2,031 research outputs found

    Business innovation statistics and the evolution of the Oslo Manual

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    After the publication of the fourth (2018) edition of the Oslo Manual, a key methodological reference for producing innovation statistics at international level, a review of the definitions of innovation – or, better, business innovation – used by the community of official statisticians has to be recommended. The main reason for such a review is the need to assess to what extent the current Oslo Manual has benefited from the rich economic and management literature on firms’ innovation produced since the publication of the previous edition in 2005. It should also be pointed out that the current Manual was expected to fix some long-standing issues like that of properly accommodating service innovation in a statistical framework constantly biased towards innovation in tangible goods and technology-related phenomena. This article argues that these challenges have been only partially met. By reviving some concepts used in the past, such as the object-oriented approach to measure innovation, and being especially concerned to make the statistical framework designed to measure business innovation applicable in other sectors of the economy (including individuals and households), some specific features of the business innovation processes may have been neglected. The Manual discusses a wide array of issues regarding the economics of innovation and management practices, however it does not define a new consistent framework able to accommodate the demand for indicators about the influence on business innovation of the ongoing processes of digitalization, servitization or open innovation and, at least partially, to adopt a service-dominant logic

    Innovation and Development. The Evidence from Innovation Surveys.

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    In this article we investigate the existing evidence on innovation produced by innovation surveys in developing and emerging countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. We review the relevant literature, discuss methodological issues, and analyse the results for the countries with the most comparable surveys, considering the well established findings of innovation surveys for Europe as a benchmark. From the evidence we considered, regional patterns are identified and some stylized facts on innovation and development are proposed, pointing out the specificity of innovation processes in economies engaged in industrialisation and catching-up.Innovation Surveys, Patterns of Innovation, Emerging Countries.

    Pengenalan Wajah Menggunakan Metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dan Canberra Distance

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    Wajah merupakan salah satu karakteristik biometrik yang digunakan untuk mengenali seseorang selain karakteristik yang lain seperti ucapan; sidik jari; retina; dll. Wajah adalah struktur multidimesi yang sangat kompleks dan membutuhkan tehnik komputasi yang baik untuk pengenalan. Di dalam penelitian ini; penulis mengambil 10 pose wajah yang berbeda kemudian menggunakan metode PCA untuk pengoptimalan dalam mereduksi dimensi. Setelah citra original di ekstraksi menggunakan PCA maka akan di hitung tingkat kesamaan (similarity degree) antara gambar test dengan gambar training menggunakan metode jarak. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tingkat kesamaan yang dihasilkan setelah proses reduksi dan ekstraksi menggunakan PCA didapatkan rata-rata nilai untuk Canbera Distance adalah 77;59

    Segmentasi Citra Tanaman Obat dengan metode K-Means dan Otsu

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    Segmentation is the most important thing in the object identification process. Because machine learning-based interest segmentation of true color images is the most difficult task in computer vision. Because in the segmentation process there is a separation between foreground and background from a 3 layer RGB image to a layer 1 process to get a complete image without noise, this greatly affects the level of accuracy in image identification. In addition, we use several image processing operators such as filters, holes and openarea to remove image areas that we do not need. Therefore, in this study, we tested the images on 5 types of medicinal flowers using k-means segmentation with values of k=2 and k=3, as well as the otsu method. Both methods of segmentation are carried out by each method to get the appropriate pattern. The goal is to get the important areas that can be calculated by the image identification algorithm. This research uses 250 images and produces 750 patterns for the identification process. The results obtained are 96% to identify the flower type taraxacum laeticolor Dahlst with the K-means k=2 segmentation method

    Deteksi Citra Bunga Menggunakan Analisis Segmentasi Fuzzy C-Means dan Otsu Threshold

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    Segmentasi merupakan proses penting di dalam proses pengenalan citra. Segmentasi citra penting untuk mengektrasi fitur yang kita akan ambil sebagai data di dalam penelitian. Beberapa metode segmentasi digunakan di dalam proses pengambilan fitur. Namun di dalam penelitian ini kami menggunakan metode Fuzzy C-Means dan Otsu Threshold untuk mendeteksi citra bunga. Agar citra bunga dapat dikenali oleh komputer seperti penglihatan manusia. Dataset yang digunakan mengunakan Imageclef 2017. Citra yang diambil sebagai sample sebanyak 41 citra dengan kondisi background citra yang komplek dengan noise. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan metode segmentasi yang lebih baik di antara metode Fuzzy C-Means dengan Otsu Threshold. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat dari 41 percobaan keberhasilan segmentasi Fuzzy C-Means mendeteksi objek secara sempurna adalah sebanyak 28 citra dan 16 citra yang gagal. Sedangkan untuk segmentasi menggunakan Otsu Threshold adalah sebanyak 24 citra yang sesuai dan 17 citra yang gagal. Persentase keberhasilan untuk metode Fuzzy C-Means adalah 61% dan untuk metode Otsu Threshold 70,8%

    Long-range Bloch Surface Waves in Photonic Crystal Ridges

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    We theoretically study light propagation in guided Bloch surface waves (BSWs) supported by photonic crystal ridges. We demonstrate that low propagation losses can be achieved just by a proper design of the multilayer to obtain photonic band gaps for both light polarizations. We present a design strategy based on a Fourier analysis that allows one to obtain intrinsic losses as low as 5 dB/km for a structure operating in the visible spectral range. These results clarify the limiting factors to light propagation in guided BSWs and represent a fundamental step towards the development of BSW-based integrated optical platforms.Comment: v2: figures revise


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    Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) adalah salah satu survei pengumpulan data yang berkaitan dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat, diperlukan sampel responden sebagai objek atau sasaran survei dalam menjalankan kegiatan tersebut. tujuan penulisan ini adalah membuat sistem penunjang keputusan yaitu sistem yang dapat membantu permasalahan dalam pemilihan responden dengan mengambil keputusan yang akurat dan tepat sasaran berbasis web.penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). SAW merupakan salah satu metode penjumlahan terbobot dari rating kinerja pada setiap alternatif pada semua kriteria yang di perlukan.sedangkan dalam metode TOPSIS adalah suatu metode pendukung keputusan yang didasarkan pada konsep alternatif yang terbaik tidak hanya memiliki jarak tependek dari solusi ideal positif tetapi juga memiliki jarak terpanjang dari solusi ideal negatif

    How do companies ‘perceive’ their intangibles? New statistical evidence from the INNOBAROMETER 2013

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    The report provides a statistical analysis of the way European companies have shown to perceive their Intangibles in the recent Innobarometer-2013. The report is intended to complement the evidence presented in the FLASH EUROBAROMETER 369 (“Investing in Intangibles”) with a deeper investigation of both the characteristics of the available micro-data and the regularities emerging from their statistical analysis. A special focus is placed on the extent to which companies perceive their intangibles as strategic and on that to which the relative investments interplay with their innovative projects. The role of context conditions vs. that of business incentives in motivating their intangible investments is also addressed.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt