1,062 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Fillmore, Perley C. (Baldwin, Cumberland County)

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    All Transients, All the Time: Real-Time Radio Transient Detection with Interferometric Closure Quantities

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    We demonstrate a new technique for detecting radio transients based on interferometric closure quantities. The technique uses the bispectrum, the product of visibilities around a closed-loop of baselines of an interferometer. The bispectrum is calibration independent, resistant to interference, and computationally efficient, so it can be built into correlators for real-time transient detection. Our technique could find celestial transients anywhere in the field of view and localize them to arcsecond precision. At the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), such a system would have a high survey speed and a 5-sigma sensitivity of 38 mJy on 10 ms timescales with 1 GHz of bandwidth. The ability to localize dispersed millisecond pulses to arcsecond precision in large volumes of interferometer data has several unique science applications. Localizing individual pulses from Galactic pulsars will help find X-ray counterparts that define their physical properties, while finding host galaxies of extragalactic transients will measure the electron density of the intergalactic medium with a single dispersed pulse. Exoplanets and active stars have distinct millisecond variability that can be used to identify them and probe their magnetospheres. We use millisecond time scale visibilities from the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) and VLA to show that the bispectrum can detect dispersed pulses and reject local interference. The computational and data efficiency of the bispectrum will help find transients on a range of time scales with next-generation radio interferometers.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Revised to include discussion of non-Gaussian statistics of techniqu

    Detection of Signals from Cosmic Reionization using Radio Interferometric Signal Processing

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    Observations of the HI 21cm transition line promises to be an important probe into the cosmic dark ages and epoch of reionization. One of the challenges for the detection of this signal is the accuracy of the foreground source removal. This paper investigates the extragalactic point source contamination and how accurately the bright sources (1\gtrsim 1 ~Jy) should be removed in order to reach the desired RMS noise and be able to detect the 21cm transition line. Here, we consider position and flux errors in the global sky-model for these bright sources as well as the frequency independent residual calibration errors. The synthesized beam is the only frequency dependent term included here. This work determines the level of accuracy for the calibration and source removal schemes and puts forward constraints for the design of the cosmic reionization data reduction scheme for the upcoming low frequency arrays like MWA,PAPER, etc. We show that in order to detect the reionization signal the bright sources need to be removed from the data-sets with a positional accuracy of 0.1\sim 0.1 arc-second. Our results also demonstrate that the efficient foreground source removal strategies can only tolerate a frequency independent antenna based mean residual calibration error of 0.2\lesssim 0.2 % in amplitude or 0.2\lesssim 0.2 degree in phase, if they are constant over each days of observations (6 hours). In future papers we will extend this analysis to the power spectral domain and also include the frequency dependent calibration errors and direction dependent errors (ionosphere, primary beam, etc).Comment: accepted by ApJ; 12 pages, 10 figure

    The Radio Luminosity Function of the NEP Distant Cluster Radio Galaxies

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    A complete sample of 18 X-ray selected clusters of galaxies belonging to the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) survey has been observed with the Very Large Array at 1.4 GHz. These are the most distant clusters in the X-ray survey with redshift in the range 0.3 < z < 0.8.Seventy-nine radio sources are detected within half an Abell radius with an observed peak brightness >=0.17 mJy/beam, except for three sources, belonging to the same cluster, which have a higher peak brightness limit of 0.26 mJy/beam. The NEP field source counts are in good agreement with the source counts of a comparison survey, the VLA-VIRMOS deep field survey, indicating that the NEP sample is statistically complete. Thirty-two out of the 79 sources are within 0.2 Abell radii, twenty-two of them are considered cluster members based on spectroscopic redshifts or their optical magnitude and morphological classification. The cluster radio galaxies are used to construct the Radio Luminosity Function (RLF) of distant X-ray selected clusters. A comparison with two nearby cluster RLFs shows that the NEP RLF lies above the local ones, has a steeper slope at low radio powers (<= 10^(24) W/Hz) and shows no evidence for a break at about 6 X 10^(24) W/Hz which is observed in the nearby cluster RLFs. We discuss briefly the origin and possible explanations of the differences observed in the radio properties of nearby and distant clusters of galaxies. The main result of this study is that the RLF of the distant X-ray clusters is very different from that of the local rich Abell clusters.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, Latex file with use of bib.tex. To appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Main Journal. To appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journal. To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Main Journa

