62 research outputs found

    Agrodroyd: sistema de monitoreo para cuidado y riego de productos agrícolas en cultivos urbanos

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    Práctica SocialPara este trabajo de grado, se presenta una práctica social con la implementación de un dispositivo de monitoreo para cuidado y riego de productos agrícolas en cultivos urbanos implementado en el colegio Ofelia Uribe de Acosta.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 3. OBJETIVOS 4. JUSTIFICACIÓN 5. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 6. METODOLOGIA 7. PROCEDIMIENTO 8. CONCLUSIONES Y TRABAJOS FUTUROS BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Electrónic

    The genus Holothele Karsch, 1879: the identity of the type species (Mygalomorphae, theraphosidae)

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    The genus Holothele Karsch, 1879 has a confusing taxonomic history, mainly due to a imprecise and outdated generic diagnosis, perpetuated since its original description. In this work, we propose a new diagnosis for the genus, redescribe the type species Holothele recta Karsch, 1879 and propose a few taxonomic changes. Holothele longipes is here considered as a senior synonym of Holothele recta Karsch, 1879, Stichoplastus sanguiniceps F. O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, Dryptopelmides rondoni Lucas & Bücherl, 1972, Dryptopelmides ludwigi Strand, 1907. We also provide updated geographic distribution records for Holothele longipes and propose the revalidation of Scopelobates Simon, 190

    The first Paratropididae (Araneae, Mygalomorphae) from Colombia: new genus, species and records

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    The family of mygalomorph spiders Paratropididae Simon, 1889 is here reported for the first time for Colombia, where it is represented by three genera (Anisaspis, Paratropis, Stormtropis gen. n.) and eight species. One genus, Stormtropis, and six species constitute new taxa that are here diagnosed, described and illustrated. The geographical distribution of Paratropis papilligera FO Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 and Paratropis elicioi Dupérré, 2015 are also redescribed and expanded on the basis of new material examined. The diagnosis of the subfamily Paratropidinae, Paratropis Simon, 1889 and Anisaspis Simon, 1892 are emended including the variations of the new species. Likewise, a geographic distribution map for the entire family and a taxonomic key for the males of Paratropidinae are included. Other biogeographic, morphological, and taxonomic aspects are discussed

    The first Paratropididae (Araneae, Mygalomorphae) from Colombia: new genus, species and records

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    The family of mygalomorph spiders Paratropididae Simon, 1889 is here reported for the first time for Colombia, where it is represented by three genera (Anisaspis, Paratropis, Stormtropis gen. n.) and eight species. One genus, Stormtropis, and six species constitute new taxa that are here diagnosed, described and illustrated. The geographical distribution of Paratropis papilligera FO Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 and Paratropis elicioi Dupérré, 2015 are also redescribed and expanded on the basis of new material examined. The diagnosis of the subfamily Paratropidinae, Paratropis Simon, 1889 and Anisaspis Simon, 1892 are emended including the variations of the new species. Likewise, a geographic distribution map for the entire family and a taxonomic key for the males of Paratropidinae are included. Other biogeographic, morphological, and taxonomic aspects are discussed

    Four new species of mygalomorph spiders (Araneae, Halonoproctidae and Theraphosidae) from the Colombian Pacific region (Bahía Solano, Chocó)

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    The Colombian Pacific coast is an amazing natural region, immersed in one of the most unknown biodiversity hotspots in the world. An expedition carried out in the north of this area, at the Jardín Botánico del Pacífico (JBP) in Bahía Solano, Chocó, focused on studying the diversity of the mygalomorph spider fauna, allowed us to discover four new species included in the families Halonoproctidae and Theraphosidae. The trapdoor species Ummidia solana sp. nov., and the theraphosids species Euthycaelus cunampia sp. nov. (Schismatothelinae), Melloina pacifica sp. nov. (Glabropelmatinae), and Neischnocolus mecana sp. nov. (Theraphosinae) are illustrated, diagnosed, and described in detail. Photographs of somatic features and copulatory organs and a distribution map are provided. Morphological, taxonomical, and biogeographical aspects are discussed for each species. All these taxonomic novelties represent the first records of these genera for the region, expanding the range of geographic distribution of each of them. This work constitutes the first effort focused on characterizing the community of Mygalomorphae species in the Chocó Biogeographic Region

    Percepção de atores sociais sobre gestão estratégica e gestão social no âmbito da política de desenvolvimento territorial no Brasil

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    No âmbito do Ministério de DesenvolvimentoAgrário do Brasil - MDA é executada, desde 2003, a política de desenvolvimentorural com enfoque territorial. Um dos seus principais objetivo é ofortalecimento da gestão social nos territórios rurais. Durante estes dez anoso MDA por meio da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Territorial – SDT temenfrentado diferentes desafios de ordem institucional e operativa para avançarnesse objetivo, somados aos desafios que a abordagem territorial apresenta parao meio rural. Com o objetivo de compreender melhor os aspectos limitantes ouimpulsionadores dos processos de gestão social no marco da política em questão,foi realizada uma pesquisa que permite conhecer a percepção dos atoresterritoriais sobre a gestão social, sua efetivação no marco da política dedesenvolvimento rural com enfoque territorial e sua relação com a gestãoestratégica para desta maneira identificar elementos que possam aprimorapolítica. Foram realizadas entrevistas e aplicados questionários a atoressociais de quatorze territórios rurais, distribuídos entre as cinco regiõesbrasileiras. Analisando a percepção desses atores constata-se que os mesmosveem a gestão social da mesma forma que os gestores públicos que preconizaram apolítica de desenvolvimento territorial, ou seja, relacionada com as etapas dagestão estratégica, tendo como pano de fundo a cidadania deliberativa

    Setas urticantes en tarantulas de Uruguay: ¿defensa activa o pasiva?

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    Most of the New World tarantulas feature specialized setae as a defense mechanism. Two mechanisms of defense have been proposed for the urticating setae (US): active defense against potential predators, and passive defense against other arthropods by incorporating the US to the molting mat and egg sacs. Uruguayan tarantulas present three different US morphological types named: types I, III and IV. It has been proposed that type I is used in passive defense whereas type III serves its purpose in active defense. There are drastic differences of biological characteristics between adult females and males. Females live most of their entire life inside their burrows, while males wander when they reach adulthood, looking for females during the reproductive season. Considering these differences, diverse defense strategies should be expected. To assess the possible role of US in active/ passive defense strategies we have counted the number of US in the abdomen of individuals of four species while making comparisons between sexes. Significant differences were found between males and females of all sampled species, with females showing a predominance of types I (except subtype Ic) or IV setae over other types or subtypes, suggesting these type of US takes part in passive defense.La mayoría de las tarántulas del nuevo mundo presentan setas especializadas como defensa. Dos mecanismos de defensa han sido propuestos para las setas urticantes (US): defensa activa contra potenciales depredadores y defensa pasiva contra otros artrópodos mediante la incorporación de US a las telas de mudas u ootecas. Las tarántulas uruguayas presentan tres tipos morfológicos de US llamados: I, III y IV. Se ha propuesto que el tipo I se utiliza principalmente en defensa pasiva mientras que el tipo III en defensa activa. Hembras y machos adultos presentan diferencias drásticas en su biología. Las hembras permanecen la mayor parte de su vida en sus cuevas mientras que los machos, una vez que se hacen adultos, salen y buscan activamente hembras durante la época reproductiva. Considerando estas diferencias se presumen diferentes estrategias defensivas entre los sexos. Para conocer el uso de los diferentes tipos de US en defensa activa o pasiva se estudiaron las dotaciones de US en individuos de cuatro especies de tarántulas de Uruguay, comparando machos y hembras. Se encontraron diferencias sexuales en todas las especies, las hembras muestran predominancia de US de los tipos I (excepto subtipo Ic) o IV sobre otros tipos y subtipos de US, lo que sugiere su participación en defensa pasiva

    Perception of social actors on strategic management and social management in the context of territorial development policy in Brazil

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    No âmbito do Ministério de Desenvolvimento Agrário do Brasil (MDA) é executada, desde 2003, a política de desenvolvimento rural com enfoque territorial. Um dos seus principais objetivo é o fortalecimento da gestão social nos territórios rurais. Durante estes dez anos o MDA por meio da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Territorial (SDT) tem enfrentado diferentes desafios de ordem institucional e operativa para avançar nesse objetivo, somados aos desafios que a abordagem territorial apresenta para o meio rural. Com o objetivo de compreender os aspectos limitantes ou impulsionadores dos processos de gestão social no marco da política em questão, foi realizada uma pesquisa que permite conhecer a percepção dos atores territoriais sobre a gestão social, sua efetivação no marco da política de desenvolvimento rural com enfoque territorial e sua relação com a gestão estratégica para desta maneira identificar elementos que possam avaliar e posteriormente aprimorar a política. Foram realizadas entrevistas e aplicados questionários a atores sociais de quatorze territórios rurais, distribuídos entre as cinco regiões brasileiras. Analisando a percepção desses atores constata-se que os mesmos veem a gestão social de forma um pouco diferenciada da concepção dos gestores públicos que preconizaram a política de desenvolvimento territorial. Porém, tal como os gestores públicos, também consideram fortemente os elementos da gestão social difundidos por meio da política de desenvolvimento territorial e que são intimamente ligados às etapas tradicionais da gestão estratégica, resultando em um processo que mistura elementos de gestão social e estratégica.Within the Ministry of agrarian development of Brazil – MDA is performed, since 2003, the rural development policy with territorial approach. One of its main goal is the strength of social management in rural areas. During these ten years the MDA through the Secretary of Territorial Development – SDT has faced different challenges of institutional and operative order to advance that goal, added to the territorial approach presents challenges for the rural environment. With the goal of limiting or aspects of social management processes boosters within the framework of the policy in question, was performed a search that allows the perception of territorial actors on the social management, their implementation within the framework of rural development policy with territorial approach and its relationship with the strategic management for this way to identify criteria that can improves policy. Interviews were carried out and applied questionnaires to social actors of fourteen rural areas, distributed among the five Brazilian regions. Analyzing the perception of these actors it appears that they have a different vision of the social management then the public managers who created the territorial development policy. However, as the public managers these actors also consider the elements of the social management disseminated through the policy of territorial development that are linked to the traditional steps of strategic management, resulting in a process that mix elements social and strategic management

    Desarrollo de una prensa para pruebas estáticas y dinámicas de elementos ortopédicos y tejidos biológicos

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    Se describe el diseño y la construcción de una prensa con una capacidad de 1.800 N y una frecuencia máxima de 3 Hz que será utilizada para realizar pruebas estáticas y dinámicas de tejidos biológicos y elementos ortopédicos como fijadores externos. Consta de una base octagonal con una distancia entre caras de 500 mm y un travesaño que desliza sobre dos columnas (dis-tancia útil de 350 mm), permitiendo así modificar la altura de trabajo (máxima de 600 mm) de acuerdo con el tamaño del ele-mento a probar. Sobre el travesaño está montado un actuador de tornillo con tuerca de bolas recirculantes, el cual transforma la rotación de un servomotor en un desplazamiento lineal (máximo de 150 mm). Las primeras validaciones indicaron un com-portamiento de la prensa dentro de los parámetros de diseño estipulados. Este proyecto tiende a demostrar que en países en desarrollo es posible generar la tecnología necesaria para apoyar la investigación, lo que evita crear una dependencia de las compañías extranjeras para la modernización, el soporte y el mantenimiento del equipo. Adicionalmente, se generan condicio-nes para la evolución de la ingeniería mecánica en Colombia.This paper describes designing and constructing a test machine having a 1,800 N capacity and maximum 3 Hz frequency which will be used in static and dynamic testing of biological tissues and orthopedic devices such as external fixers. It consists of an oc-tagonal base with 500 mm distance between faces and a crosshead which slides between two columns (useful 350 mm opening) thus allowing changing the height (maximum 600 mm) according to the size of the specimen to be tested. A ball screw actuator is mounted over the crosshead which transforms a servomotor’s rotating movement into a lineal movement (maximum 150 mm stroke). First validations indicated that the machine performed within the design parameters. This project shows that the techno-logy required for supporting research is possible in developing countries thereby avoiding dependence on foreign companies for supporting, maintaining and updating equipment. Some conditions were also produced for the evolution of mechanical engi-neering in Colombia