9 research outputs found

    Exploring TERRA (TElomeric Repeat-containing RNA) Expression and Regulation During Cell Growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Please find the referenced videos attachedThe physical ends of eukaryotic chromosomes consist of repetitive DNA sequences, which are associated with specialized proteins forming a nucleoprotein structure essential for the integrity of the linear chromosomes, and are known as telomeres. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for the maintenance of the telomeric repeats at the end of the chromosomes. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein, which contains a catalytic subunit that possesses reverse transcriptase activity, and a RNA subunit that acts as a template, since it possess the telomeric repeat sequences necessary to amplify telomere ends. Telomeres are transcribed in most eukaryotes into a non-coding RNA know as TERRA (Telomeric repeats-containing RNA). It has been proposed that TERRA may act as a regulator of telomere homeostasis, and as an inhibitor of telomerase, however, its specific function is still unknown. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TERRA is rapidly degraded by the 5’-3’ Rat1 exonuclease, which has hampered its study by classic biochemical experiments in yeast. In this thesis, we report the use of cytological approaches to study TERRA in budding yeast. Two different approaches were used for this purpose: the fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) and the labeling of TERRA by the MS2-GFP system, which allow the visualization of TERRA transcripts form a single telomere in living cells. With these two approaches, we observed that TERRA is expressed from a single telomere and accumulates as a single perinuclear foci, in a small percentage of cells population. We also demonstrate that TERRA expression occurs due to telomere shortening. We demonstrate that TERRA interacts in vivo with the telomerase RNA (TLC1) in yeast. Telomere elongation depends on the action of several telomerase molecules that are visible as clusters, which associate with telomeres in late S phase in yeast, and mammalian cells. In adidition, we show that TERRA stimulates the nucleation of telomerase clusters. By performing time course experiments of TERRA and TLC1 RNA in live cells, we observed that TERRA acts as a scaffold for generating telomerase clusters, which are then recruited in late S phase to the telomere from which TERRA molecules originated. The recruitment of TERRA to its telomere of origin is dependent on factors that control telomerase recruitment at telomeres like: Mre11, Tel1 and the yKu complex. We propose that a short telomere expresses TERRA to assemble and organize telomerase molecules, which later on allows their recruitment at the short telomere, where elongation is needed. Finally we showed an up-regulation of TERRA, and telomerase RNA TLC1, accompanied by a predominant cytoplasmic localization as cell growth progresses from exponential growth to diauxic shift, and stationary phase. In these conditions, TERRA foci co-localize with TLC1 RNA foci, suggesting that the function of TERRA as a scaffold molecule to generate telomerase cluster is necessary for this yeast cell growth phases.Les tĂ©lomĂšres Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© des chromosomes constituent une structure d’ADN et de protĂ©ines essentielle Ă  l’intĂ©gritĂ© de ces chromosomes. La tĂ©lomĂ©rase est l’enzyme responsable du maintien des rĂ©pĂ©titions tĂ©lomĂ©riques Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© des chromosomes. Cette enzyme est constituĂ©e d’une sous-unitĂ© catalytique, qui possĂšde une activitĂ© de transcriptase rĂ©verse, et d’une sous-unitĂ© d’ARN, qui fourni la matrice nĂ©cessaire Ă  la synthĂšse des rĂ©pĂ©titions tĂ©lomĂ©riques. Les ARN contenant des rĂ©pĂ©tions tĂ©lomĂ©riques (ou Telomeric repeats-containing RNA; TERRA) constitue une nouvelle classe d’ARN non-codants transcrits Ă  partir des tĂ©lomĂšres et conservĂ©e chez la plupart des eucaryotes. TERRA a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© d’agir comme un rĂ©gulateur de l‘homĂ©ostasie des tĂ©lomĂšres et comme inhibiteur de la tĂ©lomĂ©rase, mais sa fonction spĂ©cifique reste inconnue. De plus, chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TERRA est rapidement dĂ©gradĂ© par l’exonuclĂ©ase 5’-3’ Rat1, ce qui complique l’étude de cet ARN par les mĂ©thodes biochimiques classiques. Dans cette thĂšse, nous rapportons l‘utilisation d’une approche cytologique pour Ă©tudier TERRA dans les cellules de levures. Deux approches sont utilisĂ©es : l’hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH) et l’étiquetage de TERRA Ă  l’aide du systĂšme MS2-GFP, qui nous permet de visualiser l’expression de TERRA transcrit d’un seul tĂ©lomĂšre dans des cellules vivantes. Avec ces deux approches, nous observons que TERRA exprimĂ© Ă  partir d’un seul tĂ©lomĂšre s’accumule dans un faible nombre de cellules, sous la forme d’un focus pĂ©rinuclĂ©aire. De plus, nous montrons que TERRA est exprimĂ© lorsque son tĂ©lomĂšre raccourcit. Par immunoprĂ©cipitation, nous montrons que TERRA interagit in vivo avec l’ARN de la tĂ©lomĂ©rase de levure, TLC1. L’élongation des tĂ©lomĂšres dĂ©pend de l‘action de multiples molĂ©cules de tĂ©lomĂ©rase, qui sont visibles sous la forme de clusters de tĂ©lomĂ©rases, qui s‘associent en phase S avec les tĂ©lomĂšres chez la levure et les cellules de mammifĂšre. Nous dĂ©montrons que TERRA stimule la nuclĂ©ation de ces clusters de tĂ©lomĂ©rase. Par imagerie en temps rĂ©el de TERRA et de l’ARN TLC1, nous observons que TERRA agit comme molĂ©cule d’échafaudage pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des clusters de tĂ©lomĂ©rases, qui sont par la suite recrutĂ©s, en phase S, au tĂ©lomĂšre duquel TERRA a Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©. Le recrutement d’un focus de TERRA Ă  son tĂ©lomĂšre d’origine dĂ©pend des facteurs contrĂŽlant le recrutement de la tĂ©lomĂ©rase aux tĂ©lomĂšres : Mre11, Tel1 et le complexe yKu. Nous proposons qu’un tĂ©lomĂšre court exprime TERRA pour assembler et organiser les molĂ©cules de tĂ©lomĂ©rase, afin que celles-ci soit puissent ĂȘtre recrutĂ©es au tĂ©lomĂšre court pour permettre son Ă©longation. Enfin, nous observons une surexpression de l’ARN de la tĂ©lomĂ©rase TLC1 et de TERRA, ainsi qu’une accumulation cytoplasmique de ceux-ci sous la forme de foci, lorsque la cellule passe de la phase de croissance exponentiel Ă  la phase diauxique, puis Ă  la phase stationnaire. Dans ces conditions, les foci d’ARN TLC1 colocalisent avec les foci de TERRA, suggĂ©rant que la fonction de TERRA comme molĂ©cule d’échafaudage pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des foci de tĂ©lomĂ©rase est aussi nĂ©cessaire durant ces phases du cycle de croissance des levures

    An Innovative AI-based primer design tool for precise and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

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    As the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, it leaves behind the serious concern that future, even more disruptive pandemics may eventually surface. One of the crucial steps in handling the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was being able to detect the presence of the virus in an accurate and timely manner, to then develop policies counteracting the spread. Nevertheless, as the pandemic evolved, new variants with potentially dangerous mutations appeared. Faced by these developments, it becomes clear that there is a need for fast and reliable techniques to create highly specific molecular tests, able to uniquely identify VOCs. Using an automated pipeline built around evolutionary algorithms, we designed primer sets for SARS-CoV-2 (main lineage) and for VOC, B.1.1.7 (Alpha) and B.1.1.529 (Omicron). Starting from sequences openly available in the GISAID repository, our pipeline was able to deliver the primer sets for the main lineage and each variant in a matter of hours. Preliminary in-silico validation showed that the sequences in the primer sets featured high accuracy. A pilot test in a laboratory setting confirmed the results: the developed primers were favorably compared against existing commercial versions for the main lineage, and the specific versions for the VOCs B.1.1.7 and B.1.1.529 were clinically tested successfully

    An Innovative AI-based primer design tool for precise and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

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    As the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, it leaves behind the serious concern that future, even more disruptive pandemics may eventually surface. One of the crucial steps in handling the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was being able to detect the presence of the virus in an accurate and timely manner, to then develop policies counteracting the spread. Nevertheless, as the pandemic evolved, new variants with potentially dangerous mutations appeared. Faced by these developments, it becomes clear that there is a need for fast and reliable techniques to create highly specific molecular tests, able to uniquely identify VOCs. Using an automated pipeline built around evolutionary algorithms, we designed primer sets for SARS-CoV-2 (main lineage) and for VOC, B.1.1.7 (Alpha) and B.1.1.529 (Omicron). Starting from sequences openly available in the GISAID repository, our pipeline was able to deliver the primer sets for the main lineage and each variant in a matter of hours. Preliminary in-silico validation showed that the sequences in the primer sets featured high accuracy. A pilot test in a laboratory setting confirmed the results: the developed primers were favorably compared against existing commercial versions for the main lineage, and the specific versions for the VOCs B.1.1.7 and B.1.1.529 were clinically tested successfully

    Bruit et robustesse en aval d'un gradient morphogénétique : une approche quantitative par imagerie de la transcription dans les embryons vivants

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    La diffĂ©renciation des cellules est souvent dĂ©clenchĂ©e par les gradients de molĂ©cules appelĂ©es morphogĂšnes. Un paradigme simple pour l’étude des morphogĂšnes est le gradient de Bicoid, qui dĂ©termine l’identitĂ© cellulaire le long de l’axe antĂ©ro-postĂ©rieur chez la mouche du vinaigre. Ce facteur de transcription permet l'expression rapide de son principal gĂšne cible, hunchback, dans la moitiĂ© antĂ©rieure de l’embryon dans un domaine d’expression avec une bordure trĂšs franche. En utilisant le systĂšme MS2 rendant fluorescents des ARN dans les embryons vivants, nous avons montrĂ© que la transcription au promoteur d’hunchback est « bursty ». De maniĂšre surprenante, il suffit de 3 minutes, aprĂšs la premiĂšre dĂ©tection de transcription Ă  l’antĂ©rieur, pour que la bordure franche du domaine d’expression soit prĂ©cisĂ©ment positionnĂ©e au milieu de l’embryon. Afin de mieux comprendre le rĂŽle des facteurs de transcription autres que Bicoid dans ce processus, j’ai utilisĂ© une double stratĂ©gie impliquant des gĂšnes rapporteurs MS2 synthĂ©tiques combinĂ©s Ă  l’analyse du gĂšne rapporteur hunchback MS2 dans des contextes gĂ©nĂ©tiques mutants. L’analyse des gĂšnes rapporteurs synthĂ©tiques indique que Bicoid est capable d’activer la transcription Ă  elle seule en se fixant sur le promoteur mais de maniĂšre stochastique. La fixation d’Hunchback sur un promoteur rĂ©gulĂ© par Bicoid rĂ©duit cette stochasticitĂ© alors que Caudal agirait comme un gradient postĂ©rieur rĂ©presseur. L’ensemble de ces travaux apporte un Ă©clairage nouveau sur les mĂ©canismes assurant une rĂ©ponse transcriptionnelle prĂ©cise en aval du morphogĂšne Bicoid.During development, cell differentiation frequently occurs upon signaling from gradients of molecules, called morphogens. A simple paradigm to study morphogens is the Bicoid gradient, which determines antero-posterior patterning in fruit fly embryos. This transcription factor allows the rapid expression of its major target gene hunchback, in an anterior domain with a sharp boundary. Using the MS2 system to fluorescently tag RNA in living embryos, we were able to show that the ongoing transcription process at the hunchback promoter is bursty Surprisingly, it takes only 3 minutes, from the first hints of transcription at the anterior to reach steady state with the setting of the sharp expression border in the middle of the embryo. To better understand the role of transcription factors other than Bicoid in this process, I used a two-pronged strategy involving synthetic MS2 reporters combined with the analysis of the hunchback MS2 reporter in various mutant backgrounds. The synthetic reporter approach, indicate that Bicoid is able to activate transcription on its own when bound to the promoter but in a stochastic manner. The binding of Hunchback to the Bicoid-dependent promoter reduces this stochasticity while Caudal might act as a posterior repressor gradient. Altogether, this work provide a new light on the mechanisms insuring a precise transcriptional response downstream of Bicoid

    Bruit et robustesse en aval d'un gradient morphogénétique : une approche quantitative par imagerie de la transcription dans les embryons vivants

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    During development, cell differentiation frequently occurs upon signaling from gradients of molecules, called morphogens. A simple paradigm to study morphogens is the Bicoid gradient, which determines antero-posterior patterning in fruit fly embryos. This transcription factor allows the rapid expression of its major target gene hunchback, in an anterior domain with a sharp boundary. Using the MS2 system to fluorescently tag RNA in living embryos, we were able to show that the ongoing transcription process at the hunchback promoter is bursty Surprisingly, it takes only 3 minutes, from the first hints of transcription at the anterior to reach steady state with the setting of the sharp expression border in the middle of the embryo. To better understand the role of transcription factors other than Bicoid in this process, I used a two-pronged strategy involving synthetic MS2 reporters combined with the analysis of the hunchback MS2 reporter in various mutant backgrounds. The synthetic reporter approach, indicate that Bicoid is able to activate transcription on its own when bound to the promoter but in a stochastic manner. The binding of Hunchback to the Bicoid-dependent promoter reduces this stochasticity while Caudal might act as a posterior repressor gradient. Altogether, this work provide a new light on the mechanisms insuring a precise transcriptional response downstream of Bicoid.La diffĂ©renciation des cellules est souvent dĂ©clenchĂ©e par les gradients de molĂ©cules appelĂ©es morphogĂšnes. Un paradigme simple pour l’étude des morphogĂšnes est le gradient de Bicoid, qui dĂ©termine l’identitĂ© cellulaire le long de l’axe antĂ©ro-postĂ©rieur chez la mouche du vinaigre. Ce facteur de transcription permet l'expression rapide de son principal gĂšne cible, hunchback, dans la moitiĂ© antĂ©rieure de l’embryon dans un domaine d’expression avec une bordure trĂšs franche. En utilisant le systĂšme MS2 rendant fluorescents des ARN dans les embryons vivants, nous avons montrĂ© que la transcription au promoteur d’hunchback est « bursty ». De maniĂšre surprenante, il suffit de 3 minutes, aprĂšs la premiĂšre dĂ©tection de transcription Ă  l’antĂ©rieur, pour que la bordure franche du domaine d’expression soit prĂ©cisĂ©ment positionnĂ©e au milieu de l’embryon. Afin de mieux comprendre le rĂŽle des facteurs de transcription autres que Bicoid dans ce processus, j’ai utilisĂ© une double stratĂ©gie impliquant des gĂšnes rapporteurs MS2 synthĂ©tiques combinĂ©s Ă  l’analyse du gĂšne rapporteur hunchback MS2 dans des contextes gĂ©nĂ©tiques mutants. L’analyse des gĂšnes rapporteurs synthĂ©tiques indique que Bicoid est capable d’activer la transcription Ă  elle seule en se fixant sur le promoteur mais de maniĂšre stochastique. La fixation d’Hunchback sur un promoteur rĂ©gulĂ© par Bicoid rĂ©duit cette stochasticitĂ© alors que Caudal agirait comme un gradient postĂ©rieur rĂ©presseur. L’ensemble de ces travaux apporte un Ă©clairage nouveau sur les mĂ©canismes assurant une rĂ©ponse transcriptionnelle prĂ©cise en aval du morphogĂšne Bicoid

    Precision in a rush: Trade-offs between reproducibility and steepness of the hunchback expression pattern

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    International audienceFly development amazes us by the precision and reproducibility of gene expression, especially since the initial expression patterns are established during very short nuclear cycles. Recent live imaging of hunchback promoter dynamics shows a stable steep binary expression pattern established within the three minute interphase of nuclear cycle 11. Considering expression models of different complexity, we explore the trade-off between the ability of a regulatory system to produce a steep boundary and minimize expression variability between different nuclei. We show how a limited readout time imposed by short developmental cycles affects the gene’s ability to read positional information along the embryo’s anterior posterior axis and express reliably. Comparing our theoretical results to real-time monitoring of the hunchback transcription dynamics in live flies, we discuss possible regulatory strategies, suggesting an important role for additional binding sites, gradients or non-equilibrium binding and modified transcription factor search strategies

    Precision in a rush: Trade-offs between reproducibility and steepness of the hunchback expression pattern.

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    Fly development amazes us by the precision and reproducibility of gene expression, especially since the initial expression patterns are established during very short nuclear cycles. Recent live imaging of hunchback promoter dynamics shows a stable steep binary expression pattern established within the three minute interphase of nuclear cycle 11. Considering expression models of different complexity, we explore the trade-off between the ability of a regulatory system to produce a steep boundary and minimize expression variability between different nuclei. We show how a limited readout time imposed by short developmental cycles affects the gene's ability to read positional information along the embryo's anterior posterior axis and express reliably. Comparing our theoretical results to real-time monitoring of the hunchback transcription dynamics in live flies, we discuss possible regulatory strategies, suggesting an important role for additional binding sites, gradients or non-equilibrium binding and modified transcription factor search strategies

    3 minutes to precisely measure morphogen concentration.

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    Morphogen gradients provide concentration-dependent positional information along polarity axes. Although the dynamics of the establishment of these gradients is well described, precision and noise in the downstream activation processes remain elusive. A simple paradigm to address these questions is the Bicoid morphogen gradient that elicits a rapid step-like transcriptional response in young fruit fly embryos. Focusing on the expression of the major Bicoid target, hunchback (hb), at the onset of zygotic transcription, we used the MS2-MCP approach which combines fluorescent labeling of nascent mRNA with live imaging at high spatial and temporal resolution. Removing 36 putative Zelda binding sites unexpectedly present in the original MS2 reporter, we show that the 750 bp of the hb promoter are sufficient to recapitulate endogenous expression at the onset of zygotic transcription. After each mitosis, in the anterior, expression is turned on to rapidly reach a plateau with all nuclei expressing the reporter. Consistent with a Bicoid dose-dependent activation process, the time period required to reach the plateau increases with the distance to the anterior pole. Despite the challenge imposed by frequent mitoses and high nuclei-to-nuclei variability in transcription kinetics, it only takes 3 minutes at each interphase for the MS2 reporter loci to distinguish subtle differences in Bicoid concentration and establish a steadily positioned and steep (Hill coefficient ~ 7) expression boundary. Modeling based on the cooperativity between the 6 known Bicoid binding sites in the hb promoter region, assuming rate limiting concentrations of the Bicoid transcription factor at the boundary, is able to capture the observed dynamics of pattern establishment but not the steepness of the boundary. This suggests that a simple model based only on the cooperative binding of Bicoid is not sufficient to describe the spatiotemporal dynamics of early hb expression

    An Innovative AI-based primer design tool for precise and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

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    International audienceAbstract As the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, it leaves behind the serious concern that future, even more disruptive pandemics may eventually surface. One of the crucial steps in handling the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was being able to detect the presence of the virus in an accurate and timely manner, to then develop policies counteracting the spread. Nevertheless, as the pandemic evolved, new variants with potentially dangerous mutations appeared. Faced by these developments, it becomes clear that there is a need for fast and reliable techniques to create highly specific molecular tests, able to uniquely identify VOCs. Using an automated pipeline built around evolutionary algorithms, we designed primer sets for SARS-CoV-2 (main lineage) and for VOC, B.1.1.7 (Alpha) and B.1.1.529 (Omicron). Starting from sequences openly available in the GISAID repository, our pipeline was able to deliver the primer sets for the main lineage and each variant in a matter of hours. Preliminary in-silico validation showed that the sequences in the primer sets featured high accuracy. A pilot test in a laboratory setting confirmed the results: the developed primers were favorably compared against existing commercial versions for the main lineage, and the specific versions for the VOCs B.1.1.7 and B.1.1.529 were clinically tested successfully