153 research outputs found

    Federal conservation units in the Brazilian amazon coastal zone: an adequate approach to control recreational activities?

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    Coastal tourism usually is of enormous interest to local coastal communities due to its potential for the creation of jobs and the generation of income. Within this context, beaches are the main resource since they comprise a rich diversity of natural ecosystems and landscapes, as well as historical and cultural features, such as local gastronomy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dry season and soil texture affect the chemical control of monocotyledonous in sugarcane

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    The chemical weed control in sugarcane during the wet season is more effective than the control carried out during the dry season. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides in the rainy season and in the dry season in sugarcane crop, and in different soil textural classes. The experiments simulated dry season and rainy season basing on periods of days in which experiment was submitted to irrigation restriction. In each experiment, it was tested 50 and 100% of the dose of the main herbicides commonly used in sugarcane to control B. decumbens, B. plantaginea, P. maximum and D. horizontalis. In general, in dry conditions, as well as varying the soil texture, there are restrictions in the choice of herbicide to be used due to the reduced effectiveness of some treatments in certain situations. In the very-clayey soil, especially in the dry season, the efficacy of herbicides is better, whereas, for the sandy-clay-loam soil in dry conditions, the effectiveness of herbicides is restricted. Thus, this study, despite the great complexity of the variables to be analyzed, permitted to establish guidelines for decision making on the most appropriate herbicide to be applied in each studied condition, in order to control these weed species.The chemical weed control in sugarcane during the wet season is more effective than the control carried out during the dry season. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides in the rainy season and in the dry season in sugarcane crop, and in different soil textural classes. The experiments simulated dry season and rainy season basing on periods of days in which experiment was submitted to irrigation restriction. In each experiment, it was tested 50 and 100% of the dose of the main herbicides commonly used in sugarcane to control B. decumbens, B. plantaginea, P. maximum and D. horizontalis. In general, in dry conditions, as well as varying the soil texture, there are restrictions in the choice of herbicide to be used due to the reduced effectiveness of some treatments in certain situations. In the very-clayey soil, especially in the dry season, the efficacy of herbicides is better, whereas, for the sandy-clay-loam soil in dry conditions, the effectiveness of herbicides is restricted. Thus, this study, despite the great complexity of the variables to be analyzed, permitted to establish guidelines for decision making on the most appropriate herbicide to be applied in each studied condition, in order to control these weed species

    Bibliotherapy: comparative study on bibliotherapeutic practices in Brazil and in United States

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    Bibliotherapy is a reading process, which helps people to control their feelings so that they can seek strategies to solve their psychological and physical problems. From this statement, and knowing the benefits this area would achieve by going further on research, a review of the literature in bibliotherapy was made, focusing on Brazil and United States. We attempted to provide a short description of the process of reading, particularly the therapeutic reading and its use in bibliotherapeutic practices. In Brazil, the projects in the field of bibliotherapy demonstrated activities using books, music, drawings and other instruments in schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and so on... North Americans, on the other hand, fundamentally used the books as tool on their projects. It is possible to note that bibliotherapy has positive results in both countries. We have come to the conclusion that the bibliotherapy contributes to improve the quality of life


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    This article had the delimitation of the subject and also central question the possibility of the application of Kantian thinking about human dignity as the foundation of the principle of procedural fairness. Therefore, not only identified the idea of the author as briefly described the legal nature of jurisdiction, procedural legal relationship, relate to the end with the principle of procedural fairness. Its relevance is in obvious need of having movements and theoretical constructs normative accompanying social transformations considering a system that has been basing on human dignity, being essential objective in building a free society, fair and supportive. Not admitting, thereby, that economic activity can override these values ​​and fundamental objectives. Using as a theoretical idea of dignity mooted by the philosopher Immanuel Kant, was developed an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, which methodological line is procedural literature theoretical and documentary under a dogmatic approach, used in order to analyze the results. It was concluded that the Kantian insight about human dignity can support the principle of procedural fairnessEste artigo teve como delimitação de tema e também questão central a possibilidade da aplicação do pensamento Kantiano sobre dignidade humana como fundamento do princípio lealdade processual. Para tanto, não só identificou a idéia do autor como, brevemente, descreveu a natureza jurídica da jurisdição, da relação jurídica processual, para relacionar ao final com o princípio da lealdade processual. A relevância do artigo está na evidente necessidade de se ter movimentos teóricos e construções normativas que acompanhem as transformações sociais considerando um sistema que vem se fundamentando na dignidade humana, sendo objetivo essencial na construção de uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária. Utilizando-se como referencial teórico a idéia de dignidade aventada pelo filósofo Immanuel Kant, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa, cuja vertente metodológica é de procedimento bibliográfico teórico-documental, sob um ângulo dogmático, utilizada como forma de analisar os resultados. Concluiu-se que a percepção Kantiana sobre a dignidade humana pode fundamentar o princípio da lealdade processual.     &nbsp

