12 research outputs found

    On the detectability of Teide volcano magma chambers (Tenerife, Canary Islands) with magnetotelluric data

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    Tenerife has been the subject of numerous studies covering a wide range of fields. Many studies have been focused on characterising the magmatic plumbing system. Even so, a controversy still exists regarding the location and size of the current magma chambers. Several magnetotelluric (MT) surveys have been carried out in the island, but no conductivity anomalies associated with the chambers have been detected. We report the results of a set of tests conducted against the 3-D resistivity model of the island, to determine the characteristics of the detectable chambers with the MT data. The most remarkable results indicate that the MT dataset is incompatible with a large-scale mafic reservoir located at shallower depths than 8 km b.s.l. However, shallower phonolitic chambers smaller than 3 x 3 x 1 km(3) could be undetected by the existing MT sites and new data should be acquired to confirm or not their existence. This new information is essential in volcanic islands like Tenerife, since many volcanic hazards are related to the size and depth of the sources of magma. Additionally, a joint interpretation of the obtained results together with other information is summarised in a hypothetical model, allowing us to better understand the internal structure of the island

    Volcanic monitoring of the 2021 LaPalma eruption using long‑period magnetotelluric data

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    Between September and December 2021, the frst subaerial volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands in 50 years took place on the island of La Palma. Since November 2021, we have been conducting a long-period magnetotelluric (MT) monitoring experiment at a site located 2.4 km east of the volcanic cone. Having continuously recorded data since then, the obtained dataset shows signifcant changes in resistivity over the fourteen months following the eruption: more than± 20% in apparent resistivity and± 2 degrees in phase. These temporal variations in electrical resistivity, recorded continuously using long-period MT during both the syn- and post-eruptive stages, have not been reported to date, making this dataset unique. Four estimated impedances have been selected as representatives of the major temporal changes observed and inverted to generate new 3-D resistivity models. The results provide novel key information on the spatiotemporal evolution of the subsoil’s electrical resistivity, enabling the characterization of a set of structures acting as preferred magmatic fuid pathways. Therefore, our study highlights the strong potential of MT as a volcanic monitoring tool and provides new insights about the evolution of the fuid pathways during the post-eruptive stage. These fndings enhance our understanding of the magmatic system and may contribute to volcanic hazard mitigation in the future

    3D electrical resistivity of Gran Canaria island using magnetotelluric data

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    Gran Canaria, one of the two main islands of the Canary Archipelago off NW Africa, has been volcanically active for at least 15 million years. The island went through several volcanic cycles that varied greatly in composition and extrusive and intrusive activity. The complex orography of the island has excluded extensive land geophysical surveys on the island. A review of the available geophysical information on the island shows that it has been obtained mainly through marine and airborne geophysical surveys. A new dataset comprising 100 magnetotelluric soundings acquired on land has been used to obtain the first 3D electrical resistivity model of the island at crustal scale. The model shows high resistivity values close to the surface in the exposed Tejeda Caldera that extends at depth to the SE cutting the islands in half. Outside the inferred limits of the Tejeda Caldera the 3D model shows low resistivity values that could be explained by hydrothermal alteration at deeper levels and the presence of marine saltwater intrusion at shallower levels near the coast. The presence of unconnected vertical-like structures, with very low resistivity (<10 ohm m) could be associated to small convective cells is confirmed by the sensitivity analysis carried out in the present study. Those structures are the most likely candidates for a detailed analysis in order to determine their geothermal economic potential. A comprehensive review of existing geophysical data and models of Gran Canaria island and their comparison with the new 3D electrical resistivity model is presented.</p

    Magnetotelluric applied to deep geothermal exploration:Canary Islands

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    Hoy día existe un interés creciente por la energía geotérmica, debido en gran parte al impulso de las energías renovables. La geotermia destinada a la generación de electricidad suele corresponder a reservorios profundos, situados por debajo del kilómetro de profundidad. Esta circunstancia condicionará los métodos geofísicos a utilizar durante la etapa de exploración del sistema geotérmico, siendo la magnetotelúrica (MT) el único método electromagnético capaz de alcanzar tales profundidades. Comúnmente utilizado en la etapa de exploración, este método aportará información sobre la resistividad eléctrica del subsuelo, y por lo tanto permitirá caracterizar lo componentes principales del sistema. Así, por ejemplo, el sello del reservorio que en muchas ocasiones está formado por una capa de arcillas producto de la alteración hidrotermal (clay cap), será fácilmente detectable con MT dada su alta conductividad eléctrica. Un referente de la aplicación de este método a la exploración geotérmica lo encontramos en las Islas Canarias, donde desde hace ya una década se vienen realizando estudios a escala regional. Los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha, con la generación de modelos geoeléctricos tridimensionales en tres de las siete islas (Tenerife, Gran Canaria y La Palma), muestran la gran utilidad de este tipo de estudios que servirán (y ya están siendo utilizados) como base para nuevos proyectos de exploración geotérmica que se lleven a cabo en el archipiélago.</p

    Imaging leachate runoff from a landfill using magnetotellurics: The Garraf karst case

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    Electrical and active source electromagnetic geophysical methods have been traditionally employed to approach and tackle environmental problems, such as those caused by landfills. However, since these problems are more consequential and cover broader areas, it is necessary to use deeper penetration methods, such as magnetotellurics. In the Garraf Massif (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Spain), an urban waste disposal landfill had been in operation from 1974 to 2006, during which more than 26 million metric tons of garbage had been deposited. This landfill overlies karstic terrain, thus principally impacting groundwater circulation. Previous electrical resistivity tomography profiles had partially imaged the infill but were not able to penetrate below the base of the original landfill. During 2019 and 2020 we performed a magnetotelluric study over the landfill and its surrounding with the goals of characterizing the electrical resistivity of the infill and below it. The 2D and 3D resistivity models confirmed the highly conductive nature of the leachate and allowed us to identify its presence below the landfill base, which we quantified with maximum thicknesses of 90 m. This proved that landfill leachate had filtered through the original impermeable layer, enhanced by the karstic drainage structure

    High-resolution scan of the Pyrenean crustal structure combining magnetotelluric and gravity data

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    The Pyrenees have undergone complex geodynamic evolution starting with experiencing significant tectonic events during the Variscan Orogeny, followed by the intrusion of large granitic complexes during the late Variscan stage, then the collision between the Iberian and European plates during the Alpine Orogeny, and finally, Mesozoic extension. Despite extensive studies and the application of various geophysical methods (two-dimensional seismic reflection data, gravity, and long period magnetotellurics) to investigate the Pyrenean structure, there are still fundamental questions regarding its basement and cover architecture. Specifically, the geometry at depth of significant bodies such as the Late Variscan intrusive granites and Triassic evaporitic accumulations, remains unclear. To better understand these issues, we have conducted joint magnetotelluric and gravity surveys along a 60-kilometer-long transect, spanning the boundary between the Axial and South Pyrenean Zones. Our final geological interpretation shows that the La Maladeta batholith consists of two distinct granitic bodies related to different intrusive pulses. In addition, we identify important Triassic evaporitic accumulations at depth. This work shows the high potential of integrating two geophysical models for understanding the geological evolution of structurally complex areas. The magnetotelluric and gravity data are complementary, with each dataset providing a different resolution for investigating the basement and cover architecture of the Pyrenees. These resolutions depend on the varied petrophysical properties of the rocks involved, including water content and deformation grade

    Aplicación del método magnetotelúrico a la caracterización de reservorios: Anticlinal de El Hito (Cuenca) y Sistema Geotérmico de Tenerife

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    [spa] El método magnetotelúrico es una técnica geofísica que permite caracterizar las estructuras del subsuelo en base a la distribución de la resistividad eléctrica. Este parámetro físico es muy sensible a pequeños cambios en la composición de un determinado volumen de roca, por lo que estará fuertemente condicionado por factores como la naturaleza y composición de la roca, la porosidad, la proporción de poros saturados, las características del fluido de saturación, la presión o la temperatura. Este hecho hace que su caracterización sea especialmente atractiva durante la etapa de exploración de reservorios geológicos. De entre los métodos electromagnéticos, la magnetotelúrica destaca por ser el único capaz de aportar información sobre las características del subsuelo a profundidades de varios kilómetros. Por esta razón, será el único método electromagnético aplicable al estudio de reservorios profundos, como son por ejemplo, la mayoría de los sistemas geotérmicos, los posibles almacenes geológicos de CO2 o los acuíferos profundos. En esta tesis se presentan los modelos geoeléctricos obtenidos del estudio de dos reservorios geológicos distintos: un posible almacén geológico de CO2 (Anticlinal de El Hito, Cuenca) y un sistema geotérmico convencional (Tenerife, Islas Canarias). Asimismo, se analiza y se expone la metodología empleada para la correcta caracterización de cada una de las estructuras. Los resultados obtenidos son significativos y aportan información relevante sobre la morfología y localización de estructuras tan importantes como son, según el caso, el sello de los reservorios, posibles fallas o posibles cámaras magmáticas. Adicionalmente, se ha realizado en ambos casos un análisis de la respuesta magnetotelúrica de las estructuras. Así, cada estudio aporta además información sobre la metodología de inversión empleada para obtener resultados válidos y satisfactorios. Esta tesis supone, para el caso del estudio del sistema geotérmico de Tenerife, la primera etapa de los trabajos a realizar. El modelo aquí presentado, ha sido interpretado en el contexto de un sistema geotérmico y comparado con otros modelos geofísicos y geológicos. Aún así, y teniendo en cuanta la cantidad y la variedad de los estudios que se han llevado a cabo en la isla de Tenerife (geoquímica, geofísica, geología), será necesario, para extraer toda la información que el modelo puede aportar, examinar el modelo de resistividades conjuntamente con la información que no ha podido ser incluida en este trabajo.[eng] The magnetotelluric method (MT) uses naturally occurring electromagnetic field variations as a source for imaging the electrical resistivity structure of the earth. Electrical resistivity is a physical property dominated by the presence of minor phases in the host rock matrix, so it will be strongly influenced by factors such as the nature and composition of the rock, the porosity, the proportion of saturated pore fluid characteristics of saturation, pressure or temperature. This characterization makes it especially attractive during the exploration stage of geological reservoirs. Among electromagnetic methods, magnetotelluric is the only one able to provide information about the characteristics of the subsoil at depths of several kilometres. Therefore, MT is the suitable electromagnetic method for the study of deep reservoirs, such as geothermal systems, CO2 geological reservoirs or deep aquifers. In this thesis the MT method has been applied to characterize the geoelectrical structures below two different reservoirs: a potential CO2 geological reservoir (El Hito Anticline, Cuenca, Spain) and a conventional geothermal system (Tenerife, Canary Islands). In addition, a comprehensive analysis of the methodology used for obtain a suitable geoelectrical model of each structure is exposed. The results obtained are significant and provide relevant information on the morphology and location of the most important structures, such as the seal, faults or the magma chambers. Moreover, an analysis of the magnetotelluric response of each structure has been carried out. Thus, each study provides information about the inversion methodology used to obtain valid and satisfactory results. In the case of the Tenerife geothermal system study, this thesis is the first stage of the work to be carried. The resistivity model presented here has been interpreted in the context of a geothermal system and compared with other geophysical and geological models. Nevertheless, and taking into account the number and variety of studies have been conducted on the island of Tenerife (geochemistry, geophysics, geology), it is necessary review the resistivity model jointly with that information that could not be included in this work

