43 research outputs found

    Uji Validitas Konstrak Tes Minat Indonesia Melalui Aspek Minat Psikis

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    Tes Minat Indonesia (TMI) berbasis budaya Indonesia yang didasarkan atas minat program studi di perguruan tinggi.Penelitian sebelumnya memberikan dukungan validitas konstrak melalui kelompok minat ilmu kesehatan.Penelitian bertujuan melakukan uji validasi konstrak melalui kelompok minat psikis. Minat Psikis terdiri dari minat Psikologi, Teologi, Filsafat, Komunikasi, Manajemen, Anak Usia Dini dan Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus. Validitas konstrak didapat melalui uji teknik konvergen, divergen, diskriminan dan kelompok.Subjek penelitian berasal dari siswa SMP, SMA, mahasiswa maupun umum. Validitas konvergen adanya hubungan positif minat bidang psikis dengan minat Ilmu Sosial Humaniora (rxy 0,453, p=0,000, N=388). Validitas divergen adanya hubungan negatif minat bidang psikis dengan minat Sains dan Teknologi (rxy=0,450, p=0,000, N=388). Validitas diskriminan tidak ada hubungan minat bidang psikis dengan TPA (rxy=-0,032, p=0,747, N=102). Validitas kelompok ditunjukkan mahasiswa ilmu psikis memiliki minat (M=9,33; N=76) lebih tinggi dari mahasiswa ilmu kesehatan (M=6,13; N=113) dengan nilai t=3,968; p=0,000. TMI dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosis gambaran minat seseorang untuk pengembangan diri, peminatan SMA maupun penjurusan kuliah.Penelitian berikutnya untuk uji validitas kriteria dengan prestasi belajar, kepuasan belajar serta lama studi. Kata kunci : Diskriminan, Divergen, Konstrak, Konvergen, Minat, Validita


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    Introduction Work-family conflict commonlly happens in every female workers, specially on working moms. A person who have a high commitment, endurances and great problem solving ability will decreased the work-family conflict intention in daily activities. Self determination and adversity intelligence are variables whose influences on commitment, endurances and problem solving ability. This study aimed to prove whether there was a relationship between self determination and adversity intelligence to work family conflict on working mom in Jambi City.Method This research used cross sectional approach. The population were the working moms on Jambi City. Sampling used quota sampling technique amount of 200 respondents. The data collected by self determination, adversity intelligence and work-family conflict scale. The data were analyzed by Multiple Regression Analyzed in JASP This study showed that there was a relationship between self determination and adversity intelligence to work family conflict. Self determination and work family conflict on working moms in Jambi City with rx1y = -0,344 with p = 0,01 (p < 0,05). Adversity intelligence and work family conflict on working moms in Jambi City with rx2y = -0,300 with p = 0,01 (p < 0,05).Conclusion And Recommendation The correlation between these variables has a negative direction which mean that if one variable increase then it will decrease the other variable. Simultaneously self determination and adversity intelligence has a contribution up to 24,1 % and 75,9 % were influenced by another variables whos not measured in this research.Work-family conflict could decreased along the high of self determination and adversity intelligence on subjects. Keywords : Self Determination, Adversity Intelligence, Work-Family Conflict, Working Moms. ABSTRAK Pendahuluan Konflik peran ganda sering terjadi pada pekerja wanita, terutama pada ibu yang bekerja. Seseorang yang memiliki komitmen yang tinggi, daya tahan dan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah yang baik akan menurunkan intensi konflik peran ganda dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari. Determinasi diri dan kecerdasan adversitas adalah variabel yang dapat mempengaruhi komitmen, daya tahan serta kemampuan penyelesaian masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah ada hubungan antara determinasi diri dan kecerdasan adversitas terhadap konflik peran ganda pada ibu bekerja di Kota Jambi. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu bekerja yang ada di Kota Jambi. Metode sampling menggunakan teknik quota sampling dengan jumlah total 200 responden. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan skala determinasi diri, kecerdasan adversitas dan konflik peran ganda. Data dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Regresi Berganda pada JASP Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara determinasi diri dan kecerdasan adveritas terhadap konflik peran ganda. Determinasi diri dan konflik peran ganda pada ibu bekerja di Kota Jambi dengan rx1y = -0,344 dengan p = 0,01 (p<0,05). Kecerdasan adversitas dan konflik peran ganda pada ibu bekerja di Kota Jambi dengan rx2y = -0,300 dengan p = 0,01 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan Dan Saran Korelasi antara variabel ini adalah korelasi negatif dimana ketika satu variabel meningkat makan akan menurunkan variabel lainnya. Secara simultan determinasi diri dan kecerdasan adversitas memiliki kontribusi sebesar 24,1 % dan 75,9 % dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak terukur dalam penelitian ini. Konflik peran ganda dapat menurun sejalan dengan tingginya determinasi diri dan kecerdasan adversitas pada individu. Kata Kunci : Determinasi Diri, Kecerdasan Adversitas, Konflik Peran Ganda, Ibu Bekerja.    


