46 research outputs found

    Peptidases Are Potential Targets of Copper(II)-1,10-Phenanthroline-5,6-dione Complex, a Promising and Potent New Drug against Trichomonas Vaginalis

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    Trichomonas vaginalis is responsible for 156 million new cases per year worldwide. When present asymptomatically, the parasite can lead to serious complications, such as development of cervical and prostate cancer. As infection increases the acquisition and transmission of HIV, the control of trichomoniasis represents an important niche for the discovery and development of new antiparasitic molecules. This urogenital parasite synthesizes several molecules that allow the establishment and pathogenesis of infection. Among them, peptidases occupy key roles as virulence factors, and the inhibition of these enzymes has become an important mechanism for modulating pathogenesis. Based on these premises, our group recently reported the potent anti-T. vaginalis action of the metal-based complex [Cu(phendione)3](ClO4)2.4H2O (Cu-phendione). In the present study, we evaluated the influence of Cu-phendione on the modulation of proteolytic activities produced by T. vaginalis by biochemical and molecular approaches. Cu-phendione showed strong inhibitory potential against T. vaginalis peptidases, especially cysteine- and metallo-type peptidases. The latter revealed a more prominent effect at both the post-transcriptional and post-translational levels. Molecular Docking analysis confirmed the interaction of Cu-phendione, with high binding energy (9.7 and 10.7 kcalmol1, respectively) at the active site of both TvMP50 and TvGP63 metallopeptidases. In addition, Cu-phendione significantly reduced trophozoite-mediated cytolysis in human vaginal (HMVII) and monkey kidney (VERO) epithelial cell lineages. These results highlight the antiparasitic potential of Cu-phendione by interaction with important T. vaginalis virulence factors

    Facilitador do aplicativo e-sus /AB território na unidade de saúde da família Andaiá em Santo Antônio de Jesus-Bahia/Brasil

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    O artigo registra as apresentações do Congresso internacional de inovação tecnológica nas ciências da saúde: a sustentabilidade das práticas integrativas à agroecologia, mais especificamente a apresentação : Facilitador do aplicativo e-sus /AB território na unidade de saúde da família Andaiá em Santo Antônio de Jesus-Bahia/Brasil. A apresentação versou a respeito de proposta de um aplicativo e- SUS para as equipes do Programa Agente Comunitário de Saúde. O evento aconteceu de 15 a 18 de novembro de 2017 no IFBA SAJ sob a direção da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia. Palavras-chave: Aplicativo. E-SUS. Unidade de Saúde.  Facilidades


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    O artigo descreve a importância do cuidado no uso de medicamentos fitoterápicos e suas possíveis complicações. A metodologia de levantamento bibliográfico utilizou as bases de dados da SCIELO, MEDLINE. Através dos dados observou-se que o crescente aumento de reações adversas pelo uso de fitoterápicos é na maior parte das vezes relacionado com a falta de conhecimento da população, a automedicação utilizando esses "medicamentos" sem cautela. Diante disso torna-se evidente a necessidade da conscientização da população para o uso adequado dos fitoterápicos para que ela possa aproveitar os benefícios desses medicamentos sem por sua saúde em risco. Palavras-Chave: Fitoterápicos. Medicamentos. Compostos químicos. Saúde

    Ocorrência de Candida na cavidade bucal de usuários de prótese dentária

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    Prótese dentária é um aparelho utilizado em substituição aos dentes ausentes, visando restabelecer os fatores funcionais e estéticos envolvidos pela perda ou comprometimento dos dentes, entretanto, verifica-se uma alta prevalência de candidíase bucal em pacientes usuários de próteses. O presente estudo visou à avaliação da carga fúngica bucal de indivíduos usuários de prótese dentária e identificação e frequência das principais espécies de Candida na cavidade bucal desses indivíduos. Os indivíduos foram selecionados aleatoriamente através da abordagem direta. Coletou-se uma amostra da mucosa jugal e aplicou-se um formulário visando traçar o perfil dessa população. A identificação das espécies foi realizada utilizando-se o meio de cultura cromogênico. Foram realizadas coletas em 81 indivíduos. Observou-se que 56,81% dos indivíduos amos- trados relataram possuir doenças pré-existentes, sendo as mais prevalentes a hipertensão (22,72%) e a diabetes (9,09%). Foi observado crescimento de Candida em 34 (77,27%) dos 44 indivíduos usuários de prótese dentária e em 10 (22,27%) dos 37 indivíduos não usuários. A espécie mais prevalente em usuários de prótese e no grupo controle foi Candida albicans. Verificou-se estatisticamente que houve correlação entre a presença de Candida e uso de prótese. O uso de prótese exige cuidados permanentes com sua adaptação e necessidade de substituição ao término de sua vida útil, sendo necessário o acompanhamento do profissional odontólogo. Essas atitudes favorecem a saúde bucal e a qualidade de vida dos usuários e visam reduzir a incidência de infecções por Candida

