305 research outputs found

    Complex Factorisation and Recursion for One-Loop Amplitudes

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    We consider the factorisation of one-loop amplitudes at complex kinematic points. By determining the terms that are absent for real kinematics, we can construct a recursive ansatz for the purely rational pieces of one-loop amplitudes in massless theories. We illustrate this method by verifying the Bern et.al. n-point ansatze for the single-minus one-loop amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory and by constructing the scalar contribution to the one-loop five graviton MHV scattering amplitude

    New Zealand blackcurrant extract improves high-intensity intermittent running performance.

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    New Zealand blackcurrant (BC) intake showed reduced blood lactate during low and moderate intensity cycling and improved 16.1 km cycling time trial performance. We examined the effect of BC on high-intensity intermittent treadmill running and post-running lactate clearance. Thirteen active males (age: 25±4 yrs, stature: 1.82±0.07 m, body mass: 81±14 kg, V̇O2max: 56±4 mL∙kg-1∙min-1, velocity at V̇O2max: 17.6±0.8 km∙h-1, mean±SD) visited the laboratory three times. In the 1st visit, a ramp protocol (0.1 km∙h-1 every 5 sec) was completed to establish V̇O2max and velocity at V̇O2max, and subjects were familiarised with the protocols. In visits 2 and 3, subjects completed an high intensity intermittent running capability test which consisted of six 19 s high-intensity running bouts, each interspersed by 15 s of low-intensity running, followed by 1 minute of rest, this was repeated at increasing speeds, until exhaustion. Prior to visits 2 and 3, subjects consumed either New Zealand BC extract (300 mg∙day-1 CurraNZ™; containing 105 mg anthocyanin) or placebo (P) (300 mg∙day-1 microcrystalline cellulose M102) for 7 days in capsules (double blind, randomised, cross-over design, wash-out at least 14 days). Blood lactate was collected for 30 min post-exhaustion. Two-tailed paired t-tests were used and significance accepted at p< .05. BC increased total running distance by 10.6% (BC: 4282±833 m, P: 3871±622 m, p = .023, 10 out of 13 subjects improved), with the distance during the high-intensity running bouts by 10.8% (p= .024). Heart rate, rating of perceived exertion and oxygen uptake were not different between conditions for each stage. At exhaustion, lactate tended to be higher for BC (BC: 6.01±1.07 mmol∙L-1, P: 5.22±1.52 mmol∙L-1, p = .066, 9 out of 13 subjects). There was a trend towards improved lactate clearance following 15 min (BC: -2.89±0.51 mmol∙L-1, P: -2.46±0.39 mmol∙L-1, p = .07) and 30 minutes of passive recovery (BC: -4.12±0.73 mmol∙L-1, P: -3.66±1.01 mmol∙L-1, p = 0.11). It is concluded that New Zealand blackcurrant extract (CurraNZ™) may enhance performance in team sports characterised by high-intensity intermittent exercise as with BC intake greater distances were covered during high-intensity running, there was higher lactate tolerance, and increased lactate clearance after high-intensity exercise

    n-point amplitudes with a single negative-helicity graviton

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    An expression for the n-point one-loop graviton scattering amplitude with a singlenegative helicity external leg is constructed using an augmented recursion technique. We analyse the soft-limits ofthese amplitudes and demonstrate that they have soft behaviour beyond the conjectured universalbehaviour

    Entrepreneurship Education: A Global Consideration From Practice to Policy Around the World

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    As entrepreneurship continues to gain momentum and visibility as an engine of global economic development, it is critical to understand and optimize the role that entrepreneurship education plays. Based on a detailed review of the literature on the entrepreneurship education ecosystems and frameworks in the United States, China, Finland, and Qatar, this report identifies the current state of entrepreneurship education and training around the world, and establishes an inventory of best practices. The discussion of common themes across the four country cases, as well as examples of unique in-country qualities, provides recommendations and implications on which policy makers can act and experiment

