828 research outputs found

    The Mind of God

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    A radically dualist view of the relationship between God and the universe is apt to make the problem of Divine intervention more difficult than under other metaphysical conceptions. We need to find a closer relationship than this if the causal picture is to work. We could try saying that God is realized by the universe, without being reducible to the universe. He has no further substance over and above that of the universe, but he is not simply identical to the universe. I am not sure I know what this idea of realization comes to for the case of God and the universe, but it least it promises to make it feasible for God to be enmeshed in the natural causal order, without collapsing into it. It is not so much that God intervenes as supervenes, to use the jargon. On this picture, there is a mega- universe that includes both the physical universe and God, with the two locked somehow together

    New Opportunities for Interest-Driven Arts Learning in a Digital Age

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    Traditionally in the United States, schools and after-school programs have played a promi-nent part in teaching young people about the arts. Arts education has been waning in K-12 public schools in recent times, however. This is especially true in low-income communities, where public schools have often cut back on arts instruction so they can devote limited public education dollars to subjects such as writing and math that are the focus of high-stakes standardized tests.When we look outside of school, however, we see a strikingly different landscape, one full of promise for engaging young people in artistic activity. What makes this landscape possible is an eagerness to explore that springs from youths' own creative passions -- what we call "interest-driven arts learning" -- combined with the power of digital technology.This report is a step in trying to understand the new territory. It gives a rundown of scholarship in the areas of arts and out-of-school-hours learning; offers a framework for thinking about interest-driven arts learning in a digital age; examines young people's media consumption; provides a survey of youths' creative endeavors online and elsewhere, along with a look at the proliferation of technologies that young people are using in the arts; and concludes with thoughts about challenges and possibilities for the futur

    Impact of the Great Recession on Social Assistance Programs in the Eau Claire Area

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    Color poster with text, images, and graphs.The economic downturn of 2008-09 was so severe that it has become known as The Great Recession and by most accounts the subsequent recovery has been slow to non-existent. National data reflects a continuing demand for social assistance programs. This suggests that, despite a modest recovery based on labor market measures such as employment and unemployment rates, there seems to be a continuing need for social assistance. This study presents data from a variety of local sources illustrating this prolonged hardship and strain on social service programs in the Chippewa Valley.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs; Xcel Energy-Eau Claire; Northwestern Bank-Chippewa Falls

    Liquid metal boiling research

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    Impact of the Great Recession on Total Employment and Unemployment Rates in the U.S.

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    Color poster with text, images, maps, and tables.The economic downturn of 2008-09 was so severe that it has become known as the Great Recession, and by most accounts the subsequent recovery has been relatively slow. The most basic method of judging the severity of a recession and the success of a recovery is to look at labor market information. In particular, the unemployment rate and the number of jobs (total employment) are often used for this purpose. This study presents data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2007, 2009 and 2011 using maps to describe the recession and recovery at a national level as well as compare the effects across states.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs; Xcel Energy-Eau Claire; Northwestern Bank-Chippewa Falls

    Building Creativity: Collaborative Learning and Creativity in Social Media Environments

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    Purpose: Using a systems-based approach to creativity and a sociocultural constructionist approach to learning, this study highlights how creative ideas emerge within a community and spread amongst its members. Design/methodology/approach: Using a design-based approach to research, this study took place within the social media environment, Quest Atlantis. Chat data was collected from 85 participants and screenshots were taken of the virtual architecture designed and built by players in the Quest Atlantis environment, in an effort to explore the nature of creativity and collaborative learning within the context of virtual 3D architectural construction. Findings: Findings illustrate the rise and spread of creativity in online communities and also point to the social and cultural nature of creativity. Research limitations/implications: As this is the first study of its kind, we focus on how creativity operates within a single community in order to draw implications about digital creativity more broadly. Practical implications: Implications for designing virtual and physical communities to promote creativity are discussed. Originality/value: Documenting and analyzing an entire creative system in the everyday world can be a challenging endeavor. Social media, by contrast, offers an opportunity to document, describe, and analyze creativity, extend Csikszentmihalyi’s work into the realm of social media and push back on current conceptions of digital creativity

    Gaming Fluencies: Pathways into Participatory Culture in a Community Design Studio

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    Many recent efforts to promote new literacies involve the promotion of creative media production as a way to foster youth’s literate engagement with digital media. Those interested in gaming literacies view game design as a way to engage youth in reflective and critical reading of the gaming culture. In this paper, we propose the concept of “gaming fluencies” to promote game design as a context in which youth not only learn to read but also to produce digital media in creative ways. Gaming fluencies also present the added benefit of addressing equity issues of participation in the new media literacy landscape. We report on an ethnographic study that documented urban youth producing digital games in a community technology center. Our analyses focus on an archive of 643 game designs collected over a 24-month period, selecting a random sample to identify evidence of creative and technical dimensions in game designs. In addition, we highlight three case studies of game designs to identify different pathways into the participatory culture. Our goal is to illustrate how gaming fluencies allow for a wide range of designs, provide low thresholds and high ceilings for complex projects, and make room for creative expression. In our discussion, we address how gaming fluencies represent a complementary pathway for learning and participation in today’s media culture
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