102 research outputs found

    Variability of traits and stability of yield and yield components of winter wheat

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    У раду је проучавана варијабилност најважнијих компоненти родности и стабилност приноса зрна генотипова пшенице, селекционисаних у Центру за стрна жита у Крагујевцу. Полазни материјал за реализацију програма истраживања представљала су 14 хомозиготних генотипова озиме хлебне пшенице (Triticum aestivum spp vulgare), одабраних због своје дивергентности у погледу најважнијих агрономских особина. Огледи су постављени по потпуно случајном блок систему на огледном пољу Центра за стрна жита у Крагујевцу, Института за крмно биље у Крушевцу и Агроинститута у Сомбору, током две године (2013. и 2014.). У испитивању је анализиран принос зрна и најважније компоненте родности: број биљака/м2, број продуктивних класова/м2, висина биљке, маса надземног дела биљке, дужина примарног класа, број класића примарног класа, маса примарног класа, маса класова по биљци, број зрна примарног класа, маса зрна примарног класа, маса зрна по биљци, маса 1000 зрна и хектолитарска маса. Биометријском обрадом добијених података израчунате су просечне вредности, варијанса, стандардна девијација и стандардна грешка за све испитиване особине. Према коефицијенту варијације, најмања варијабилност утврђена је код хектолитарске масе (1,49%), док је највећа забележена код масе класова биљке (31,30%). Утицај генотипа био је најизраженији код експресије броја продуктивних класова/м2, висине примарне стабљике, дужине примарног класа, броја класића примарног класа, броја зрна примарног класа, хектолитарске масе и приноса зрна. Интеракција генотип х спољашња средина испољила је значајан утицај код свих особина, осим код броја биљака/м2 и масе 1000 зрна. AMMI анализом стабилности утврђено је да се вредност прве главне компоненте интеракције кретала у распону од 57,10% за број продуктивних класова/м2 до 84,86% за масу примарног класа. Према GGE-биплот анализи, удео прве главне компоненте PC1 у укупној GGE варијанси, кретао се у распону од 55,31% код броја продуктивних класова/м2 до 97,29% код висине примарне стабљике. Висока и стабилнае експресија најважнијих компоненти родности и приноса зрна утврђена је код неколико генотипова пшенице, интересантних за поступак признавања, али и за избор родитељских парова у будућем раду на оплемењивању пшенице.In the study, variability of the most important yield components and yield stability of wheat genotipes, breeded in Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac, was investigated. Cornerstone material for realization of investigation were 14 homozigous genotipes of winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum spp vulgare), chosen because of divergence of the most important agronomical traits. Trials were designed as complete randomized block experiments on the field of Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac, Institute for forage plants in Kruševac and Agroinstitute in Sombor, during two years (2013. и 2014.). During investigation was analysed kernel yield and the most important yield components: number of plants per m2, number of spikes per m2, plant height, above-ground mass of plant, lenght of primary spike, spikelets number per spike, weight of primary spike, weight of spikes per plant, kernel number of primary spike, kernel weight of primary spike, kernel weight per plant, 1000 kernel weight, and hectoliter mass. The obtained data were statisticaly analysed to calculate mean values, variance, standard deviation and standard error of the mean for analyzed traits. According to coefficient of variation, the lowest variability was found for hectoliter mass (1,49%), while the greatest was found for weight of spikes per plant (31,30%). Genotype effect was the most important for exprression of number of spikes per m2, plant height, lenght of primary spike, spikelets number per spike, kernel number of primary spike, hectoliter mass and kernel yield. Genotype x environment interaction had signifficant effect for every analysed traits, accept for number of plants per m2 and 1000 kernel weight. AMMI analyses of stability was revealed that value of first interaction principal component was in range from 57,10% for number of spikes per m2 to 84,86% for weight of primary spike. According to GGE-biplot analyses, part of first component PC1 in the total GGE variance was in range from 55,31% for number of spikes per m2 to 97,29% for plant height. Excellent and stable expression of the most important yield components and kernel yield was found in a few genotipes of wheat, which are interesting for approval as a new cultivars and for a choice for parental crosses in the future breeding of wheat

    Kobler doktrina: odgovornost države zа povredu prava EU odlukom nacionalnog suda u poslednjem stepenu

