23 research outputs found

    Treatment of severe spacticity in multiple sclerosis by continuous intrathecal baclofen

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    Background. Successful treatment of severe spasticity represents an imperative of symptomatic therapy of multiple sclerosis (MS) due to a significant improvement of physical, psychic and social rehabilitation of MS patients, as well as a longterm cost savings for the additional treatments of conditions arising from uncontrolled severe spasticity. Continuous intrathecal administration of baclofen (ITB), using a subcutaneously implanted programmable infusion pump, is a minimally invasive, reversible method for the treatment of severe diffuse spasticity of the spinal origin. Case report. The first two cases in our country, treated by ITB due to severe spasticity caused by MS, were reported. Despite the local complications of surgical wound healing above the implanted components of the ITB-system in one patient, the optimal reduction of spasticity the with complete elimination of spastic pain was obtained in both patients. Conclusion. Our initial experiences confirmed ITB as a safe and effective therapeutical option for the treatment of intractable spasticity in patients with MS. Major prerequisites for this were adequate patient selection and good control of the basic disease. The use of the minimal invasive implantation technique and the experience in choosing of the adequate ITB-system components, could successfully prevent the occurrence of local complications related to the impaired healing of the ITB-system implantation site

    Lyme boreliosis in Slavonia and Barania

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati prvih epidemiološ­kih, kliničkih i seroloških istraživanja Lyme borelioza na području Slavonije i Baranje u toku 1989. godine. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 68 bolesnika u dobi od 2 do 68 godina, sa eritematoznim promjenama na mjestu uboda krpelja. Dužina inkubacije je iznosila od 3 do 52 dana, najčešće 14 dana. Kod većine oboljelih serumi su testirani metodom indirektne imunofluorescencije na Borreliu burgdorferi. Signifikantni titar iznosio je 1:80 i više. Pozitivan serološki odgovor utvrđen je u 13,6 % testiranih. Zaražavanje je registrirano u 10 od 14 općina Slavonije i Baranje.The paper presents the first results of the epidemiological, clinical and serological research of Lyme boreliosis in the region of Slavonia and Barania during 1989. The investigation included 68 patients, aged 2 to 68 years, with an erythema on the site of tick bite. The incubation period stretched between 3 and 52 days, but most frequently it was 14 days long. The serums of the patients were tested by the method of indirect immunofluorescence on Borelia burgdorferi. The titer of antibodies of 1:80 and higher was considered significant. A positive serological responce was indicated in 13.6% of the patients. Infections by tisk bites were registered in 10 out of 14 districts in Slavonia and Barania

    Structural Characterization of Nanocellulose/Fe3O4 Hybrid Nanomaterials

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    The rise of innovation in the electrical industry is driven by the controlled design of new materials. The hybrid materials based on magnetite/nanocellulose are highly interesting due to their various applications in medicine, ecology, catalysis and electronics. In this study, the structure and morphology of nanocellulose/magnetite hybrid nanomaterials were investigated. The effect of nanocellulose loading on the crystal structure of synthesized composites was investigated by XRD and FTIR methods. The presented study reveals that the interaction between the cellulose and magnetic nanoparticles depends on the nanocellulose content. Further, a transition from cellulose II to cellulose I allomorph is observed. SEM and EDS are employed to determine the variation in morphology with changes in component concentrations. By the calculation of magnetic interactions between adjacent Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions within composites, it is determined that ferromagnetic coupling predominates

    Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in Europe: an overview of management practices

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    Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), one of the most commercially important tree species in western North America and one of the most valuable timber trees worldwide, was introduced to Europe in 1827. It became a major species for afforestation in Western Europe after WWII, currently grows in 35 countries on over 0.83 million ha and is one of the most widespread non-native tree species across the continent. A lower sensitivity to drought makes Douglas-fir a potential alternative to the more drought-sensitive Norway spruce so its importance in Europe is expected to increase in the future. It is one of the fastest growing conifer species cultivated in Europe, with the largest reported dimensions of 2.3 m in diameter and 67.5 m in height. Pure stands have high productivity (up to 20 m3 ha-1a-1) and production (over 1000 m3 ha-1). The species is generally regenerated by planting (initial stocking density from less than 1000 seedlings ha-1 to more than 4000 ha-1), using seedlings of European provenance derived from seed orchards or certified seed stands. As the range of end-uses of its wood is very wide, the rotation period of Douglas-fir is highly variable and ranges between 40 and 120 years. When the production of large sized, knot-free timber is targeted, thinnings are always coupled with pruning up to 6 m. There is an increasing interest in growing Douglas-fir in mixtures and managing stands through close-to-nature silviculture, but the species’ intermediate shade tolerance means that it is best managed through group selection or shelter-wood systems

    Hybrid Nanoscale Materials for Convergent Technologies

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    The convergence of nano-, bio-, and information technologies is based on the understanding of complex hierarchical structures and systems, as well as on the material unity at the nanoscale and on technology integration from that scale. A growing interest in these technologies is a result of their potential to provide solutions to numerous societal challenges, such as advanced healthcare, environmental remediation, sustainable development, and adoption of cyber-physical systems based on the Internet of Things and the Internet of Systems. Taking into account that hybrid nanomaterials possess extraordinary physical and chemical properties derived from their size in the nanoscale, the aim of this work is to present the connection between processing parameters and multifunctional properties of nano scale hybrid materials, focusing on the study of ceramic-polymer structures before they can be nano-engineered into functional devices. The unique functionality of these nanostructures has enabled their applications in numerous devices such as: micro and nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), sensors, microactuators, surface acoustic wave devices, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, switches, thermistors, resonators and filters, electrooptic devices, etc. In this study special attention has been paid to their applications in the fields of electronics, biotechnology, environmental protection and remediation

    Hybrid Nanoscale Materials for Convergent Technologies

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    The convergence of nano-, bio-, and information technologies is based on the understanding of complex hierarchical structures and systems, as well as on the material unity at the nanoscale and on technology integration from that scale. A growing interest in these technologies is a result of their potential to provide solutions to numerous societal challenges, such as advanced healthcare, environmental remediation, sustainable development, and adoption of cyber-physical systems based on the Internet of Things and the Internet of Systems. Taking into account that hybrid nanomaterials possess extraordinary physical and chemical properties derived from their size in the nanoscale, the aim of this work is to present the connection between processing parameters and multifunctional properties of nano scale hybrid materials, focusing on the study of ceramic-polymer structures before they can be nano-engineered into functional devices. The unique functionality of these nanostructures has enabled their applications in numerous devices such as: micro and nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), sensors, microactuators, surface acoustic wave devices, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, switches, thermistors, resonators and filters, electrooptic devices, etc. In this study special attention has been paid to their applications in the fields of electronics, biotechnology, environmental protection and remediation

    Non-Native Forest Tree Species in Europe: The Question of Seed Origin in Afforestation

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    Non-native forest tree species have been introduced in Europe since the 16th century, but only in the second half of the 20th century the significance of the seed source origin for their economic use was recognized, resulting in the establishment of numerous provenance trials at a national, regional, European and International level, as those led by IUFRO. Breeding programs have also been launched in the continent for the most economically important species. Aim of this work is the formulation of provenance recommendations for planting of five non-native tree species in Europe (Douglas fir, grand fir, Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and black locust), based on the information obtained from twenty countries, in the frame of the EU FP-1403 NNEXT Cost Action. The survey revealed that official and non-official national recommendations, based on provenance research results, have been elaborated and followed at a different level and extend for the above five species, but only for Douglas fir recommendations exist in almost all the participating to the survey countries. The compilation of provenance recommendations across Europe for each species is presented in the current work. Besides the recommended introduced seed sources, European seed sources are also preferred for planting, due to ease of access and high availability of forest reproductive material. European breeding programs yielding genetic material of high productivity and quality constitute currently the seed source of choice for several species and countries. Consolidation of trial data obtained across countries will allow the joint analysis that is urgently needed to draw solid conclusions, and will facilitate the development of ‘Universal-Response-Functions’ for the species of interest, rendering possible the identification of the genetic material suitable for global change. New provenance trial series that will test seed sources from the entire climatic range of the species, established in sites falling within and outside the environmental envelopes of their natural ranges, are urgently needed to pinpoint and understand the species-specific climate constraints, as well as to correlate functional traits to the seed origin and the environmental conditions of the test sites, so that the selection of suitable forest reproductive material of non-native tree species in the face of climate change can be feasible.publishedVersio

    Aneurysmal bone cyst of the frontal bone

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    Background. Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign, expansive, osteolytic lesion that mainly occurs in young people, and involves the skull bones only exceptionally. The origin of ABC is controversial: secondary reactive bone lesion, or primary disease that represents an independent nosological entity. Blunt head trauma was suggested as a possible etiological factor. Case report. A case of a 19-year old man with primary ABC of the right frontal bone was reported. The lesion was totally excised through frontal craniotomy, and the skull bone defect primarily reconstructed with an acrilate cranioplasty. Five years after the surgery, the patient was without signs of local recurrence. Conclusion. Clinical and neuroradiological presentation of the skull ABC was not specific. Pathohistology confirmed the diagnosis. Total excision was the treatment of choice