87 research outputs found

    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Attachment

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    Introdução: A teoria da vinculação pretende explicar de que forma as disposições biológicas e as experiências precoces predispõem o indivíduo à saúde mental ou à patologia. Objetivos: Reportar um caso de Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva num jovem com padrão de vinculação ansiosa, realizando uma revisão da literatura sobre a associação entre as duas entidades. Métodos: É apresentado um caso clínico de um jovem com Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva com Perturbação de Ingestão Alimentar/Restritiva e de Ansiedade Generalizada comórbidas. O Questionário de Vinculação ao Pai e à Mãe foi aplicado para avaliar o estilo de vinculação. Uma análise bibliográfica sobre o tema foi realizada, evidenciado a contribuição dos processos de vinculação, a abordagem e o tratamento. Resultados: O Questionário de Vinculação ao Pai e à Mãe evidenciou uma vinculação ansiosa no jovem. Conclusões: O presente caso pode ilustrar como um padrão ansioso de vinculação poderá ter influenciado o subsequente desenvolvimento de psicopatologia. Uma abordagem psicofarmacológica, a par da psicoterapêutica envolvendo doente e cuidadores, parece ser a mais adequada tendo-se revelado eficaz neste caso.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative analysis of the volatile fraction from Annona cherimola Mill. cultivars by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry detection

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    The analysis of volatile compounds in Funchal, Madeira, Mateus and Perry Vidal cultivars of Annona cherimola Mill. (cherimoya) was carried out by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC–qMSD). HS-SPME technique was optimized in terms of fibre selection, extraction time, extraction temperature and sample amount to reach the best extraction efficiency. The best result was obtained with 2 g of sample, using a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) fibre for 30 min at 30 °C under constant magnetic stirring (800 rpm). After optimization of the extraction methodology, all the cherimoya samples were analysed with the best conditions that allowed to identify about 60 volatile compounds. The major compounds identified in the four cherimoya cultivars were methyl butanoate, butyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl 3-methylbutanoate and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural. These compounds represent 69.08 ± 5.22%, 56.56 ± 15.36%, 56.69 ± 9.28% and 71.82 ± 1.29% of the total volatiles for Funchal, Madeira, Mateus and Perry Vidal cultivars, respectively. This study showed that each cherimoya cultivars have 40 common compounds, corresponding to different chemical families, namely terpenes, esters, alcohols, fatty acids and carbonyl compounds and using PCA, the volatile composition in terms of average peak areas, provided a suitable tool to differentiate among the cherimoya cultivars

    Potentialities of two solventless extraction approaches—Stir bar sorptive extraction and headspace solid-phase microextraction for determination of higher alcohol acetates, isoamyl esters and ethyl esters in wines

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    A stir bar sorptive extraction with liquid desorption followed by large volume injection coupled to gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry (SBSE-LD/LVI-GC–qMS) was evaluated for the simultaneous determination of higher alcohol acetates (HAA), isoamyl esters (IsoE) and ethyl esters (EE) of fatty acids. The method performance was assessed and compared with other solventless technique, the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) in headspace mode (HS). For both techniques, influential experimental parameters were optimised to provide sensitive and robust methods. The SBSE-LD/LVI methodology was previously optimised in terms of extraction time, influence of ethanol in the matrix, liquid desorption (LD) conditions and instrumental settings. Higher extraction efficiency was obtained using 60 min of extraction time, 10% ethanol content, n-pentane as desorption solvent, 15 min for the back-extraction period, 10 mL min−1 for the solvent vent flow rate and 10 °C for the inlet temperature. For HS-SPME, the fibre coated with 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) afforded highest extraction efficiency, providing the best sensitivity for the target volatiles, particularly when the samples were extracted at 25 °C for 60 min under continuous stirring in the presence of sodium chloride (10% (w/v)). Both methodologies showed good linearity over the concentration range tested, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.984 for HS-SPME and 0.982 for SBES-LD approach, for all analytes. A good reproducibility was attained and low detection limits were achieved using both SBSE-LD (0.03–28.96 μg L−1) and HS-SPME (0.02–20.29 μg L−1) methodologies. The quantification limits for SBSE-LD approach ranging from 0.11 to 96.56 μg L−and from 0.06 to 67.63 μg L−1 for HS-SPME. Using the HS-SPME approach an average recovery of about 70% was obtained whilst by using SBSE-LD obtained average recovery were close to 80%. The analytical and procedural advantages and disadvantages of these two methods have been compared. Both analytical methods were used to determine the HAA, IsoE and EE fatty acids content in “Terras Madeirenses” table wines. A total of 16 esters were identified and quantified from the wine extracts by HS-SPME whereas by SBSE-LD technique were found 25 esters which include 2 higher alcohol acetates, 4 isoamyl esters and 19 ethyl esters of fatty acids. Generally SBSE-LD provided higher sensitivity with decreased analysis time

    Síndrome de Cotard: dois casos de recusa alimentar

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    Introdução: A Síndrome de Cotard é uma condição clínica relativamente rara que se caracteriza por vários graus de delírios niilistas, quase sempre na forma de auto-negação. Objectivos: Descrever dois casos de Síndrome de Cotard associados a recusa alimentar e realizar uma revisão do conceito e das características clínicas desta síndrome. Métodos: Realizou-se a recolha de informa- ção de dois casos clínicos associados a recusa alimentar. Procedeu-se a uma revisão do conceito e das características clínicas que lhe estão associadas. Resultados e Conclusões: O primeiro caso versa sobre uma mulher que acreditava que o seu esófago e estômago estariam colados. Foi medicada com sertralina, mirtazapina e risperidona, com bons resultados. O segundo caso descreve um homem que acreditava que a sua garganta fora queimada e que não possuía nenhum órgão interno. Foi medicado com clomipramina e risperidona, mostrando grande melhoria. Esta síndrome é uma entidade nosológica e clínica que não deve ser esquecida. É essencial fornecer uma abordagem terapêutica urgente e adequada em pacientes com esta síndrome.Background: Cotard´s syndrome is a relatively rare condition characterized by various degrees of nihilist delusions, often in the form of self-negation. Aims: To report two cases of Cotard’s syndrome associated with self-starvation and to review the concept and clinical features of the condition. Methods: Two clinical cases of the syndrome were obtained and a literature review of the theme was shortly surveyed. Results and Conclusions: The first case is about a woman who believed that her esophagus and stomach were glued. She was treated with sertraline, mirtazapine and risperidone with good results. The second case describes a man who believed his throat was burnt and he had no internal organs. He was treated with clomipramine and risperidone showing great improvement. This syndrome is a nosological and clinical entity that should not be forgotten. It is essential to provide an urgent and adequate therapeutic approach to these patients

    Comparison of two extraction methods for evaluation of volatile constituents patterns in commercial whiskeys: Elucidation of the main odour-active compounds

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    An analytical procedure based on manual dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) method and the conventional extraction method by liquid–liquid extraction (LLE), were compared for their effectiveness in the extraction and quantification of volatile compounds from commercial whiskey samples. Seven extraction solvents covering a wide range of polarities and two SPME fibres coatings, has been evaluated. The highest amounts extracted, were achieved using dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) by LLE method (LLECH2Cl2)(LLECH2Cl2) and using a CAR/PDMS fibre (SPMECAR/PDMS) in HS-SPME. Each method was used to determine the responses of 25 analytes from whiskeys and calibration standards, in order to provide sensitivity comparisons between the two methods. Calibration curves were established in a synthetic whiskey and linear correlation coefficient (r ) were greater than 0.9929 for LLECH2Cl2LLECH2Cl2 and 0.9935 for SPMECAR/PDMS, for all target compounds. Recoveries greater than 80% were achieved. For most compounds, precision (expressed by relative standard deviation, R.S.D.) are very good, with R.S.D. values lower than 14.78% for HS-SPME method and than 19.42% for LLE method. The detection limits ranged from 0.13 to 19.03 μg L−1 for SPME procedure and from 0.50 to 12.48 μg L−1 for LLE. A tentative study to estimate the contribution of a specific compound to the aroma of a whiskey, on the basis of their odour activity values (OAV) was made. Ethyl octanoate followed by isoamyl acetate and isobutyl alcohol, were found the most potent odour-active compounds

    Reavaliando o lugar das psicoses ciclóides: a propósito de um caso clínico

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    Introdução: O conceito de psicose ciclóide foi descrito pela primeira vez por Karl Kleist. Mais tarde, Leonhard propôs a corrente conceptualização descrevendo três subtipos da doença e Perris desenvolveu os primeiros critérios diagnósticos operacionais. O diagnóstico de psicose ciclóide possui uma longa tradição na psiquiatria europeia, mas o conceito ciclóide não está explicitamente patente nos esquemas internacionais de diagnóstico (DSM 5 e ICD-10) suscitando um debate controverso quanto à sua utilidade e validade. Objetivos: O presente artigo pretende, a partir de um caso clínico, abordar o conceito de psicose ciclóide enfatizando a sua importância à luz da psiquiatria atual, discutindo o uso do conceito e a sua validade clínica e preditiva. Métodos: Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de psicose recorrente com total remissão interepisódica e afetação funcional mínima. Resultados e Discussão: O artigo ilustra a importância de estarmos atentos ao diagnóstico de psicose ciclóide dado o seu prognóstico e tratamento distinto das restantes psicoses. Conclusão: Enquanto esta perturbação, de incidência desconhecida, não for devidamente explorada, mais investigação será necessária dado o seu prognóstico favorável e a sua patofisiologia e tratamento potencialmente distintos

