131 research outputs found

    Gobernanza del río Tietê en la región metropolitana de São Paulo

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    São Paulo es una ciudad que tiene una relación muy contradictoria y conflictiva con sus ríos. Inicialmente, importantes para la defensa, el comercio y la movilidad se convirtieron en un obstáculo y problema urbano. Del siglo XVI hasta al XIX, la ciudad fue fundada y se restringía entre las áreas fluviales del río Tamanduateí y del río Anhangabaú (Moroz-Caccia Gouveia, 2016). A partir del siglo XX, la ciudad creció mucho sobre los terrenos fluviales resultando en un gran número de inundaciones (Ab’Saber, 2004; Moroz-CacciaGouveia, 2016). El río Tietê es un río que ha sido transformado en ruta de comercio y área de diversas actividades industriales, he sido rectificado y se utilizó para desagüe de las aguas residuales de la ciudad (Zanirato, 2011). Por haber sido rectificado, esto resultó en un aumento de las inundaciones y el poder público decidió hacer una Área de Protección Ambiental (APA) de la llanura fluvial del río Tietê (Fundação Florestal, 2013; Scatena, 2015; Zanirato, 2011). Creada para reducir las inundaciones en São Paulo, su área se extiende por 12 municipalidades (Fundação Florestal, 2013). La gestión de esta APA implica la participación de los gobiernos locales, de la sociedad civil y del gobierno del estado (Fundação Florestal, 2013). Sin embargo, hay otras instituciones gubernamentales que administran el río Tietê y sus terrenos fluviales de modo conflictivo. Hay también otros importantes planes y proyectos de las instituciones gubernamentales del estado como el Plan de Desarrollo Urbano Integrado, grandes obras de infraestructura, etc. La presente investigación tiene como foco la articulación y conflictos de las diferentes políticas públicas y la gobernanza del territorio del río Tietê en la región metropolitana de São Paulo.São Paulo is a city which has a very contradictory relationship and conflictive with its rivers, in the beginning they were important for the defense, trade and mobility, after they turned to an obstacle and an urban problem. The city was found and was restricted, from de XVI to the XIX century, between the Tamanduateí river and Anhangabaú river (Moroz-Caccia Gouveia, 2016). Since the XX century, the city has grown largely and over the floodplains and the rivers which resulted in many floods (Ab’Saber, 2004; Moroz-Caccia Gouveia, 2016). Tietê river has been transformed by this process from a trade route, place for industrial activities, river rectification and as sewage (Zanirato, 2011). Being rectified, it increased the floods and the public power decided to create an Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the Tietê’s Floodplain (Fundação Florestal, 2013; Scatena, 2015; Zanirato, 2011). Created to reduce the floods in São Paulo, its area is over 12 cities (Fundação Florestal, 2013). The management of this APA implies in the participation of the local government, state government and civil society (Fundação Florestal, 2013). However, there are other government institutions which manage Tietê river and its floodplain. There are also important plans and projects of the government institutions of the State like the Integrated Plan of Urban Development, big infrastructure constructions etc. This research is focused in the public policies articulation and conflicts and Tietê river governance in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo.Mesa 2: Gestión de los territorios fluviales en áreas urbanas y periurbanasUniversidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (FAU

    Gobernanza del río Tietê en la región metropolitana de São Paulo

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    São Paulo es una ciudad que tiene una relación muy contradictoria y conflictiva con sus ríos. Inicialmente, importantes para la defensa, el comercio y la movilidad se convirtieron en un obstáculo y problema urbano. Del siglo XVI hasta al XIX, la ciudad fue fundada y se restringía entre las áreas fluviales del río Tamanduateí y del río Anhangabaú (Moroz-Caccia Gouveia, 2016). A partir del siglo XX, la ciudad creció mucho sobre los terrenos fluviales resultando en un gran número de inundaciones (Ab’Saber, 2004; Moroz-CacciaGouveia, 2016). El río Tietê es un río que ha sido transformado en ruta de comercio y área de diversas actividades industriales, he sido rectificado y se utilizó para desagüe de las aguas residuales de la ciudad (Zanirato, 2011). Por haber sido rectificado, esto resultó en un aumento de las inundaciones y el poder público decidió hacer una Área de Protección Ambiental (APA) de la llanura fluvial del río Tietê (Fundação Florestal, 2013; Scatena, 2015; Zanirato, 2011). Creada para reducir las inundaciones en São Paulo, su área se extiende por 12 municipalidades (Fundação Florestal, 2013). La gestión de esta APA implica la participación de los gobiernos locales, de la sociedad civil y del gobierno del estado (Fundação Florestal, 2013). Sin embargo, hay otras instituciones gubernamentales que administran el río Tietê y sus terrenos fluviales de modo conflictivo. Hay también otros importantes planes y proyectos de las instituciones gubernamentales del estado como el Plan de Desarrollo Urbano Integrado, grandes obras de infraestructura, etc. La presente investigación tiene como foco la articulación y conflictos de las diferentes políticas públicas y la gobernanza del territorio del río Tietê en la región metropolitana de São Paulo.São Paulo is a city which has a very contradictory relationship and conflictive with its rivers, in the beginning they were important for the defense, trade and mobility, after they turned to an obstacle and an urban problem. The city was found and was restricted, from de XVI to the XIX century, between the Tamanduateí river and Anhangabaú river (Moroz-Caccia Gouveia, 2016). Since the XX century, the city has grown largely and over the floodplains and the rivers which resulted in many floods (Ab’Saber, 2004; Moroz-Caccia Gouveia, 2016). Tietê river has been transformed by this process from a trade route, place for industrial activities, river rectification and as sewage (Zanirato, 2011). Being rectified, it increased the floods and the public power decided to create an Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the Tietê’s Floodplain (Fundação Florestal, 2013; Scatena, 2015; Zanirato, 2011). Created to reduce the floods in São Paulo, its area is over 12 cities (Fundação Florestal, 2013). The management of this APA implies in the participation of the local government, state government and civil society (Fundação Florestal, 2013). However, there are other government institutions which manage Tietê river and its floodplain. There are also important plans and projects of the government institutions of the State like the Integrated Plan of Urban Development, big infrastructure constructions etc. This research is focused in the public policies articulation and conflicts and Tietê river governance in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo.Mesa 2: Gestión de los territorios fluviales en áreas urbanas y periurbanasUniversidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) - Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (FAU

    A Conservação da Natureza, a Cidade e a Necessidade de Transformação Socioecológica: que contribuição podem dar as reservas da biosfera da UNESCO?

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    Au milieu des diverses contributions et recherches de Neli Aparecida de Mello-Théry dans le domaine de l'environnement et de la société, cet article récupère l'expérience du projet Experimental Networks for Sustainability. Urban Biosphere Reserves as engines of transformation (ENESUS) et en particulier dans la Réserve de biosphère de la ceinture verte de São Paulo. Les réserves de biosphère ont évolué avec les changements dans les concepts de préservation et de conservation et selon les nouvelles directives du Marco de Séville, du Plan de Madrid et du Plan de Lima, les réserves doivent être des « régions modèles de développement durable » et des « laboratoires du monde réel ». À cet égard, la recherche visait à identifier et cartographier les initiatives socio-écologiques innovantes sur le territoire de la réserve et leur potentiel de transformation socio-écologique, à comprendre le succès et l'échec des initiatives ainsi que les forces et le « format » de l'innovation socio-écologique, et d'analyser la contribution du réseau international de réserves de biosphère dans l'action locale. Grâce au travail de terrain, aux enquêtes, aux entretiens et à la cartographie en réseau, une nature plus conservatrice de la réserve a été identifiée, mais avec le potentiel de promouvoir des innovations compte tenu des expériences qu'elle a eues ainsi que des diverses initiatives qui existent et ont encore un caractère de niche.Mots-clés: Réserves de biosphère, ceinture verte de São Paulo, innovation socio-écologique, régions modèles de développement durableEm meio as diversas contribuições e pesquisas de Neli Aparecida de Mello-Théry no campo ambiental e da sociedade, o presente artigo resgata a experiência do projeto Experimental Networks for Sustainability. Urban Biosphere Reserves as engines of transformation (ENESUS) e em especial destaque na Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde da Cidade de São Paulo. As Reservas da Biosfera têm evoluído em conjunto com as mudanças dos conceitos de preservação e conservação e sob o marco das novas diretrizes do Marco de Sevilha, Plano de Madrid e o Plano de Lima as reservas devem ser “regiões modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável” e ‘laboratórios do mundo real”. Nesse aspecto a pesquisa objetivou identificar e mapear iniciativas socioecológicas inovadoras no território da reserva e seu potencial de transformação socioecológico, compreender o sucesso e fracasso das iniciativas assim como pontos fortes e do “formato” da inovação socioecológica, e analisar a contribuição da rede internacional das reservas da biosfera na ação local. Por meio de trabalhos de campo, surveys, entrevistas, e net mapping foi identificado um caráter mais preservacionista da reserva, mas com um potencial de promover inovações considerando as experiências que já teve como pelas diversas iniciativas que existem e ainda têm um caráter de nicho.En medio de las diversas aportaciones e investigaciones de Neli Aparecida de Mello-Théry en el ámbito medioambiental y social, este artículo recupera la experiencia del Experimental Networks for Sustainability. Urban Biosphere Reserves as engines of transformation (ENESUS) y especialmente en la Reserva de la Biosfera del Cinturón Verde de São Paulo. Las Reservas de Biosfera han evolucionado junto con los cambios en los conceptos de preservación y conservación y bajo las nuevas directrices del Marco de Sevilla, Plan de Madrid y Plan de Lima, las reservas deben ser “regiones modelo de desarrollo sostenible” y “laboratorios del mundo real”. En este sentido, la investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar y mapear iniciativas socioecológicas innovadoras en el territorio de la reserva y su potencial de transformación socioecológica, para comprender el éxito y el fracaso de las iniciativas, así como las fortalezas y el “formato” de innovación socioecológica, y analizar la contribución de la red internacional de reservas de biosfera en la acción local. A través del trabajo de campo, encuestas, entrevistas y mapeo de redes, se identificó un carácter más preservacionista de la reserva, pero con potencial para promover innovaciones considerando las experiencias que ha tenido así como las diversas iniciativas que existen y aún tienen carácter de nicho.Amidst the various contributions and researches of Neli Aparecida de Mello-Théry in the environmental and social fields, this article recalls the experience of the project Experimental Networks for Sustainability. Urban Biosphere Reserves as engines of transformation (ENESUS) and in particular the São Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve. Biosphere Reserves have evolved together with changes in the concepts of preservation and conservation and under the framework of the new guidelines of the Seville Framework, Madrid Plan and the Lima Plan the reserves should be "model regions for sustainable development" and "real world laboratories". In this respect the research aimed to identify and map innovative social-ecological initiatives in the reserve territory and their potential for social-ecological transformation, understand the success and failure of the initiatives as well as the strengths and "shape" of social-ecological innovation, and analyse the contribution of the international network of biosphere reserves to local action. Through fieldwork, surveys, interviews and net mapping it was identified a more preservationist character of the reserve, but with a potential to promote innovations considering the experiences that already had as by the various initiatives that exist and still have a niche character

    Oficinas Participativas na Elaboração do Plano de Manejo da APA-VRT

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    O presente artigo trata dos processos de participação social e política na produção do Plano de Manejo da Área de Proteção Ambiental da Várzea do Rio Tietê (APA-VRT) localizada no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Esta APA é composta por doze municípios, foi criada em 1987 e seu plano de manejo foi realizado mais de 20 anos depois. O trabalho de produção deste documento iniciou em 2011 e foi conduzido por pesquisadores da Universidade de São Paulo. Neste artigo descreveremos e analisaremos os processos relativos à organização e implementação da oficina de Diagnóstico Socioambiental nas quais se assentaram os primeiros contatos entre Estado e sociedade civil em torno ao tema do plano de manejo da APA-VRT

    Traditional and local communities as key actors to identify climate-related disaster impacts: a citizen science approach in Southeast Brazilian coastal areas

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    The impacts of climate-related disasters can be estimated by climate models. However, climate models are frequently downscaled to specific settings to facilitate Disaster Risk Management (DRM) to better understand local impacts and avoid overlooking uncertainties. Several studies have registered the increasing importance of recognizing traditional knowledge, co-design, and collaboration with local communities in developing DRM strategies. The objective of this research was co-design local-scale observations with traditional and local communities to characterize their local context regarding the impacts of climate-related disasters. The citizen science approach coupled with participatory action research was conducted with two traditional communities in the Southeast of the Brazilian coast: Quilombo do Campinho da Independência in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, and the Caiçara (artisanal fishing) community of Ubatumirim in Ubatuba, São Paulo. Working groups were organized with leaders to become community researchers, conducting interviews and actively mobilizing their communities. A structured questionnaire was developed, adapting 22 variables taken from the Protocol for the Collection of Cross- Cultural Comparative Data on Local Indicators of Climate Change Impacts— LICCI Protocol. A total of 366 impacts were analyzed, after combining the georeferencing form data collected—Survey123 (280 impacts) and the interviews with community leaders (86 impacts). The results showed a significant level of cohesion (α = 0.01) between the Caiçara (artisanal fishers) and Quilombola (Afro-descendants) perceptions of climate-related events associated with their subsistence practices and climate variability. These findings highlighting the importance of DRM proposals that recognize traditional peoples and local communities as frontline vulnerable populations while acknowledging their role as key actors in identifying impacts, collecting data on land use and territory, subsistence-oriented activities, and cosmovision. However, it is still necessary to address climate change challenges at d

    AugerPrime implementation in the DAQ systems of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Combined fit to the spectrum and composition data measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory including magnetic horizon effects

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    The measurements by the Pierre Auger Observatory of the energy spectrum and mass composition of cosmic rays can be interpreted assuming the presence of two extragalactic source populations, one dominating the flux at energies above a few EeV and the other below. To fit the data ignoring magnetic field effects, the high-energy population needs to accelerate a mixture of nuclei with very hard spectra, at odds with the approximate E2^{-2} shape expected from diffusive shock acceleration. The presence of turbulent extragalactic magnetic fields in the region between the closest sources and the Earth can significantly modify the observed CR spectrum with respect to that emitted by the sources, reducing the flux of low-rigidity particles that reach the Earth. We here take into account this magnetic horizon effect in the combined fit of the spectrum and shower depth distributions, exploring the possibility that a spectrum for the high-energy population sources with a shape closer to E2^{-2} be able to explain the observations

    Studies of the mass composition of cosmic rays and proton-proton interaction cross-sections at ultra-high energies with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    In this work, we present an estimate of the cosmic-ray mass composition from the distributions of the depth of the shower maximum (Xmax) measured by the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. We discuss the sensitivity of the mass composition measurements to the uncertainties in the properties of the hadronic interactions, particularly in the predictions of the particle interaction cross-sections. For this purpose, we adjust the fractions of cosmic-ray mass groups to fit the data with Xmax distributions from air shower simulations. We modify the proton-proton cross-sections at ultra-high energies, and the corresponding air shower simulations with rescaled nucleus-air cross-sections are obtained via Glauber theory. We compare the energy-dependent composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays obtained for the different extrapolations of the proton-proton cross-sections from low-energy accelerator data