    Playful mapping in the digital age:The Playful Mapping Collective

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    From Mah-Jong, to the introduction of Prussian war-games, through to the emergence of location-based play: maps and play share a long and diverse history. This monograph shows how mapping and playing unfold in the digital age, when the relations between these apparently separate tropes are increasingly woven together. Fluid networks of interaction have encouraged a proliferation of hybrid forms of mapping and playing and a rich plethora of contemporary case-studies, ranging from fieldwork, golf, activism and automotive navigation, to pervasive and desktop-based games evidences this trend. Examining these cases shows how mapping and playing can form productive synergies, but also encourages new ways of being, knowing and shaping our everyday lives. The chapters in this book explore how play can be more than just an object or practice, and instead focus on its potential as a method for understanding maps and spatiality. They show how playing and mapping can be liberating, dangerous, subversive and performative

    Effect of New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract on Isometric Contraction-Induced Fatigue and Recovery: Potential Muscle-Fiber Specific Effects

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    New Zealand blackcurrant (NZBC) extract has shown performance-enhancing effects during cycling, running and sport climbing. We examined effects of NZBC extract on (1) voluntary and twitch force of the quadriceps femoris muscles during repeated isometric contraction-induced fatigue, (2) twitch force during recovery and (3) muscle fiber-specific effects. Familiarized recreationally active males (n = 12, age: 24 ± 5 yrs; height: 180 ± 5 cm; body mass: 89 ± 11 kg) performed sixteen, 5-s voluntary maximal isometric contractions (iMVC) separated by 3-s rest. Twitch force was recorded before, during the 3-s rests and 5-min recovery. Supplementation consisted of 7-days intake of NZBC extract (600 mg∙day−1 containing 210 mg anthocyanin) in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover design with a 14-days washout. NZBC extract allowed for greater force in the first quartile of the iMVCs. Twitch force at baseline was 12% higher with NZBC extract (p = 0.05). However, there was no effect of NZBC for twitch force during the 16-iMVCs and recovery. Based on the maximum post-activation potentiation during the placebo 16-iMVCs, four subjects were classified of having a predominant type I or II muscle fiber typology. In type II, NZBC extract provided a trend for increased MVC force (~14%) in the first quartile and for type I in the fourth quartile (~10%). In type I, NZBC extract seemed to have higher twitch forces during the fatiguing exercise protocol and recovery, indicating increased fatigue resistance. New Zealand blackcurrant extract affects force during repeated maximal isometric contractions. Future work on mechanisms by NZBC extract for muscle fiber-specific fatigue-induced force responses is warranted

    Modelling Human-Fire Interactions: Combining Alternative Perspectives and Approaches

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    Although it has long been recognised that human activities affect fire regimes, the interactions between humans and fire are complex, imperfectly understood, constantly evolving, and lacking any kind of integrative global framework. Many different approaches are used to study human-fire interactions, but in general they have arisen in different disciplinary contexts to address highly specific questions. Models of human-fire interactions range from conceptual local models to numerical global models. However, given that each type of model is highly selective about which aspects of human-fire interactions to include, the insights gained from these models are often limited and contradictory, which can make them a poor basis for developing fire-related policy and management practices. Here, we first review different approaches to modelling human-fire interactions and then discuss ways in which these different approaches could be synthesised to provide a more holistic approach to understanding human-fire interactions. We argue that the theory underpinning many types of models was developed using only limited amounts of data and that, in an increasingly data-rich world, it is important to re-examine model assumptions in a more systematic way. All of the models are designed to have practical outcomes but are necessarily simplifications of reality and as a result of differences in focus, scale and complexity, frequently yield radically different assessments of what might happen. We argue that it should be possible to combine the strengths and benefits of different types of model through enchaining the different models, for example from global down to local scales or vice versa. There are also opportunities for explicit coupling of different kinds of model, for example including agent-based representation of human actions in a global fire model. Finally, we stress the need for co-production of models to ensure that the resulting products serve the widest possible community

    Prospective validation of a checklist to predict short-term death in older patients after emergency department admission in Australia and Ireland

