73 research outputs found

    The potential of foreign language training for developing soft skills of medical students

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    Foreign language training has a humanitarian and educational potential for developing soft skills. There is a need for the realization of this potential in a medical university environment. The implementation of the linguistic educational system and new forms of educational activity are required to fulfill this potentialИзучение иностранного языка имеет гуманитарный и образовательный потенциал для формирования soft skills. Существует необходимость для реализации этого потенциала в конкретных условиях медицинского вуза. Для полноценной и качественной реализации требуется создание системы лингвистического образования и новых форм образовательной деятельности

    The Research Activity in the Foreign Languages Training of Medical Students

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    В статье рассматриваются возможности учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в медицинском вузе по формированию умений и навыков учебно-исследовательской работы и развитию научно-исследовательской компетенции будущих врачей.The article describes the opportunities of foreign language training at the medical university in skill building of research activity and development of scientific research competency of future doctors

    Strong environment X genotype interactions determine the fitness costs of antibiotic resistance in vitro and in an insect model of infection (article)

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Society for Microbiology via the DOI in this record.The dataset associated with this article is located in ORE at: https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.2503The acquisition of antibiotic resistance commonly imposes fitness costs, a reduction in the fitness of bacteria in the absence of drugs. These costs have been primarily quantified using in vitro experiments and a small number of in vivo studies in mice, and it is commonly assumed that these diverse methods are consistent. Here, we used an insect model of infection to compare the fitness costs of antibiotic resistance in vivo relative to in vitro conditions. Experiments explored diverse mechanisms of resistance in a Gram-positive pathogen, Bacillus thuringiensis, and a Gram-negative intestinal symbiont, Enterobacter cloacae. Rifampicin resistance in B. thuringiensis showed fitness costs that were typically elevated in vivo, although these were modulated by genotype-environment interactions. In contrast, resistance to cefotaxime via de-repression of AmpC β-lactamase in E. cloacae resulted in undetectable costs in vivo or in vitro, while spontaneous resistance to nalidixic acid, and carriage of the IncP plasmid RP4, imposed costs that increased in vivo. Overall, fitness costs in vitro were a poor predictor of fitness costs in vivo because of strong genotype environment interactions throughout this study. Insect infections provide a cheap and accessible means of assessing fitness consequences of resistance mutations, data that is important to understand the evolution and spread of resistance. This study emphasizes that the fitness costs imposed by particular mutations or different modes of resistance are extremely variable, and that only a subset of these mutations are likely to be prevalent outside of the laboratory.Medical Research Council (MRC

    Analysis of the history and culture of 19th century England in health proverbs

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    The aim of study – to analyze proverbs from England in the 19th century, find an analogue in the Russian language and find out the historical and cultural significance.Цель исследования – анализ английских пословиц о здоровье, поиск аналогов в русском языке и объяснение их исторического и культурного значения

    E-learning for teaching a foreign language as a means of improving the quality of linguistic training of medical students

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    E-learning is an important part of linguistic training of medical students. The experience of developing and applying electronic educational resources to teach students of the Ural state medical university foreign languages is described in the article.Электронное обучение является важной составляющей лингвистической подготовки студентов в медицинском вузе. В статье описан опыт создания и применения электронных образовательных ресурсов для обучения студентов Уральского государственного медицинского университета иностранным языка

    The distribution of the english loanwords in the modern russian

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    The aim of the study - to explain the importance of distribution and understanding of anglicisms, to research the causes of distribution and meaning in the modern RussianЦель исследования - объяснить важность распространения и понимания англицизмов, установить причины распространения и значение в современном русском язык

    The image of the doctor in the fiction of russian and foreign authors

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    The aim of the study – to examine the images of doctors in the works of Russian and foreign authors and to identify the similarities and differences in their characteristic featuresЦель исследования - рассмотреть образы врачей в произведениях российских и зарубежных авторов и установить качества, характеризующие личность врача

    Fiction of the XIX-XX centuries in prevention of drug addiction

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    The article raises the problem of prevention of drug addiction through images created in the literature of the XIX-XX centuries. The main attention is paid to the works of "cruel realism" and those hard-hitting images of drug addiction that were created in these works and demonstrate the real situation in which the subject who uses narcotic drugs falls: loss of social ties, "withdrawal", constant search for prohibited substances and attitude to life and death. At the end of the work, conclusions were drawn about possible ways of using images of fiction in the fight against drug addictionВ статье поднимается проблема профилактики наркотической зависимости посредством образов, создаваемых в художественной литературе XIX-XX веков. Основное внимание уделено произведениям «жестокого реализма» и тем нелицеприятным образам наркотической зависимости, которые созданы в данных работах и демонстрируют реальную ситуацию, в которую попадает субъект, употребляющий наркотические средства: потеря социальных связей, «ломка», постоянный поиск запрещенных веществ и отношение к жизни и смерти. В завершении работы сделаны выводы о возможных путях применения образов художественной литературы в деле борьбы с наркоманией

    Study of foreign sources about the influence of periodontitis on the health state of the adult population

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    The article deals the analysis of foreign medical literature in the field of dentistry about causes of periodontitis and its effectsВ статье рассмотрен анализ иностранной литературы в области стоматологии о причинах распространения периодонтита и его влиянии на состояние здоровья человека