1,182 research outputs found

    The choice of banking firm: Are the interest rate a significant criteria?

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    The objective of the research is to know the factors that in Spain determine the choice of banking organization. The obtained results indicate that the dimension of the network of branches is the reason more valued. In spite of the increasing symmetry of the Spanish banking market, the preferences of the clients of the savings banks and those of the banks are not absolutely coincident, being the proximity - the main reason for election- much more valued by the former than by the latter. The existence of divergences in the preferences has also been detected according to the region and the typology of city of residence.Choice criteria, retail banking, logit multinomial.

    ¿Crisis? ¿Qué crisis?. Aproximación a un concepto ubicuo

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    Els indignats, perspectives de futur

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    La valoració del moviment respon, òbviament, a l'òptica de l'autor, el qual confessa, d'entrada, que no comparteix alguns dels epítets que s'han adjudicat massa acríticament al Moviment 15-M. Així, no li ha semblat ni inesperat ni original ni global. Ara bé, que tingui raó i que aquest moviment no sigui ni inesperat ni original ni global no significa que no hagi estat i pugui continuar essent important. Sens dubte, ho és perquè ha impactat en l'opinió pública i ha condicionat l'agenda política. Per aquest motiu, paga la pena de parlar-ne

    Crisi...Quina crisi? Aproximació a un concepte ubic

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    30 anys

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    Contributions to the knowledge of the flora of the Balearic Islands: Notes on the genus Potamogeton and Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae)

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    Es presenta una revisió dels gèneres Potamogeton i Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae) a les Illes Balears. Per a cada espècie acceptada s’aporten dades i comentaris sobre la morfologia, l’ecologia i la distribució. S’exclou la presència de Potamogeton lucens i de P. natans a les Illes Balears, mentre que s’indica per primera vegada la presència en aquest arxipèlag de Potamogeton schweinfurthii, una espècie de distribució europea i africana.An investigation on the genus Potamogeton and Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae) in the Balearic Islands is presented. For each of the species we provide comments on its morphology, as well as data on its ecology and distribution. The presence of Potamogeton lucens and P. natans in the Balearic Islands is excluded, whereas the occurrence in the Balearic archipelago of the European and African species Potamogeton schweinfurthii is newly recorded

    Oxygen-neon rich merger during common envelope evolution

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    We conduct a population synthesis study of the common envelope evolution (CEE) of a white dwarf (WD) and an asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star and find that the potential number of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the core degenerate (CD) and from the double degenerate (DD) scenarios are of the same order of magnitude. For the CD scenario we consider cases where a carbon oxygen rich (CO) AGB core and a CO WD merge during the CEE and leave a WD remnant with a mass of >1.35Mo, and for the DD scenario we count surviving CO WD binary systems that merge within a time of 10 Gyr. When either the AGB core or the WD are oxygen neon rich (ONe) we assume that the outcome might be a peculiar SN Ia. We find that the number of potential peculiar SNe Ia in the channels we study, that do not include peculiar SNe Ia that involve helium WDs or helium donors, is non-negligible, but less than the number of normal SNe Ia. If a SN Ia or a peculiar SN Ia explosion takes place within about million year after CEE, whether in the CD scenario or in the DD scenario, a massive circumstellar matter is present at explosion time. Our results are compatible with the suggestion that Chandrasekhar-mass SNe Ia mostly come from the CD scenario, and sub-Chandrasekhar SNe Ia mostly come from the DD scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    La sanitat a Catalunya des de la prespectiva de l'esquerra catalana

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