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    ABSTRACT Introduction Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Social Care Institution is a residence prepared to take care of the elders. The elders who live there are ought to adapt to the new settings in the institution. It's not uncommon to see the elderly struggle with both internal and external conflicts in the adaptation process that could affect their psychological well-being. This research aimed to describe the elders' psychological well-being in Jambi Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Social Care Institution. Methods This research used quantitative descriptive method. The population involved in this research were the elders who live in Jambi Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Social Care Institution. Sampling technique used was incidental sampling with total sample of 39 elders. Data were obtained by applying psychological well-being scale. Data analysis used was descriptive analysis. Results The description of the psychological well-being of the elderly at Jambi Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Social Institution, had the highest score of 50, the lowest score of 23, and the mean score of 39.15. 18 people were classified as moderate category (46.15%), 11 people (28.21%) were classified as high category, 5 people (12.82%) were classified as low category , 4 people (10.26%) were classified as very low category, and 1 person (2.56%) was classified as very high category. Conclusions and Suggestions The level of psychological well-being of the elderly in Jambi Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Social Institution is generally in the moderate category. Grounded on the results, the social care institution is expected to help improving the psychological well-being of the elderly who live there. Keywords: Psychological Well-Being, Elderly, Tresna Werdha Social Institution ABSTRAK Pendahuluan Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha merupakan rumah kediaman yang merawat orang lanjut usia. Lansia yang tinggal di panti tentunya harus menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan baru di panti. Tidak jarang pada proses tersebut mereka mengalami konflik internal maupun eksternal yang memengaruhi kondisi psychological well-being. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran psychological well-being lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kota Jambi. Metode Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Populasi penelitian adalah lansia yang tinggal di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kota Jambi. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Incidental (kebetulan) dengan total subjek 39 lansia. Pengambilan data menggunakan skala alat ukur. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil Gambaran psychological well-being lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kota Jambi memiliki skor tertinggi 50, skor terendah 23, skor rata-rata sebesar 39,15 dengan klasifikasi sedang sebanyak 18 orang (46,15%), sebanyak 11 orang (28,21%) terklasifikasi tinggi, sebanyak 5 orang (12,82%) terklasifikasi rendah, sebanyak 4 orang (10,26%) klasifikasi sangat rendah, dan sebanyak 1 orang (2,56%) dengan klasifikasi sangat tinggi. Kesimpulan dan Saran Tingkat psychological well-being lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Luhur Kota Jambi umumnya berada pada kategori sedang. Dengan begitu diharapkan panti dapat membantu meningkatkan psychological well-being para lansia yang tinggal disana. Kata Kunci: Psychological Well-Being, Lansia, Panti Sosial Tresna Werdh


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    Indonesia Interest Test was a psychological test based on Indonesian’s culture, had an intellectual copyright from The Departement of Law, Republic of Indonesia in 2015. Test result could be used for high school majoring, university majoring, self development, employee selection and placement. The purpose of research was to examine construct validity from its component of health sciences interest. It was consisted of interest in medical, human anatomy, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health and microorganism. It used question with some answered and rating scale format with an orthogonal type of construct. The subjects of research consisted of junior high school, senior high school and university students. Convergent validity showed there was a positive correlation between healt interest with science and technology interest (rxy=0.665, p=0.000; p <0.01; N=388). Divergent validity showed there was a negative correlation between health interest and psychological interest (rxy=-0.370, p=0.000, p < 0.01;  N=390). Discrimiant validity showed there was no correlation between health interest and social humanity attitude scale (rxy=0.024, p=0.747; p < 0.05; N=177). Group validity showed there was a different of health interest between health science students and psychological science students  (t=11.824; p=0.000). Health science students had a higher interest in healt lebih tinggi (M=13.99; N=113) than psychological science students (M=2.63; N=76). The test had satisfied construct validity. The next researd was to examine with external criterion, such as: academic achievement, learning satisfaction and length of study   Keywords:  Construct, Convergent, Discriminate, Divergent, Validity, Orthogona

