58 research outputs found

    Aspectos de la desapariciĂłn. Calles y subterrĂĄneos

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    This essay discusses issues related to disappearances in urban space, in par- ticular cases that affect streets and subways, the mismatched equivalences of lines on the surface of urban space and what lays underground. Taking as a point of departure David Pike’s concept of threshold, which is key to defining a topography of the “vertical city”, a reading of plans and literary texts and films is proposed. This will illustrate the ways in which surface and other underground spaces overlap and the many differences that exist

    Ruinas, cĂ­rculos, construcciones

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    This article is organized around three groups of 'citations' from architectural forms, texts, images, which generate three options of imagination, representation and reading of space: ruins, circular constructions, and rhetoric (in particular figures of repetition). I discuss the story of Borges "Las ruinas circulares" and examples from Iain Sinclair, London orbital (2002), Gianni Biondillo and Michele Monina, Tangenziali. Due viandanti ai bordi della cittĂ  (2010), and NicolĂČ Bassetti, Sapo Matteucci, Sacro romano GRA (2013). The circularity generates a repetitive and disparate look allowing the observation of a complementary rhythm of destruction and construction characteristic of progress in the world

    On Blends and Abstractions: Children's Literature and the Mechanisms of Holocaust Representation

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    Critics have long since noted that children's literature of the Holocaust is caught between two binary oppositions: it must offer an emphatic didactic message whilst simultaneously providing an appropriate ‘safe’ distance between the implied reader and the atrocities committed. The result is that texts of this kind frequently consign the most brutal aspects of the story to the periphery of the narrative as a lack and the true horror of the Holocaust is reified in more conceptual forms. In other words, that which is said may be explained by that which is not said. Taking cognitive poetics as my methodological approach, I attempt to illustrate the ways in which the said/not-said binary can be usefully manipulated as a means of facilitating the requirements for both didacticism and appropriate suitability simultaneously. Through an examination of the uses of conceptual integration and metonymy, I demonstrate the power of?–?and issues surrounding?–?silence as a means of representation in itself