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    Abstract Background Emergency departments (EDs) are pressured environment where patients with supportive and palliative care needs may not be identified. We aimed to test the predictive ability of the CriSTAL (Criteria for Screening and Triaging to Appropriate aLternative care) checklist to flag patients at risk of death within 3 months who may benefit from timely end-of-life discussions. Methods Prospective cohorts of >65-year-old patients admitted for at least one night via EDs in five Australian hospitals and one Irish hospital. Purpose-trained nurses and medical students screened for frailty using two instruments concurrently and completed the other risk factors on the CriSTAL tool at admission. Postdischarge telephone follow-up was used to determine survival status. Logistic regression and bootstrapping techniques were used to test the predictive accuracy of CriSTAL for death within 90 days of admission as primary outcome. Predictability of in-hospital death was the secondary outcome. Results A total of 1,182 patients, with median age 76 to 80 years (IRE-AUS), were included. The deceased had significantly higher mean CriSTAL with Australian mean of 8.1 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 7.7–8.6) versus 5.7 (95% CI = 5.1–6.2) and Irish mean of 7.7 (95% CI = 6.9–8.5) versus 5.7 (95% CI = 5.1–6.2). The model with Fried frailty score was optimal for the derivation (Australian) cohort but prediction with the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) was also good (areas under the receiver-operating characteristic [AUROC] = 0.825 and 0.81, respectively). Values for the validation (Irish) cohort were AUROC = 0.70 with Fried and 0.77 using CFS. A minimum of five of 29 variables were sufficient for accurate prediction, and a cut point of 7+ or 6+ depending on the cohort was strongly indicative of risk of death. The most significant independent predictor of short-term death in both cohorts was frailty, carrying a twofold risk of death. CriSTAL's accuracy for in-hospital death prediction was also good (AUROC = 0.795 and 0.81 in Australia and Ireland, respectively), with high specificity and negative predictive values. Conclusions The modified CriSTAL tool (with CFS instead of Fried's frailty instrument) had good discriminant power to improve certainty of short-term mortality prediction in both health systems. The predictive ability of models is anticipated to help clinicians gain confidence in initiating earlier end-of-life discussions. The practicalities of embedding screening for risk of death in routine practice warrant further investigation

    Cerebral oximetry during cardiac arrest : a multicenter study of neurologic outcomes and survival

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    OBJECTIVES Cardiac arrest is associated with morbidity and mortality because of cerebral ischemia. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that higher regional cerebral oxygenation during resuscitation is associated with improved return of spontaneous circulation, survival, and neurologic outcomes at hospital discharge. We further examined the validity of regional cerebral oxygenation as a test to predict these outcomes. DESIGN Multicenter prospective study of in-hospital cardiac arrest. SETTING Five medical centers in the United States and the United Kingdom. PATIENTS Inclusion criteria are as follows: in-hospital cardiac arrest, age 18 years old or older, and prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation greater than or equal to 5 minutes. Patients were recruited consecutively during working hours between August 2011 and September 2014. Survival with a favorable neurologic outcome was defined as a cerebral performance category 1-2. INTERVENTIONS Cerebral oximetry monitoring. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Among 504 in-hospital cardiac arrest events, 183 (36%) met inclusion criteria. Overall, 62 of 183 (33.9%) achieved return of spontaneous circulation, whereas 13 of 183 (7.1%) achieved cerebral performance category 1-2 at discharge. Higher mean ± SD regional cerebral oxygenation was associated with return of spontaneous circulation versus no return of spontaneous circulation (51.8% ± 11.2% vs 40.9% ± 12.3%) and cerebral performance category 1-2 versus cerebral performance category 3-5 (56.1% ± 10.0% vs 43.8% ± 12.8%) (both p < 0.001). Mean regional cerebral oxygenation during the last 5 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation best predicted the return of spontaneous circulation (area under the curve, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.69-0.83); regional cerebral oxygenation greater than or equal to 25% provided 100% sensitivity (95% CI, 94-100) and 100% negative predictive value (95% CI, 79-100); regional cerebral oxygenation greater than or equal to 65% provided 99% specificity (95% CI, 95-100) and 93% positive predictive value (95% CI, 66-100) for return of spontaneous circulation. Time with regional cerebral oxygenation greater than 50% during cardiopulmonary resuscitation best predicted cerebral performance category 1-2 (area under the curve, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.70-0.88). Specifically, greater than or equal to 60% cardiopulmonary resuscitation time with regional cerebral oxygenation greater than 50% provided 77% sensitivity (95% CI,:46-95), 72% specificity (95% CI, 65-79), and 98% negative predictive value (95% CI, 93-100) for cerebral performance category 1-2. CONCLUSIONS Cerebral oximetry allows real-time, noninvasive cerebral oxygenation monitoring during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Higher cerebral oxygenation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation is associated with return of spontaneous circulation and neurologically favorable survival to hospital discharge. Achieving higher regional cerebral oxygenation during resuscitation may optimize the chances of cardiac arrest favorable outcomes
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