330 research outputs found

    Problems of nature protection on example of NP “Kornati”

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    Nacionalni Park Kornati osnovan je 1980. godine na temeljnom fenomenu svojeg podmorja bogatog raznolikom florom i faunom te svoje geomorfologije. NP Kornati suočen je s mnogim problemima koji Ustanovi iznimno otežavaju zaštitu prostora parka. Baza svih problema je loše napisan Zakona o zaštiti prirode koji je nepotpun i pun grešaka. Za primjer, Zakon ne daje adekvatna prava nadzornicima kako bi ovi mogli pravilno obavljati svoj posao, što rezultira mnogim drugim problemima (npr. povećan ilegalni ribolov). Ovakve greške i propusti u Zakonu moraju se što prije ispraviti ako želimo imati visoko kvalitetnu praksu zaštite prirode u budućnosti.National Park Kornati was founded in year 1980. on basic phenomenon of its flora and fauna rich sea and geomorphology. NP Kornati is faced with a number of problems that make nature protection very hard for the Institution. The basis of all problems is badly written Nature protection law that is incomplete and full of errors. For example, Law doesn’t give rangers adequate rights so that they could perform their duties to the full, the result is appearance of many other problems (e.g. rise of illegal fishing). This type of errors in the Law must be corrected if we ought to have high quality practice in nature protection in the future

    Diagnostic of premalignant and early malignant laryngeal lesions with narrow band imaging (NBI)

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    Treatment and prognosis of leukoplakia significantly differ with the different pathological types and an effective examination measure is the key to make informed treatment decision. New diagnostic techniques with real-time applicability try to better detect or delineate primary squamocellular carcinoma. Narrow band imaging (NBI) is often called “optical biopsy”, because it enables the characterization of mucosal changes and making endoscopic findings more predictive without requiring tissue sampling. In detection of surface mucosal changes characteristic for neoplastic lesions - epithelial abnormalities and vascular changes can be better observed in NBI. According to the vascular pattern of NBI described by Ni, which is based on the dynamic changes of the capillary pattern on the surface of vocal cord mucosa and vocal cord leukoplakia were classified into the following types: type I-III lesions are benign, type IV lesions are precancerous, and type Va-c lesions are malignant. In University Clinical Hospital Sestre milosrdnice, we conducted a study to show the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of NBI in predicting the pathohistological analysis in patients with vocal cord leukoplakia. During a one-year period, from 39 operated patients with leukoplakia we found 23 patients with SCC, 6 high grade dysplasia, 8 low grade dysplasia, 2 keratosis. In these cases, NBI sensitivity was 82.14%, NBI specificity 72.73%, positive predictive value 79.31% (95% CI 60.28% to 92.01%) and negative predictive value 76.19% (95% CI 52.83% to 91.78%). The accuracy of NBI in our patients was 78%. In conclusion, NBI is an advanced endoscopic imaging technique that allows early detection of small superficial mucosal lesions that are undetectable using the conventional white-light endoscopy

    Provjera povezanosti različitih aspekata ugovora i dostupnosti interneta na brodu sa zadovoljstvom poslom i životom te zdravljem pomoraca

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    The aim of this study was to test for associations between different aspects of contract and on-board internet access and seafarers\u27 satisfaction and health. Altogether 298 Croatian seafarers, all officers, employed on cargo ships, with a minimum work experience of two years with their current shipping company, participated in an online survey. The questionnaire included sociodemographic items, questions relating to their employment contract and internet access, and measures of job satisfaction, life satisfaction, mental health, and gastrointestinal and cardiovascular symptoms. Their job- and life- satisfaction levels were higher for shorter duration on board, favourable ratio of work to non-work days, and compliance with the employment contract regarding the changes to work and non-work days. Mental health differed likewise but only in relation to two aspects of the contract: on-board duration and compliance with the contract. The level of gastrointestinal symptoms was lower in cases of shorter on-board duration and compliance with the contract, and in seafarers who have free, unlimited internet access on board. Lower level of cardiovascular symptoms was found in seafarers with free, unlimited internet access on board. Our findings suggest that in promoting satisfaction and health in seafaring, attention should be given to reducing on-board duration, compliance with the contract, and internet accessibility on board.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je provjeriti povezanosti između različitih aspekata ugovora i dostupnosti interneta na brodu sa zadovoljstvom i zdravljem pomoraca. Online upitnik ispunilo je 298 hrvatskih pomoraca časničkoga ranga, zaposlenih na teretnim brodovima s radnim iskustvom u trenutačnoj radnoj organizaciji od najmanje dvije godine. Upitnik je uz pitanja o osnovnim socio-demografskim karakteristikama uključivao pitanja vezana za radni ugovor i dostupnost interneta na brodu te mjere zadovoljstva poslom, zadovoljstva životom, psihičkog zdravlja, gastrointestinalnih i kardiovaskularnih simptoma. Prosječne razine zadovoljstva poslom i životom bile su veće kod kraćih ugovornih razdoblja na brodu, povoljnijeg omjera radnih i neradnih dana te poštovanja ugovora u pogledu izmjena radnih i neradnih dana. Razina psihičkoga zdravlja razlikovala se u istom smjeru, ali samo za dva aspekta ugovora: dužinu razdoblja na brodu i poštovanje ugovora. Razina gastrointestinalnih simptoma bila je manja kod pomoraca koji su na brodu provodili kraća razdoblja i kod kojih je poštovan ugovor te kod pomoraca s neograničenim pristupom internetu na brodu, kod kojih je utvrđena i niža razina kardiovaskularnih simptoma. U promicanju zadovoljstva i zdravlja pomoraca pažnja bi se trebala usmjeriti na smanjivanje ugovornih razdoblja na brodu, poštovanje ugovora te poboljšavanje dostupnosti interneta na brodu

