6,386 research outputs found

    A1A_1 theory of weights for rough homogeneous singular integrals and commutators

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    Quantitative A1AA_1-A_\infty estimates for rough homogeneous singular integrals TΩT_{\Omega} and commutators of BMOBMO symbols and TΩT_{\Omega} are obtained. In particular the following estimates are proved: % TΩLp(w)cn,pΩL[w]A11p[w]A1+1pfLp(w) \|T_\Omega \|_{L^p(w)}\le c_{n,p}\|\Omega\|_{L^\infty} [w]_{A_1}^{\frac{1}{p}}\,[w]_{A_{\infty}}^{1+\frac{1}{p'}}\|f\|_{L^p(w)} % and % [b,TΩ]fLp(w)cn,pbBMOΩL[w]A11p[w]A2+1pfLp(w), \| [b,T_{\Omega}]f\|_{L^{p}(w)}\leq c_{n,p}\|b\|_{BMO}\|\Omega\|_{L^{\infty}} [w]_{A_1}^{\frac{1}{p}}[w]_{A_{\infty}}^{2+\frac{1}{p'}}\|f\|_{L^{p}\left(w\right)}, % for 1<p<1<p<\infty and 1/p+1/p=11/p+1/p'=1.Comment: 19 page

    Integrated Web Accessibility Guidelines for Users on the Autism Spectrum - from Specification to Implementation

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    This research presented a compendium of web interface design guidelines and their implementation on a transport-planning website based on the needs and preferences of users on the autism spectrum. Results highlighted the importance of having simple navigation and meaningful headings, icons, labels and text to facilitate understanding and readability; these findings offer guidelines for the design of web user interfaces to continue improving the web experience of autistic users, and therefore of the whole community

    DIPL 1711 AE Introduction to International Relations

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    This course is an introduction to the field of International Relations -its basic concepts, theories and central concerns such as war and peace, conflict and cooperation and poverty and prosperity. The course will provide you with an understanding of the basic concepts in the field, including sovereignty and globalization and power and interdependence. We will examine different levels of analysis that structure this inquiry, and learn the different ways in which scholars of global politics explain the evolution and functioning of the international system. The course will focus on the nation-state, historically the primary actor in IR, as well as examine the growing role of non-state actors, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and Inter-governmental Organizations (IGOs). Students will develop a basic understanding of different theoretical approaches and utilize these lenses to explain international events, applying this knowledge to explain and understand the foreign relations of specific countries in the international system. As a course designed to meet the Oral Communication Proficiency, students will also be expected to demonstrate and hone oral and written communications skills

    Heuristic remedial actions in the reliability assessment of high voltage direct current networks

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    Planning of high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids requires inclusion of reliability assessment of alternatives under study. This paper proposes a methodology to evaluate the adequacy of voltage source converter/VSC-HVDC networks. The methodology analyses the performance of the system using N-1 and N-2 contingencies in order to detect weaknesses in the DC network and evaluates two types of remedial actions to keep the entire system under the acceptable operating limits. The remedial actions are applied when a violation of these limits on the DC system occurs; those include topology changes in the network and adjustments of power settings of VSC converter stations. The CIGRE B4 DC grid test system is used for evaluating the reliability/adequacy performance by means of the proposed methodology in this paper. The proposed remedial actions are effective for all contingencies; then, numerical results are as expected. This work is useful for planning and operation of grids based on VSC-HVDC technology

    Análisis tributario y contable de las resoluciones de intendencia improcedentes en la solicitud del SFMB y su efecto en la liquidez, caso: Agrícola SAC 2020 – 2021

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    Las empresas exportadoras tienen la ayuda de solicitar el saldo a favor materia de beneficio para poder mejorar la liquidez, para el caso de AGRICOLA SAC, SUNAT le viene emitiendo las Resoluciones de Intendencia Denegatorias, lo cual genera un retraso en dicha solicitud, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar tributaria y contablemente las Resoluciones de Intendendencia Denegatorias, y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa, se ha reunido la información contable y tributaria de la empresa, mediante cuestionarios al personal encargado de la contabilidad, tablas comparativas, hojas de cálculo en Excel y análisis de la liquidez de los estados financieros, dentro de los resultados encontrados, la empresa vienen presentando desde el año 2019 la solicitud del Saldo a Favor Materia de Beneficio sin tener éxito, tiene acumulado 5 resoluciones de Intendencia Denegatorias, del análisis a las resoluciones se determinó que en su gran mayoría eran errores de digitación del llenado del PDB- Exportadores, como conclusión general la empresa comete errores al momento de llenar el PDB-Exportadores, algunos son sencillos y pueden ser subsanados, SUNAT es muy estricta al momento determinar sus observaciones y no da oportunidad a las empresas para sustentar las inconsistencias, se recomienda a la empresa realizar un exhaustiva revisión de su información y no dejar pasar tanto tiempo en volver a solicitar la devolución

    Evaluation of Seawater Intrusion using Electrical Resistivity Surveys and Geochemical Measurements in Brazoria County, Texas

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    Seawater intrusion is one of the world's leading causes of groundwater contamination in coastal aquifers. In the United States, relatively little research has been conducted in the Gulf Coast Region bordering the state of Texas, even though the coastal zones of this state have been rendered potentially vulnerable to seawater intrusion. Furthermore, most investigations of saltwater intrusion processes globally have focused on numerical modeling experiments and sand-tank experimentations, which highlight the need to acquire reliable geologic information about an aquifer system, and the potential saltwater-freshwater interfaces present in it. Field investigations from geophysical and geochemical approaches present a valid effort to provide an improved spatial understanding of seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers, and a scientific basis for decision-makers and groundwater stakeholders to take appropriate actions for the benefit of water resources and their direct impact on people’s lives. This study applies electrical resistivity surveys to image the subsurface in Brazoria County, a site selected by analyzing available salinity data of water wells in Texas. Geophysical measurements were collected by using two transects covering the distance between a zone with wells that displayed high and low TDS in the study area, as well as an additional transect located in the surrounding area of a water well that was sampled for this study. Eight groundwater wells were sampled, and geochemical analyses were employed to calibrate and expand the results obtained with the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Geochemical indicators of seawater intrusion, such as elevated levels of SpC, sodium, and chloride concentrations were detected in the study area, especially in the regions closer to the coastline. Resistive and conductive structures were found at depth; therefore, the application of ERT in this study proves to be an effective tool in characterizing the subsurface in this region and assessing seawater intrusion, leading to an improved understanding of the spatial distribution of freshwater and saline water that was unattainable with the previously deployed techniques. Further investigation is recommended to characterize the subsurface in this region by employing ERT in additional locations, counteracting the effects of spatial variability and informing groundwater practitioners more accurately, with the objective of taking appropriate actions to protect and manage water resources


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    Un portafolio de inversión creado bajo la metodología de Markowitz tiene un riesgo menor y un rendimiento mayor que un portafolio de inversión aleatorio. La estructura de este trabajo consta de cuatro capítulos. En el primero se hablara del Sistema Financiero Mexicano, su integración, regulación, funciones etc. El segundo capítulo, se hablará de manera específica sobre las sociedades de inversión, como se constituyen, su clasificación y demás aspectos generales sobre ellas. Para el tercer capítulo, se presenta la teoría que se utiliza en la creación y optimización del portafolio, que es la llamada Teoría del Portafolio de Markowitz. En el cuarto capítulo, se verá la aplicación del modelo de Markowitz, en donde se pondrá en práctica el fundamento teórico del capítulo 3, esto con el fin de crear el portafolio óptimo

    Diseño de la trocha carrozable San Francisco-Chontabamba-Lascan, distrito de Conchán, provincia de Chota, departamento de Cajamarca, 2022

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    Mediante la presente tesis se plantea el diseño una trocha carrozable, que beneficiara los caseríos de San Francisco, Chontabamba y Lascan ubicadas en el distrito de Conchan, provincia de Chota en la región de Cajamarca. Por consiguiente, se ha llevado a cabo todos los estudios de ingeniería propios de una carretera, teniendo como base los manuales vigentes publicados por el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC). Según la clasificación por demanda, la carretera se le diseñara como una trocha carrozable, con un ancho de calzada 4 metros y con plazoletas cada 500 metros. La longitud de apertura es de 14.69 kilómetros, la cual será mejorado con afirmado. La vía contara con obras de arte, cuyo propósito es facilitar el drenaje de las aguas de lluvia, y en efecto mantener y prolongar su vida útil. Finalmente, mediante el estudio de impacto ambiental, se analizó los posibles impactos positivos y negativos que generara la puesta en marcha de este proyecto