
Temporomandibular Arthritis in Association with Rheumatoid Arthritis -a Differential Diagnostic Approach to Temporomandibular Pain in Dental Practice


Reumatoidni je artritis sustavska kronična bolest koja često zahvaća i temporomandibularne zglobove. Ponekad je takav znak i prvi simptom početka bolesti. Stomatolog praktičar u svojemu radu može se susresti s takvom kazuistikom. Rad prikazuje pregled simptoma i kliničkih znakova koji se manifestiraju u bolesnika s reumatoidnim artritisom, osobito u području temporomandibularnoga zgloba. Navedeni su i drugi diferencijalnodijagnostički uzroci boli u području temporomandibularnoga zgloba.Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic disease, which often also affects temporomandibular joints. Occasionally such a sign may indicate the first symptom of the commencement of the disease. A dentist in practice can encounter such casuistics. The paper presents a review of symptoms and clinical signs manifesting in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis, particularly in the area of the temporomandibular joint. Other differential diagnostic causes of pain in the area of temporomandibular joint are also mentioned

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