340 research outputs found

    Understanding organizational memory from the integrated management systems (ERP)

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    Com esta pesquisa, no formato de ensaio teórico abordou-se o tema da Memória Organizacional e os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP), buscando apresentar alguns indícios de como este tipo de sistema pode colaborar para a consolidação de algumas funcionalidades da Memória Organizacional. A partir de uma revisão teórica sobre os conceitos da Memória Humana, com extensão à Memória Organizacional e Sistemas de Informação, com ênfase nos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP), procurou-se estabelecer um paralelo entre as funcionalidades e estruturas da Memória Organizacional e as funcionalidades e características dos ERPs. A escolha do sistema ERP para este estudo deveu-se à complexidade e escopo abrangente deste sistema. Pôde-se constatar que os ERPs suportam de forma adequada algumas funções da Memória Organizacional, com destaque à implementação das lógicas, processos, práticas e regras vigentes de negócio. Espera-se que o diálogo aqui apresentado possa contribuir para o avanço do entendimento da Memória Organizacional, visto que à semelhança da Memória Humana, é um campo fértil e ainda existe muito a ser pesquisado.With this research, in the form of theoretical essay addressed to the theme of Organizational Memory and Integrated Management Systems (ERP) we tried to present some evidence of how this type of system can contribute to the consolidation of certain features of Organizational Memory. From a theoretical review of the concepts of Human Memory, extending to the Organizational Memory and Information Systems, with emphasis on Integrated Management Systems (ERP) we tried to draw a parallel between the functions and structures of Organizational Memory and features and characteristics of ERPs. The choice of ERP system for this study was due to the complexity and broad scope of this system which adequately support many of the functions of the Organizational Memory, highlighting the implementation of logical, processes, practices and rules in business. It is hoped that the dialogue presented here can contribute to the advancement of the understanding of organizational memory, since the similarity of Human Memory, is a fertile field and there is still much to be researched

    Interview with Gilberto Perez: A South Texas Conjunto Legend’s Memories of Hurricane Beulah and Recording “Las Crecientes de Beulah” - Part 01

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    Compreendendo a memória organizacional a partir dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP)

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    Com esta pesquisa, no formato de ensaio teórico abordou-se o tema da Memória Organizacional e os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP), buscando apresentar alguns indícios de como este tipo de sistema pode colaborar para a consolidação de algumas funcionalidades da Memória Organizacional. A partir de uma revisão teórica sobre os conceitos da Memória Humana, com extensão à Memória Organizacional e Sistemas de Informação, com ênfase nos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP), procurou-se estabelecer um paralelo entre as funcionalidades e estruturas da Memória Organizacional e as funcionalidades e características dos ERPs. A escolha do sistema ERP para este estudo deveu-se à complexidade e escopo abrangente deste sistema. Pôde-se constatar que os ERPs suportam de forma adequada algumas funções da Memória Organizacional, com destaque à implementação das lógicas, processos, práticas e regras vigentes de negócio. Espera-se que o diálogo aqui apresentado possa contribuir para o avanço do entendimento da Memória Organizacional, visto que à semelhança da Memória Humana, é um campo fértil e ainda existe muito a ser pesquisado.With this research, in the form of a theoretical essay addressing the theme of Organizational Memory and Integrated Management Systems (ERP), we tried to present some evidence of how this type of system can contribute to the consolidation of certain features of Organizational Memory. From a theoretical review of the concepts of Human Memory, extending to the Organizational Memory and Information Systems, with emphasis on Integrated Management Systems (ERP) we tried to draw a parallel between the functions and structures of Organizational Memory and features and characteristics of ERPs. The choice of the ERP system for this study was made due to the complexity and broad scope of this system. It was verified that the ERPs adequately support many functions of the Organizational Memory, highlighting the implementation of logical processes, practices and rules in business. It is hoped that the dialogue presented here can contribute to the advancement of the understanding of organizational memory, since the similarity of Human Memory is a fertile field and there is still much to be researched

    Interview with Gilberto Perez: A South Texas Conjunto Legend’s Memories of Hurricane Beulah and Recording “Las Crecientes de Beulah” - Part 02

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    Determinant factors of information systems adoption in the health area: a study of the electronic patient record

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    Este artigo relata pesquisa que analisou os principais fatores que afetam a adoção da inovação tecnológica em sistemas de informações na área de saúde e os reflexos dessa adoção para os indivíduos, profissionais e grupos sociais envolvidos com a inovação. Na pesquisa realizada, foi estudada a adoção do prontuário médico eletrônico em uma instituição de saúde envolvendo usuários médicos, profissionais de enfermagem e pessoal administrativo. Os dados coletados foram apurados via análise de regressão linear múltipla e modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a adoção da inovação em sistemas de informações na área de saúde é influenciada por características percebidas pelo uso dessa inovação e acarreta reflexos na percepção de novas possibilidades de inovação no trabalho.This article reports a research which analyzed the main factors that affect the adoption of technological innovation in health information systems and the reflexes of this adoption for the individuals, professionals and social groups involved with the innovation. In the accomplished research was studied the adoption of an electronic patient record system in a health institution involving medical users, nursing professionals and administrative people. The collected data were analyzed using multiple linear regression and structural equation modeling. The research results indicate that the adoption of an innovation in information systems at the health area is influenced by perceived characteristic by the use of this innovation and carries perception reflexes to new possibilities of innovation at work

