1,070 research outputs found

    Passava fa cent anys a Canet....Primavera de 1915

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    En el present número recuperem aquesta secció de la revista, amb la voluntat expressa de commemorar fets i notícies esdevingudes en l'àmbit canetenc, dels que s'ha complert just un segle d'ençà que es van produir. Recordant-los fem, que , per uns moments , tornin a reviure i alhora ens donin la dimensió real del temps passat. Per er-ho ens basem sobretot en la documentació extreta del Dietari del Dr. Marià Serra i del noticiari local que, sobre Canet, publicava el setmanari comarcal La Costa de Llevant. Pel que ehm pogut veure, aquell primer trimestre de l'any 1915 vaser intens, força ple d'activitats i fites, i algunes d'elles han perdurat durant tot un segl

    An integrated monitoring system through 3d laser scanner and traditional instruments for load test on arch bridge

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    The experimental campaign represents an example of how the careful design of the different test phases and the choice of the needed instrumentation are fundamental aspects to obtain a proper interpretation of the results, for future application on the real structures. Additionally, the present work represents a successful example of a combined monitoring system, integrating the traditional and innovative technical instrumentation for loading tests and geomatics survey techniques. The monitoring system has been designed with the aim of defining the load carrying capacity of a masonry arch bridge scaled model and to test the performances of a new retrofitting method. In particular, two different configuration have been considered: A first one with isolated arch and a second one with gravel fill on the arch

    Breu història de la introducció del bàsquet a Mataró

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    Factors influencing lenght of hospital stay in community-acquired pneumonia: a study in 27 community hospitals

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    We did a retrospective study of 1920 episodes of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in 27 community hospitals and analysed inter-hospital variability in length of hospital stay (LOS), mortality and readmission rates. The overall adjusted LOS (mean¡S.D.) was 10. 0¡9. 8 days. LOS increased according to the Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI) risk class: 7.3 days for class I to 11. 3 days for class V (P<0.001). In a multiple regression model, LOS increased (P<0.001) according to the hospital (inter-hospital variability), PSI risk class, complications during hospitalization, admission to ICU, need of oxygen and transfer to a nursing home. Hospitals with shorter LOS did not show an increased readmission rate (adjusted OR 1.02, 95% CI 0. 51-2.03, P=0.97) and post-discharge mortality (adjusted OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.70-2.05, P=0.51). There are significant inter-hospital variations in LOS in patients with CAP which are related to differences in clinical management. The reduction of these differences will further improve efficiency and quality of care

    Itinerant ferromagnetism in dilute SU(N) Fermi gases

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    We present exact analytic results for the energy of a SU(N) repulsive Fermi gas as a function of the spin-channel occupation at second order in the gas parameter. This is an extension of previous results that now incorporates the degree of polarization of the system. Therefore, the magnetic properties of the gas can be obtained, free from numerical uncertainties. For spin 1/2 we find that second-order corrections change the itinerant ferromagnetic transition from continuous to first-order. Instead, for spin larger than 1/2 the phase transition is always of first-order type. The transition critical density reduces when the spin increases, making the phase transition more accessible to experiments with ultracold dilute Fermi gases. Estimations for Fermi gases of Yb and Sr with spin 5/2 and 9/2, respectively, are reported.We acknowledge financial support from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Spain) grant No. PID2020-113565GB-C21 and from Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya, co-funded by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the ERDF Operational Program of Catalunya (project QuantumCat, ref. 001-P-001644).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Développement d’outils dédiés à la visualisation des données “viromics”

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    Santa Maria de Jonqueres

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    Aquest vell priorat enclavat dalt d'un estratègic turó, pertany al terme municipal de Maià de Montcal, a tocar, respectivament, Cabanelles i Crespià, en el punt just d'intersecció de la Garrotxa, l'Empordà i la comarca del Pla de l'Estany. El seu emplaçament, prop del riu Fluvià -i algunes relíquies arqueològiques que s'hi han trobat- ha donat peu a suposicions -ara com ara no confirmades- sobre la possible existència en el lloc d'una estació íbero-romana. Confirma la hipòtesi l'antiguitat de l'església i el fet de trobar-se dins la ruta del romànic que ressegueix l'antic camí ramader de Maià, Beuda, Besalú i Sant Ferriol


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    Obra ressenyada: Carmen FERNÁNDEZ OCHOA; Virginia GARCÍA ENTERO (eds.), II Coloquio Internacional de Arqueología de Gijón. Termas romanas en el occidente del Imperio. Gijón: Ayuntamiento de Gijón, 2000

    Human Primordial Germ Cell Formation Is Diminished by Exposure to Environmental Toxicants Acting through the AHR Signaling Pathway

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    Historically, effects of environmental toxicants on human development have been deduced via epidemiological studies because direct experimental analysis has not been possible. However, in recent years, the derivation of human pluripotent stem cells has provided a potential experimental system to directly probe human development. Here, we used human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to study the effect of environmental toxicants on human germ cell development, with a focus on differentiation of the founding population of primordial germ cells (PGCs), which will go on to form the oocytes of the adult. We demonstrate that human PGC numbers are specifically reduced by exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a group of toxicants common in air pollutants released from gasoline combustion or tobacco smoke. Further, we demonstrate that the adverse effects of PAH exposure are mediated through the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and BAX pathway. This study demonstrates the utility of hESCs as a model system for direct examination of the molecular and genetic pathways of environmental toxicants on human germ cell development