73 research outputs found


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    Overactive bladder (OAB) sering terjadi pada sebagian pasien benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) retensi pasca transurethral resection of prostate (TURP). Keadaan tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh stimulasi fisik dari kateter yang digunakan sebagai tatalaksana awal retensi urin. Penggunaan kateter dalam waktu lama dapat menimbulkan iritasi yang menyebabkan perubahan buli secara histologik sehingga terjadilah kontraksi berlebihan dari detrusor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lama pemakaian kateter dengan kejadian OAB pada pasien BPH retensi pasca TURP di Kota Padang. Penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan prospektif dilakukan pada 29 pasien BPH retensi pasca TURP yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi di lima rumah sakit di Padang yang dilakukan dari bulan Januari 2019 hingga Agustus 2019. Data yang terdiri dari karakteristik dan lama pemakaian kateter didapatkan melalui wawancara, sedangkan gejala OAB didapatkan berdasarkan total skor dari kuesioner OABSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rerata lama pemakaian kateter adalah 14,98,0 hari dan rerata total skor OABSS adalah 4,72,5. Uji Pearson menunjukkan terdapat korelasi positif dengan kekuatan lemah antara lama pemakaian kateter terhadap total skor OABSS (r = 0,396, p=0,033). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah merupakan hal penting untuk tidak memperlama pemakaian kateter agar terjadi penurunan insidensi dan tingkat keparahan dari OAB pada pasien BPH retensi pasca TURP. Kata kunci : overactive bladder, lama pemakaian kateter, benign prostate hyperplasia retens

    Characterization of The Volcanic Rocks of Mount Sinabung, Simacem Village, Karo Regency, Conducted With XRD, SEM-EDX

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    The study of volcanic rocks characterization of Sinabung Volcano erupted on September 15, 2017. The volcanic rocks crystal system was performed with XRD, elemental analysis and microstructure with SEM-EDX. Volcanic rocks contain: Anorthite phase 87,11 (wt%), Triclinic crystal, lattice constant, a = 8.1742 Ã…, b = 12,844 Ã…, c = 14,204 Ã…; Quartz phase 2.26%, Hexagonal crystals, lattice constants, a = 4,799 Ã…, b = 4,799 Ã…, c = 5,379 Ã…; Cristobalite phase 7.72 (wt%), Tetragonal crystals, lattice constants a = 4,970 Ã…, b = 6,990 Ã…, c = 6,998 Ã…; Alunite phase 2.91 (wt%), Hexagonal crystals, lattice constants, a = 6,990 Ã…, b = 6,990 Ã…, c = 17,282 Ã…


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    Abstrak.            Supervisi akademik Pengawas Sekolah adalah kegiatan pengawasan akademik yang dilakukan oleh pengawas satuan pendidikan terhadap guru dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, agar lebih profesional dalam bidangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan supervisi akademik oleh Pengawas Sekolah sebagai upaya peningkatan profesionalisme guru SMP Al-Ikhlas Lubuklinggau, Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa (1) pelaksanaan supervisi akademik di SMP Al-Ikhlas Lubuklinggau dinilai dapat meningkatkan kinerja atau profesionalisme guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran; (2) Aspek- aspek yang disupervisi dinilai telah mengarah pada materi/sasaran supervisi akademik yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan guru/sekolah; (3) Teknik supervisi akademik yang digunakan cukup bervariasi; (4) Kendala pelaksanaan supervisi akademik oleh pengawas sekolah adalah terbatasnya waktu; (5) Upaya yang dilakukan pengawas sekolah dinilai sudah cukup, namun tetap perlu ditingkatkan.Kata Kunci : Supervisi Akademik, Pengawas Sekolah, Profesionalisme, GuruAbstract: The implementation of school academic supervision is the academic supervision activity that is conducted by the supervisor of a school on teachers in doing their task , so that they can be more professional in their field.  The purposes of this research is to know how is the implementation of academic supervision by the school supervisor as the effort to increase teachers’ professionalism at SMP Al-Ikhlas Lubuklinggau. This research is a qualitative approach by a descriptive method. The data are collected through interview, observation, and documentation. The result of the research shows that (1) the implementation of academic supervision at SMP N 1 Bengkayang can increase teachers’ works or professionalism in conducting teaching and learning; (2) The aspects that are supervised seem to go with the material/ the goal of the academic supervision that goes with the teachers’ or school need; (3) The supervision techniques are  various; (4) The problem in conducting academic supervision by the supervisor is limited time; (5) The supervisor’s efforts is enough, but still need to be increase;Keywords : Academic supervision, School advisor, Professionalism, Teache

    Mechanical Properties Analysis of Medium Carbon Steel Heated at 850°C by Quenching in NaOH Solution

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the mechanical properties of carbon steel medium by quenching in NaOH solution. Heating medium of the carbon steel in a heating furnace is 850°C. The cooling process in NaOH solution was varied in concentration of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%), and the sample was allowed to reach room temperature (27°C). The original medium carbon steel hardness value is 9.4 HRC and the tensile strength value is 656.85 MPa, while for materials with heat treatment processes and cooling processes with different concentrations of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%) resulted in hardness values of 57 HRC, 58.3 HRC, 58.5 HRC, 60 HRC, 57.5 HRC and tensile strength values of 728.50 MPa, 835.99 MPa, 987.26 MPa, 1035 MPa, and 855 MPa for different concentrations of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% , 25 %). Analysis of XRD crystalline structure on medium carbon steel with intermediate carbon steel from the three highest peaks of each test sample was found that its orthorhombic crystal structure in which lattice parameters a, b, and c

    Thermal Comfort for various Altitudes and Land Covers in North Sumatra

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    Thermal comfort refers to the suitability of meteorological conditions for humans with the environment. Temperature is the main meteorological variable, which determines the thermal comfort as expressed in various climate indices. This study aims to analysis the distribution of thermal comfort, and to identify environmental factors influencing the comfort situated in North Sumatra, Indonesia. We applied the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) to determine the heat stress level for 2011 - 2020. The higher UTCI value indicates more uncomfortable conditions related to the higher heat stress. The results showed that the average value of UTCI in North Sumatra was categorised at moderate heat stress. Densely urbanised area in the eastern region contributed to high heat stress, whereas mountainous areas in central to west regions were at low level. Our findings found that climate season affected the distribution of heat stress level. The low heat stress occurred in December-February, while high heat stress happened in June-August. Further, findings revealed that altitude and land cover have contributed to UTCI variation by more than 75% variance

    Study on the Production of Bonded Magnet NdFeB and Polyvinyl Butyral

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    bonded magnet is composite magnet material made by mixing magnetic powder with non-magnetic binder. The process in manufacturing bonded magnet NdFeB made by mixing powder of neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) commercial type MQP-B with a polyvinyl butyral powder using a glass beaker. The comparisons of variation in composing NdFeB magnets powders with a binder of PVB (% weight) are 98:2, 96:4, 94:6 and 93:7 of 8 grams from total mass of the sample. After mixing the powder, it is molded by using a compression molding method with 8 tons pressure for 20 minutes at curing temperature 1600C. The molded samples are conducted by characterizing the physical properties which include measurement of density, microstructure analysis using SEM-EDX and magnetic properties which include measurement of the magnetic field strength using a Gaussmeter and hysteresis curve using VSM. The result of the study shows that the addition of and binder PVB in bonded magnet NdFeB causes a decrease in the density and magnetic field strength. The best result of density and magnetic field in the manufacture of bonded magnets is obtained by the addition of 2 % binder of 5.66 g/cm3 and strong magnetic field of 1862.4 G. the score of Mr = 72.86 emu/g, Ms = 103 emu/gram, Hc = 8.490 KOe and BHmax = 5.1 MGOe was obtained on the addition of PVB 2 %

    Bogor Water Adequacy Status for 2009-2019

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    Water adequacy becomes one of the global concerns as the trend of population growth continues to arise. The condition of water adequacy can be worse in some regions since it also relates to rainfall, which is greatly influenced by global climate change. Here we explore water adequacy at local scale especially in Bogor, Indonesia based on sectoral water demands. The study aims to analysis water adequacy for 2009-2019 based on a climatic water balance. Water supply-demand analysis was performed using water usage index (WUI) in which high WUI corresponds to high critical water balance. Our results showed there was a deceased trend for water supply in Bogor approximately 0.6% per year, whereas an increased trend was observed for water demand (1.7% per year). The main contributor for the increased demand was from domestic water demand by 48%. Generally, water adequacy in Bogor for the period analysis (2009 -2019) is still adequate, but a proper management of water resource will ensure water adequacy in the long run in response to population explosion and climate change


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    National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB) stated about 12.495 formal schools in Indonesia from 2010 to 2019 were damaged by disasters, BNPB placed Banten Province as a region with the highest disaster risk index in Indonesia in 2018 and 2019. Therefore, this study aims to find the differences in the workshop conditions and skill competency learning outcomes between region with different disaster risk index. This study uses quantitative comparative method and use a total population sampling. The sample used in this study are 72 skill competency national exams students score data, 72 workshop condition data, and 8 disaster risk index data in Banten Province. The hypothesis of this study tested with Spearman correlation test and Mann-whitney u test. The result indicated that: 1) There is a strong significant correlation between disaster risk index and learning outcomes. 2) There is no significant correlation between disaster risk index and workshop conditions. 3) Medium disaster risk area learning outcomes are higher than high disaster risk area learning outcomes. 4) There are no significant difference on the percentage of damaged workshops between medium disaster risk area and high disaster risk area. 5) There is no significant correlation between workshop conditions and learning outcomes. This research shows the impact of disaster risk on education infrastructure and learning outcomes

    Analysis of Regional Water Availability for Domestic Water Demand (Case Study: Malang Regency)

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    The fulfillment of water demands needs to consider climate variability impacts on water availability. A seasonal change from wet to dry may have a negative impact on water availability leading to water scarcity for domestic purposes. Therefore, information on water condition until sub-district level is important. We did water balance approach to analyze water condition especially during dry season in Malang district, East Java for period 2007-2016. Our results showed that several sub-districts faced a serious problem with water deficit condition. During dry season, an increased domestic water demand was not supported by water availability, which caused some villages could not provide basic water for domestic purposes. Further, the research may contribute to support mitigation and adaptation strategy for climate extreme in the region
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