945 research outputs found

    Kézikönyv a könyvről

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    Helyi szereplők reakciói a fejlesztéspolitikai környezet változásaira vidéki térségekben

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    Vidéki térségeink átalakulására alapvetően makro-gazdasági és társadalmi folyamatok hatnak, az egyes térségek, települések fejlődését azonban nagymértékben befolyásolják azok az állami fejlesztéspolitikai beavatkozások is, melyeket hazánkban egyre jobban az EU fejlesztéspolitikai céljai, szabály- és intézményrendszere határozott meg. A cikk - mely egy jelenleg is folyó OTKA kutatás első eredményeire épít - azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy a helyi szereplők miképpen alkalmazkodnak a változó fejlesztéspolitikai környezethez és ez a reakció hogyan alakítja vidéki térségeink, településeink helyzetét

    A határon túli vasútállomások neve a vasúti utastájékoztatásban

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    Names for railway stations beyond the borders of Hungary in information services for railway passengers     This paper presents the problems in identifying the contemporary Hungarian names for railway stations in the Carpathian Basin that formerly were known only by their Hungarian names. The author describes the changes of the names for the relevant settlements as well as those of the names for their railway stations from the time of the official settlement names standardization up to the present (i.e. between 1898 and 2013), which have led to misunderstandings in everyday communication and, especially, in information services for railway passengers. The paper presents the international rules and requirements for naming railway stations, and discusses the relevant regulations by the Hungarian Railways. The author explains why the Hungarian names cannot be used in timetables and why the exclusive use of Hungarian names for railway stations beyond the borders of the present-day Hungary cannot be claimed in information services. The author also discusses the queries on name use posed by the Hungarian Railways to the Hungarian Committee on Geographical Names; and based on the decisions involving an accepted list of railway station names, summarizes the principles to be followed in name use, exploring the professional background of the actual decisions. Because of the lack of unified practice concerning the use of the Hungarian names for settlements beyond the borders of the present-day Hungary, the author initiates the compilation of a standardized historical and administrative gazetteer

    A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia és a Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki Hálózat együttműködése keretében megvalósult komplex vidékkutatási programról

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    A vidéki tér megismeréséhez és a vidék fejlődését, értékeinek megőrzését segítő támogatási programok megalapozásához különböző tudományterületek módszertanát és eredményeit ötvöző komplex kutatásokra van szükség. A Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki Hálózat és a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia együttműködésén alapuló, 2012 végén indult komplex vidékkutatási program lehetőséget adott arra, hogy az MTA intézményhálózatának vidéki kutatóhelyein dolgozó és különböző szakterületeket képviselő kutatók – egyéb vidéki szakértők bevonásával – mintegy „virtuális” vidékkutatási hálózatot alkotva dolgozzanak. A kutatási program elsődleges célja a 2014–2020 közötti tervciklusra való felkészülés tudományos magalapozása volt, de számos elméleti, módszertani eredménnyel is szolgált, melyekből ízelítőt adnak a Tér és Társadalom e tematikus számában megjelenő tanulmányok. A bevezető célja, hogy áttekintést adjon a vidékkutatási program hátteréről, célkitűzéseiről, megvalósításáról, felvillantsa annak egyéb eredményeit és az eredmények eddigi hasznosulását

    Local Responses to the Structural Changes of National Development Policyin Hungarian Rural Regions

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    The paper is based on the preliminary results of an ongoing research programme supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. The objective of the research is to find out how local actors react to the changing development policy context, how it shapes the local practices of local agents, and how such interactions influence local society and the development of rural micro-regions. The main pillars of the study are subject-oriented case-studies in two rural micro- regions. The pilot regions are very similar in terms of geographical location, natural resources, population, territory, settlement structure and economic- social status, yet they have followed a very different development track, mainly due to the different local reactions to the changing state development policy. Our research demonstrates that the key factor of local success is multi-level (settlement, micro-region) cooperation between various (public, private and civil) local stakeholders. The crucial demand for a main facilitator of local cooperation could be satisfied by the local government, provided that it is able to adapt to the frequent changes leading to the emergence of new social networks. No evidence is found to indicate the existence of a ‘project class’ within the local rural societies assuming an intermediary role between decision makers and beneficiaries. The traditional structures of power (based on party- and economic hierarchy) seem to survive. Although project-based implementation has become predominant in development policy, the main arena of the ‘struggle’ to obtain development resources is still the political one. &nbsp


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    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, figures in Turkish history, and he did not earn this title without reason. The reforms and innovations he brought to Turkey brought about real change in theory and natural social and political terms. One of the most striking manifestations of these reforms was the so-called 'six arrows' system, which effectively summed up Atatürk's political essence and ideas. In this paper, I will describe the elements of the 'six arrows' system, examining their social and political implications, particularly the steps taken to achieve women's equality. I have chosen impact analysis as the research method, as I considered it appropriate in the context of women's emancipation, given the many social impacts of introducing new legislation in Turkish society. In my thesis, I have greatly emphasized the historical overview of the right to marry freely - primarily from a legal-historical perspective- to obtain a genuinely complex picture of the six arrows system as manifested in law practice. In choosing the research method, I proceeded from the assumption that the various disciplines and applied sciences now make it possible to predict the expected consequences of legislative decisions with varying degrees of reliability, and to examine the results of decisions already taken after the event, comparing the facts with the anticipated effects. Suppose we accept that the purpose of legislation is to produce some consequence. In that case, an impact assessment is a prominent tool for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of individual legislative products and the legislative process

    Tax incentives applied against externalities: International examples of fat tax and carbon tax

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    This study assesses the Pigou taxes introduced as a response to negative externalities in practice. The authors analyze the international practice and effectiveness of taxation on food products harmful to health and on carbon emissions harmful to the environment and, in relation to these two types of taxes, the focus is on the opportunities and the factors reducing efficiency

    Adóösztönzőkkel az externáliák ellen: a népegészségügyi termékadó és a széndioxidadó nemzetközi példái

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    A tanulmány a negatív externáliákra válaszul bevezetett Pigou-adókat vizsgálja a gyakorlatban. A szerzők két terület, az egészségre káros élelmiszerek és a fenntartható környezetre káros széndioxid-kibocsátás adóztatásának nemzetközi gyakorlatát és eredményességét vizsgálják, a két adónem lehetőségeire és a hatékonyságukat rontó tényezőkre összpontosítanak

    Factors Contributing to Students’ Academic Success Based on the Students’ Opinion at BME Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

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    This study presents the opinion of students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the BME concerning the factors, which contribute to students’ academic success. Academic success was defined by the successful completion of university studies. 478 students were consulted by online questionnaire. The factors were grouped into eight scales: practice-oriented education, student’s social relationship on campus, student’s study habits, supports for student’s learning in classroom, student’s attitude towards responsibilities in university, support by family and friends, conscious career choice and assistance provided by remedial courses. The opinions of the male and the female students varied across seven scales, with only the role of student’s social relationships on campus being judged similarly by both genders. Students studying for bachelor’s degrees judged the role of the student’s social relationships on campus to be more important. Students on different degree programmes held differing opinions in two scales