96 research outputs found

    "Modelos didáticos - passado e presente" : estudo comparativo entre alunos dos cursos científico-humanísticos de ciências e tecnologias e artes visuais

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    Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2019O presente relatório intitulado “Modelos Didáticos – Passado e Presente” Estudo comparativo entre alunos dos cursos Científico - Humanísticos de Ciências e Tecnologias e Artes Visuais, é o resultado do Projeto Pedagógico desenvolvido e implementado no âmbito da Iniciação à Prática Profissional, foi implementado na atual Escola Secundária de Camões, em Lisboa, na turma 11.ºC do Curso Científico-Humanístico de Ciências e Tecnologias e no 11.ºF do Curso Científico-Humanístico de Artes Visuais. O relatório tem dois pontos de foco, o primeiro é um breve estudo à evolução dos modelos didáticos existentes no espólio do Museu escolar e criação de novos modelos, com recurso às tecnologias emergentes e sua utilização no contexto de ensino-aprendizagem. E o segundo é fazer um estudo comparativo entre as duas turmas, este estudo foi feito através de avaliação normativa, criterial e auto-avaliação e fundamento por paradigmas da educação. O tema trabalhado neste relatório faz parte do currículo da disciplina de Geometria Descritiva A, módulo 3 – Representação Diédrica, mais concretamente o ponto 3.17 Secções. A estratégia pedagógica utilizada teve como objetivo que os alunos façam uma aprendizagem, adquiram processos e os saibam utilizar na resolução dos problemas apresentados no módulo que vai ser trabalhado no projeto pedagógico. Os resultados obtidos revelam que a utilização de ferramentas didáticas que permitam aos alunos uma melhor interpretação da geometria através de objetos concretos, permite aos estudantes, que apresentam mais dificuldades adquirir referências formais que os permitem resolver exercícios com maior facilidade.The present Educational Project, entitled Didactic Models - Past and Present ” Comparative study between students of the Scientific - Humanistic Sciences and Technologies and Visual Arts courses, is the result of the Pedagogical Project developed and implemented under the Initiation to Professional Practice. It was implemented at Camões Secondary School in Lisbon, in two classes of the 11th, one of the Scientific-Humanistic Course of Sciences and Technologies and the other of the Scientific Humanistic Course of Visual Arts. The report has two focal points, the first is a brief study of the evolution of the existing didactic models in the school’s museum and the creation of new models using emerging technologies and their use in the teaching-learning context. And the second point is to make a comparative study between the two classes, this study was made through normative, criterial and self-assessment and it was reasoned by education’s paradigms. The theme discussed in this report is part of the curriculum of Descriptive Geometry A, module 3 - Dihedral Representation, more specifically the point 3.17 Sections. The pedagogical strategy used was intended for students to learn, acquire processes and know how to use them to solve the problems presented in the module that will be worked in the pedagogical project. The results show that the use of didactic tools allow students a better interpretation of geometry through concrete objects, and also allow students, who have more difficulties to acquire formal references, to solve exercises more easily

    The materiality of absence through blue

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    This article is about sharing the experience during a work project created within the curriculum of the Visual Arts Education Master's Degree. Starting from the theme Absence, we developed an activity using "Cyanotype", an alternative process to photography, incorporating it into the 12th grade Arts Workshop curricular programinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Radio‐cephalic fistula recovered with drainage to median basilic vein by straightening of the forearm cephalic vein: A case report

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    The distal arteriovenous fistula (AVF) has less complications and better patency than the proximal fistula, when it works properly. The complications of outflow of the fistula are complex, and it is necessary to analyze all solutions to solve the problem. We introduce a novel approach to solve outflow problems of a radio-cephalic AVF by straightening of the forearm cephalic vein with drainage into the median basilic vein.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of clusters of asthma control: A preliminary analysis of the inspirers studies

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    This work was funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI- -01-0145-FEDER-029130 (“mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases - generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies”) co-funded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).© 2020, Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clinica. All rights reserved. Aims: To identify distinct asthma control clusters based on Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) and to compare patients’ characteristics among these clusters. Methods: Adults and adolescents (≥13 years) with persistent asthma were recruited at 29 Portuguese hospital outpatient clinics, in the context of two observational studies of the INSPIRERS project. Demographic and clinical characteristics, adherence to inhaled medication, beliefs about inhaled medication, anxiety and depression, quality of life, and asthma control (CARAT, >24 good control) were collected. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using CARAT total score (CARAT-T). Results: 410 patients (68% adults), with a median (percentile 25–percentile 75) age of 28 (16-46) years, were analysed. Three clusters were identified [mean CARAT-T (min-max)]: cluster 1 [27(24-30)], cluster 2 [19(14-23)] and cluster 3 [10(2-13)]. Patients in cluster 1 (34%) were characterised by better asthma control, better quality of life, higher inhaler adherence and use of a single inhaler. Patients in clusters 2 (50%) and 3 (16%) had uncontrolled asthma, lower inhaler adherence, more symptoms of anxiety and depression and more than half had at least one exacerbation in the previous year. Further-more, patients in cluster 3 were predominantly female, had more unscheduled medical visits and more anxiety symp-toms, perceived a higher necessity of their prescribed inhalers but also higher levels of concern about taking these inhalers. There were no differences in age, body mass index, lung function, smoking status, hospital admissions or specialist physician follow-up time among the three clusters. Conclusion: An unsupervised method based on CARAT--T, identified 3 clusters of patients with distinct, clinically meaningful characteristics. The cluster with better asthma control had a cut-off similar to the established in the validation study of CARAT and an additional cut-off seems to distinguish more severe disease. Further research is necessary to validate the asthma control clusters identified.publishersversionpublishe