    Instrumentos de análise para o método dos cenário. II - Estratégia de actores

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    Na sequência do documento de trabalho “Instrumentos de Análise para o Método dos Cenários, 1-Análise Estrutural” (Caldas e Perestrelo, 98), trataremos no presente trabalho de outra etapa do Método dos Cenários, a Estratégia de Actores, tendo como referência principal o método MACTOR (Método ACTores, Objectivos; Relações de força). Este método inspirado na teoria dos jogos e na análise sociológica das organizações, desenvolvido em 1990 por Michel Godet (Godet, 1993) e sua equipa, nomeadamente François Bourse e Francis Meunier, é um excelente instrumento de análise dos jogos entre os diferentes actores, permitindo simplificar e organizar a informação de uma forma sistemática. A Estratégia de Actores, sendo uma das etapas da metodologia prospectiva de elaboração de cenários, pode também, como a experiência mostra, ser utilizada isoladamente, constituindo um bom instrumento na dinamização da participação dos actores, protagonistas de qualquer processo de mudança. Ao longo deste trabalho, que resulta da reflexão proporcionada por um certo número de experiências de aplicação a vários estudos de caso, tanto a nível urbano como regional (Perestrelo, 1990; Perestrelo e Caldas, 1996; CET, 1995/1997; CET, 1996/1998; CET, 1997/1998a; CET, 1997/1998b, Guerra, et al, 1999), apresentaremos os aspectos mais importantes do MACTOR e propomos alguns desenvolvimentos baseados na análise de “clusters” e na análise de conteúdo que, complementando este método, permitem uma análise mais cuidada da informação recolhida

    Comparative study of the whisky aroma profile based on headspace solid phase microextraction using different fibre coatings

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    A dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography coupled to ion trap mass spectrometry (GC–ITMS) method was developed and applied for the qualitative determination of the volatile compounds present in commercial whisky samples which alcoholic content was previously adjusted to 13% (v/v). Headspace SPME experimental conditions, such as fibre coating, extraction temperature and extraction time, were optimized in order to improve the extraction process. Five different SPME fibres were used in this study, namely, poly(dimethylsiloxane)(PDMS),poly(acrylate)(PA),Carboxen-poly(dimethylsiloxane)(CAR/PDMS),Carbowax-divinylbenzene(CW/DVB)and Carboxen-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-divinylbenzene (CAR/PDMS/DVB). The best results were obtained using a 75 m CAR/PDMS fibre during headspace extraction at 40◦C with stirring at 750rpm for 60min, after saturating the samples with salt. The optimised methodology was then appliedtoinvestigatethevolatilecompositionprofileofthreeScotchwhiskysamples—BlackLabel,BallantinesandHighlandClan.Approximately seventy volatile compounds were identified in the these samples, pertaining at several chemical groups, mainly fatty acids ethyl esters, higher alcohols, fatty acids, carbonyl compounds, monoterpenols, C13 norisoprenoids and some volatile phenols. The ethyl esters form an essential group of aroma components in whisky, to which they confer a pleasant aroma, with “fruity” odours. Qualitatively, the isoamyl acetate, with “banana” aroma,wasthemostinteresting.Quantitatively,significantcomponentsareethylestersofcaprilic,capricandlauricacids.Thehighestconcentration of fatty acids, were observed for caprilic and capric acids. From the higher alcohols the fusel oils (3-methylbutan-1-ol and 2.phenyletanol) are the most important ones

    Tracing the volatilomic fingerprint of the most popular Italian fortified wines

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    The aim of the current study was to provide a useful platform to identify characteristic molecular markers related to the authenticity of Italian fortified wines. For this purpose, the volatilomic fingerprint of the most popular Italian fortified wines was established using headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC-MS). Several volatile organic compounds (VOCs), belonging with distinct chemical groups, were identified, ten of which are common to all the analyzed fortified Italian wines. Terpenoids were the most abundant chemical group in Campari bitter wines due to limonene’s high contribution to the total volatilomic fingerprint, whereas for Marsala wines, alcohols and esters were the most predominant chemical groups. The fortified Italian wines VOCs network demonstrated that the furanic compounds 2-furfural, ethyl furoate, and 5-methyl-2-furfural, constitute potential molecular markers of Marsala wines, while the terpenoids nerol, α-terpeniol, limonene, and menthone isomers, are characteristic of Vermouth wines. In addition, butanediol was detected only in Barolo wines, and β-phellandrene and β-myrcene only in Campari wines. The obtained data reveal an adequate tool to establish the authenticity and genuineness of Italian fortified wines, and at the same time constitute a valuable contribution to identify potential cases of fraud or adulteration to which they are subject, due to the high commercial value associated with these wines. In addition, they contribute to the deepening of scientific knowledge that supports its valorization and guarantee of quality and safety for consumers.This work was funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the CQM Base Fund—UIDB/00674/2020, and Programmatic Fund—UIDP/00674/2020, and by ARDITI— Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, through the project M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000005—Centro de Química da Madeira—CQM+ (Madeira 14-20 Program). The authors also acknowledge the financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Madeira 14-2020 program to the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network through PROEQUI-PRAM program, M14-20 M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000008. The international collaboration was supported by the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro” as a part of the “FREE MOVER PER PROGETTI–a.a. 2021/2022” Project (FlavChem—the Flavor Chemistry of Fortified Wines).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio