slightly faster than assets, and regulatory capital ratios also improved a bit, benefiting from an increased share of assets with low regulatory risk weights.Banks and banking ; Bank profits ; Bank assets

    Regime-switching in expectations over the business cycle

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    In this paper the authors argue that a plausible reason why output and other major U.S. macroeconomic time series seem to follow a Markov switching process might be strictly related to expectations. The authors show that a time series of expectations of future output from the Survey of Professional Forecasters is the only one among the many they analyze that has switching properties compatible with those of output. Starting from this empirical evidence the authors present a business cycle model with shocks to expectations (sunspots) that produces time series with the same properties as the U.S. data.Business cycles ; Forecasting ; Time-series analysis

    Profits and balance sheet developments at U.S. commercial banks in 2003

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    Amid a strengthening economic expansion, U.S. commercial banks remained highly profitable in 2003. Return on assets reached a record level for the second year in a row, and return on equity was near the top of its recent range. Banks' profits were bolstered by decreased loan-loss provisions as a rising economy and considerable debt refinancing at very low interest rates led to lower delinquency rates on business and household loans. Fees associated with record mortgage refinancing activity and robust corporate bond issuance boosted non-interest income. Increases in non-interest expense were generally modest, although compensation-related costs rose more briskly. Lower long-term interest rates in the first part of the year allowed banks to realize gains on the sale of some of their securities, but they also contributed to a further shrinking of net interest margins. Banks' balance sheets expanded briskly, as the strong housing market and heavy refinancing activity boosted residential mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. Business loans ran off for a third year, albeit at a slower pace than in 2002 and 2003. Banks' regulatory capital positions strengthened further, as the growth of assets with low regulatory risk weights outpaced that of assets with higher risk weights.Banks and banking ; Bank profits ; Bank assets

    Delta Building Visualization - Agent Logic

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    Käesolev bakalaureusetöö kirjeldab Delta õppehoone visualisatsiooni edasiarendust. Töös esmalt kirjeldatakse lähtekoodi algseisu ja selle parandusi. Töö põhiosas antakse töö käigus implementeeritud agentide loogika kirjeldus. Uus agentide loogika implementeeriti, et muuta agentide käitumist realistlikumaks ja parandada visualisatsiooni jõudlust. See saavutati kahekihilise rajaleidmise algoritmi implementeerimisega, eelnevalt arvutatud radade mõjutamisega ja agentide rühmitamisega. Töö lõpus kirjeldatakse arendatud rakenduse jõudlust ja töökindlust.The work in this Bachelor’s thesis is a continuation of the Delta Building Visualization project. Firstly, the initial state of source code and its refactoring is described. The main part of this thesis is about the implementation of new agent logic. The new agent logic was implemented to make the agents behavior more realistic and to improve the performance of the visualization. It was done by implementing two layered pathfinding, modifying the precalculated paths and agent grouping. Lastly, the testing of the performance and the stability of the project is described

    Hemiballism ja diabeet

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    Hemiballism on hüperkinees, mida iseloomustavad ühe kehapoole heitlevad-visklevad liigutused. Kindlasti tuleb aga pidada unikaalseks sündroomiks diabeediga seonduvat hemiballismi. Kogu maailmas on praegu umbes 150 miljonit diabeetikut. Suhkruhaigete arv arenenudriikides kasvab epideemiliselt, ulatudes oletatavasti aastaks 2025 kuni 6%ni rahvastikust. 80–90%sellest moodustab omakorda II tüüpi diabeet (1). Dekompenseerunud suhkurtõvega seotud hemiballistlik sündroom on senini teenimatult vähe arstkonna tähelepanu pälvinud. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (1): 19-2

    Scale Difficulty And Incompetent Operation In Unlock Net

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    New system architecture to manage micro-RDF partitions on a large scale. New data placement strategies for locating relevant semantic data fragments. In this paper, we describe RpCl, a fully qualified and scalable distributed RDF data management system for that cloud. Unlike previous methods, RpCl administers a physiological analysis of case and plan information before the information is segmented. The machine maintains a sliding window while keeping track of the current good reputation of the workload, plus relevant statistics on the number of joints to be made, as well as the due margins. The machine combines pre-cutting by summarizing the RDF graph with a surface-based horizontal division from triads into a grid as an indexed index structure. POI is a dynamic index in RpCl that uses a lexical tree to analyze each URI or literal entered and assign it a unique key value. Sharing such data using classical techniques or segmenting a graph using traditional min reduction algorithms results in very inefficient distributions as well as a greater number of connections. Many RDF systems are based on hash segmentation, as well as distributed selections, projections, and joins. Grid-Vine was one of the first systems to manage this poor, large-scale decentralized administration. In this paper, we describe the RpCl architecture and its metadata structures along with the new algorithms we use to segment and distribute data. We produce an overview of RpCl which shows that our product is often two orders of magnitude faster than high-end systems at standard workloads


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    Abstract: This study aimed to describe the learning outcome of students in the learning of Social Sciences by using inquiry method in class III State Elementary School 05 Temu Bengkayang. The research method used is descriptive. Form of research is classroom action research. The sample was 15 students. Data were analyzed using direct observation. Data collector is observation sheet teachers in implementing the learning ability and pieces of learning outcomes of students. This research was conducted three cycles, with the result; (1) The ability of teachers to prepare lesson plan first cycle of 2.72, 3.41 second cycle, and the cycle III 3.7 increased 17.25% in the second cycle and 35.75% in cycle III. (2) The ability of teachers in implementing the learning first cycle of 2.91, second cycle and third cycle 3.75 3.32 10.25% increase in the second cycle and 21% in the third cycle. (3) The results of study of students in the first cycle of 52.5, second cycle and third cycle 62.5 67,5 increased by 2% in Cycle II and Cycle III increased by 26.67%. Inquiry method can improve learning outcomes of social science in grade III primary school 05 Temu Bengkayang. Keywords:Inquiry Methods, Learning Outcomes , Social Scienc

    Um sem-terra ideal para um movimento nacional: representações políticas do MST nas páginas do Jornal dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra

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    This article analyzes the representations of landless contained in the pages of the landless rural workers’ newspaper in a period of formation of the New Republic and of national articulation of landless rural workers’ movement (MST). The tabloid, organized by support entities and the MST management, became a diffusion instrument of proposals and prospects of mobilization, idealizing the landless rural worker as protagonist of the struggle for the land reform. Such representations were prepared by intellectuals, journalists, militants of the support entities and leaderships landless that, in the strains of elaboration and appropriation of the bulletin, delimited a space that, behind the apparent purposes of the struggles for land, found the struggle for communication.Este artigo analisa as representações de sem-terra contidas nas páginas do Jornal dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra num período de formação da Nova República e de articulação nacional do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). O tabloide, organizado por entidades de apoio e direção do MST, tornou-se instrumento de difusão de propostas e perspectivas da mobilização, idealizando o trabalhador rural sem-terra como protagonista da luta pela reforma agrária. Tais representações foram tecidas por intelectuais, jornalistas, militantes de entidades de apoio e lideranças sem-terra que, nas tensões de elaboração e apropriação do informativo, delimitaram um espaço de atuação política em que, atrás dos aparentes propósitos da reforma agrária, encontrava-se a luta pela comunicação

    Paraneoplastiline sündroom. Haigusjuhtude kirjeldus

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    Paraneoplastiline sündroom (PNS) on kasvaja indutseeritud immunoloogiline reaktsioon, mis algselt kujutab organismi kaitsemehhanismi kasvaja vastu, kuid mis tabab n-ö ekslikult närvisüsteemi rakke. Neuroloogide koostöö immunoloogidega onkoloogia vallas on uus valdkond meditsiinis. 2002. aastal asutati PNSEuronet, organisatsioon, mis registreerib, uurib ja analüüsib paraneoplastilisi sündroome Euroopa Liidus, tehes ühtlasi koostööd kogu maailma selle ala spetsialistidega. Ka Eesti arstidel on nüüdsest võimalik avardada oma diagnostikat selles valdkonnas. Artiklis käsitletakse kolme paraneoplastilise sündroomi juhtu. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (11): 898–90