24 research outputs found

    Parasitas em hortaliças folhosas comercializadas em Montes Claros (MG)

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    A alimentação saudável é importante para que o ser humano se mantenha em equilíbrio corporal, necessitando diariamente de nutrientes para o suprimento das atividades cotidianas. Dentre os componentes das dietas estão as hortaliças que são fontes nutricionais potenciais, devido a constituição das mesmas. Diante do exposto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho identificar estruturas parasitárias encontradas nas hortaliças folhosas oriundas de supermercado, sacolão, mercado, feira agroecológica, feira livre e comercializadas em Montes Claros (MG). Foram analisadas 30 amostras de alface, rúcula e cebolinha-verde (hortaliças folhosas), configurando um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, contendo duas repetições, com parcelas distribuídas em arranjo fatorial 5 x 3 (5 locais de coleta x 3 hortaliças). Após a coleta das hortaliças, estas foram conduzidas ao laboratório de parasitologia e analisadas, de acordo com o método de sedimentação espontânea. Maior contaminação parasitária de Strongyloides stercoralis foi constatada na rúcula coletada na feira agroecológica

    Occurrence of Magellanic Penguins along the Northeast Brazilian Coast during 2008 Austral Winter

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    During the austral winter of 2008, thousands of penguins traveled to low latitudes along the South Atlantic coast of South America. The atmospheric and oceanic conditions from April to July 2008 may account for the penguins' unusual geographic distribution. During that period, South Atlantic coastal waters were cooler; the wind anomalies had northward and onshore components; the ocean's coastal region presented northward currents that favored the penguins to travel toward lower latitudes. This anomalous climate regime resulted from extreme meteorological frontal systems that occurred mainly during June 2008. Three consecutive extreme midlatitude cyclones produced strong wind shear that resulted in the northward oceanic flow along the South American eastern shoreline favoring the penguins to be spotted in northern tropical waters

    Variability of the Southern Ocean using a coupled model.

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    Neste trabalho a variabilidade climatica do oceano Austral e a ocorrencia da Onda Circumpolar Antartica (OCA) sao investigadas. Foram usados os dados de uma simulaçao do modelo numerico acoplado do Nacional Centre for Atmospheric Research/ Community System Model - NCAR CCSM de 150 anos, e um conjunto de dados climatologicos como base de comparaçao dos dados do modelo. estes foram obtidos da Re-analise do NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Envirommental Prediction) para o periodo de janeiro de 1948 a julho de 2002. Com o intuito de analisar o comportamento sazonal e anual foram analisadas as climatologias e utilizada a tecnica de analise harmonica das variaveis de temperatura da superficie do mar (TSM), pressao ao nivel do mar (PNM), componentes meridional (Vy) e zonal (Vx) do vento. Para analisar o comportamento interanual dessas variaveis sao utilizados diagramas Hovmoeller, espectros de potencia, alem de tecnicas estatisticas como Empirical Ortogonal Functions (EOF) e singular Value Decomposition (SVD).In this study the climatic variability of the Southern ocean and the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave (ACW) are investigated. The National Center for Atmospheric Research/ Community System Model _ NCAR CCSM coupled model 150 years simulation data is compered with the climatology data from the Nacional Center for Envirommental Prediction - NCEP/NCAR Re-analysis, for a period from january/1948 until july/2002. Annual and seasonal climatology and harmonic analysis are used for the following variables: sea surface temperature (SST), sea level pressure (SLP), meridional and zonal wind. Hovmoeller diagrams, potencial spectra and statistics methods such as Empirical Ortogonal Functions (EOF) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) are used to analyze changes in interannual behavior of this variables

    The influence of antactic sea ice in the austral and southwest sector on the south atlantic