    Development And Grain Quality Of Soybean Cultivars Treated With Pyraclostrobin And Biostimulant

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    Products with physiological effects on plants to optimize agricultural production is increasingly used; they can change the development of plants and the chemical characteristics of seeds. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of soybean cultivars and the protein and oil contents of soybean grains after treatment with pyraclostrobin and biostimulant. The experiment was carried out with soybean crops without irrigation. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with five replications, using a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement consisting of three cultivars of different maturation times (very early, M6952IPRO; early M7739IPRO; and medium, ST797IPRO), and three treatments with products that cause physiological effects (control, pyraclostrobin, and control + biostimulant). The pod, leaf, and stem dry weights, number of pods, 100-grain weight, grain yield, and oil and protein contents of the soybean plants were evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, and Tukey’s test at 5% probability. The effects of the products used (pyraclostrobin and biostimulant) vary according to the cultivar and may increase the soybean leaf and pod dry weights, and grain protein contents.Products with physiological effects on plants to optimize agricultural production is increasingly used; they can change the development of plants and the chemical characteristics of seeds. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of soybean cultivars and the protein and oil contents of soybean grains after treatment with pyraclostrobin and biostimulant. The experiment was carried out with soybean crops without irrigation. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design, with five replications, using a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement consisting of three cultivars of different maturation times (very early, M6952IPRO; early M7739IPRO; and medium, ST797IPRO), and three treatments with products that cause physiological effects (control, pyraclostrobin, and control + biostimulant). The pod, leaf, and stem dry weights, number of pods, 100-grain weight, grain yield, and oil and protein contents of the soybean plants were evaluated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, and Tukey’s test at 5% probability. The effects of the products used (pyraclostrobin and biostimulant) vary according to the cultivar and may increase the soybean leaf and pod dry weights, and grain protein contents

    Ceramistas de coqueiros: : a andragogia, a práxis e os saberes significativos em um contexto etnoeducacional

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    Coqueiros é um distrito de Maragogipe que chama a atenção pela grande diversidade cultural. O estudo apresentado neste artigo teve como objetivo principal oferecer elementos discursivos que contribuam para as práticas educativas voltadas para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos em um contexto étnico, vinculado à reminiscência e à ancestralidade negra e indígena no trabalho das ceramistas. Entre os seus objetivos específicos incluem-se: investigar os saberes produzidos nas vivências das ceramistas, em sua atividade laboral; estabelecer diálogos entre os saberes dos práticos e os saberes da escola; revelar o movimento de ação e reflexão das ceramistas na produção desses saberes e sua vinculação com o trabalho, a cultura e a escolarização de jovens e adultos. O trabalho investigativo teve como ponto de partida uma inquietação centrada na seguinte questão: Como a andragogiapode contribuir para a práxis freiriana na construção de uma aprendizagem significativa na EJA? O percurso metodológico de pesquisa qualitativa abriu espaço para uma trama de possibilidades, delineadas de forma etnográfica, instrumentalizada pela observação, diário de campo e entrevista. O resultado mais relevante foi a verificação da maneira como a cultura indígena/negra forma os atores sociais da comunidade, através de práticas ancestrais e a descoberta da origem das ferramentas necessárias ao desenvolvimento de sua atividade laboral. Foi possível concluir que os conhecimentos da comunidade, forjados por uma cultura enraizada, configuram a sua formação étnica e revelam-se como espaço identitário, e não só podem estar alinhados com o conhecimento escolar, mas devem ser o ponto de partida para novos e significativos saberes

    Ceramistas de coqueiros: : a andragogia, a práxis e os saberes significativos em um contexto etnoeducacional

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    Coqueiros é um distrito de Maragogipe que chama a atenção pela grande diversidade cultural. O estudo apresentado neste artigo teve como objetivo principal oferecer elementos discursivos que contribuam para as práticas educativas voltadas para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos em um contexto étnico, vinculado à reminiscência e à ancestralidade negra e indígena no trabalho das ceramistas. Entre os seus objetivos específicos incluem-se: investigar os saberes produzidos nas vivências das ceramistas, em sua atividade laboral; estabelecer diálogos entre os saberes dos práticos e os saberes da escola; revelar o movimento de ação e reflexão das ceramistas na produção desses saberes e sua vinculação com o trabalho, a cultura e a escolarização de jovens e adultos. O trabalho investigativo teve como ponto de partida uma inquietação centrada na seguinte questão: Como a andragogiapode contribuir para a práxis freiriana na construção de uma aprendizagem significativa na EJA? O percurso metodológico de pesquisa qualitativa abriu espaço para uma trama de possibilidades, delineadas de forma etnográfica, instrumentalizada pela observação, diário de campo e entrevista. O resultado mais relevante foi a verificação da maneira como a cultura indígena/negra forma os atores sociais da comunidade, através de práticas ancestrais e a descoberta da origem das ferramentas necessárias ao desenvolvimento de sua atividade laboral. Foi possível concluir que os conhecimentos da comunidade, forjados por uma cultura enraizada, configuram a sua formação étnica e revelam-se como espaço identitário, e não só podem estar alinhados com o conhecimento escolar, mas devem ser o ponto de partida para novos e significativos saberes

    SMART: An Application Framework for Real Time Big Data Analysis on Heterogeneous Cloud Environments

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    International audienceThe amount of data that human activities generate poses a challenge to current computer systems. Big data processing techniques are evolving to address this challenge, with analysis increasingly being performed using cloud-based systems. Emerging services, however, require additional enhancements in order to ensure their applicability to highly dynamic and heterogeneous environments and facilitate their use by Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Observing this landscape in emerging computing system development, this work presents Small & Medium-sized Enterprise Data Analytic in Real Time (SMART) for addressing some of the issues in providing compute service solutions for SMEs. SMART offers a framework for efficient development of Big Data analysis services suitable to small and medium-sized organizations, considering very heterogeneous data sources, from wireless sensor networks to data warehouses, focusing on service composability for a number of domains. This paper presents the basis of this proposal and preliminary results on exploring application deployment on hybrid infrastructure

    Aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam: Selectivity, control and fate in the environment

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    Os herbicidas aminocyclopyrachlor e indaziflam são duas novas moléculas que estão em fase de desenvolvimento no Brasil. Aminocyclopyrachlor é um mimetizador de auxina, e o indaziflam atua na biossíntese de parede celular e ambos apresentam grande potencial para controle de plantas daninhas em pré-emergência. O aminocyclopyrachlor é seletivo para espécies pertencentes à família Poaceae, enquanto que o indaziflam é pouco seletivo para culturas anuais, estando em desenvolvimento para culturas perenes. Embora apresentem características distintas de sorção ao solo, ambos herbicidas apresentam correlação positiva entre a sorção e o conteúdo de matéria orgânica. A longa persistência da atividade residual no solo das duas moléculas exige que ambas sejam utilizadas com cautela, em função do potencial de carryover.Aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam are two new molecules that are currently under development in Brazil. Aminocyclopyrachlor is an auxinic herbicide, and indaziflam acts in the biosynthesis of cell wall and both herbicides are expected to have great potential for pre-emergence weed control. Aminocyclopyrachlor is selective to the species belonging to the Poaceae family, while indaziflam is less selective for annual crops, and is under development for perennial crops. Although the two herbicides pose distinct properties related to sorption to soil, both present positive correlation between sorption and organic matter contents. The long persistence of residual activity in soil of these two molecules requires that they be used with caution, because of their carryover potential