15 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial cristae shape determines respiratory chain supercomplexes assembly and respiratory efficiency

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    Respiratory chain complexes assemble into functional quaternary structures called supercomplexes (RCS) within the folds of the inner mitochondrial membrane, or cristae. Here, we investigate the relationship between respiratory function and mitochondrial ultrastructure and provide evidence that cristae shape determines the assembly and stability of RCS and hence mitochondrial respiratory efficiency. Genetic and apoptotic manipulations of cristae structure affect assembly and activity of RCS in vitro and in vivo, independently of changes to mitochondrial protein synthesis or apoptotic outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization. We demonstrate that, accordingly, the efficiency of mitochondria-dependent cell growth depends on cristae shape. Thus, RCS assembly emerges as a link between membrane morphology and function.We thank A. Gross (Weizmann Institute) for anti-BID antibody, A. Latorre-Pellicer (CNIC) for mtDNA RT-PCR, and M. Albiero (VIMM) for tail vein injections. L.S. is a senior scientist of the Dulbecco-Telethon Institute. This work is supported by Telethon Italy (GGP12162, GPP10005B, and TCR02016), AIRC Italy, MOH Italy (GR 09.021), and Swiss National Foundation (31-118171). J.A.E. is supported by MINECO (SAF2012-32776 and CSD2007-00020), DGA (B55, PIPAMER O905), and CAM (S2011/BMD-2402). S.C. was supported by a Journal of Cell Science Travelling Fellowship. C.F. was supported by an AIRC Biennial Fellowship. The CNIC is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-MICINN and the Pro-CNIC Foundation.S

    Induction of the mitochondrial NDUFA4L2 protein by HIF-1α decreases oxygen consumption by inhibiting complex i activity

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    The fine regulation of mitochondrial function has proved to be an essential metabolic adaptation to fluctuations in oxygen availability. During hypoxia, cells activate an anaerobic switch that favors glycolysis and attenuates the mitochondrial activity. This switch involves the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1 (HIF-1). We have identified a HIF-1 target gene, the mitochondrial NDUFA4L2 (NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex, 4-like 2). Our results, obtained employing NDUFA4L2-silenced cells and NDUFA4L2 knockout murine embryonic fibroblasts, indicate that hypoxia-induced NDUFA4L2 attenuates mitochondrial oxygen consumption involving inhibition of Complex I activity, which limits the intracellular ROS production under low-oxygen conditions. Thus, reducing mitochondrial Complex I activity via NDUFA4L2 appears to be an essential element in the mitochondrial reprogramming induced by HIF-1This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SAF 2007-06592, SAF2010-14851), Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (SAL 2006/ 0311), Metoxia Project-Health (F2 2009-222741), and Recava Network (RD 06/0014/0031) to M.O.L.; PS09/00101 and CP07/00143 to A.M.-R.; PI060701, PS09/00116, and CP08/00204 to S.C.; BFU2008-03407/BMC to J.A.; SAF2009-08007 to J.A.E.; and CSD2007-00020 to A.M.-R. and J.A.E. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-MICINN and the Pro-CNIC Foundation. We are grateful to Mike Murphy (Mitochondrial Biology Unit, MRC, Cambridge, UK) for the gift of MitoQ. We also thank Stephen Y. Chan and Joseph Loscalzo (Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA) for providing us ISCU expression vector

    Allotopic expression of mitochondrial-encoded genes in mammals: achieved goal, undemonstrated mechanism or impossible task?

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    Mitochondrial-DNA diseases have no effective treatments. Allotopic expression—synthesis of a wild-type version of the mutated protein in the nuclear-cytosolic compartment and its importation into mitochondria—has been proposed as a gene-therapy approach. Allotopic expression has been successfully demonstrated in yeast, but in mammalian mitochondria results are contradictory. The evidence available is based on partial phenotype rescue, not on the incorporation of a functional protein into mitochondria. Here, we show that reliance on partial rescue alone can lead to a false conclusion of successful allotopic expression. We recoded mitochondrial mt-Nd6 to the universal genetic code, and added the N-terminal mitochondrial-targeting sequence of cytochrome c oxidase VIII (C8) and the HA epitope (C8Nd6HA). The protein apparently co-localized with mitochondria, but a significant part of it seemed to be located outside mitochondria. Complex I activity and assembly was restored, suggesting successful allotopic expression. However, careful examination of transfected cells showed that the allotopically-expressed protein was not internalized in mitochondria and that the selected clones were in fact revertants for the mt-Nd6 mutation. These findings demonstrate the need for extreme caution in the interpretation of functional rescue experiments and for clear-cut controls to demonstrate true rescue of mitochondrial function by allotopic expression

    Restoration of electron transport without proton pumping in mammalian mitochondria

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    We have restored the CoQ oxidative capacity of mouse mtDNA-less cells (ρ° cells) by transforming them with the alternative oxidase Aox of Emericella nidulans . Cotransforming ρ° cells with the NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Ndi1 and Aox recovered the NADH DH/CoQ reductase and the CoQ oxidase activities. CoQ oxidation by AOX reduces the dependence of ρ° cells on pyruvate and uridine. Coexpression of AOX and NDI1 further improves the recycling of NAD + . Therefore, 2 single-protein enzymes restore the electron transport in mammalian mitochondria substituting >80 nuclear DNA-encoded and 11 mtDNA-encoded proteins. Because those enzymes do not pump protons, we were able to split electron transport and proton pumping (ATP synthesis) and inquire which of the metabolic deficiencies associated with the loss of oxidative phosphorylation should be attributed to each of the 2 processes

    Five entry points of the mitochondrially encoded subunits in mammalian complex I assembly

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    Complex I (CI) is the largest enzyme of the mammalian mitochondrial respiratory chain. The biogenesis of the complex is a very complex process due to its large size and number of subunits (45 subunits). The situation is further complicated due to the fact that its subunits have a double genomic origin, as seven of them are encoded by the mitochondrial DNA. Understanding of the assembly process and characterization of the involved factors has advanced very much in the last years. However, until now, a key part of the process, that is, how and at which step the mitochondrially encoded CI subunits (ND subunits) are incorporated in the CI assembly process, was not known. Analyses of several mouse cell lines mutated for three ND subunits allowed us to determine the importance of each one for complex assembly/stability and that there are five different steps within the assembly pathway in which some mitochondrially encoded CI subunit is incorporated

    NDUFA4 is a subunit of complex IV of the mammalian electron transport chain

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe oxidative phosphorylation system is one of the best-characterized metabolic pathways. In mammals, the protein components and X-ray structures are defined for all complexes except complex I. Here, we show that NDUFA4, formerly considered a constituent of NADH Dehydrogenase (CI), is instead a component of the cytochrome c oxidase (CIV). Deletion of NDUFA4 does not perturb CI. Rather, proteomic, genetic, evolutionary, and biochemical analyses reveal that NDUFA4 plays a role in CIV function and biogenesis. The change in the attribution of the NDUFA4 protein requires renaming of the gene and reconsideration of the structure of CIV. Furthermore, NDUFA4 should be considered a candidate gene for CIV rather than CI deficiencies in humans

    Induction of the Mitochondrial NDUFA4L2 Protein by HIF-1α Decreases Oxygen Consumption by Inhibiting Complex I Activity

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    The fine regulation of mitochondrial function has proved to be an essential metabolic adaptation to fluctuations in oxygen availability. During hypoxia, cells activate an anaerobic switch that favors glycolysis and attenuates the mitochondrial activity. This switch involves the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1 (HIF-1). We have identified a HIF-1 target gene, the mitochondrial NDUFA4L2 (NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex, 4-like 2). Our results, obtained employing NDUFA4L2-silenced cells and NDUFA4L2 knockout murine embryonic fibroblasts, indicate that hypoxiainduced NDUFA4L2 attenuates mitochondrial oxygen consumption involving inhibition of Complex I activity, which limits the intracellular ROS production under low-oxygen conditions. Thus, reducing mitochondrial Complex I activity via NDUFA4L2 appears to be an essential element in the mitochondrial reprogramming induced by HIF-1.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónComunidad Auto´ noma de Madrid (SAL 2006/ 0311), Metoxia Project-Health (F2 2009-222741), and Recava Network (RD 06/0014/0031) to M.O.L.; PS09/00101 and CP07/00143 to A.M.-R.; PI060701, PS09/00116, and CP08/00204 to S.C.; BFU2008-03407/BMC to J.A.; SAF2009-08007 to J.A.E.; and CSD2007-00020Depto. de Bioquímica y Biología MolecularTRUEpu

    m.3243A > G-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction Impairs Human Neuronal Development and Reduces Neuronal Network Activity and Synchronicity

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    Epilepsy, intellectual and cortical sensory deficits, and psychiatric manifestations are the most frequent manifestations of mitochondrial diseases. How mitochondrial dysfunction affects neural structure and function remains elusive, mostly because of a lack of proper in vitro neuronal model systems with mitochondrial dysfunction. Leveraging induced pluripotent stem cell technology, we differentiated excitatory cortical neurons (iNeurons) with normal (low heteroplasmy) and impaired (high heteroplasmy) mitochondrial function on an isogenic nuclear DNA background from patients with the common pathogenic m.3243A > G variant of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). iNeurons with high heteroplasmy exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction, delayed neural maturation, reduced dendritic complexity, and fewer excitatory synapses. Micro-electrode array recordings of neuronal networks displayed reduced network activity and decreased synchronous network bursting. Impaired neuronal energy metabolism and compromised structural and functional integrity of neurons and neural networks could be the primary drivers of increased susceptibility to neuropsychiatric manifestations of mitochondrial disease. Using human-inducible-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived neurons with high levels of m.3243A > G heteroplasmy, Klein Gunnewiek et al. show neuron-specific mitochondrial dysfunction as well as structural and functional impairments ranging from reduced dendritic complexity and fewer synapses and mitochondria to reduced neuronal activity and impaired network synchronicity