    Inovação aberta: um estudo sobre as empresas 3M e Natura - Brasil

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    Objective: The general aim of this study is to verify how Natura and 3M businesses included open innovation in their everyday practices.Methodology: The chosen method is qualitative research of exploratory nature. The strategy adopted for the collection and analysis of data is based on the Grounded Theory approach guided by Charmaz's (2009) study in three distinct stages. At each stage of collection and analysis, the data was openly encoded (at first), followed by a more focused and theoretical coding to obtain the theoretical coding categories.Originality: This study sought to enrich the knowledge on open innovation through research in 3M Brazil and Natura's companies, which allowed relating open innovation with organizational strategy and as a complement to the innovative process.Main results: The results show that open innovation is understood by companies like a strategy that permeates the ecosystem to the complement of resources, skills, technology, and valuable knowledge in their relationships in the innovation process.Theoretical Contributions: This research contributes empirically to broaden the understanding of open innovation as a company strategy. The results reveal open innovation as a strategy that permeates the ecosystem, in addition to complement resources, capacities, technologies, and knowledge that add value to the innovation process.Objetivo del trabajo: El objetivo general de este estudio es constatar cómo las empresas 3M Brasil y Natura entienden la innovación abierta en sus prácticas diarias.Metodología: El método utilizado fue la investigación exploratoria cualitativa. La estrategia adoptada para la recopilación y el análisis de datos se basó en el enfoque de la teoría fundamentada guiado por el trabajo de Charmaz (2009) en tres etapas distintas. En cada fase de recopilación y análisis, los datos se codificaron abiertamente (inicial), seguidos de codificación focalizada y codificación.Originalidad: Este estudio buscó enriquecer el conocimiento sobre el tema innovación abierta, a través de la investigación en las empresas 3M Brasil y Natura, permitido relacionar la innovación abierta con la estrategia organizacional y como complemento del proceso innovador.Principales resultados: Los resultados indican que las empresas entienden la innovación abierta como la estrategia que impregna el ecosistema para complementar recursos valiosos, capacidades, tecnología y conocimiento en sus relaciones en el proceso de innovación.Contribuciones teóricas: Esta investigación contribuye empíricamente a ampliar la comprensión de la innovación abierta como estrategia de la empresa. Los resultados revelan la innovación abierta como una estrategia que impregna el ecosistema, a fin de aportar como complemento, recursos, capacidades, tecnologías y conocimientos que agregan valor al proceso de innovación.Objetivo do Trabalho: O objetivo geral deste estudo consiste em verificar como as empresas 3M Brasil e Natura compreendem a inovação aberta em suas práticas cotidianas.Metodologia: O método utilizado foi a pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório. A estratégia adotada para coleta e análise dos dados baseou-se na abordagem da Grounded Theory orientados pelo trabalho de Charmaz (2009) em três etapas distintas. Em cada fase da coleta e análise, os dados foram codificados de forma aberta (inicial), seguida de codificação focalizada e codificação teórica.Originalidade: Neste estudo buscou-se enriquecer o conhecimento sobre o tema inovação aberta, por meio de pesquisa nas empresas 3M Brasil e Natura, permitindo relacionar Inovação aberta com estratégia organizacional e como complemento para o processo inovativo.Principais Resultados:Os resultados apontam que a inovação aberta é compreendida pelas empresas como a estratégia que permeia o ecossistema para o complemento de recursos, capacidades, tecnologia e conhecimento valiosos em seus relacionamentos no processo de inovação.  Contribuições Teóricas: Esta pesquisa contribui empiricamente no sentido de ampliar o entendimento de inovação aberta como estratégia da empresa. Os resultados revelam a inovação aberta enquanto estratégia que permeia o ecossistema, no intuito de trazer como complemento, recursos, capacidades, tecnologias e conhecimentos que agreguem valor ao processo de inovação

    Identification of dynamic capabilities in open innovation

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    Purpose – This study aims to understand the interaction between capabilities inherent in open innovationand dynamic capabilities (sensing, seizing and transforming) as a source of competitive advantage.Design/methodology/approach – Qualitative method and grounded theory were used as guidelines fordata collection and analysis.Findings – The study identifies a set of capabilities in the practice of open innovation related to dynamiccapabilities, which indicates the importance of developing dynamic capability in the strategic management ofinternal and external knowledge in the company.Research limitations/implications – The number of interviewees approached herein do not allowgeneralizations, but the use of grounded theory through various strategies of data collection in the interviewsallowed the triangulation of the data, increasing the credibility, validity and quality of the research.Originality/value – This study presents capabilities identified in open innovation and their relationshipwith dynamic capabilities, identifying the importance of the dynamic capability in the strategic managementof internal and external knowledge in the company as a source of competitive advantage