    Descriptive study of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction in a sample of Croatian seafarers

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    Background: Given the general lack of studies on well-being in Croatian seafarers, the aim of this study was to determine the level and sources of their job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. Materials and methods: This descriptive study was conducted on a sample of Croatian seafarers (n = 530), employed in various functions on cargo ships. Using an online survey, we examined overall job satisfaction, and satisfaction with some specific aspects of work. Participants additionally responded to two open questions relating to the sources of their job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction, and these data were analysed using a qualitative approach. Results and conclusions: The results showed a moderate level of overall job satisfaction, while analysis of the 10 specific facets indicated that the participants are, on average, most satisfied with payment, and least satisfied with the achieved benefits and work organisation on board. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that among the main sources of job satisfaction are: financial stability and security, the ratio of work days to days off, and the quality of days off, and the nature and dynamics of the work. On the other hand, sources of dissatisfaction relate primarily to: separation from home and family, the status of Croatian seafarers in the Republic of Croatia, and working and living conditions on board.

    Intestinal helminth parasites of the grey wolf (Canis lupus L.) in Serbia

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    The grey wolf (Canis lupus L.) is the most widespread large carnivore in Europe with large populations in the Eastern part of Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. In this study, a total of 102 wolves were examined for intestinal helminth parasites. The carcasses were collected within the Serbian part of the wolf’s range during the period 2009–2014. Nine helminth species were found: one nematode, Toxocara canis (3.9%), one trematode, Alaria alata (1.0%), and seven cestodes, Taenia pisiformis (1.0%), T. hydatigena (9.8%), T. polyacantha (2.9%), T. taeniaeformis (2.0%), T. (syn. Multiceps) multiceps (3.9%), T. serialis (1.0%) and Mesocestoides litteratus (1.0%). Taenia (syn. Hydatigera) taeniaeformis has been registered for the first time in a wolf from Europe. An overall moderate prevalence (16.7%) of infected wolves was recorded. There was no statistically significant difference in prevalence between sexes. Of the years studied, the highest prevalence was found in 2014 (57.1%). The maximum number of helminth species per host specimen was four

    Акустички судови као израз музичке традиција српске средњовековне архитектуре

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    Archaeoacoustics is a multidisciplinary field of research focused on the history of the relatedness of the field of sound and architecture. The architectural history of Europe, from Antiquity to the modern period, is abundant in the findings of vessels, which are considered to have an acoustic purpose. This paper addresses these acoustic vessels embedded in the massive walls of sacred architecture in medieval Serbia (15 churches). We considered the wide context of current archaeoacoustic research, in order to argue that this practice can be regarded as an expression of a certain medieval musical tradition.Истраживање звука у архитектури завређује посебно место у студијама културног наслеђа, захтевајући притом мултидисциплинаран приступ. Кроз градитељску историју Европе, од античког до савременог доба, коришћени су одређени судови, за које се сматра да су имали акустичку намену. Овај рад представља резултате истраживања акустичких судова уграђених у камене зидове сакралне архитектуре средњовековне Србије и одговара на питање да ли се ова пракса може сматрати изразом извесне музичке традиције. У првом делу рада сагледан је шири контекст археоакустичких истраживања средњовековне Европе. Представљени су кључни изводи из Витрувијевог дела Десет књига о архитектури – најстаријег документа са описом акустичких судовa. Затим, дат je кратак преглед релевантних археоакустичких студија и извода који илуструју акустичке намере средњовековних градитеља. У другом делу рада представљени су налази акустичких судова из средњовековне Србије – историјски оквир истраживања, преглед истраживања ове теме код нас, попис налаза (из укупно 15 цркава) и досад спроведене акустичке студије. У трећем делу рада дискутованa су физичка својства акустичких судова, њихов распоред, позиција и оријентација у зиду, акустичке одлике, итд. Показано је да постоји одређени ниво правилности у постављању судова, као и у њиховим физичким својствима. Пронађени су у свим осталим градитељским периодима осим у византијској групи споменика (доминантно у Рашкој, XIIXIII век). Поред тога што је показано да се пракса узиђивања акустичких судова може сматрати извесним изразом музичке традиције сакралне архитектуре средњовековне Србије, такође је указано на неопходност даљих истраживања – акустичких мерења in situ, испитивања рачунарских модела или лабораторијских мерења судова. Поврх свега, овај рад омогућио је да се налази акустичких судова из српске средњовековне архитектуре позиционирају на археоакустичкој мапи Европе и тако допринесу разумевању односа звука и архитектуре кроз историју градитељства.The paper is a result of research on the project Society, spiritual and material culture and communication on the Balkans in prehistory and early history of Balkans (No. 177012) and the project Theory and practice of science in society: multidisciplinary, educational and intergenerational perspectives (No. 179048). The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia finances both projects. We are grateful for the help that we received from Jean-Christophe Valière from the University of Poitiers and Emilija Pejović from the Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, Belgrade

    The correlation between new media and reading habits of students

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    Novi mediji te ubrzani razvoj digitalne tehnologije sve više utječu na ljudski život, pogotovo život djece i mladih. Na temelju ankete provedene među uĉenicima osnovnih i srednjih škola, u radu se pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje koliko su razvoj tehnologije i prisutnost novih medija u svakodnevnom životu promijenili ĉitalačke navike učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola. Provedena anketa u osnovnim i srednjim školama omogućila je analizu stavova mladih prema čitanju, njihovih ĉitalačkih navika i preferencija te su dobiveni rezultati iznijeti u radu i uspoređeni s početnim pretpostavkama. Diplomski rad istražuje kako se čitalačke navike učenika mijenjaju u skladu s razvojem tehnologije te kakav utjecaj internet ima na njihova ponašanja i djelovanja. Digitalna tehnologija ima značajnu ulogu u svakodnevnom životu, a posebno utječe na učenike i mlade. Ovaj se rad jednim dijelom temelji na teoriji, koja će ujedno biti uvod u istraživački dio rada. Teorijski dio, uz korištenje stručne literature, objašnjava osnovne pojmove vezane uz masovne i nove medije, opisuje kako su se mediji, a paralelno s tim i tradicionalna kultura, mijenjali kroz vremenska razdoblja i stvorili potpuno novu publiku – medijske korisnike u potrazi za medijskim sadržajima, dok istraživački dio rada polazi od teze da mladi, pod utjecajem novih medija i internetskih sadržaja, čitaju manje ili čitaju vrlo rijetko, te da su im društvene mreže izbor koji prethodi čitanju knjiga.New media and accelerated development of digital technology are increasingly affecting human life, especially the lives of children and teenagers. Based on survey conducted among primary and secondary school students, the paper tries to explain how the development of technology and the presence of new media in everyday life changed the reading habits of primary and secondary school students. The conducted survey questionnaire in elementary and secondary schools provided an analysis of the attitudes of young people toward reading, their reading habits and preferences: the results are presented in the paper and compared with the initial assumptions. The thesis explores how students reading habits change in line with the technology development and what impact the Internet has on their behavior and actions. This graduate thesis is partly based on theory, which is also an introduction to the research part of the paper. The theoretical part explains basic concepts related to mass media and new media, it describes the change of traditional culture and the creation of a whole new audience – media users looking for media content. The second part of this paper, the research, starts with the idea that young people, under the influence of new media and internet content, read less or read very rarely, and that their social networking is a first choice, choice that precedes reading books

    Hearing loss in young boy caused by cerebellar stroke- case report

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    Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) and vertigo in children are relatively uncommon. The assessment of acute vertigo in childhood is often challenging. Fortunately, a central cause is rare. The incidence of ischemic strokes in children is given as six cases in 1 000 000 children per year. The aim of this report is to present a rare case of vertigo and hearing loss in young patient developed after cerebellar ischemia. A 15-yearold boy presented in emergency ENT department with symptoms of dizziness, right sided hearing loss and tinnitus. Two days prior to the visit, he participated in a wrestling training, after which he started to feel nauseous, developed dizziness without rotatory component and mild hearing loss in right ear. Few hours after that he vomited two times and noticed that his hearing worsened. History of ear inflammation or recent viral infection in upper airway was negative. Audiometry exam showed right sided sensorineural hearing loss, with thresholds from 15 to 70 dB. Upon examination he was given oral corticosteroid therapy. MRI showed three areas of restricted diffusion in right cerebellar hemisphere, consistent with ischemic lesions. He was then referred to neuropediatric department for additional diagnosis and treatment. On follow-up at 6 months, audiometric testing showed stationary findings without worsening of hearing threshold levels. The literature contains numerous models of the pathogenesis of SSHL, with childhood SSHL having certain peculiarities. In practical terms, the multifactorial nature of SSHL is important in the choice of diagnostic methods and treatment methods. Early recognition of central causes which could lead to severe health consequences is extremely important