17,263 research outputs found

    Single-layer economic model predictive control for periodic operation

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    In this paper we consider periodic optimal operation of constrained periodic linear systems. We propose an economic model predictive controller based on a single layer that unites dynamic real time optimization and control. The proposed controller guarantees closed-loop convergence to the optimal periodic trajectory that minimizes the average operation cost for a given economic criterion. A priori calculation of the optimal trajectory is not required and if the economic cost function is changed, recursive feasibility and convergence to the new periodic optimal trajectory is guaranteed. The results are demonstrated with two simulation examples, a four tank system, and a simplified model of a section of Barcelona's water distribution network.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    The Gini index,the dual decomposition of aggregation functions, and the consistent measurement of inequality

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    In several economic fields, such as those related to health, education or poverty, the individuals’ characteristics are measured by bounded variables. Accordingly, these characteristics may be indistinctly represented by achievements or shortfalls. A difficulty arises when inequality needs to be assessed. One may focus either on achievements or on shortfalls but the respective inequality rankings may lead to contradictory results. Specifically, this paper concentrates on the poverty measure proposed by Sen. According to this measure the inequality among the poor is captured by the Gini index. However, the rankings obtained by the Gini index applied to either the achievements or the shortfalls do not coincide in general. To overcome this drawback, we show that an OWA operator is underlying in the definition of the Sen measure. The dual decomposition of the OWA operators into a self-dual core and anti-self-dual remainder allows us to propose an inequality component which measures consistently the achievement and shortfall inequality among the poor.Aggregation functions, dual decomposition, OWA operators, Gini index, consistent measures of achievement/shortfall inequality, Sen index, poverty measures.

    Optical von Neumann measurement

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    We present an optical scheme that realizes the standard von Neumann measurement model, providing an indirect measurement of a quadrature of the field with controllable Gaussian state-reduction. The scheme is made of simple optical elements, as laser sources, beam splitters, and phase sensitive amplifiers, along with a feedback mechanism that uses a Pockels cell. We show that the von Neumann measurement is achieved without the need of working in a ultra-short pulsed regime.Comment: One latex figure. Accepted on Phys. Lett.

    A regular perturbation approach to surface tension driven flows

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    Surface tension induced convection in a liquid bridge held between two parallel, coaxial, solid disks is considered. The surface tension gradient is produced by a small temperature gradient parallel Co the undisturbed surface. The study is performed by using a mathematical regular perturbation approach based on a small parameter, e, which measures the deviation of the imposed temperature field from its mean value. The first order velocity field is given by a Stokes-type problem (viscous terms are dominant) with relatively simple boundary conditions. The first order temperature field is that imposed from the end disks on a liquid bridge immersed in a non-conductive fluid. Radiative effects are supposed to be negligible. The second order temperature field, which accounts for convective effects, is split into three components, one due to the bulk motion, and the other two to the distortion of the free surface. The relative importance of these components in terms of the heat transfer to or from the end disks is assesse

    Sedimentary facies and ammonites relations between Arequipa and Tacna during Lower to Middle Jurassic

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    Arequipa basin has been studied by different authors, such as Jenks (1848), Wells (1953), Benavides (1962), Vargas (1970), Leon (1981) and Vicente (1981). These authors refer to the layers of the Chocolate Formation (Lower Jurassic) in Arequipa, as a succession of andesitic and sedimentary rocks, containing Sinemurian ammonites. There are geological investigations in localities of Tacna made by Wilson & Garcia (1962), Jaen & Ortiz (1963), Salinas (1987), among others; whose produce the first geological maps of the zone. Currently, data showed in this report (stratigraphic columns, ammonites paleontology) (Fi. 2), corresponds to a set of information not yet publicated, obtained from INGEMMET field jobs. Data sets were taken from outcrops along coastal strip of southern Peru, in localities of Yura (Department of Arequipa) and ceros Palquilla and Pelado (Department of Tacna) (Fig. 1), within the Arequipa Mesozoic basin, southern Peru. Lower and Middle Jurassic sediments have been analizad in Arequipa (Yura) and Tacna (cerros Palquilla and Pelado) in terms of stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology. A taphonomic study of ammonites and its paleoenvironmental and chronological implicances and has been related one to another

    Stabilizer codes for open quantum systems

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    : The Lindblad master equation describes the evolution of a large variety of open quantum systems. An important property of some open quantum systems is the existence of decoherence-free subspaces. A quantum state from a decoherence-free subspace will evolve unitarily. However, there is no procedural and optimal method for constructing a decoherence-free subspace. In this paper, we develop tools for constructing decoherence-free stabilizer codes for open quantum systems governed by the Lindblad master equation. This is done by pursuing an extension of the stabilizer formalism beyond the celebrated group structure of Pauli error operators. We then show how to utilize decoherence-free stabilizer codes in quantum metrology in order to attain the Heisenberg limit scaling with low computational complexity

    Monitoring Muscle Stem Cell Cultures with Impedance Spectroscopy

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    The aim of this work is to present a new circuit for the real-time monitoring the processes of cellular growth and differentiation of skeletal myoblast cell cultures. An impedance spectroscopy Oscillation-Based technique is proposed for the test circuit, converting the biological system into a voltage oscillator, and avoiding the use of very high performance circuitry or equipment. This technique proved to be successful in the monitoring of cell cultures growth levels and could be useful for determining the degree of differentiation achieved, of practical implications in tissue engineering.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TEC2013-46242-C3-1-

    Effect of cactus pear cultivation after Mediterranean maquis on soil carbon stock, ÎŽ13C spatial distribution and root turnover

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    croplands and orchards leading to strong soil degradation. Organic carbon is usually accumulated in soils under maquis leading to partial regeneration of fertility for future agricultural use. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of land use change from maquis to agriculture on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and its spatial distribution in a Mediterranean system. Three Mediterranean land use systems (seminatural vegetation, cactus pear crop and olive grove) were selected in Sicily and analysed for soil C stocks and their ή13C. Total SOC and ή13C were measured up to 75 cm soil depth within and between the rows of cactus pear and olive grove and along a similar transect in maquis, in order to evaluate the distribution of new and old C derived from roots. The land use change from Mediterranean maquis (C3 plant) to cactus pear (CAM plant) lead to a SOC decrease of 65% after 28 years of cultivation, and a further decrease for 14% after 7 years after the change from cactus pear to olive grove (C3 plant). Considering these SOC losses as well as the periods after the land use changes we calculated the mean residence time (MRT) of soil organic matter. TheMRT of C under Mediterranean maquis was about 142 years, but was just 10 years under cactus pear. Root biomass of cactus pear was used for a new approach to estimate root turnover. The root turnover rate of cactus decreased along the soil profile from 7.1% per year in 0–15 cm to 3.7% in 60–75 cm soil depth. Along the transect, the average of root turnover values was highest in the middle of the intra-row. Root turnover and C inputwere correlated with SOC stocks to evaluate C sequestration potential of soils depending on land use and managements. Weconclude that the SOC under maquis is higher and has longer residence time compared to permanent agricultural crops like cactus pear and olives
