644 research outputs found

    Compositional uniformity, domain patterning and the mechanism underlying nano-chessboard arrays

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    We propose that systems exhibiting compositional patterning at the nanoscale, so far assumed to be due to some kind of ordered phase segregation, can be understood instead in terms of coherent, single phase ordering of minority motifs, caused by some constrained drive for uniformity. The essential features of this type of arrangements can be reproduced using a superspace construction typical of uniformity-driven orderings, which only requires the knowledge of the modulation vectors observed in the diffraction patterns. The idea is discussed in terms of a simple two dimensional lattice-gas model that simulates a binary system in which the dilution of the minority component is favored. This simple model already exhibits a hierarchy of arrangements similar to the experimentally observed nano-chessboard and nano-diamond patterns, which are described as occupational modulated structures with two independent modulation wave vectors and simple step-like occupation modulation functions.Comment: Preprint. 11 pages, 11 figure

    Magnetic superspace groups and symmetry constraints in incommensurate magnetic phases

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    Although superspace formalism has become the standard approach for the analysis of structurally modulated crystals, it has remained during the last thirty years almost unexplored as a practical tool to deal with magnetic incommensurate structures. This situation has recently changed with the development of new computer tools for magnetic phases based on this formalism. In this context we show here that, as in the case of nonmagnetic incommensurate systems, the concept of superspace symmetry provides a simple, efficient and systematic way to characterize the symmetry and rationalize the structural and physical properties of incommensurate magnetic materials. The method introduces significant advantages over the most commonly employed method of representation analysis for the description of the magnetic structure of a crystal. But, more importantly, in contrast with that method, it consistently yields and classifies all degrees of freedom of the system. The knowledge of the superspace group of an incommensurate magnetic material allows to predict its crystal tensor properties and to rationalize its phase diagram, previous to any appeal to microscopic models or mechanisms. This is especially relevant when the properties of incommensurate multiferroics are being studied. We present first a summary of the superspace method under a very practical viewpoint particularized to magnetic modulations. Its relation with the usual representation analysis is then analyzed in detail, with the derivation of important general rules for magnetic modulations with a single propagation vector. The power and efficiency of the formalism is illustrated with various selected examples, including some multiferroic materials

    Large ferroelectric polarization in the new double perovskite NaLaMnWO6_{6} induced by non-polar instabilities

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    Based on density functional theory calculations and group theoretical analysis, we have studied NaLaMnWO6_{6} compound which has been recently synthesized [Phys. Rev. B 79, 224428 (2009)] and belongs to the AABBO6AA'BB'{\rm O}_{6} family of double perovskites. At low temperature, the structure has monoclinic P21P2_{1} symmetry, with layered ordering of the Na and La ions and rocksalt ordering of Mn and W ions. The Mn atoms show an antiferromagnetic (AFM) collinear spin ordering, and the compound has been reported as a potential multiferroic. By comparing the low symmetry structure with a parent phase of P4/nmmP4/nmm symmetry, two distortion modes are found dominant. They correspond to MnO6_{6} and WO6_{6} octahedron \textit{tilt} modes, often found in many simple perovskites. While in the latter these common tilting instabilities yield non-polar phases, in NaLaMnWO6_{6} the additional presence of the AA-AA^{'} cation ordering is sufficient to make these rigid unit modes as a source of the ferroelectricity. Through a trilinear coupling with the two unstable tilting modes, a significant polar distortion is induced, although the system has no intrinsic polar instability. The calculated electric polarization resulting from this polar distortion is as large as \sim 16 μC/cm2{\mu}{\rm C/cm^{2}}. Despite its secondary character, this polarization is coupled with the dominant tilting modes and its switching is bound to produce the switching of one of two tilts, enhancing in this way a possible interaction with the magnetic ordering. The transformation of common non-polar purely steric instabilities into sources of ferroelectricity through a controlled modification of the parent structure, as done here by the cation ordering, is a phenomenon to be further explored.Comment: Physical Chemistry Chemical physics (in press

    High-temperature phase transitions in SrBi_2Ta_2O_9 film: a study by THz spectroscopy

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    Time-domain THz transmission experiment was performed on a SrBi2Ta2O9\rm SrBi_2Ta_2O_9 film deposited on sapphire substrate. Temperatures between 300 and 923 K were investigated and complex permittivity spectra of the film were determined. The lowest frequency optic phonon near 28 cm1^{-1} reveals a slow monotonic decrease in frequency on heating with no significant anomaly near the phase transitions. We show that the dielectric anomaly near the ferroelectric phase transition can be explained by slowing down of a relaxational mode, observed in the THz spectra. A second harmonic generation signal observed in a single crystal confirms a loss of center of symmetry in the ferroelectric phase and a presence of polar clusters in the intermediate ferroelastic phase.Comment: subm. to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    First-principles study of the ferroelastic phase transition in CaCl_2

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    First-principles density-functional calculations within the local-density approximation and the pseudopotential approach are used to study and characterize the ferroelastic phase transition in calcium chloride (CaCl_2). In accord with experiment, the energy map of CaCl_2 has the typical features of a pseudoproper ferroelastic with an optical instability as ultimate origin of the phase transition. This unstable optic mode is close to a pure rigid unit mode of the framework of chlorine atoms and has a negative Gruneisen parameter. The ab-initio ground state agrees fairly well with the experimental low temperature structure extrapolated at 0K. The calculated energy map around the ground state is interpreted as an extrapolated Landau free-energy and is successfully used to explain some of the observed thermal properties. Higher-order anharmonic couplings between the strain and the unstable optic mode, proposed in previous literature as important terms to explain the soft-phonon temperature behavior, are shown to be irrelevant for this purpose. The LAPW method is shown to reproduce the plane-wave results in CaCl_2 within the precision of the calculations, and is used to analyze the relative stability of different phases in CaCl_2 and the chemically similar compound SrCl_2.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, uses RevTeX

    Phonons from neutron powder diffraction

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    The spherically averaged structure function \soq obtained from pulsed neutron powder diffraction contains both elastic and inelastic scattering via an integral over energy. The Fourier transformation of \soq to real space, as is done in the pair density function (PDF) analysis, regularizes the data, i.e. it accentuates the diffuse scattering. We present a technique which enables the extraction of off-center phonon information from powder diffraction experiments by comparing the experimental PDF with theoretical calculations based on standard interatomic potentials and the crystal symmetry. This procedure (dynamics from powder diffraction(DPD)) has been successfully implemented for two systems, a simple metal, fcc Ni, and an ionic crystal, CaF2_{2}. Although computationally intensive, this data analysis allows for a phonon based modeling of the PDF, and additionally provides off-center phonon information from powder neutron diffraction

    The order parameter-entropy relation in some universal classes: experimental evidence

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    The asymptotic behaviour near phase transitions can be suitably characterized by the scaling of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 with ϵ=1T/Tc\epsilon=1-T/T_c, where Δs\Delta s is the excess entropy and QQ is the order parameter. As Δs\Delta s is obtained by integration of the experimental excess specific heat of the transition Δc\Delta c, it displays little experimental noise so that the curve log(Δs/Q2)\log(\Delta s/Q^2) versus logϵ\log\epsilon is better constrained than, say, logΔc\log\Delta c versus logϵ\log\epsilon. The behaviour of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 for different universality classes is presented and compared. In all cases, it clearly deviates from being a constant. The determination of this function can then be an effective method to distinguish asymptotic critical behaviour. For comparison, experimental data for three very different systems, Rb2CoF4, Rb2ZnCl4 and SrTiO3, are analysed under this approach. In SrTiO3, the function Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 does not deviate within experimental resolution from a straight line so that, although Q can be fitted with a non mean-field exponent, the data can be explained by a classical Landau mean-field behaviour. In contrast, the behaviour of Δs/Q2\Delta s/Q^2 for the antiferromagnetic transition in Rb2CoF4 and the normal-incommensurate phase transition in Rb2ZCl4 is fully consistent with the asymptotic critical behaviour of the universality class corresponding to each case. This analysis supports, therefore, the claim that incommensurate phase transitions in general, and the A2_2BX4_4 compounds in particular, in contrast with most structural phase transitions, have critical regions large enough to be observable.Comment: 13 pp. 9 ff. 2 tab. RevTeX. Submitted to J. Phys.: Cond. Matte

    Advances in ab-initio theory of Multiferroics. Materials and mechanisms: modelling and understanding

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    Within the broad class of multiferroics (compounds showing a coexistence of magnetism and ferroelectricity), we focus on the subclass of "improper electronic ferroelectrics", i.e. correlated materials where electronic degrees of freedom (such as spin, charge or orbital) drive ferroelectricity. In particular, in spin-induced ferroelectrics, there is not only a {\em coexistence} of the two intriguing magnetic and dipolar orders; rather, there is such an intimate link that one drives the other, suggesting a giant magnetoelectric coupling. Via first-principles approaches based on density functional theory, we review the microscopic mechanisms at the basis of multiferroicity in several compounds, ranging from transition metal oxides to organic multiferroics (MFs) to organic-inorganic hybrids (i.e. metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Hypermethioninaemia due to methionine adenosyltransferase I/III (MAT I/III) deficiency: diagnosis in an expanded neonatal screening programme

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    The Expanded Newborn Screening Program (MS/MS) in the region of Galicia (NW Spain) was initiated in 2000 and includes the measurement of methionine levels in dried blood spots. Between June 2000 and June 2007, 140 818 newborns were analysed, and six cases of persistent hypermethioninaemia were detected: one homocystinuria due to cystathionine β-synthase (CβS) deficiency, and five methionine adenosyltransferase I/III (MAT I/III) deficiencies. The five cases of MAT I/III deficiency represent an incidence of 1/28 163 newborns. In these five patients, methionine levels in dried blood spots ranged from 50 to 147 μmol/L. At confirmation of the persistence of the hypermethioninaemia in a subsequent plasma sample, plasma methionine concentrations were moderately elevated in 4 of the 5 patients (mean 256 μmol/L), while total homocysteine (tHcy) was normal; the remaining patient showed plasma methionine of 573 μmol/L and tHcy of 22.8 μmol/L. All five patients were heterozygous for the same dominant mutation, R264H in the MAT1A gene. With a diet not exceeding recommended protein requirements for their age, all patients maintained methionine levels below 300 μmol/L. Currently, with a mean of 2.5 years since diagnosis, the patients are asymptomatic and show developmental quotients within the normal range. Our results show a rather high frequency of hypermethioninaemia due to MAT I/III deficiency in the Galician neonatal population, indicating a need for further studies to evaluate the impact of persistent isolated hypermethioninaemia in neonatal screening programmes