4,904 research outputs found


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    Ono Å”to se u usmenoj književnosti u proÅ”losti mijenjalo i kako se mijenjalo ostalo nam je slabo poznato. Zbog toga utječu na naÅ”u svijest oni aspekti koji se održavaju trajno i naglaÅ”enije negoli bi to bilo kad bismo mogli ravnomjerno poznavati međusobne odnose stabilnosti promjena u proteklim dugotrajnim razdobljima povijesti usmene književnosti. Međutim, trajnost pojava u usmenoj književnosti nije mjerilo njihove vrijednosti (premda i danas joÅ” postoji sklonost baÅ”tinjena iz romantičkih vremena, da se poistovjete ili bar blisko povežu starost i vrijednost).The relationship between lyrical oral poems and historial events is discussed. As contents of lyric oral poems, historical events are transformed according to poetical pattern. So transformed, they lose connection with the real historical data. The author concludes that it is necessary to distinguish the poetical pattern from the historical fact, and that the lyric poem has to be regarded as a folkloristic fact. Such a fact can only indirectly be considered as a testimony of historical data

    Temporomandibular Arthritis in Association with Rheumatoid Arthritis -a Differential Diagnostic Approach to Temporomandibular Pain in Dental Practice

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    Reumatoidni je artritis sustavska kronična bolest koja često zahvaća i temporomandibularne zglobove. Ponekad je takav znak i prvi simptom početka bolesti. Stomatolog praktičar u svojemu radu može se susresti s takvom kazuistikom. Rad prikazuje pregled simptoma i kliničkih znakova koji se manifestiraju u bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom, osobito u području temporomandibularnoga zgloba. Navedeni su i drugi diferencijalnodijagnostički uzroci boli u području temporomandibularnoga zgloba.Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic disease, which often also affects temporomandibular joints. Occasionally such a sign may indicate the first symptom of the commencement of the disease. A dentist in practice can encounter such casuistics. The paper presents a review of symptoms and clinical signs manifesting in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, particularly in the area of the temporomandibular joint. Other differential diagnostic causes of pain in the area of temporomandibular joint are also mentioned


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    The great recession of 2008 hit the entrepreneurial sector all over the world. Understanding the pattern of firmsā€™ reactions in a time of global crisis is essential for developing an adequate crisis and post-crisis policy. Using a sample of 7,563 surviving Croatian firms in the manufacturing and hospitality industries over the six-year period of economic recession (2008-2013) and total assets as a measurement of firm size and growth, this study seeks to examine whether the law of proportionate effect can be confirmed in times of economic recession. The results of a two-step dynamic panel indicate the rejection of the law in both industries since asset growth is positively associated with the size of the firms. However, firmsā€™ total assets dynamics differ across size classes and industries suggesting potentially different strategic decisions on asset utilization and/or investments


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    The great recession of 2008 hit the entrepreneurial sector all over the world. Understanding the pattern of firmsā€™ reactions in a time of global crisis is essential for developing an adequate crisis and post-crisis policy. Using a sample of 7,563 surviving Croatian firms in the manufacturing and hospitality industries over the six-year period of economic recession (2008-2013) and total assets as a measurement of firm size and growth, this study seeks to examine whether the law of proportionate effect can be confirmed in times of economic recession. The results of a two-step dynamic panel indicate the rejection of the law in both industries since asset growth is positively associated with the size of the firms. However, firmsā€™ total assets dynamics differ across size classes and industries suggesting potentially different strategic decisions on asset utilization and/or investments

    Iz ropstva u slobodu

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    Nasmij se čovječe!

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    Autoimmune diseases

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    Autoimunosne bolesti su vrlo heterogena skupina bolesti, koje imaju zajedničku karakteristiku, a to je proizvodnja autoreaktivnih T-stanica ili autoreaktivnih antitijela. Svaka autoimunosna bolest zasebno pogađa vrlo mali broj ljudi, ali ukupno oko 5% svjetske populacije boluje od autoimunosnih bolesti, zbog čega su one predmet multidisciplinarnih istraživanja, posebno u posljednjih 50-ak godina. U radu je kratko izložena povijest imunoloÅ”kih otkrića, te prvih razmiÅ”ljanja o autoimunosnim bolestima, zatim su radi boljeg razumijevanja sadržaja rada opisane osnove imunoloÅ”kih procesa. Pažnja je usredotočena na same autoimunosne bolesti, organospecifične i organonespecifične, te je opisano nekoliko primjera da bi se dobio uvid u nekoliko različitih mehanizama kojima dolazi do razvoja autoimunosnih bolesti. Konačno, samo ukratko, opisane su metode istraživanja na životinjskim modelima, te metode liječenja autoimunosnih bolesti.Autoimmune diseases are heterogeneous group of diseases that have a few characteristics in common; they are accompanied by the production of selfreactive T-cells and autoantibodies. Each autoimmune disease individually affects only a small number of people, but approximately 5% of human population suffers of autoimmune diseases. This is the reason why they are subject of multidisciplinary researches, especially in last 50 years. This paper shortly presents history of immunologic researches, and early thoughts about autoimmune diseases. For better understanding of the contents, elemental features of immunologic processes are described. The focuses of this paper are autoimmune diseases themselves, organ-specific and organ-nonspecific, and few of them are described to get a better insight into the mechanisms of autoimmune diseases. Finally, some methods of researches on animal models, and some approaches of autoimmune diseases treatments are described

    Mučna Zadaća

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    Izdrži voljena zemljo

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    Paul Erdƶs i dokazi iz Knjige

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    U prvom poglavlju ovog diplomskog rada prikazan je život mađarskog matematičara iz 20. stoljeća, Paula Erdƶsa. U drugom poglavlju rada nalaze se odabrani dokazi iz triju matematičkih područja, teorije brojeve, kombinatorike i teorije grafova. U Teoriji brojeva iznijet je dokaz tvrdnje da je skup prostih brojeva beskonačan i dokaz Bertrandovog postulata. U Kombinatorici je prikazan dokaz Teorema Erdƶs-Ko-Rado, a u Teoriji grafova dokaz TurĆ”novog teorema i Teorema o prijateljstvu.In the first chapter of this graduate thesis is presented the life of Hungarian mathematician from the 20th century, Paul Erdƶs. In the second chapter there are selected proofs from three mathematical areas, number theory, combinatorics and graph theory. Section Number theory gives proof of the infinity of primes and proof of Bertrand's postulate. Combinatorics gives proof of Erdƶs-Ko-Rado theorem and Graph theory gives the proof of TurĆ”n's theorem and Friendship Theorem
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