24 research outputs found

    The effect of riparian forest on landscape connectivity for the EPT community across European regions

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    Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichop- tera are three orders of freshwater macroinvertebrates with a short terrestrial adult life-stage that they use to disperse by flying upstream. This aerial dispersal can be assisted by native riparian forest, but regional variation has not yet been empirically tested. In this study we compared the EPT community of 153 sampling sites located in freshwater streams in four European regions (Central Plains, Central Highlands, Alps, Iberia). In each site, we assessed the EPT com- munity dispersal ability using the Species Flying Pro- pensity index. We also calculated the native decidu- ous forest cover in the riparian buffer and several environmental stressors such as saprobic pollution or catchment anthropization. Finally, we tested which of these parameters have a significant effect on the EPT community. In the Central Highlands and in Iberia, the share of weak dispersers increased with native deciduous forest cover, indicating a positive effect on dispersal of EPTs. In the Central Plains and the Alps, no such effect was found. We conclude that the effect of native deciduous forest depends on regional land- scape characteristics and the regional species pool, but considering the dispersal of the regional EPT communities is needed to create effective river man- agement policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ¿Se pueden garantizar los derechos sociales? Una propuesta para la nueva Constitución chilena

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    In the framework of the Chilean constituent process, and in the face of ideas that propose replacing the current Fundamental Charter with one that considers a social State principle or the enhanced justiciability of social rights, the purpose of this article is to explain the dogmatic limits to the justiciability of this type of prerogatives and why an improvement of this type could only translate into a relative improvement in the enforceability of the respective benefits. In this framework, an improvement that respects at the same time the competences and responsibilities of the authorities, the limits of the jurisdictional work and the technical characteristics of social rights, could consist in the inclusion of a collegiate and consultative body that, as in other countries, would allow these demands to be considered in a timely manner within the legislative process, which, together with respecting the need for social policies to have a democratic origin, would help the adjudicatory work of the judge to focus on the proper legal interpretation of the relevant constitutional provisions. Summary:1. INTRODUCTION. 2. WHAT ARE SOCIAL RIGHTS. 3. SOCIAL RIGHTS AS DIRECTLY JUSTICIABLE PROVISIONS. 4. THE PROBLEM OF HANDING OVER THE DEFINITION OF SOCIAL POLICIES TO THE JUDGE. A) The «indefinition» of Social Rights. B) The Ideological Component. 5. SOCIAL RIGHTS AT THE COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW LEVEL. 6. SOCIAL RIGHTS IN THE 1980 POLITICAL CONSTITUTION. A) The Principle of Subsidiarity and Social Rights. B) The Constitutional Regulation of Social Rights: The Example of the Right to Health. 7. OUR CONSTITUTIONAL PROPOSAL: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL. 8. CONCLUSIONSEn el marco del proceso constituyente chileno, y ante las ideas que proponen reemplazar la actual Carta fundamental por una que considere un principio de Estado social o la justiciabilidad reforzada de los derechos sociales, el propósito del presente artículo es explicar los limites dogmáticos que encuentra la justiciabilidad de esta clase de prerrogativas y porqué una mejora de este tipo sólo podría traducirse en una mejora relativa en la exigibilidad de las prestaciones respectivas. En este marco, una mejora que respete al mismo tiempo las competencias y responsabilidades de las autoridades, los límites de la labor jurisdiccional y las características técnicas de los derechos sociales, podría consistir en la inclusión de un organismo colegiado y consultivo que, tal como en otros países, permita considerar estas demandas de forma oportuna al interior del proceso legislativo, lo que junto con respetar la necesidad de que las políticas sociales tengan un origen democrático, ayudaría a que la labor de adjudicación del juez se centre en la interpretación propiamente jurídica de las disposiciones constitucionales pertinentes

    Nivel de estres laboral y estrategias de afrontamiento en funcionarios publicos vinculados al poder judicial

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    177 p.La presente investigación tiene por objetivo describir los niveles de estrés laboral y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por los funcionarios de organismos públicos vinculados al Poder Judicial. Se evaluó a un total de 71 trabajadores de la VII Región del Maule, pertenecientes a las comunas de Talca, Curicó y Linares, a través del instrumento “Monitor de Estrés” (2000), que evalúa niveles de estrés, síntomas, estresores y estrategias de afrontamiento para el manejo de estrés. El estudio establece diferencias significativas entre las localidades evaluadas, el sexo y el tiempo que llevan los funcionarios trabajando en los organismos. Los resultados indican que los mayores niveles de estrés se evidencian en lalocalidad de Talca, en mujeres y en los funcionarios que llevan más de tres años trabajando en la institución. Los estresores se asocian a factores laborales, tales como, el exceso de responsabilidades, la sobrecarga de tareas y funciones, y la presión del tiempo. Las consecuencias que han generado en los funcionarios son principalmente el sentirse bajo presión, padecer trastornos del sueño y algunas dolencias físicas tales como dolores de cabeza y músculos tensos. Los funcionarios lo afrontan utilizando estrategias adecuadas, atribuyéndose control al momento de enfrentar situaciones estresantes y planificando acciones para resolver los problemas. Estos resultados podrían ser considerados en planes de acción para estos trabajadores, con la finalidad de disminuir los niveles de estrés evidenciados, asimismo, las diferenciaciones establecidas entre los grupos, pueden generar intervenciones dirigidas a aquellos que se evidencian más afectados

    Different alterations of glomerular filtration rate and their association with uric acid in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes or with overweight/obesity

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    GFR alterations were different between youths with T1D and with OW/OB. Higher uric acid, older age, and puberty were related to lower GFR values in OW/OB children. Longitudinal studies will determine if low GFR is consequence of a rapid GFR decline in pediatric patients with OW/OB. Keywords: children; diabetes; hyperfiltration; obesity; renal disease; uric acid

    Undamning the Douro river catchment: a stepwise approach for prioritizing dam removal

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    Dams provide water supply, flood protection, and hydropower generation benefits, but also harm native species by altering the natural flow regime, and degrading the aquatic and riparian habitats. In the present study, which comprised the Douro River basin located in the North of Portugal, the cost-benefit assessment of dams was based upon a balance between the touristic benefits of a dammed Douro, and the ecological benefits of less fragmented Douro sub-catchments. Focused on four sub-catchments (Sabor, Tâmega, Côa and Corgo), a probabilistic stream connectivity model was developed and implemented to recommend priorities for dam removal, where this action could significantly improve the movement of potadromous fish species along the local streams. The proposed model accounts for fish movement across the dam or weir (permeability), which is a novel issue in connectivity models. However, before any final recommendation on the fate of a dam or weir, the connectivity results will be balanced with other important socio-economic interests. While implementing the connectivity model, an inventory of barriers (dams and weirs) was accomplished through an observation of satellite images. Besides identification and location of any obstacles, the inventory comprised the compilation of data on surrounding land use, reservoir water use, characteristics of the riparian gallery, and permeability conditions for fish, among others. All this information was stored in a geospatial dataset that also included geographical information on the sub-catchment drainage network. The linear (drainage network) and point (barriers) source data were processed in a computer program that provided or returned numbers for inter-barrier stream lengths (habitat), and the barrier permeability. These numbers were finally used in the same computer program to calculate a habitat connector index, and a link improvement index, used to prioritize dam removal based upon structural connectivity criteria. The results showed that habitat patch connectivity in the Sabor, Tâmega and Côa sub-catchments is not dramatically affected by the installed obstacles, because most link improvement values were generally low. For the opposite reason, in the Corgo sub-catchment, obstacles may constitute a relatively higher limitation to connectivity, and in this case the removal of eight obstacles could significantly improve this connectivity. Using the probabilistic model of structural connectivity, it was possible to elaborate a preliminary selection of dams/weirs that critically limit stream connectivity, and that will be the focus of field hydraulic characterization to precisely determine fish movement along the associated river stretches. Future work will also include the implementation of a multi-criteria decision support system for dam removal or mitigation of the critical structures, as well to define exclusion areas for additional obstaclesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ibero‐Panamerican Federation of Periodontics Delphi study on the trends in diagnosis and treatment of peri‐implant diseases and conditions: A Latin American consensus

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    Background: The social diversity, heterogeneous culture, and inherent economic inequality factors in Latin America (LA) justify conducting a comprehensive analysis on the current status and future trends of peri-implant diseases and conditions. Thus, the aim of this Delphi study was to predict the future trends in the diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant diseases and conditions in LA countries for the year 2030. Methods: A Latin American steering committee and group of experts in implant dentistry validated a questionnaire including 64 questions divided into eight sections. The questionnaire was run twice with an interval of 45 days, with the results from the first round made available to all the participants in the second round. The results were expressed in percentages and data was analyzed describing the consensus level reached in each question. Results: A total of 221 experts were invited to participate in the study and a total 214 (96.8%) completed the two rounds. Moderate (65%-85%) to high consensus (≥85%) was reached in 51 questions (79.69%), except in the questions dealing with “prevalence”, where no consensus was reached. High and moderate consensus was attained for all the questions in three fields (risk factors and indicators, diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant conditions and deficiencies, and prevention and maintenance). Conclusions: The present study has provided relevant and useful information on the predictions in the diagnosis and treatment of peri-implant diseases with a high level of consensus among experts. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of agreement in certain domains

    Streamflow forecasting in a snow-dominated river of Chile

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    2021 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.The combination of 10 years of drought in the Chilean Andes and an increased demand water supply and agricultural activities has created the need for better forecasts to inform water management and decision making. The existing water supply forecasts have been insufficient for the snow-dominated systems originating in the mountains, especially under the new drought conditions. Future climate change and inter-annual variability will further require the use of more detailed snowpack information to create better water supply forecasts. This research focuses on the monthly water supply forecast for the basin upstream the flow gauging station called Río Aconcagua en Chacabuquito, in central Chile. This basin is located in the Mediterranean climate zone, originating at the highest peak in the Andes, Aconcagua. Meteorological data are collected at several stations in the lower elevations, and snowpack information, specifically monthly snow water equivalent (SWE) has been collected at the higher elevation Portillo snow course since 1951. Here, a new methodology is created to improve the seasonal volume and the monthly distribution streamflow forecasts, using available information from operational and more representative stations. Results are being evaluated for the current snowmelt period (September 2020 to March 2021), with monthly updates. Improvements have been seen in the seasonal volume, due the use of historical data and because the new methodology also incorporates the recent dry years, unlike the previous forecast model. Improvement in the monthly distributions are seen due the newly adopted methodology distribution