    Insights into wheat science: a bibliometric review using unsupervised machine learning techniques

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    Wheat (Triticum spp.) has been one of the most important cereal crops, serving as a source of protein and energy in the human diet. It remains a vital component of global food security, with extensive scientific literature dedicated to its study, although the large volume of literature often hinders global analysis. In this study, different unsupervised machine learning techniques, such as K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP), text mining analyses, including word embeddings and statistical word analysis, and graph analysis methodologies, were applied to gain a deeper understanding of the wheat literature. The proposed bibliometric analysis was conducted and integrated with the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) to identify major wheat research trends in the PubMed literature. This analysis examined the evolution of these trends over time, evaluated the geographical distribution, impact, and research domains, and assessed author collaboration networks and the evolving relevance of different countries. Research on disease resistance, genetic modification, and dietary impact demonstrates a consistent increase in output, while interest in topics related to overcoming salt stress and enhancing animal feed appears to be diminishing. Interestingly, research on wheat germ agglutinin saw a surge in interest during the late 2000s, stabilizing thereafter. These trends underscore the dynamic nature of wheat research, driven by evolving priorities and technological advancements, particularly in genetics and omics tools. Moreover, the increasing significance of China in wheat research, including its size, impact, and networking, alongside longstanding leaders such as the United States, signals a shifting landscape in global wheat research.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50006/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50006/2020Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2022/03Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431G2019/06Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D-2023-003Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    A novel gluten knowledge base of potential biomedical and health-related interactions extracted from the literature: using machine learning and graph analysis methodologies to reconstruct the bibliome

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    Background In return for their nutritional properties and broad availability, cereal crops have been associated with different alimentary disorders and symptoms, with the majority of the responsibility being attributed to gluten. Therefore, the research of gluten-related literature data continues to be produced at ever-growing rates, driven in part by the recent exploratory studies that link gluten to non-traditional diseases and the popularity of gluten-free diets, making it increasingly difficult to access and analyse practical and structured information. In this sense, the accelerated discovery of novel advances in diagnosis and treatment, as well as exploratory studies, produce a favourable scenario for disinformation and misinformation. Objectives Aligned with, the European Union strategy “Delivering on EU Food Safety and Nutrition in 2050″ which emphasizes the inextricable links between imbalanced diets, the increased exposure to unreliable sources of information and misleading information, and the increased dependency on reliable sources of information; this paper presents GlutKNOIS, a public and interactive literature-based database that reconstructs and represents the experimental biomedical knowledge extracted from the gluten-related literature. The developed platform includes different external database knowledge, bibliometrics statistics and social media discussion to propose a novel and enhanced way to search, visualise and analyse potential biomedical and health-related interactions in relation to the gluten domain. Methods For this purpose, the presented study applies a semi-supervised curation workflow that combines natural language processing techniques, machine learning algorithms, ontology-based normalization and integration approaches, named entity recognition methods, and graph knowledge reconstruction methodologies to process, classify, represent and analyse the experimental findings contained in the literature, which is also complemented by data from the social discussion. Results and conclusions In this sense, 5814 documents were manually annotated and 7424 were fully automatically processed to reconstruct the first online gluten-related knowledge database of evidenced health-related interactions that produce health or metabolic changes based on the literature. In addition, the automatic processing of the literature combined with the knowledge representation methodologies proposed has the potential to assist in the revision and analysis of years of gluten research. The reconstructed knowledge base is public and accessible at https://sing-group.org/glutknois/Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50006/2020Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019-032Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431G2019/06Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2022/03Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Information systems and organizational memory: a literature review

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    The advancement of technologies and Information Systems (IS) associated with the search for success in the competitive market leads organizations to seek strategies that assist in acquisition, retention, storage, and dissemination of knowledge in the organization in order to be reused in time, preserving its Organizational Memory (OM). The Organizational Memory Information Systems (OMIS) rises as an enhancer of the OM, providing effective support and resources for the organization, assisting on decision-making, in the solution of problems, as well as in quality and generation of products and services. This article is an analysis of some OMIS selected from a literature review about its features and functionality in order to understand how these information systems are seen by the organizations. With this research, we realized that it is still inexpressive this relationship between OM and IS, even with the existence of some cases of success in the use of OMIS in the literature. The literature reveals that the individuals' knowledge is not integrated on information systems management process in most organizations, getting much of the knowledge of individuals generated in the organization retained in own individual. It is easy to see that there is a need for strategies and mechanisms in the organization to stimulate and provide a better knowledge sharing between individuals which, when associated to IS, allow greater control and effective use of the Organizational Memory.This work was supported by CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil and by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2015.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio