20 research outputs found

    The Opioid Receptor Mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 and Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 as genetic markers for placebo analgesia

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    This is the accepted manuscript version of the following article: Aslaksen, P.M., Forsberg, J.T. & Gjerstad, J. (2018). The Opioid Receptor Mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 and Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 as genetic markers for placebo analgesia. Pain. https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001370. Published version available at https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001370.The placebo effect is considered the core example of mind-body interactions. However, individual differences produce large placebo response variability in both healthy volunteers and patients. The placebo response in pain, placebo analgesia, may be dependent on both the opioid system and the dopaminergic system. Previous studies suggest that genetic variability affects the function of these 2 systems. The aim of this study was therefore to address the interaction between the single nucleotide polymorphisms opioid receptor mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 on placebo analgesia. Two hundred ninety-six healthy volunteers participated in a repeated-measures experimental design where thermal heat pain stimuli were used as pain stimuli. Participants were randomized either to a placebo group receiving placebo cream together with information that the cream would reduce pain, or to a natural history group receiving the same pain stimuli as the placebo group without any application of cream or manipulation of expectation of pain levels. The results showed that the interaction between OPRM1 rs1799971 and COMT rs4680 was significantly associated with the placebo analgesic response. Participants with OPRM1 Asn/Asn combined with COMT Met/Met and Val/Met reported significant pain relief after placebo administration, whereas those with other combinations of the OPRM1 and COMT genotypes displayed no significant placebo effect. Neither OPRM1 nor COMT had any significant influence on affective changes after placebo administration. As shown in this study, genotyping with regard to OPRM1 and COMT may predict who will respond favorably to placebo analgesic treatment

    Stroke prevalence among the Spanish elderly: an analysis based on screening surveys

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    BACKGROUND: This study sought to describe stroke prevalence in Spanish elderly populations and compare it against that of other European countries. METHODS: We identified screening surveys -both published and unpublished- in Spanish populations, which fulfilled specific quality requirements and targeted prevalence of stroke in populations aged 70 years and over. Surveys covering seven geographically different populations with prevalence years in the period 1991–2002 were selected, and the respective authors were then asked to provide descriptions of the methodology and raw age-specific data by completing a questionnaire. In addition, five reported screening surveys in European populations furnished useful data for comparison purposes. Prevalence data were combined, using direct adjustment and logistic regression. RESULTS: The overall study population, resident in central and north-eastern Spain, totalled 10,647 persons and yielded 715 cases. Age-adjusted prevalences, using the European standard population, were 7.3% for men, 5.6% for women, and 6.4% for both sexes. Prevalence was significantly lower in women, OR 0.79 95% CI 0.68–0.93, increased with age, particularly among women, and displayed a threefold spatial variation with statistically significant differences. Prevalences were highest, 8.7%, in suburban, and lowest, 3.8%, in rural populations. Compared to pooled Spanish populations, statistically significant differences were seen in eight Italian populations, OR 1.39 95%CI (1.18–1.64), and in Kungsholmen, Sweden, OR 0.40 95%CI (0.27–0.58). CONCLUSION: Prevalence in central and north-eastern Spain is higher in males and in suburban areas, and displays a threefold geographic variation, with women constituting the majority of elderly stroke sufferers. Compared to reported European data, stroke prevalence in Spain can be said to be medium and presents similar age- and sex-specific traits

    Irrelevant! Møte mellom to kulturer

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    I denne artikkelen presenteres erfaringer og funn fra fire år med undervisning i emnet «Innføring i ingeniørfaglig yrkesutøvelse og arbeidsmetoder» ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet. Disse sees i sammenheng med det økende kravet om ex. phil. i all høyere utdanning. Våre ingeniørstudenter viste meget liten interesse for emnet ved oppstart i 2012, men ved å endre på pedagogikk og faglig tilnærming har studentene gradvis blitt mer interessert i dette dannelsesfaget. Skal en lykkes med å innføre ex. phil. i all høyere utdanning må man ta høyde for at de ulike studentgrupper har ulike preferanser og interesser

    Skjøtselsplan for Vågsøya, kystlynghei, Ørlandet kommune, Trøndelag fylke

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    Skjøtselsplanen gir faglige anbefalinger for restaurering og skjøtsel av den sterkt trua naturtypen kystlynghei på Vågsøya i Ørlandet kommune basert på en samlet vurdering av lokalitetens økologiske tilstand og verdi. Grunnlaget for disse verdiene ble fastlagt gjennom feltbefaring og intervjuer med grunneier og de som har beitedyr i området. Rapporten er delt inn i to hoveddeler. Første del gir en kort beskrivelse av naturtypen. Andre del er rettet mot den som skal utføre skjøtsel og forvaltningen, og omhandler naturgrunnlaget og dagens drift i området, samt beskrivelsen av konkrete restaurerings- og skjøtselstiltak innenfor lokaliteten.publishedVersio

    Skjøtselsplan for Vågsøya, kystlynghei, Ørlandet kommune, Trøndelag fylke

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    Skjøtselsplanen gir faglige anbefalinger for restaurering og skjøtsel av den sterkt trua naturtypen kystlynghei på Vågsøya i Ørlandet kommune basert på en samlet vurdering av lokalitetens økologiske tilstand og verdi. Grunnlaget for disse verdiene ble fastlagt gjennom feltbefaring og intervjuer med grunneier og de som har beitedyr i området. Rapporten er delt inn i to hoveddeler. Første del gir en kort beskrivelse av naturtypen. Andre del er rettet mot den som skal utføre skjøtsel og forvaltningen, og omhandler naturgrunnlaget og dagens drift i området, samt beskrivelsen av konkrete restaurerings- og skjøtselstiltak innenfor lokaliteten

    The Opioid Receptor Mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 and Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 as genetic markers for placebo analgesia

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    This is the accepted manuscript version of the following article: Aslaksen, P.M., Forsberg, J.T. & Gjerstad, J. (2018). The Opioid Receptor Mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 and Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 as genetic markers for placebo analgesia. Pain. https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001370. Published version available at https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001370.The placebo effect is considered the core example of mind-body interactions. However, individual differences produce large placebo response variability in both healthy volunteers and patients. The placebo response in pain, placebo analgesia, may be dependent on both the opioid system and the dopaminergic system. Previous studies suggest that genetic variability affects the function of these 2 systems. The aim of this study was therefore to address the interaction between the single nucleotide polymorphisms opioid receptor mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 on placebo analgesia. Two hundred ninety-six healthy volunteers participated in a repeated-measures experimental design where thermal heat pain stimuli were used as pain stimuli. Participants were randomized either to a placebo group receiving placebo cream together with information that the cream would reduce pain, or to a natural history group receiving the same pain stimuli as the placebo group without any application of cream or manipulation of expectation of pain levels. The results showed that the interaction between OPRM1 rs1799971 and COMT rs4680 was significantly associated with the placebo analgesic response. Participants with OPRM1 Asn/Asn combined with COMT Met/Met and Val/Met reported significant pain relief after placebo administration, whereas those with other combinations of the OPRM1 and COMT genotypes displayed no significant placebo effect. Neither OPRM1 nor COMT had any significant influence on affective changes after placebo administration. As shown in this study, genotyping with regard to OPRM1 and COMT may predict who will respond favorably to placebo analgesic treatment

    Har du draget? – En undersøkelse av ingeniørstudenters kunnskaper og ferdigheter i mekanikk etter eksamen

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    I artikkelen presenteres en ny måte å måle kvaliteten i studenters læringsutbytte og undervisningen, ved at det foretas en ny vurdering av kunnskap og ferdigheter i fysikk en god stund etter avlagt eksamen i emnet. Denne vurderingen tyder på at studentene mangler konseptuell forståelse av mekanikk og har lite læringsutbytte i fysikk. Undersøkelsen gjenspeiler at studentene tror de innehar god/tilstrekkelig kunnskap. Det er spesielt interessant, og vi fremsetter hypotesen at dette skyldes undervisningsmetode. Denne måten å evaluere kunnskap på, ved å foreta en test en gitt tid etter avlagt eksamen kan være et godt redskap for å måle en faktisk oppnådd forståelse av fysikk. Videre vil resultatene kunne hjelpe oss til å vri læringsutbyttemålene i retning av konseptuell forståelse istedenfor det nåværende søkelys på det å kunne anvende fysikkens lover. Den foreslåtte metoden kan ha stor overføringsverdi til andre emner

    NiN-naturtypekartlegging i utvalgte naturvernområder i Sør-Trøndelag 2011

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    Sommeren 2011 ble seks ulike verneområder i Sør-Trøndelag kartlagt etter NiN systemet. Verneområdene var Herdalen, Grandefjæra, Litlvatnet, Nordelva, Soløya og Vinnstormyra.publishedVersio

    Verdifull kystlynghei i Nord-Trøndelag. Sammenstilling av eksisterende kunnskap og supplerende kartlegging

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    Rapporten gir en oversikt over eksisterende kunnskap om kystlyngheilokaliteter i Nord-Trøndelag og resultater fra supplerende ny kartlegging i kommunene Vikna, Nærøy og Flatanger.publishedVersio