947 research outputs found

    Taxes and women in the labour force in a Southern European country: the case of Portugal

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    Abstract. On looking at the female labour supply in Europe, it is immediately noticed that there is a large variation among countries. One possible explanation for this fact is that different countries have different tax policies, leading to variations in incentive and costs. This has been investigated in papers such as that of Gustafsson (1992a,b) for countries such as Germany and Sweden. The same exercise has been performed by the present authors for a low-income, southern European country, Portugal, which has one of the highest rates of female participation (out of line with neighbouring countries). Female labour supply does not seem to be very sensitive to fiscal policies, as those policies have only a small influence on the take-home wage. This result appears to be independent of the fact that the female labour supply shows a higher elasticity to wages than that which has been reported for other countries. The present authors also show that Portuguese women contribute a much larger proportion of family earnings than do their counterparts in Sweden and Germany, and that the Portuguese fiscal system is rather neutral. Further studies with data from other countries are needed in order to shed more light on the issue of tax harmonization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of YOLOv5 object detection algorithms for insect detection

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    Climate change affects global temperature and precipitation patterns that influence the intensity and, in some cases, the frequency of extreme environmental events, such as forest fires, hurricanes and storms. These events can be particularly conducive to the increase of plant pests and diseases, which causes significant production losses. So, the early detection of pests is of the main importance to reduce pest losses and implement more safe control management strategies protecting the crop, human health, and the environment (e.g., precision in the pesticide application). Nowadays, pests’ detection and prediction are mainly based on counting insects on attacked organs or in traps by experts, but this is a costly and time-consuming task for extensive and geographically dispersed olive groves. Machine learning algorithms, using image analysis, can be used for autonomous pests’ detection and counting. In the present practical work, YOLOv5 was chosen to detect and count the olive fly adults (Bactrocera oleae Rossi), a key pest of olives. YOLOv5s architecture of YOLO’s algorithm was used to test its efficiency in olive fly detection on a mobile deployment solution. The results obtained were quite satisfactory, and the experimental results obtained have been analyzed and presented, encompassing a set of metrics such as precision, recall, and the mean average precision. This study will be extended for other pests and disease detection in future work. Also, this solution will be integrated into a web-based information and management service (with sensors and e-traps) that remotely detect the presence and severity of pest attacks.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project .info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O impacto dos influenciadores digitais versus passa-a-palavra no setor do turismo: Geração Millennial

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    Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.Um dos setores em voga no momento é o turismo, principalmente após sofrer severas consequências com dois anos de Pandemia Mundial. Por outro lado, em também crescente expansão, encontra-se o marketing de influenciadores e o marketing passa-a palavra, dois tipos de marketing de conteúdo que se fortalecem conforme o avanço das tecnologias. Conquistar o consumidor, principalmente o millennial – exigente, astuto e aventureiro – tornou-se uma tarefa difícil para todos os setores. Atualmente não basta ter presença online para os converter, mas sim utilizar estratégias que recorram a opiniões fomentadas que os tentem convencer a comprar algo. Assim, para a presente dissertação foi escolhido o mercado de turismo para procurar conhecer qual o tipo de impacto que o marketing passa-a-palavra e o marketing de influenciadores têm na intenção de compra dos seus consumidores, nomeadamente millennials. Para conhecer o impacto real de cada um destes tipos de marketing, foi disponibilizado um inquérito por questionário online, onde se obteve uma amostra de conveniência de 136 inquiridos. Os resultados do inquérito permitiram confirmar três das cinco hipóteses da investigação. Neste caso, o consumidor millennial é impactuado pelo marketing passa-a-palavra, enquanto o seu processo de compra no setor do turismo é influenciado por estratégias deste tipo de marketing, tanto que advenham de desconhecidos ou pessoas que conhece. Por outro lado, confirmou-se que o marketing de influenciadores não tem impacto nos consumidores, tal como este não impactua o processo de compra dos mesmos no setor do turismo.ABSTRACT: One of the sectors in vogue at the moment is tourism, especially after suffering severe consequences with two years of the World Pandemic. On the other hand, also growing in expansion are influencer marketing and word-of-mouth marketing, two types of content marketing that are strengthened as technology advances. Conquering consumers, especially millennials – demanding, astute and adventurous – has become a difficult task for all sectors. Currently, it is not enough to have an online presence to convert them, but to use strategies that use promoted opinions that try to convince them to buy something. Thus, for the present dissertation, the tourism market was chosen to seek to know what kind of impact that word-of-mouth marketing and influencer marketing have on the purchase intention of their consumers, namely millennials. To know the real impact of each of these types of marketing, an online questionnaire survey was made available, where a convenience sample of 136 respondents was obtained. The survey results confirmed three of the five research hypotheses. In this case, the millennial consumer is impacted by word-of-mouth marketing, while their purchase process in the tourism sector is influenced by strategies of this type of marketing, whether they come from strangers or people they know. On the other hand, it was confirmed that influencer marketing has no impact on consumers, just as it does not impact their purchase process in the tourism sector.N/

    O silêncio no direito administrativo brasileiro

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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o silêncio administrativo no direito brasileiro, explicitar o seu conceito, sua natureza jurídica, sua tipologia, e, por fim os meios do administrado obter uma resposta da Administração Pública. Desde já, fica anunciado que o tema é intrigante, mas não muito explicitado pelos doutrinadores, a jurisprudência também é escassa e as leis específicas não existem até o presente momento da elaboração deste trabalho. Para iniciar a discussão sobre o tema será necessário deixar claro as diferenças entre silêncio e a inércia da Administração Pública, sendo conceituação firmada desde a década de 30 pelo doutrinador Temístocles Brandão Cavalcanti. Na sequência, a presente pesquisa se posicionará definindo a natureza do silêncio como ato administrativo, sem deixar de mencionar os autores que caracterizam como fato administrativo e por quais razões. Dando continuidade, será abordada as classificações que o silêncio pode ter, sendo sempre previsto em lei, que no caso pode se um silêncio positivo, ou seja, concessivo, ou um silêncio negativo, ou seja, denegatório, sendo que ambos podem ser ainda classificados como próprio, condicionado e implícito. E será encerrado com os meios que o administrado pode utilizar para obter uma resposta da Administração Pública, podendo ser via judicial pelo mandado de segurança, além de outras maneiras que serão apresentadas. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visa contribuir com um tema tão interessante para quem sabe incentivar legisladores e a Administração Pública a evitarem ao máximo a possibilidade do silêncio, e que o judiciário não seja a única medida para conseguir um direito previsto em nossa Constituição, que no caso é o dever de resposta da Administração Pública quando provocada pelo administrado

    Evaluation of the biocontrol potential of an antagonist against olive knot disease in olive trees (Olea europaea L.)

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    The olive knot, caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psv), is one of the most serious diseases affecting olive tree (Olea europaea L.) in many regions of the world and mainly in Mediterranean countries. This disease produces tumors, especially in olive tree stems and trunk, leading to the death of the plant. In recent years, the use of microbial biocontrol agents for the control of plant diseases has gained considerable attention. Previous studies have revealed that, several bacteria strains naturally occurring in the olive tree phyllosphere, exhibit capacity to inhibit in vitro growth of Psv, being the greatest antagonistic effect displayed by Bacillus En40. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ability of this strain to suppress Psv and olive knot development in olive trees. Pot experiments were conducted with 2-year-old olive plantlets cv. Cobrançosa inoculated with the selected strain or Psv, or in combination of both. Phenotypic traits associated with plant growth (e.g. biomass yield, total shoot/root height, and photosynthetic pigments content) and biocontrol abilities (e.g. abundance of Psv and assessment of disease symptoms) were evaluated, up to 120 days after inoculation. While development and growth of Psv+antagonist-inoculated plants showed to be similar to non-inoculated plants, photosynthetic pigments contents were observed to be higher in antagonist-inoculated plants than in other treatments. When compared with Psv-inoculated plants, plants treated with the antagonist revealed a significant reduction (p<0.01) in knots formation and size. Antagonist-inoculated plants showed also a reduction of the abundance of Psv in the inoculation sites (from 22.4 to 7.5 UFC/μL, p<0.01), suggesting its capacity to reduce the patogen's growth. This strain was identified to supres Psv and disease development on olive plants and thus, it should be considered in the future as a possible biocontrol agent against olive knot disease.This work is funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade) and by national funds by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) in the framework of the project EXCL/AGR-PRO/0591/2012. D. MINA thanks thinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Competitive interactions between ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi on chestnut tree

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    In Northeast of Portugal the macrofungal community associated to chestnut tree (Castanea sativa is rich and diversified. Among fungal species, the ectomycorrhizal Pisolithus tínctorius and the saprotroph Hypholoma fasciculare are common in this habitat. The aim of the present work was to assess the effect of the interaction between both fungi on growth, nutritional status and physiology of C. satíva seedlings. In pot experiments, C. satíva seedlings were inoculated with P. tínctorius and H. fasciculare individually or in combination. Inoculation with P. tinctorius stimulated the plant growth and resulted in increased foliar-N, -P, and photosynthetic pigment contents. These effects were suppressed when H. fasciculare was simultaneously applied with P. tínctorius. This result could be related to the inhibition of ectomycorrhizal fungus root colonization as a result of antagonism or to the competition for nutrient sources. If chestnut seedlings have been previously inoculated with P. tinctorius, the subsequent inoculation of H. fasciculare 30 days later did not affect root colonization and mycorrhization benefits were observed. This work confirms an antagonistic interaction between ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi with consequences on the ectomycorrhizal host physiology. Although P. tinctorius is effective in promoting growth of host trees by establishing mycorrhizae, in the presence of other fungi it may not always be able to interact with host roots due to an inability to compete with certain fungi.This work has been supported by FCT (PTDC/ AGR-AAM/ 099556/2008)
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