28 research outputs found

    The Nata de Coco Quality Analysis for Making Fiber-Rich Instant Drink Powder

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    One of the potentials of coconut water that is widely developed in Indonesia is nata de coco. Nata de coco is the result of the fermentation of coconut water which is added by Acetobacter xylum. The research aim was to determine the quality of nata de coco as the basic material for making instant drink powder (IDP) which consists of natural flavors of orange, mango, and soursop. The step of the research was making a starter, making nata de coco, making IDP, and testing the quality of IDP (water content, specific gravity, taste, water solubility, and fiber). Data were analyzed using Tukey's significant difference test with a significance of 0.05%. The results showed that the water content of the IDP three flavors was less than 3%. Mango specific gratify is also higher but the orange flavor is the one of taste that people really like. The level of solubility in water shows that soursop is higher solubility. The fiber content of IDP orange is higher than mango and soursop. Therefore, nata de coco can be used as a raw material for making IDP


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    This study aims to produce chemistry learning materials of cooperative learning model TAI type that is improve to increase chemistry learning achievement of high school students at grade XI. Development of learning materials used 4-D model and tested in grade XI SMAKFrateran Surabaya second semester academic year 2015/2016 with one -group pretest-posttest design. Collecting data used observation, validation, questionnaires and tests. The data were analyzed through quantitative descriptive. The results showed that learning materials that was developed in valid and reliable category. The percentage of lesson plan feasibility beetween 98,41% - 99,49% in good category. The student learning achievement in knowleage and practical skills compentence reached completeness, whereas attitudes compentence growing during learning process. Students’ learning achievement in knowleage compentence analyzed with N-gain. The increase of N-gain in high category. Student gave positive / high response on learning that implemented by teacher. Grounded on the result date can it concluded that chemistry learning materials of cooperative learning model TAI type that is unsuitable to increase chemistry learning achievement

    Students Scientific Literacy Profile of Mathematics Education Study Program in Chemistry Subjects

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    This study aims to describe the scientific literacy profile of students in the mathematics education study program in chemistry subjects. The research method is descriptive quantitative research, with the research subject being the second semester students of the Mathematics Education Study Program at the University of Flores in 2021/2022 academic year, totaling 29 peoples. The data resource from the questionnaires, which was based on the aspect of competence. Furthermore, the scientific literacy student competency test questions were tested for validity and reliability, then continued with a final score test to interpret descriptively student learning outcomes. The results of the scientific literacy profile of prospective teachers mathematics at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,  Flores University consist of 5 indicators, namely, identifying and explaining scientific phenomena, getting a score of 75.45, which is good category;  evaluating and designing scientific questions, getting score of 55.75, which is reasonable category; interpreting data and evidence scientifically, getting a score of 62.25 which is reasonable category; creating a good graph, getting a score of 57.55 which is reasonable category; problem-solving skills, getting a score of 60.25 which is reasonable category; understanding and interpreting data, getting a score of 45.00 which is very much less category; and the ability to draw conclusions, getting a score of 77.00 which is good category. These results performed that scientific literacy skills of students are reasonable category


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    This study aimed to determine the increase in student activity and learning outcomes in learning mathematics on the material of a two-variable system of linear equations. The background things are the low learning outcomes of students' mathematics. This is due to the use of an inappropriate teaching method approach. To overcome this, improvements can be made by applying a problem-solving learning model. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). The subjects of this study were students of class X SMA Negeri 2 Jerebuu, totalling 14 people, consisting of 5 female students and 9 male students. Factors studied in the form of increased activity and student learning outcomes. Data collection methods used in this study were observation and test techniques. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative analysis with percentage technique. The results showed that the application of the problem-solving learning model could improve student activity and learning outcomes. Student learning activities in the first cycle obtained a total score of 29 with a percentage of 58% and were categorized quite well. Then it increased in the second cycle with the total score obtained being 43 and the percentage is 86% and categorized as very good. Student learning outcomes in the first cycle obtained an average of 70 with 50% of students achieving the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). Then it increased in the second cycle with an average of 85.71 with 100% of students achieving KKM


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    The purpose of this study was to determine student activities, teacher activities, and learning outcomes through problem-solving learning on the relationship material of class VIII SMPN 2 Adonara Barat. This research is classroom action research. The research subjects were students of class VIII SMPN 2 Adonara Barat, totalling 16 people. Data collection is done by observation, tests, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is quantitative data analysis. The results showed that learning mathematics using problem-solving can improve student and teacher activities and student learning outcomes. Based on the results of data analysis, the level of implementation of teacher activities in the first cycle was 75% with good criteria, in the second cycle, it was 93,1% with very good criteria. For student activities in the first cycle of 65% with sufficient criteria and the second cycle of 84% with good criteria. Student learning outcomes have increased learning mastery with a pre-action percentage of 6.25%, the first cycle of 31.25%, and the second cycle of 100% learning outcomes. The increase in the average value of the pre-test results was 42.25%, the first cycle was 65% and the second cycle was 82.25%


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    This study aims to determine: (1) to identify the structure of ngadhu and bhaga in Ubedoulumolo Village of Ngada District. (2) Explain the relation of ngadhu and bhaga to mathematics learning in school. The research method used is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. The subjects of this study consisted of three informants (pengu chief, and traditional elders of pengu and gelo tribe). Using observation and interview techniques, supported by documentation, and using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study showed ngadhu and bhaga has related to mathematics, that is the geometry concept. The geometry concept found in ngadhu is: (1) pole ngadhu (made of sebu tree) in the form of a tube; (2) base of ngadhu is composed of a stone in a circle; (3) the roof of ngadhu (material of reeds and palm fibre) in the shape of a cone; (4) bhenga (2 roof support posts) in the form of a beam; (5) mangu (NOK pole) shaped beam; (6) sobhe (head ngadhu made of bamboo) shaped tube; (7) paja (roof truss of bamboo) formed triangle, rectangles, trapezoid. The geometry concept in the bhaga building are: (1) bhaga in the form of the beam; (2) roof (made of reeds) in the shape of a trapezoid and triangular prism; (3) pole shape of beams and tubes; (4) Ube (wall made of plank wood fai) shape of the rectangle; (5) Dawu (arranged boards) with carvings in the form of circles and triangle; (6) Soku bhotha and soku wi’i ( as a roof truss made of bamboo) shape tube rectangle, square and triangle. Geometry forms that exist in the ngadhu and bhaga in the Ubedolumolo Village are lines, angles, triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, circle, beam. Tube, cone and triangular prism


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the difficulties of students and the factors experienced by students in solving addition and subtraction problems of integers in seventh grade students of Ende Christian Middle School. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques using diagnostic tests, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of the research were the eighteenth grade students of Ende Christian Middle School as many as 22 students who completed the diagnostic test questions, there were 5 students whose data was taken to conduct interviews. Data analysis was carried out through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From the data from interviews conducted, it shows that in solving problems students do not understand the concept of addition and subtraction of integers, and it is difficult to convert story questions into mathematical models and the factors that cause difficulties experienced by students in solving problems are the lack of willingness to learn from within students. themselves, students are often lazy to learn mathematics, do not want to listen to the teacher's explanation when the lesson is in progress, students do not concentrate fully during teaching and learning activities, students are afraid to ask the teacher when they do not understand the material being taught, students always assume that mathematics is very difficult, students are not careful when working on questions

    Mutu Pola Pendidikan Karakter Pluralisme Pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas[The Quality Pattern of Pluralism Character Education in High School Students]

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    The research aim is to observe the profile and description of thecharacter education in senior high school students. study was conducted in six Senior high schools of city consisting of: State Senior high school 1 of ; State Senior high school 2 of ; Muhammadiyah Senior high school of ; Mudmainah Senior high school of ; Catholic Senior high school St. of ; specifically class X of social science, with a sample of 300 students. Data collection methods used were questionnaires and interviews, and then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the profile and description of the pluralism character education patterns quality in six senior high schools of city were very good category with intervals value of 80-100 %. The data shows that the quality of pluralism character education patterns is very good, with the pluralism character education pattern applied to senior high school students through exemplary teacher, religious approach, individual, and nationality

    The Nata de Coco Quality Analysis for Making Fiber-Rich Instant Drink Powder

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    One of the potentials of coconut water that is widely developed in Indonesia is nata de coco. Nata de coco is the result of the fermentation of coconut water which is added by Acetobacter xylum. The research aim was to determine the quality of nata de coco as the basic material for making instant drink powder (IDP) which consists of natural flavors of orange, mango, and soursop. The step of the research was making a starter, making nata de coco, making IDP, and testing the quality of IDP (water content, specific gravity, taste, water solubility, and fiber). Data were analyzed using Tukey's significant difference test with a significance of 0.05%. The results showed that the water content of the IDP three flavors was less than 3%. Mango specific gratify is also higher but the orange flavor is the one of taste that people really like. The level of solubility in water shows that soursop is higher solubility. The fiber content of IDP orange is higher than mango and soursop. Therefore, nata de coco can be used as a raw material for making IDP


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    This study aims to find out mathematical concepts in the dolo-dolo dance movements of the Lamaholot community, East Flores Regency. This mathematical concept is used to determine the existence of mathematics in culture, especially in the culture of the East Flores area, namely in Klanelo Village. The type of research used was qualitative research and the subjects in this study were traditional elders and dolo-dolo dancers in Kawatelo Village, Demon Pagong District, East Flores Regency. In obtaining data, researchers use observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique uses data analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman which are divided into four stages including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. Based on the data from the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the dolo-dolo dance movement has mathematical concepts, namely: 1) Points, 2) Lines among others: Vertical Lines and Horizontal Lines, 3) Angles including: Taper Angle, Right Angle and Obtuse Angle, 4) Circle