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    Najvažnija načela na kojima danas počiva prvani poredak EU rezultat su sudske prakse Evropskog suda pravde (ESP). Jedno od njih je načelo odgovornosti države za naknadu štete pojedincu zbog povrede prava EU. Presudom u predmetu Köbler protiv Austrije načelo odgovornosti države prošireno je i na slučajeve kada je do povrede prava EU došlo odlukom nacionalnog suda u poslednjem stepenu. Uslovi odgovornosti isti su kao i u slučaju odgovornosti države zbog povrede prava EU generalno. Značaj ove presude najbolje se može sagledati kroz prizmu uloge nacionalnih sudova država članica u primeni prava EU, pošto su oni ti koji ga pretežno primenjuju. Presuda je izazvala veliku pažnju naučne i stručne javnosti i bila predmet oštrih kritika, posebno u kontekstu načela res iudicata i procesne autonomije država članica. U radu je najpre razmotreno uspostavljenje i razvoj načela odgovornosti države za naknadu štete pojedincu zbog povrede prava EU. Nakon toga analizirana je presuda u predmetu Köbler protiv Austrije kojom je ustanovljena tzv. Kobler doktrina. Naposletku je ispitana primena Kobler doktrine od strane nacionalnih sudova država članica EU. Posebna pažnja posvećena je uticaju Kobler doktrine na nacionalne režime odgovornosti država članica


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    Research presented in this paper analyzed the possibilities of increasing the wear resistance of the ventilation mill parts for coal grinding in power plants, analyzing with multidisciplinary research. The parts of ventilation mill are exposed in very complex working condition (high velocity of particles, presence of sand up 40% and other mineral components). Using the CFD 3D numerical simulation of multiphase flow in grinding mill, is analyzed the speed, concentration and flow angle of mixture around working parts. Analyzing the potential application of wear resistance coating on the working parts ventilation mill have goal to increase remaining working life of working elements. By analyzing the damaged parts of ventilation mill and using the numerical simulation around working elements, are selected wide pallet of wear resistance filer materials for experimental testing. To analyze possibilities to improve surface properties, the wear-resistant coatings were deposited by various technologies: manual metal arc welding, HVOF depositions and plasma welding and also are used filler materials with different chemical compositions. Samples structure is analyzed with SEM-EDS and also by measurement and distribution of hardness in the samples cross-sections. Verification of analyzed result is done by experimental testing, performing simulation of wear in ventilation mill on the samples in sandblasting machines chamber. Medium for simulating wear is quartz sand and the samples are positioned at angle 20 o. Application of this research can increase working life of parts in termoenergetic facilities, reduce the number of possible repairs and extends the period between them. This achieves significant economic effects

    Naknada štete u slučaju upravnog utvrđivanja zajedničkog korišćenja u oblasti elektronskih komunikacija

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    Zajedničko korišćenje u oblasti elektronskih komunikacija podrazumevaju da dva ili više operatora koriste iste resurse i sredstva (najčešće infrastrukturu i povezanu opremu) u cilju pružanja usluga krajnjim korisnicima. Ovaj rad posebno analizira rešenje koje je uvedeno u pravni sistem Republike Srbije Zakonom o elektronskim komunikacijama 2010. u kontekstu naknade štete koja može biti prouzrokovana nezakonitim ili nepravilnim upravnim utvrdjivanjem zajedničkog korišćenja i raspodele troškova. Zaključak je da rešenja o odgovornosti i postupku u kojem bi se utvrdjivala visina i naknada štete nemaju sistemski kvalitet


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    Persistent left superior vena cava represents a congenital vascular defect of the venous system, and is usually discovered accidentally. Temporary pacemaker lead placement should be performed under the fluoroscopy control, but also by using the ECG QRS morphology. Echocardiography also represents a reliable noninvasive diagnostic tool for the assessment of temporary pacemaker lead position

    Control of a Liquid Level System Based on Classical and Fuzzy PID Like Controller Using the Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm

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    This paper deals with liquid level control as one of the frequent problems in industry. Several classical methods for tuning a PID like controller were applied. Furthermore, parameters for the controller were optimized using grey wolf optimizer. In addition to the classical controller, fuzzy PID like controller has also been designed and optimized using the same optimization algorithm. Experimental results obtained on the tank system are provided

    The impact of climate change on the grain yield of wheat

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    Poljski ogled sa sortama pšenice Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna, Toplica i Vizija postavljen je na zemljištu tipa vertisol tokom vegetacionih sezona 2005/06-2011/12. godine. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se kod pet sorti pšenice gajenih na kiselom zemljištu analizira prinos zrna. Najveće vrednosti prinosa zrna ustanovljene su u godini sa umerenim temperaturama i velikom količinom padavina u vegetacionoj 2007/08. godini. Prosečan prinos zrna sorti pšenice kretao se od 3.743 t ha-1 do 6.275 t ha-1. Sorte Kruna, Planeta i Vizija imale su najveći prinos zrna. Na osnovu analize varijanse, moţe se zaključiti da postoje vrlo značajne razlike u prinosu zrna u odnosu na godinu ispitivanja, dok između ispitivanih sorti pšenice razlike nisu bile signifikantne.Field trial with wheat varieties Takovčanka, Planeta, Kruna, Toplica and Vizija was set on vertisol-type soil during the vegetation seasons 2005/06-2011/12. The aim of the research was to analyse the grain yield in five varieties of wheat cultivated on acid soil. The highest values of grain yield were established in the year with moderate temperatures and high precipitation in the vegetation year 2007/08. Average grain yield of wheat cultivars ranged from 3.743 t ha-1 to 6.275 t ha-1. The Kruna, Planeta and Vizija varieties had the highest yield of grain. Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there are very significant differences in grain yield regard the year of investigation, while among the investigated wheat cultivars the differences were not significant

    Coronary flow and hemorrhagic complications after alteplase and streptokinase administration in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Background/Aim. Up-to-date treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AIM) has been based on as early as possible establishment of circulation in ischemic myocardium whether by the use of fibrinolythic therapy and/or urgent coronary intervention which significantly changes the destiny of patients with AMI, but also increases the risk of bleeding. The aim of this study was to compare coronary flow and bleeding complications in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST-elevation (STEMI) after administration of alteplase or streptokinase. Methods. The study included 254 patients with STEMI. The group I (n = 174) received streptokinase, and the group II (n = 80) received alteplase. We followed frequency of complications such as bleeding and hypotension in the investigated groups of patients, based on the TIMI classification of bleeding, as well as the transience of infarction artery in accordance with TIMI flow. Results. The patients with myocardial infarction after administration of alteplase had statistically significantly higher coronary flow (TIMI- 3), 72.5% as compared to the patients who received streptokinase, 39.2%. Hypotension as complication of fibrynolythic therapy administration occurred in a significantly higher percentage in the group of patients who received streptokinase. There was no statistically significant difference in the appearance of major bleeding in the groups of patients who received streptokinasis and alteplase (6.9% and 7.5%, respectively). Also, there was no difference in the appearance of minor and minimal bleeding among the investigated groups of patients. Conclusion. It was shown that alteplase in a higher number of patients provided TIMI-3 coronary flow as compared to streptokinese. In comparison with streptokinase, a combination of alteplase, enoxaparin and double antiplatelet therapy enabled earlier achievement of coronary flow through previously blocked coronary artery that was more complete (higher frequency of TIMI-3 flow). There were no statistically significant difference in frequency of bleeding, first of all major bleeding, between the groups treated by alteplase and streptokinase

    Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale

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    In this paper the inheritance of grain number per spike in hexaploid (6x) winter triticale was investigated. Studies were performed on primary spikes of parents, F1 and F2 progenies of a 5 x 5 complete diallel crossing with reciprocals. The results highlighted the prevalence of dominance and over-dominance in the expression of this trait at majority of combinations of F1 generation. Significant difference between direct and reciprocal crosses appeared in both generations and in generally with combinations of the most divergent parents. Analysis of variance for combining abilities demonstrated the existence of highly significant values for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and effects of reciprocal crosses (REC). GCA and SCA variations demonstrated similar values, which were for about three times higher than variation caused by reciprocal effects. The best SCA were expressed in generally in combinations of good x average or good x poor GCA of parents

    Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale

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    In this paper the inheritance of grain number per spike in hexaploid (6x) winter triticale was investigated. Studies were performed on primary spikes of parents, F1 and F2 progenies of a 5 x 5 complete diallel crossing with reciprocals. The results highlighted the prevalence of dominance and over-dominance in the expression of this trait at majority of combinations of F1 generation. Significant difference between direct and reciprocal crosses appeared in both generations and in generally with combinations of the most divergent parents. Analysis of variance for combining abilities demonstrated the existence of highly significant values for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and effects of reciprocal crosses (REC). GCA and SCA variations demonstrated similar values, which were for about three times higher than variation caused by reciprocal effects. The best SCA were expressed in generally in combinations of good x average or good x poor GCA of parents