    Pengembangan modul pembelajaran berbasis pengajaran positif pada mata kuliah Pengembangan Diri

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    Building positive teaching is paramount to increasing learning effectiveness, especially for new students. Students face many problems transitioning from high school to the university (e.g., boredom, low motivation, adaptation process, etc.). Self-Development Courses using project-based learning and positive teaching can become the answer to these challenges. This research aims to develop a Self-Development course module based on the positive teaching paradigm. We employed the research and development approach by defining, designing, and developing the course module. We planned the course activities based on the semester’s learning plan (e.g., self-introduction activities and teaching contracts, “who am I,” strengths and weaknesses, teamwork, etc.). We tested the validity of the module using Aiken’s V. Aiken V results ranged from 0.58 to 0.83, meaning that each activity in the proposed module was valid. Keywords: positive teaching, student, active learning, self-developmentMengembangkan pengajaran positif (positive teaching) sangat penting untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran, terutama bagi siswa baru. Siswa menghadapi banyak masalah transisi dari Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) ke Universitas (misalnya, kebosanan, motivasi rendah, proses adaptasi, dll). Mata kuliah Pengembangan Diri dengan memanfaatkan project-based learning dan pengajaran positif dapat menjadi jawaban atas tantangan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sebuah modul mata kuliah Pengembangan Diri berdasarkan paradigma pengajaran positif. Kami menggunakan pendekatan research and development dengan mengikuti tahapan pendefinisian, perancangan, dan pengembangan. Kami merancang kegiatan-kegiatan di dalam modul berdasarkan rencana pembelajaran semester (mis., kegiatan pengenalan diri dan kontrak kuliah, “who am I”, strengths and weaknesses, kerja sama di dalam tim, dll.). Kami menguji validitas modul menggunakan Aiken’s V. Hasil Aiken V berkisar antara 0,58 sampai 0,83; yang berarti bahwa setiap kegiatan dalam modul yang kami aju valid. Kata kunci: pembelajaran positif, mahasiswa, pembelajaran aktif, pengembangan dir

    Konstruksi Skala Sikap Terhadap Pelajaran Matematika Dan Sains

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    Student attitude toward subject is strong predictor for academic successful. Student with positive attitude shows good academic achievement and attitude poor achievement. Earlier information about student attitude can optimilize academic successful. Education stake holders can change attitude. Therefore, it needs a measurement to know student attitude toward subject. The purpose of research is to construct scale attitude toward Mathematics and Natural Sciences subject. Instrument should be valid, reliable, and discriminative and practice. Research used psychological measurement method. It used 185 high school students for subject. It used semantif differential method in scale (1-7). There were 68 items in scale. Factorial validity confirmed three factor construct a scale. Convergent validity showed there was positive correlation among scale component. Scale had internal consistency reliability 0,84 and test parallel reliability 0,92. All items had discrimination power D &gt; 4,00. Final scale uses 12 items. Instruction and scoring can be done easily. Scale has good psychometric properties. It has good validity, satisfied reliability, high discrimination power for items, and practice in used


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    Introduction Shopping online carries risks, one of which is fraud. Fraud is caused by consumers lacking knowledge of the characteristics of fraud, low emotional control, such as being easily tempted by cheap prices and only interested in displaying images. Students who are in their late teens are vulnerable to becoming victims of online shopping scams. So a program is needed to improve student purchasing decision-making skills to prevent online shopping fraud. Method This research uses a descriptive study with a 3D model (define, design, develop). The research data were obtained from three stages, namely the first stage is a needs analysis. The second stage is designing a frame of reference for the implementation of the program smart buying. The third stage is validating with the validator. Results This study shows the results of the validation of the module content assessed by the validator, which have a score in the range of 0.58-0.83. The results of the validation of measuring instruments that were assessed by the validator had a range of numbers from 0.25 to 0.83. Conclusion and Recommendation Based on the results of the validity test of the module content of the program smart buying . is at a good level of content validity, meaning that there is a conformity of the content or material in each session of the program module smart buying with the objectives to be achieved. Keywords: Module validity, Decision making skills, Program smart buying , Online shopping ABSTRAK Pendahuluan Belanja daring memiliki resiko salah satunya penipuan. Penipuan disebabkan konsumen kurang memiliki pengetahuan terhadap karakteristik penipuan, rendahya kontrol emosional seperti sangat mudah tergiur harga yang murah dan hanya tertarik dengan tampilan gambar. Mahasiswa yang berada pada usia remaja akhir rentan menjadi korban penipuan belanja daring. Sehingga diperlukan program guna meningkatkan keterampilan pengambilan keputusan pembelian mahasiswa untuk mencegah terjadiya penipuan belanja daring. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan studi deskriptif dengan model 3D (define, design, develop). Data penelitian diperoleh dari tiga tahapan yaitu tahapan pertama merupakan analisa kebutuhan. Tahapan kedua merancang kerangka acuan kegiatan pelaksanaan program smart buying. Tahapan ketiga melakukan validasi bersama validator. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil validasi isi modul yang dinilai oleh validator yaitu memiliki angka skor dengan rentang 0,58-0,83. Hasil validasi alat ukur yang dinilai oleh validator memiliki rentang angka dari 0,25-0,83. Kesimpulan dan Saran Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas isi modul program smart buying berada pada tingkat validitas isi yang baik, artinya terdapat kesesuaian isi atau materi dalam tiap sesi modul program smart buying dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Kata Kunci: Validitas modul, keterampilan pengambilan keputusan, program smart buying, belanja daring

    Sikap Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Angkatan 2013 Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jambi terhadap Pelajaran Matematika dan Sains

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    ABSTRACT Background : Attitude that’s performed by someone can predict behaviors of the future. It shows what person will do in coming activities. Human’s attitude towards certain subject represents an important predictor that brings to academic achievement. Students who mayor in the medical faculty are the ones who naturally are interested in the subjects of mathematics and Natural science in their school. These subjects represent the main lessons that the medical students learn, even those subjects become parts of tested component selection in the entrance examination of new students. Positive attitude owned by students who have a great interest in those subjects make someone pleased in learning activities, and will cause good learning achievment. In fact, what are learnt in their interests of  mathematics and science represent a condition of the lecture activities in the medical faculty. The purpose of this research is to show descriptions of Medical Students’ attitudes towards Mathematics and Science subjects. It consists of general and component descriptions about Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Methods : This is a descriptive research. Subjects of the researh are taken from population of the Medical Students of Jambi University the year 2013. The population of the research consists of 142 students, 45 males and 97 females. The research instrument uses attitude scale towards Mathematics and  Natural Science. It has face, logic and construct validity. It has 0,92 parallel test reliability that consists of 12 items. Result : Medical students have positive attitudes towards Biology. They have neutral attitude towards Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. There are greater positive attitude towards Biology. Very small numbers of students have negative attitude towards this subject. On Mathematics, there are more students who have positive attitude rather than negative ones. On Physics, there are twice numbers of students who have negative attitudes than positive ones. On chemistry, there are many students have positive attitudes. Conclusion: Medical students feel that learning Biology is  easy and simple subject. They evaluate it positively. They think that Biology is an important and useful subject. They are always ready waiting for learning this subject in class. They feel very comfortable with this subject.   Keywords: Attitude, Scale, Validity, Academic Achievement, Mathematics Scienc

    Validasi Skala Sikap Terhadap Pelajaran Matematika dan Sains

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    Penelitian bertujuan melakukan validasi Skala Sikap terhadap Pelajaran Matematika dan Sains dengan kriteria variabel lain. Pelajaran terdiri Matematika, Fisika, Kimia dan Biologi. Kriteria &nbsp;berupa Tes Potensi Akademik Universitas Jambi, Minat Ilmu Kesehatan - Tes &nbsp;Minat Indonesia, dan Nilai Ujian Nasional. Subjek penelitian, mahasiswa baru Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jambi berjumlah N=549. Terdapat hubungan positif TPA dengan Matematika рxy=0.238; Kimia рxy=0.2000 dan Biologi рxy=0.163 serta tidak ada hubungan dengan Fisika рxy=-0.044 (p&lt;0,01; N=549). Terdapat hubungan positif&nbsp; Minat Ilmu Kesehatan dengan Biologi рxy=0.173 dan Kimia рxy=0.148.&nbsp; Terdapat hubungan positif nilai Ujian Sekolah pada pelajaran Matematika рxy=0.373 dan Kimia рxy=0.235. Alat ukur maupun data penelitian dapat digunakan untuk bahan pembelajaran, validasi alat ukur lain, evaluasi pembelajaran, peminatan SMA maupun penjurusan kuliah. Penelitian berikutnya melakukan validasi&nbsp; dengan nilai ujian nasional dengan subjek lebih luas dan IPK mahasiswa demi mencapai pengukuran yang kuat