    The Expanded Very Large Array -- a New Telescope for New Science

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    Since its commissioning in 1980, the Very Large Array (VLA) has consistently demonstrated its scientific productivity. However, its fundamental capabilities have changed little since 1980, particularly in the key areas of sensitivity, frequency coverage, and velocity resolution. These limitations have been addressed by a major upgrade of the array, which began in 2001 and will be completed at the end of 2012. When completed, the Expanded VLA -- the EVLA -- will provide complete frequency coverage from 1 to 50 GHz, a continuum sensitivity of typically 1 microJy/beam (in 9 hours with full bandwidth), and a modern correlator with vastly greater capabilities and flexibility than the VLA's. In this paper we describe the goals of the EVLA project, its current status, and the anticipated expansion of capabilities over the next few years. User access to the array through the OSRO and RSRO programs is described. The following papers in this special issue, derived from observations in its early science period, demonstrate the astonishing breadth of this most flexible and powerful general-purpose telescope.Comment: 6 pages; 2 figures; emulateapj.cls; to appear in the ApJL EVLA special issu

    Full-Stokes polarimetry with circularly polarized feeds - Sources with stable linear and circular polarization in the GHz regime

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    We present a pipeline that allows recovering reliable information for all four Stokes parameters with high accuracy. Its novelty relies on the treatment of the instrumental effects already prior to the computation of the Stokes parameters contrary to conventional methods, such as the M\"uller matrix one. The instrumental linear polarization is corrected across the whole telescope beam and significant Stokes QQ and UU can be recovered even when the recorded signals are severely corrupted. The accuracy we reach in terms of polarization degree is of the order of 0.1-0.2 %. The polarization angles are determined with an accuracy of almost 1^{\circ}. The presented methodology was applied to recover the linear and circular polarization of around 150 Active Galactic Nuclei. The sources were monitored from July 2010 to April 2016 with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at 4.85 GHz and 8.35 GHz with a cadence of around 1.2 months. The polarized emission of the Moon was used to calibrate the polarization angle. Our analysis showed a small system-induced rotation of about 1^{\circ} at both observing frequencies. Finally, we identify five sources with significant and stable linear polarization; three sources remain constantly linearly unpolarized over the period we examined; a total of 11 sources have stable circular polarization degree mcm_\mathrm{c} and four of them with non-zero mcm_\mathrm{c}. We also identify eight sources that maintain a stable polarization angle over the examined period. All this is provided to the community for polarization observations reference. We finally show that our analysis method is conceptually different from the traditionally used ones and performs better than the M\"uller matrix method. Although it was developed for a system equipped with circularly polarized feeds it can easily be modified for systems with linearly polarized feeds as well.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics on May 30, 201

    Radio Lobes of Pictor A: an X-ray spatially resolved Study

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    A new XMM observation has made possible a detailed study of both lobes of the radio galaxy Pictor A. Their X-ray emission is of non thermal origin and due to Inverse Compton scattering of the microwave background photons by relativistic electrons in the lobes, as previously found. In both lobes, the equipartition magnetic field (Beq) is bigger than the Inverse Compton value (Bic), calculated from the radio and X-ray flux ratio. The Beq/Bic ratio never gets below 2, in spite of the large number of reasonable assumptions tested to calculate Beq, suggesting a lobe energetic dominated by particles. The X-ray data quality is good enough to allow a spatially resolved analysis. Our study shows that Bic varies through the lobes. It appears to increase behind the hot spots. On the contrary, a rather uniform distribution of the particles is observed. As a consequence, the radio flux density variation along the lobes appears to be mainly driven by magnetic field changes.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, ApJ accepte

    SubmilliJansky Transients in Archival Radio Observations

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    [ABRIDGED] We report the results of a 944-epoch survey for transient sources with archival data from the Very Large Array spanning 22 years with a typical epoch separation of 7 days. Observations were obtained at 5 or 8.4 GHz for a single field of view with a full-width at half-maximum of 8.6' and 5.1', respectively, and achieved a typical point-source detection threshold at the beam center of ~300 microJy per epoch. Ten transient sources were detected with a significance threshold such that only one false positive would be expected. Of these transients, eight were detected in only a single epoch. Two transients were too faint to be detected in individual epochs but were detected in two-month averages. None of the ten transients was detected in longer-term averages or associated with persistent emission in the deep image produced from the combination of all epochs. The cumulative rate for the short timescale radio transients above 370 microJy at 5 and 8.4 GHz is 0.07 < R < 40 deg^-2 yr^-1, where the uncertainty is due to the unknown duration of the transients, 20 min < t_char < 7 days. A two-epoch survey for transients will detect 1.5 +/- 0.4 transient per square degrees above a flux density of 370 microJy. Two transients are associated with galaxies at z=0.040 and z=0.249. These may be similar to the peculiar Type Ib/c radio supernova SN 1998bw associated with GRB 980428. Six transients have no counterparts in the optical or infrared (R=27, Ks=18). The hosts and progenitors of these transients are unknown.Comment: Accepted for ApJ; full quality figures available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~gbower/ps/rt.pd

    GRB 050408: An Atypical Gamma-Ray Burst as a Probe of an Atypical Galactic Environment

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    The bright GRB 050408 was localized by HETE-II near local midnight, enabling an impressive ground-based followup effort as well as space-based followup from Swift. The Swift data from the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and our own optical photometry and spectrum of the afterglow provide the cornerstone for our analysis. Under the traditional assumption that the visible waveband was above the peak synchrotron frequency and below the cooling frequency, the optical photometry from 0.03 to 5.03 days show an afterglow decay corresponding to an electron energy index of p_lc = 2.05 +/- 0.04, without a jet break as suggested by others. A break is seen in the X-ray data at early times (at ~12600 sec after the GRB). The spectral slope of the optical spectrum is consistent with p_lc assuming a host-galaxy extinction of A_V = 1.18 mag. The optical-NIR broadband spectrum is also consistent with p = 2.05, but prefers A_V = 0.57 mag. The X-ray afterglow shows a break at 1.26 x 10^4 sec, which may be the result of a refreshed shock. This burst stands out in that the optical and X-ray data suggest a large H I column density of N_HI ~ 10^22 cm^-2; it is very likely a damped Lyman alpha system and so the faintness of the host galaxy (M_V > -18 mag) is noteworthy. Moreover, we detect extraordinarily strong Ti II absorption lines with a column density through the GRB host that exceeds the largest values observed for the Milky Way by an order of magnitude. Furthermore, the Ti II equivalent width is in the top 1% of Mg II absorption-selected QSOs. This suggests that the large-scale environment of GRB 050408 has significantly lower Ti depletion than the Milky Way and a large velocity width (delta v > 200 km/s).Comment: ApJ submitte

    The RRAT Trap: Interferometric Localization of Radio Pulses from J0628+0909

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    We present the first blind interferometric detection and imaging of a millisecond radio transient with an observation of transient pulsar J0628+0909. We developed a special observing mode of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to produce correlated data products (i.e., visibilities and images) on a time scale of 10 ms. Correlated data effectively produce thousands of beams on the sky that can localize sources anywhere over a wide field of view. We used this new observing mode to find and image pulses from the rotating radio transient (RRAT) J0628+0909, improving its localization by two orders of magnitude. Since the location of the RRAT was only approximately known when first observed, we searched for transients using a wide-field detection algorithm based on the bispectrum, an interferometric closure quantity. Over 16 minutes of observing, this algorithm detected one transient offset roughly 1' from its nominal location; this allowed us to image the RRAT to localize it with an accuracy of 1.6". With a priori knowledge of the RRAT location, a traditional beamforming search of the same data found two, lower significance pulses. The refined RRAT position excludes all potential multiwavelength counterparts, limiting its optical luminosity to L_i'<1.1x10^31 erg/s and excluding its association with a young, luminous neutron star.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 7 pages, 5 figure