1,925 research outputs found

    Selección de las máquinas para sala de corte

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    En la cartilla se presentan especificaciones técnicas de máquinas básicas que se utilizan en el salón de corte, tipos de máquinas, uso apropiado de la maquina según la labor a realizar, así como parámetros a tener en cuenta para la selección de la maquina como: potencia de las máquinas de corte, tamaño, facilidad de corte, fuerza a aportar por el operario, velocidad de corte y eficiencia de corte.The letter presents the technical specifications of the basic machines that are used in the machine room, types of machines, appropriate use of the machine according to the work done, as well as parameters to take into account for the selection of the machine as: power of cutting machines, size, ease of cutting, force to contribute to the operation, cutting speed and cutting efficiency.Objetivos -- Selección de máquinas para salón de corte: Potencia – Tamaño -- Carrera de la cuchilla -- Cómo escoger la máquina correcta -- Piense en la escala reducida -- Corte de extremos -- Perforadoras eléctricas de patrones -- Características de las máquinas cortadoras -- Velocidad de corte de la máquina de cuchilla vertical -- Eficiencia de corte de la cuchilla circular -- Seleccionando la máquina justa -- Evaluaciónn

    Role of Plasticizers on PHB/bio-TPE Blends Compatibilized by Reactive Extrusion

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    Poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is a biopolymer biologically synthesized by controlled bac- terial fermentation from a wide variety of microorganisms. PHB is proposed as a potential green alternative to commonly used plastics in packaging, due to its biodegradability and biocompatibility. However, if PHB is to replace commodities, it has some limitations regarding its thermo-mechanical performance to overcome. Among them are its critically the low toughness values at room tem- perature and poor thermoforming ability. With the aim of overcoming these weaknesses, in this work, blends of PHB with the addition of a biodegradable thermoplastic elastomer (bio-TPE) were prepared and evaluated. Films of such compounds were made by cast extrusion. In order to enhance the compatibility of both polymers during the extrusion process, three different reactive agents (poly-hexametylene diisocianate, triglycidyl isocyanurate, and Joncryl® ADR-4368) were assessed. The morphology and mechanical- and thermal properties of the films obtained were analyzed. In addition, the thermoforming ability of the produced films was evaluated. The results show that the plasticizers present in the bio-TPE interacted with the reactive agents, making them chemical competitors and altering the outcome of the blends

    Transverse ratchet effect and superconducting vortices: simulation and experiment

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    A transverse ratchet effect has been measured in magnetic/ superconducting hybrid films fabricated by electron beam lithography and magnetron sputtering techniques. The samples are Nb films grown on top of an array of Ni nanotriangles. Injecting an ac current parallel to the triangle reflection symmetry axis yields an output dc voltage perpendicular to the current, due to a net motion of flux vortices in the superconductor. The effect is reproduced by numerical simulations of vortices as Langevin particles with realistic parameters. Simulations provide an intuitive picture of the ratchet mechanism, revealing the fundamental role played by the random intrinsic pinning of the superconductor

    Avian influenza virus isolated in wild waterfowl in Argentina: Evidence of a potentially unique phylogenetic lineage in South America

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    Avian influenza (AI) viruses have been sporadically isolated in South America. The most recent reports are from an outbreak in commercial poultry in Chile in 2002 and its putative ancestor from a wild bird in Bolivia in 2001. Extensive surveillance in wild birds was carried out in Argentina during 2006-2007. Using RRT-PCR, 12 AI positive detections were made from cloacal swabs. One of those positive samples yielded an AI virus isolated from a wild kelp gull (Larus dominicanus) captured in the South Atlantic coastline of Argentina. Further characterization by nucleotide sequencing reveals that it belongs to the H13N9 subtype. Phylogenetic analysis of the 8 viral genes suggests that the 6 internal genes are related to the isolates from Chile and Bolivia. The analysis also indicates that a cluster of phylogenetically related AI viruses from South America may have evolved independently, with minimal gene exchange, from influenza viruses in other latitudes. The data produced from our investigations are valuable contributions to the study of AI viruses in South America.Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectore

    Electrophysiological and morphological heterogeneity of slow firing neurons in medial septal/diagonal band complex as revealed by cluster analysis

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    Slow firing septal neurons modulate hippocampal and neocortical functions. Electrophysiologically, it is unclear whether slow firing neurons belong to a homogeneous neuronal population. To address this issue, whole-cell patch recordings and neuronal reconstructions were performed on rat brain slices containing the medial septum/diagonal band complex (MS/DB). Slow firing neurons were identified by their low firing rate at threshold (\u3c 5Hz) and lack of time-dependent inward rectification (Ih). Unsupervised cluster analysis was used to investigate whether slow firing neurons could be further classified into different subtypes. The parameters used for the cluster analysis included latency for first spike, slow afterhyperpolarizing potential, maximal frequency and action potential (AP) decay slope. Neurons were grouped into three major subtypes. The majority of neurons (55%) were grouped as cluster I. Cluster II (17% of neurons) exhibited longer latency for generation of the first action potential (246.5±20.1 ms). Cluster III (28% of neurons) exhibited higher maximal firing frequency (25.3±1.7 Hz) when compared to cluster I (12.3±0.9 Hz) and cluster II (11.8±1.1 Hz) neurons. Additionally, cluster III neurons exhibited faster action potentials at suprathreshold. Interestingly, cluster II neurons were frequently located in the medial septum whereas neurons in cluster I and III appeared scattered throughout all MS/DB regions. Sholl’s analysis revealed a more complex dendritic arborization in cluster III neurons. Cluster I and II neurons exhibited characteristics of “true” slow firing neurons whereas cluster III neurons exhibited higher frequency firing patterns. Several neurons were labeled with a cholinergic marker, Cy3-conjugated 192 IgG (p75NTR), and cholinergic neurons were found to be distributed among the three clusters. Our findings indicate that slow firing medial septal neurons are heterogeneous and that soma location is an important determinant of their electrophysiological properties. Thus, slow firing neurons from different septal regions have distinct functional properties, most likely related to their diverse connectivity

    Apoptosis of peritoneal leucocytes during early stages of Fasciola hepatica infections in sheep

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    Several immunomodulatory properties have been described in Fasciola hepatica infections. Apoptosis has been shown to be an effective mechanism to avoid the immune response in helminth infections. The aim of the present work was to study apoptosis in peritoneal leucocytes of sheep experimentally infected with F. hepatica during the early stages of infection. Five groups (n = 5) of sheep were used. Groups 2–5 were orally infected with 200 metacercariae (mc) and sacrificed at 1, 3, 9 and 18 days post-infection (dpi), respectively. Group 1 was used as the uninfected control (UC). Apoptosis was detected using three different methods 1) immunocytochemistry (ICC) with a polyclonal antibody anti-active caspase-3; 2) an annexin V flow cytometry assay using the Annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide (PI); and 3) transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The differential leucocyte count revealed that the majority of peritoneal granulocytes were eosinophils, which increased significantly at 9 and 18 dpi with respect to the uninfected controls. The ICC study revealed that the percentage of caspase-3+ apoptotic peritoneal leucocytes increased significantly from 3 dpi onwards with respect to the uninfected controls. The flow cytometry annexin V assay detected a very significant (P < 0.001) increase of apoptotic peritoneal macrophages, lymphocytes and granulocytes, which remained higher than in the UC until 18 dpi. Transmission electron microscopy studies also confirmed the presence of apoptosis in peritoneal eosinophils at 18 dpi. This is the first report of apoptosis induced by F. hepatica in the peritoneal leucocytes of sheep in vivo. The results of this work suggest the importance of apoptosis induction for the survival of the juvenile parasites in the peritoneal migratory stages of infection.This work was supported by EU grants (H2020-635408-PARAGONE) and the Spanish Ministry of Science grant AGL2015-67023-C2-1-R. The TEM studies were carried out by the Central Research Services (SCAI) of the University of CórdobaAccepted manuscriptVeterinari

    Crosstalk between Mu-Opioid receptors and neuroinflammation: Consequences for drug addiction and pain

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    Mu-Opioid Receptors (MORs) are well-known for participating in analgesia, sedation, drug addiction, and other physiological functions. Although MORs have been related to neuroinflammation their biological mechanism remains unclear. It is suggested that MORs work alongside Toll-Like Receptors to enhance the release of pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines during pathological conditions. Some cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6, have been postulated to regulate MORs levels by both avoiding MOR recycling and enhancing its production. In addition, Neurokinin-1 Receptor, also affected during neuroinflammation, could be regulating MOR trafficking. Therefore, inflammation in the central nervous system seems to be associated with altered/increased MORs expression, which might regulate harmful processes, such as drug addiction and pain. Here, we provide a critical evaluation on MORs' role during neuroinflammation and its implication for these conditions. Understanding MORs' functioning, their regulation and implications on drug addiction and pain may help elucidate their potential therapeutic use against these pathological conditions and associated disorders

    Investigaciones dendrogeomorfológicas aplicadas a la gestión de los impactos por erosión hídrica acelerada de suelos en las sendas del parque nacional de Monfragüe

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    En muchos espacios naturales protegidos, el flujo peatonal de visitantes se concentra en determinados sectores del área de uso público, sobre todo en la proximidad de las principales vías de acceso (carreteras, núcleos de población...) y en un reducido número de sendas y caminos peatonales que comunican los elementos más visitados. Es el caso del camino hacia la Cola de Caballo en el parque nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido; el camino a la ermita de San Frutos en el parque natural de las Hoces del río Duratón; o la senda que comunica el Salto del Gitano con el castillo y la ermita en el parque nacional de Monfragüe, por citar algunos ejemplos. Esta concentración de actividades de senderismo produce en determinados tramos de estos caminos y sendas (zonas con suelos arenosos o limosos y altas pendientes) una erosión hídrica acelerada por el efecto físico del pisoteo, compactación y continua fricción. En ocasiones se llegan a formar regueros, pequeños barrancos y se pierden grandes cantidades de suelos fértiles, que además fosilizan y aterran aquéllas zonas donde va a parar la escorrentía, produciendo importantes impactos en estos espacios singulares. Existen numerosos ejemplos de ingentes partidas económicas que los gestores de estos espacios protegidos tienen que destinar a la reparación y recuperación de estas sendas y su entorno. Para ayudar a los gestores es básico disponer de metodologías y herramientas que cuantifiquen esta erosión hídrica (en mm/año) delimitando qué tramos de estas sendas y caminos tienen los mayores problemas erosivos, para así determinar cuáles deben ser prioritarios en su corrección, o qué acciones de restricción de paso o determinación de capacidad de acogida, son necesarias adoptar. Para esta cuantificación son muy útiles, desde hace décadas, las técnicas dendrogeomorfológicas aplicadas a las raíces de árboles que han quedado expuestas a la intemperie por la erosión acelerada en las sendas. En este trabajo se propone una nueva metodología de medición del suelo denudado en relación con la raíz, basado en el estudio microtopográfico de la superficie utilizando moldes y réplicas de alta resolución realizados en diferentes tipos de siliconas, latex y escayolas, y su posterior escaneo tridimensional. La zona piloto donde se ha ensayado esta metodología son los senderos y caminos del parque nacional de Monfragüe (Cáceres), que presentan raíces expuestas debido a la intensa erosión hídrica acelerada como consecuencia de la elevada concentración de visitantes. Los estudios son financiados por el proyecto de investigación IDEA-GesPPNN, del OAPN (MAGRAMA)

    Evaluation of different bowel preparations for small bowel capsule endoscopy: a prospective, randomized, controlled study

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    To obtain an adequate view of the whole small intestine during capsule endoscopy (CE) a clear liquid diet and overnight fasting is recommended. However, intestinal content can hamper vision in spite of these measures. Our aim was to evaluate tolerance and degree of intestinal cleanliness during CE following three types of bowel preparation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled study. Two-hundred ninety-one patients underwent one of the following preparations: 4 L of clear liquids (CL) (group A; 92 patients); 90 mL of aqueous sodium phosphate (group B; 89 patients); or 4 L of a polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution (group C; 92 patients). The degree of cleanliness of the small bowel was classified by blinded examiners according to four categories (excellent, good, fair or poor). The degree of patient satisfaction, gastric and small bowel transit times, and diagnostic yield were measured. RESULTS: The degree of cleanliness did not differ significantly between the groups (P = 0.496). Interobserver concordance was fair (k = 0.38). No significant differences were detected between the diagnostic yields of the CE (P = 0.601). Gastric transit time was 35.7 +/- 3.7 min (group A), 46.1 +/- 8.6 min (group B) and 34.6 +/- 5.0 min (group C) (P = 0.417). Small-intestinal transit time was 276.9 +/- 10.7 min (group A), 249.7 +/- 13.1 min (group B) and 245.6 +/- 11.6 min (group C) (P = 0.120). CL was the best tolerated preparation. Compliance with the bowel preparation regimen was lowest in group C (P = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: A clear liquid diet and overnight fasting is sufficient to achieve an adequate level of cleanliness and is better tolerated by patients than other forms of preparation