    práticas artísticas no ensino básico e secundário

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    Educação Artística: integrar a inovação. A educação artística apresenta-se como um território a re-cartografar, numa atualização tão rápida quanto aquela que ocorre no campo artístico. As propostas publicadas neste número 11 da Revista Matéria-Prima trazem essa diversidade de abordagens, com novidades conceptuais que estabelecem as devidas relações entre educação e cidadania, participação, sustentabilidade, cultura visual, e também com alguma atenção sobre os debates pós-coloniais e as questões de género. Os 16 artigos reunidos neste 11º número da Revista Matéria-Prima trazem a realidade operativa quer na formação de professores e quer na formulação dos discursos pedagógicos, suas justificações e suas propostas alternativas.As propostas apresentadas devolvem o debate ao terreno, e alargam-no. Provocam as periferias, convocam abordagens diferenciadas sobre o tema da arte e da educação. Em todas elas a proposta de crescimento através da arte, que hoje implica cada vez mais cidadania, crítica, criatividade, interligação, comprometimento, participação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Innovation of Textiles through Natural By-Products and Wastes

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    Nowadays, the competitiveness of the textile industry and the consumers’ interest have been increasing the demand for innovative and functional textiles. Allied to this, sustainable developments are playing an increasingly important role in the textile industry. Such concerns led to a new development strategy based on the valorization of bio-based wastes and by-products of different industries, inserting this in the circular economy paradigm. These bio-based wastes and by-products come from several industries, as the agri-food industry. These resources present an enormous potential for valorization in the textile finish due to their intrinsic properties (antimicrobial, prebiotic, antioxidant activity, among others). This chapter will review the latest innovation and textile product development through different by-products and wastes, their main properties and characteristics and the advantages that they offer to the textile industry

    Studies of the mass composition of cosmic rays and proton-proton interaction cross-sections at ultra-high energies with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    In this work, we present an estimate of the cosmic-ray mass composition from the distributions of the depth of the shower maximum (Xmax) measured by the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory. We discuss the sensitivity of the mass composition measurements to the uncertainties in the properties of the hadronic interactions, particularly in the predictions of the particle interaction cross-sections. For this purpose, we adjust the fractions of cosmic-ray mass groups to fit the data with Xmax distributions from air shower simulations. We modify the proton-proton cross-sections at ultra-high energies, and the corresponding air shower simulations with rescaled nucleus-air cross-sections are obtained via Glauber theory. We compare the energy-dependent composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays obtained for the different extrapolations of the proton-proton cross-sections from low-energy accelerator data

    Study of downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The surface detector (SD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory, consisting of 1660 water-Cherenkov detectors (WCDs), covers 3000 km2 in the Argentinian pampa. Thanks to the high efficiency of WCDs in detecting gamma rays, it represents a unique instrument for studying downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) over a large area. Peculiar events, likely related to downward TGFs, were detected at the Auger Observatory. Their experimental signature and time evolution are very different from those of a shower produced by an ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray. They happen in coincidence with low thunderclouds and lightning, and their large deposited energy at the ground is compatible with that of a standard downward TGF with the source a few kilometers above the ground. A new trigger algorithm to increase the TGF-like event statistics was installed in the whole array. The study of the performance of the new trigger system during the lightning season is ongoing and will provide a handle to develop improved algorithms to implement in the Auger upgraded electronic boards. The available data sample, even if small, can give important clues about the TGF production models, in particular, the shape of WCD signals. Moreover, the SD allows us to observe more than one point in the TGF beam, providing information on the emission angle

    Measuring the muon content of inclined air showers using AERA and the water-Cherenkov detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Investigating multiple elves and halos above strong lightning with the fluorescence detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    ELVES are being studied since 2013 with the twenty-four FD Telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatory, in the province of Mendoza (Argentina), the world’s largest facility for the study of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. This study exploits a dedicated trigger and extended readout. Since December 2020, this trigger has been extended to the three High levation Auger Telescopes (HEAT), which observe the night sky at elevation angles between 30 and 60 degrees, allowing a study of ELVES from closer lightning. The high time resolution of the Auger telescopes allows us to upgrade reconstruction algorithms and to do detailed studies on multiple ELVES. The origin of multiple elves can be studied by analyzing the time difference and the amplitude ratio between flashes and comparing them with the properties of radio signals detected by the ENTLN lightning network since 2018. A fraction of multi-ELVES can also be interpreted as halos following ELVES. Halos are disc-shaped light transients emitted at 70-80 km altitudes, appearing at the center of the ELVES rings, due to the rearrangement of electric charges at the base of the ionosphere after a strong lightning event