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação da interação entre o gelo marinho Antártico e o setor austral e sudoeste do Atlântico Sul. Para realizar este estudo foram utilizados dados de satélite da concentração do gelo marinho e o modelo numérico acoplado do NCAR (Nacional Center for Atmospheric Research) o CCSM3 (Community Climate System Model) versão 3. O CCSM3 foi integrado por 150 anos em 3 diferentes simulações. Estas foram forçadas com as climatologias prescritas da concentração de gelo máximo (MAX), mínimo (MIN) e médio (controle) com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto das mudanças do gelo marinho Antártico no Mar de Weddell e na região da Confluência Brasil-Malvinas (CBM). Este estudo enfatiza a interação das escalas de tempo anual, interanual a decadal. A metodologia empregada nesta pesquisa inclue as análises de correlação e espectral, bem como as técnicas estatísticas de funções ortogonais empíricas (EOF) e decomposição de valores singulares (SVD). O comportamento climático das variáveis oceânicas apresentou sensibilidade às diferentes concentrações de gelo marinho Antártico. A variabilidade das anomalias de TSM e SSM mostraram para o experimento MIN padrões espaciais que caracterizam um regime frio do Giro de Weddell, associado a menor intrusão da CDW. A resposta da variabilidade da temperatura, entre os cenários de gelo MAX e MIN, para a região da CBM sugere que menores concentrações de gelo marinho Antártico intensificam as anomalias de TSM desta região, com periodicidade interanual de 2-3 anos e decadal de 25 anos. A circulação oceânica, em ambas as regiões analisadas, associada a fase positiva da SAM se intensifica devido a influência das menores concentrações de gelo marinho.In this work the interaction between Antarctic sea-ice and the South Atlantic ocean (austral and southwestern sectors) is investigated. To accomplish this satellite-observed sea-ice concentration (SIC) and a coupled model from NCAR-CCSM3 (National Center for Atmospheric Research - Community Climate System Model version 3) were employed. Three 150-year simulations, one each with the maximum (MAX), minimum (MIN) and average (control) SIC prescribed climatologies, were used to drive the CCSM3 run. The goal of the research is to evaluate the Weddell Sea and Brazil-Malvinas confluence (BMC) response to observed extremes in Antarctic sea-ice. This study focuses on annual, interannual and decadal timescales. The applied methodology uses correlation and spectrum analyses, as well as Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The annual mean behavior of oceanic variables showed sensibility to Antarctic sea-ice changes. The variability of SST and SSS anomalies showed for the sea-ice MIN experiment a spatial pattern that characterizes the cold regime of the Weddell Gyre, associate with low CDW intrusion. The response of the temperature variability, between sea-ice MAX and MIN scenarios, for the BMC region suggests that less Antarctic sea-ice produces a SST anomaly intensification in this region with a interannual cycle of the 2-3year and decadal cycle of the 25-year. The oceanic circulation in both study regions, related to positive SAM events, showed a intensification to less SIC influence

    Salinity Blases and the Variablity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in GFDL-CM3

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    The variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the Meridional Freshwater Transport (Mov) at 24°N, 11°S, and 30°S, simulated with the GFDL-CM3 model under the historical (1860–2005) and RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios (2006–2100) are examined. The results are compared with the climatology and observations in the search for salinity biases that would compromise the accuracy of the state of the future climate predicted by this model. The AMOC wavelet analysis shows a predominant decadal variability at 24°N, whereas the annual signal is more prominent in the South Atlantic. The Mov magnitude varies considerably among the latitudes: increasing at 24°N, rather stable at 11°S and decreasing at 30°S. Such a pattern is followed by an AMOC weakening regardless of the latitude until the end of the 21st century, indicating that a reduction in Mov in the southern South Atlantic and an increase in the North Atlantic are potential drivers of the AMOC destabilization. Both model and observations agree on the stability of the circulation, even though the model projects a stronger AMOC than the latter. Besides the AMOC weakening, a shoaling of its upper limb is also observed. Salinity biases were found mostly in the South Atlantic in the upper 1000 m of the water column, with the model results significantly deviating from the observations and climatology in the mid-Atlantic, especially at 30°S. Possible causes for the abovementioned results, including potential drivers for salinity biases are discussed

    Factores determinantes en el desarrollo de desnutrición infantil en población Indígena de Colombia; revisión integradora

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    Introducción: La desnutrición representa un factor de importancia en la población infantil indígena. Es una problemática de origen multifactorial, muchas veces dada por las condiciones de pobreza y otros aspectos relacionados con la cultura de las comunidades. Objetivo: Determinar los factores que influyen en la prevalencia de los niveles de desnutrición en niños y niñas de 0 a 5 años de las comunidades indígenas de Colombia mediante la aplicación de una revisión integradora de la literatura. Metodología: Revisión integradora de la literatura, realizada en seis bases de datos diferentes entre el periodo 2020-2021. Además, se emplearon descriptores relacionados al fenómeno de estudio. Resultados: Para el desarrollo, se realizó una búsqueda en las diferentes bases de datos como; LILACS, PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct, EMBASE y el meta buscador Google Scholar, se identificaron 23.569, al filtrar la búsqueda, se preseleccionaron 27 artículos los cuales cumplían con los DeSC, MeSH y las palabras claves asignadas a este estudio, 18 publicaciones fueron excluidas debido a que no cumplían con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, seleccionando 9 publicaciones. Conclusión: Factores como el conflicto armado, pobreza, bajo nivel educativo y el difícil acceso a los servicios de salud, al igual que agentes culturales, facilitaban la incidencia de desnutrición en los niños y niñas de cero a cinco años de edad en las comunidades indígenas, al igual que conductas como el inicio de vida sexual a temprana edad, esto acompañado de patrones alimenticios en los cuales la dieta estaba constituida en gran parte de carbohidratos, agua de panela, mazamorras, huevo y en menor porcentaje carnes.INTRODUCCIÓN ..................................................................................................... 11. OBJETIVOS ....................................................................................................... 51.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................... 51.2 ESPECÍFICOS ............................................................................................... 52. REFERENTE TEÓRICO .................................................................................... 62.1 MARCO TEÓRICO ......................................................................................... 62.1.1 TEORIA DE LA DIVERSIDAD Y UNIVERSALIDAD DE LOS CUIDADOS CULTURALES .......................................................................................................... 62.1.2 LA DESNUTRICION INFANTIL EN COMUNIDADES INDÍIGENAS; UN ASUNTO DE INTERES EN SALUD PÚBLICA. .............................................................................................. 92.2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL ............................................................................... 112.2.1 DESNUTRICIÓN ........................................................................................... 112.2.2 SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA............................................................................ 142.2.3 CULTURA ................................................................................................... 162.3 MARCO LEGAL. ........................................................................................... 183. METODOLOGÍA .............................................................................................. 223.1 TIPO DE ESTUDIO ....................................................................................... 223.2 RECOLECCIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN ...................................................... 223.3. CRITERIOS DE INCLUSIÓN Y EXCLUSIÓN .............................................. 243.4 ANÁLISIS DE LA INFORMACIÓN ................................................................ 243.5 ASPECTOS ÉTICOS .................................................................................... 254. RESULTADOS ................................................................................................. 275. ANÁLISIS Y DISCUSIÓN ................................................................................. 365.1. DETERMINANTES SOCIALES Y CULTURALES ........................................ 365.2. ECONOMÍA Y EDUCACIÓN ........................................................................ 395.3 PARASITOSIS INTESTINAL Y CONDICIONES DE VIVIENDA. ................... 405.4 ESTADO NUTRICIONAL Y DESARROLLO MOTOR ................................... 415.5 SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA Y ESTADO NUTRICIONAL ............................ 416. CONCLUSIONES ............................................................................................ 447. RECOMENDACIONES .................................................................................... 467.1PARA LOS PROFESIONALES DE ENFERMERÍA ........................................ 467.2PARA EL PROGRAMA DE ENFERMERÍA .................................................... 467.3PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN ........................................................................... 467.4PARA EL ESTADO COLOMBIANO ............................................................... 47BIBLIOGRAFÍA ...................................................................................................... 48ANEXOS ................................................................................................................ 57PregradoEnfermero(a)Trabajos de Investigación y/o Extensió

    Forcing mechanisms of the circulation on the Brazilian Equatorial Shelf

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    The Brazilian Equatorial Shelf (BES) is a very dynamic region due to the influence of various forcings: trade winds, macrotides, the Amazon River, and the North Brazil Current (NBC). To investigate each forcing's role in BES circulation, a control simulation and three sensitivity simulations (without rivers, without tides, and without winds) were performed using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with a horizontal resolution of 1/24° and realistic forcings. The results showed that the NBC advected low-salinity waters from the Amazon River northwestward to Caribbean Sea and occasionally eastward through the NBC retroflection. The NBC exhibited the strongest flow when all forcings were included in the simulation. On the other hand, southeasterly winds inhibited the NBC retroflection system and, thus reducing its contribution to North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) and Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC). The simulation without tides showed a plume more advected by the NBC and constricted to the first 10 m of the water column, while in the simulation without wind the plume was less advected northwestward by the weakened NBC and spread more toward the shelf break. The correlation analysis highlighted the complexity of the system, the complementarity of the forcings and their time-variable interdependence. The three sensitivity simulations and correlation analysis demonstrated the wind to be the main mechanism of the circulation in the BES. The sensitivity simulations also gave insight of how circulation would respond in a future scenario if climate changes persist. Previous studies suggest that the reduced Amazon runoff may indirectly weaken Atlantic ITCZ and thus trade winds causing a weakened circulation in tropical Atlantic. Our results show that this weakened circulation would advect even less fresh water northward, worsening the disturbances in North Atlantic due to the reduced freshwater supply.This work was financially supported by PETROBRAS, Brazil and the Brazilian oil regulatory agency ANP (Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis), within the special participation research project Oceanographic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO). A research grant (no: 380293/2022-6) was offered by the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) within the scope of the project Rede Brasileira de Pesquisas sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais (Rede Clima)