    On the detectability of Teide volcano magma chambers (Tenerife, Canary Islands) with magnetotelluric data

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    Abstract Tenerife has been the subject of numerous studies covering a wide range of fields. Many studies have been focused on characterising the magmatic plumbing system. Even so, a controversy still exists regarding the location and size of the current magma chambers. Several magnetotelluric (MT) surveys have been carried out in the island, but no conductivity anomalies associated with the chambers have been detected. We report the results of a set of tests conducted against the 3-D resistivity model of the island, to determine the characteristics of the detectable chambers with the MT data. The most remarkable results indicate that the MT dataset is incompatible with a large-scale mafic reservoir located at shallower depths than 8 km b.s.l. However, shallower phonolitic chambers smaller than 3 × 3 × 1 km3 could be undetected by the existing MT sites and new data should be acquired to confirm or not their existence. This new information is essential in volcanic islands like Tenerife, since many volcanic hazards are related to the size and depth of the sources of magma. Additionally, a joint interpretation of the obtained results together with other information is summarised in a hypothetical model, allowing us to better understand the internal structure of the island

    The importance of structural complexity in the localization of geothermalsystems: A case study along the Vallès-Penedès Fault in the Catalan CoastalRanges (NE Spain)

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    The Vallès-Penedès Fault is a Neogene normal fault marked by the presence of two established geothermalsystems at La Garriga-Samalús and Caldes de Montbuí, within the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Spain). Theanalysis and collation of existing and new geological and geophysical datasets provide the basis for the developmentof an improved conceptual model that explains the presence and localization of hot geothermal fluidsystems at relatively shallow depths (e.g., 60 ◦C at surface and 90 ◦C at 1 km). Geothermal flow is concentratedwithin Paleozoic granodiorites of the immediate footwall of the V-P fault, host rocks that are susceptible to faultrelatedfracturing, and the generation of both extension and hybrid fracture systems in association with activefault displacements. Flow localization is enhanced further by the presence of fault-related structural complexities,with both systems marked by 300 m wide steps in the main fault trace. These are attributed to relaydevelopment and breaching characterizing host rocks by high fracture intensities and fault rock development ona fault that locally has a vertical displacement of over 1.5 km. Accentuated fracturing and deformation areconsistent with strain localization predicted by existing models for the development of fault zones along normalfaults. The plumbing of the geothermal systems is attributed to up-fault flow in combination with lateral flowcontrolled by the intersection of the V-P fault with a low-angled Paleogene thrust defining the base of the hostrockgranodiorites, with the geothermal systems localized at the distal end of the thrust. Sustained geothermalflow is attributed to groundwater flow circulation associated with seismic pumping and valving of warmer anddeeper fluids, and the ingress of groundwater along faults and within fractured basement rocks

    New Detailed Modeling of GICs in the Spanish Power Transmission Grid

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    The threat of Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) driven by severe Space Weather looms over technological systems such as power grids. Assessing their vulnerability is thus vital to avoid damages or even disruption of the electrical power supply. This endeavor, however, entails an interdisciplinary approach, ranging from the characterization of the geoelectrical structure of the Earth beneath and around the area of interest, or the modeling of the power network from its parameters and topology, and including the validation of the modeling process by means of (direct or indirect) GIC flow measurements. In this paper, we summarize our current achievements focused on mainland Spain, concentrating on the improvements reached after going from a homogeneous Earth's resistivity to an alternative 3D electrical resistivity distribution approach to geoelectric field computation, which is still in progress because new empirical impedance tensors are needed, mainly at sites in the west of the Iberian Peninsula. The second major achievement has come from the addition of the 220 kV level to the network model. The overall improvement has been validated against real GIC data in one area of the country. The new vulnerability maps show that in some nodes the predicted GIC has been substantially reduced by the sum of both effects. The assessment has been carried out down to the level of the individual windings of each transformer, and examples of the estimated GIC flow are given for substations with numerous power transmission lines converging to them at diverse orientations