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Telling Tales: Memory, Culture, and the Hudhud Chants

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    This paper explores the strategies used by the Ifugao people of the\ud Philippines to remember and recite their epic hudhud chants. The hudhud\ud have been recited almost unchanged since the 7th century, and represent\ud the most successful oral tradition of a largely nonliterate society. To\ud explain the success of the hudhud’s transmission from one generation to\ud the next, I apply Rubin’s (1995) model of memory in oral traditions to the\ud text of the chant. This model posits three different types of memory cues\ud present in oral traditions which aid in their memorability: thematic,\ud imagistic, and poetic/sound cues. An analysis of the text of the hudhud\ud shows all three types of cues to be at work in the chant, thus lending more\ud strength to Rubin’s model. As this model is firmly based in the thought\ud traditions of a Western, literate society, however, it seems insufficient to\ud describe the phenomenon of hudhud recitation. Instead, the collective\ud process of reciting the chant seems to be the main factor that enables\ud future generations learn the text, and helps chanters to recall the epic as it\ud unfolds. I apply a distributed model of cognition to the collective process\ud of chant recitation in order to explain the phenomenon of hudhud recall in\ud its own cultural terms

    Repeated evolution of similar phenotypes: Integrating comparative methods with developmental pathways

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    Abstract Repeated phenotypes, often referred to as ‘homoplasies’ in cladistic analyses, may evolve through changes in developmental processes. Genetic bases of recurrent evolution gained attention and have been studied in the past years using approaches that combine modern analytical phylogenetic tools with the stunning assemblage of new information on developmental mechanisms. In this review, we evaluated the topic under an integrated perspective, revisiting the classical definitions of convergence and parallelism and detailing comparative methods used to evaluate evolution of repeated phenotypes, which include phylogenetic inference, estimates of evolutionary rates and reconstruction of ancestral states. We provide examples to illustrate how a given methodological approach can be used to identify evolutionary patterns and evaluate developmental mechanisms associated with the intermittent expression of a given trait along the phylogeny. Finally, we address why repeated trait loss challenges strict definitions of convergence and parallelism, discussing how changes in developmental pathways might explain the high frequency of repeated trait loss in specific lineages

    Function and position determine relative proportions of different fiber types in limb muscles of the lizard Tropidurus psammonastes

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    Skeletal muscles can be classified as flexors or extensors according to their function, and as dorsal or ventral according to their position. The latter classification evokes their embryological origin from muscle masses initially divided during limb development, and muscles sharing a given position do not necessarily perform the same function. Here, we compare the relative proportions of different fiber types among six limb muscles in the lizard Tropidurus psammonastes. Individual fibers were classified as slow oxidative (SO), fast glycolytic (FG) or fast oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) based on mitochondrial content; muscles were classified according to position and function. Mixed linear models considering one or both effects were compared using likelihood ratio tests. Variation in the proportion of FG and FOG fibers is mainly explained by function (flexor muscles have on average lower proportions of FG and higher proportions of FOG fibers), while variation in SO fibers is better explained by position (they are less abundant in ventral muscles than in those developed from a dorsal muscle mass). Our results clarify the roles of position and function in determining the relative proportions of the various muscle fibers and provide evidence that these factors may differentially affect distinct fiber types.Fil: Pereira, Anieli G.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Abdala, Virginia Sara Luz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Cs.naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical; ArgentinaFil: Kohlsdorf, Tiana. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Application of machine learning to cluster hotel booking curves for hotel demand forecasting

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    Accurate demand forecasting is integral for data-driven revenue management decisions of hotels, but an un-precedented demand environment caused by COVID-19 pandemic has made the forecasting process more difficult. This study aims to propose a new approach for daily hotel demand forecasting by using clusters of stay dates generated from historical booking data. This new approach is fundamentally different from traditional forecasting approaches for hotels that assume the booking curves and patterns tend to be similar during the trailing period approach. In this study, historical booking curves are clustered by a machine learning algorithm using an auto-regressive manner and the additive pickup model is used to forecast daily occupancy up to 8 weeks. The efficacy of a new forecasting approach is tested using real hotel booking data of three hotels and results show that forecasts of hotel demand are more accurate when they are generated at cluster-level for all forecasting horizons.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio