2,489 research outputs found

    Antibody and B cell responses to Plasmodium sporozoites

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    Antibodies are capable of blocking infection of the liver by Plasmodium sporozoites. Accordingly the induction of anti-sporozoite antibodies is a major aim of various vaccine approaches to malaria. In recent years our knowledge of the specificity and quantities of antibodies required for protection has been greatly expanded by clinical trials of various whole sporozoite and subunit vaccines. Moreover, the development of humanized mouse models and transgenic parasites have also aided our ability to assess the specificity of antibodies and their ability to block infection. Nonetheless, considerable gaps remain in our knowledge - in particular in understanding what antigens are recognized by infection blocking antibodies and in knowing how we can induce robust, long-lived antibody responses. Maintaining high levels of circulating antibodies is likely to be of primary importance, as antibodies must block infection in the short time it takes for sporozoites to reach the liver from the skin. It is clear that a better understanding of the development of protective B cell-mediated immunity will aid the development and refinement of malaria vaccines.The authors acknowledge the support of the Australian National University and Perpetual Foundation for research in the Cockburn laboratory

    The KELT-South Telescope

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    The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project is a survey for new transiting planets around bright stars. KELT-South is a small-aperture, wide-field automated telescope located at Sutherland, South Africa. The telescope surveys a set of 26 degree by 26 degree fields around the southern sky, and targets stars in the range of 8 < V < 10 mag, searching for transits by Hot Jupiters. This paper describes the KELT-South system hardware and software and discusses the quality of the observations. We show that KELT-South is able to achieve the necessary photometric precision to detect transits of Hot Jupiters around solar-type main-sequence stars.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Activation mechanisms in sodium-doped Silicon MOSFETs

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of the conductivity of a silicon MOSFET containing sodium ions in the oxide above 20 K. We find the impurity band resulting from the presence of charges at the silicon-oxide interface is split into a lower and an upper band. We have observed activation of electrons from the upper band to the conduction band edge as well as from the lower to the upper band. A possible explanation implying the presence of Hubbard bands is given.Comment: published in J. Phys. : Condens. Matte

    Meta-modeling on detailed geography for accurate prediction of invasive alien species dispersal

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    Invasive species are recognized as a significant threat to biodiversity. The mathematical modeling of their spatio-temporal dynamics can provide significant help to environmental managers in devising suitable control strategies. Several mathematical approaches have been proposed in recent decades to efficiently model the dispersal of invasive species. Relying on the assumption that the dispersal of an individual is random, but the density of individuals at the scale of the population can be considered smooth, reaction-diffusion models are a good trade-off between model complexity and flexibility for use in different situations. In this paper we present a continuous reaction-diffusion model coupled with arbitrary Polynomial Chaos (aPC) to assess the impact of uncertainties in the model parameters. We show how the finite elements framework is well-suited to handle important landscape heterogeneities as elevation and the complex geometries associated with the boundaries of an actual geographical region. We demonstrate the main capabilities of the proposed coupled model by assessing the uncertainties in the invasion of an alien species invading the Basque Country region in Northern Spain

    Variation of the hopping exponent in disordered silicon MOSFETs

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    We observe a complex change in the hopping exponent value from 1/2 to 1/3 as a function of disorder strength and electron density in a sodium-doped silicon MOSFET. The disorder was varied by applying a gate voltage and thermally drifting the ions to different positions in the oxide. The same gate was then used at low temperature to modify the carrier concentration. Magnetoconductivity measurements are compatible with a change in transport mechanisms when either the disorder or the electron density is modified suggesting a possible transition from a Mott insulator to an Anderson insulator in these systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Local bi-fidelity field approximation with knowledge based neural networks for computational fluid dynamics

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    This work presents a machine learning based method for bi-fidelity modelling. The method, a Knowledge Based Neural Network (KBaNN), performs a local, additive correction to the outputs of a coarse computational model and can be used to emulate either experimental data or the output of a more accurate, but expensive, computational model. An advantage of the method is that it can scale easily with the number of input and output features. This allows bi-fidelity modelling approaches to be applied to a wide variety of problems, for instance in the bi-fidelity modelling of fields. We demonstrate this aspect in this work through an application to Computational Fluid Dynamics, in which local corrections to a velocity field are performed by the KBaNN to account for mesh effects. KBaNNs were trained to make corrections to the free-stream velocity field and the boundary layer. They were trained on a limited data-set consisting of simple two-dimensional flows. The KBaNNs were then tested on a flow over a more complex geometry, a NACA 2412 airfoil. It was demonstrated that the KBaNNs were still able to provide a local correction to the velocity field which improved its accuracy. The ability of the KBaNNs to generalise to flows around new geometries that share similar physics is encouraging. Through knowledge based neural networks it may be possible to develop a system for bi-fidelity, computer based design which uses data from past simulations to inform its predictions

    Evidence for multiple impurity bands in sodium-doped silicon MOSFETs

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    We report measurements of the temperature-dependent conductivity in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor that contains sodium impurities in the oxide layer. We explain the variation of conductivity in terms of Coulomb interactions that are partially screened by the proximity of the metal gate. The study of the conductivity exponential prefactor and the localization length as a function of gate voltage have allowed us to determine the electronic density of states and has provided arguments for the presence of two distinct bands and a soft gap at low temperature.Comment: 4 pages; 5 figures; Published in PRB Rapid-Communication

    Quantized charge pumping through a quantum dot by surface acoustic waves

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    We present a realization of quantized charge pumping. A lateral quantum dot is defined by metallic split gates in a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. A surface acoustic wave whose wavelength is twice the dot length is used to pump single electrons through the dot at a frequency f=3GHz. The pumped current shows a regular pattern of quantization at values I=nef over a range of gate voltage and wave amplitude settings. The observed values of n, the number of electrons transported per wave cycle, are determined by the number of electronic states in the quantum dot brought into resonance with the fermi level of the electron reservoirs during the pumping cycle.Comment: 8 page

    Magnetoconductivity of Hubbard bands induced in Silicon MOSFETs

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    Sodium impurities are diffused electrically to the oxide-semiconductor interface of a silicon MOSFET to create an impurity band. At low temperature and at low electron density, the band is split into an upper and a lower sections under the influence of Coulomb interactions. We used magnetoconductivity measurements to provide evidence for the existence of Hubbard bands and determine the nature of the states in each band.Comment: In press in Physica
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