17 research outputs found

    Construction and Validation of the Intimate Images Diffusion Scale Among Adolescents

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    [Abstract] The digital age has produced changes in the way of relating between adolescents, causing the appearance of problems such as cyberbullying, addiction to social networks or the diffusion of images of personal and intimate content without consent. The aim of this research is the estimation of this last phenomenon through the construction and validation of a scale that estimates the prevalence with which adolescents exchange images of sexual content through mobile phone, chats or social media (Instagram or Facebook, among others). Through a sample of 602 adolescents aged between 12 and 19 years (M = 14.92, SD = 1.591), an analysis of the reliability of the scale was performed using Cronbach Alpha statistic as well as a confirmatory factor analysis. The scale showed high reliability (α = 0.976; Ω = 0.981) and makes an estimation of the prevalence of images exchange through 20 items that, for the first time, identify the relationship with the person who publishes or disseminates the images and the person in it. Results also showed that the diffusion and exchange of images are more frequent than the exchange of text messages with sexual content. In addition, differences had been found in terms of gender, since girls publish and send intimate images more frequently while boys are the ones that most frequently receive this type of content. In short, a scale with good psychometric properties had been developed to estimate the use of social networks and mobile phone for the diffusion of images of sexual content in the adolescent population

    Technostress in Spanish University Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    [Abstract] One of the measures adopted by the government of Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the elimination of face-to-face classes in all universities, requiring that all teachers had to conduct their classes in an online mode. The objective of this article is to study how this adaptation among university teachers affected their job performance due to the technostress (objective and subjective) that they may have suffered. Based on the person-environment misfit theory (P-E fit theory), the sample consisted of 239 teachers from face-to-face and online universities in Spain who were asked to identify the type of technostress, feelings of technostress, and impact on job performance as a result of online teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Results show that teachers who suffered the most from the negative consequences of technology have been female teachers from face-to-face universities who are older, have more years of experience, and consequently, hold a higher position. Despite previous results none of the above variables have been significant in explaining the decline in job performance during confinement. It was also observed that although the effect on job performance was similar for online teachers as well as face-to-face teachers, the variables that explained this effect were different. For the online teachers, there was a misfit between the demands and resources, which are explained based on the previous theory (P-E fit theory). Teachers from face-to-face universities pointed to the lack of instructions from their organization, along with subjective feelings of techno-inefficacy, as the reasons behind the decline in job performance during the lockdown period. Looking ahead to future research on the incorporation of information and communications technology in teaching work, it is necessary to consider variables associated with technostress, both objective and subjective, in order to increase the effectiveness of integrating emerging technology into teaching work

    Technostress in Spanish University Students: Validation of a Measurement Scale

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    [Abstract] The increasingly widespread use of technology has led to the emergence of phenomena harmful to users such as technostress. Although technostress has already been studied in other contexts, it is still pending study in a university education environment, where the use of information and communication technologies is increasingly widespread. Thus, the objective of this study was to adapt a technostress questionnaire for Spanish university students based on an instrument that had been designed in a Chinese university teaching population. A total of 1,744 Spanish university students from face-to-face and online universities completed the adapted Spanish technostress scale. Factorial analyses suggested the elimination of two items from the original scale and a model made up of five factors that fit, as in the original scale, within the person-environment misfit theory. The reduced scale also showed good internal consistency for all the items and the five resulting factors. These results support the psychometric properties of the reduced technostress scale in university students, and their validity when offering a complete view of the phenomenon in Spain

    Estudio de la satisfacción percibida por los estudiantes de la UNED con su vida universitaria

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    The evaluation of university quality plans are optimized when these incorporate views and indicators of student satisfaction. As a result, based on the model proposed by Kember and Leung (2005), the objective of this research is to analyze satisfaction with University life through online surveys to students who studied at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, Spain). The resulting data are tabulated a model that allows us to identify those elements that have a significant influence on student satisfaction in relation to four dimensions: teaching, content, communication and capabilities. This was attended by 60 students from different degree programs corresponding to five academic areas aged between 24 and 50 years. Intending to understand and interpret a reality and to open a debate on optimizing the quality of education, we have opted for a non-experimental design of exploratory, descriptive and transversal character. Studies of structure and internal consistency were conducted by performing an exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0.96). It shows the high level of student satisfaction with the University experience, demonstrating a high degree of comfort in the variables analyzed. The results revealed significant differences due to age and the academic field. The review of the variables involved in the construct University life satisfaction has allowed us to point out the need to optimize strategies and resources fundamentally related to the teaching factor in order to improve University quality.La evaluación de los planes de calidad universitarios se ven optimizados cuando éstos incorporan opiniones e indicadores de satisfacción estudiantil. En consecuencia, partiendo del modelo propuesto por Kember y Leung (2005), el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la satisfacción con la vida universitaria a través de encuestas online al alumnado que cursa estudios en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, España). Los datos obtenidos se tabulan originando un modelo que nos permite identificar aquellos elementos que influyen de manera significativa en la satisfacción del alumnado en relación a cuatro dimensiones: docencia, contenidos, comunicación y capacidades. Para ello participaron 60 estudiantes de diferentes titulaciones correspondientes a cinco ámbitos académicos con edades comprendidas entre 24 y 50 años. Con la intención de conocer e interpretar una realidad y de abrir un debate sobre la optimización de la calidad educativa, se ha optado por un diseño no experimental de carácter exploratorio, descriptivo y transversal. Se realizaron estudios de consistencia interna realizando un análisis factorial exploratorio y coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach (α=0.96). Se pone de manifiesto el alto nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la experiencia universitaria, evidenciando un elevado grado de bienestar en las variables analizadas. Los resultados revelaron la existencia de diferencias significativas debidas a la edad y al ámbito académico. La revisión de las variables implicadas en el constructo satisfacción con la vida universitaria nos ha permitido señalar la necesidad de optimizar estrategias y recursos relacionados fundamentalmente con el factor docencia para la mejora de la calidad universitaria

    RIED. Revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia

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    Título, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésResumen basado en el de la publicaciónLa evaluación de los planes de calidad universitarios se ven optimizados cuando se incorporan opiniones e indicadores de satisfacción estudiantil. En consecuencia, partiendo del modelo propuesto por Kember y Leung (2005), el objetivo de la investigación es analizar la satisfacción con la vida universitaria a través de encuestas online al alumnado que cursa estudios en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED, España). Los datos obtenidos se tabulan originando un modelo que permite identificar aquellos elementos que influyen de manera significativa en la satisfacción del alumnado en relación a cuatro dimensiones: docencia, contenidos, comunicación y capacidades. Para ello participaron 60 estudiantes de diferentes titulaciones correspondientes a cinco ámbitos académicos con edades comprendidas entre 24 y 50 años. Con la intención de conocer e interpretar una realidad y de abrir un debate sobre la optimización de la calidad educativa, se ha optado por un diseño no experimental de carácter exploratorio, descriptivo y transversal. Se realizaron estudios de consistencia interna realizando un análisis factorial exploratorio y coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach (α=0.96). Se pone de manifiesto el alto nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la experiencia universitaria, evidenciando un elevado grado de bienestar en las variables analizadas. Los resultados revelaron la existencia de diferencias significativas debidas a la edad y al ámbito académico. La revisión de las variables implicadas en el constructo satisfacción con la vida universitaria ha permitido señalar la necesidad de optimizar estrategias y recursos relacionados fundamentalmente con el factor docencia para la mejora de la calidad universitaria.ES

    The Digital Divide in Spanish Students in the Face of the COVID-19 Crisis

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer cómo los estudiantes están viviendo la situación actual de docencia no presencial “impuesta” por la Covid-19. Los participantes son 593 estudiantes españoles, mayoritariamente mujeres (76,4%), de una edad media de 22,76 años (Dt = 6,541), que viven en ciudades grandes (86,1%) y estudian en la universidad (61,7%). La recogida de datos se ha realizado con un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc que se responde en una escala tipo Likert de cinco categorías. La fiabilidad es alta (? = 0,890) y los resultados indican que la mayoría del alumnado cuenta con móvil, ordenador portátil o Tablet, con acceso a internet; pero el 14,8% reconocen no tener los recursos necesarios para afrontar la situación actual. Un 40,6% se ha desplazado para vivir el confinamiento en otro lugar (vivienda familiar, segunda residencia, etc.) y un 24,3% está en una localidad de menos de 100.000 habitantes, dato que se asocia con el hecho de que ahora cuenten con menos recursos. El alumnado de mayor edad considera que posee habilidades tecnológicas insuficientes, dificultades para implementar con eficacia las indicaciones del centro educativo y dificultad para ponerse al día ante los cambios constantes de las TIC

    Mentoría en la Universidad: Formación de las Figuras Implicadas (MUFFIM). Módulo 3, Competencias generales

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    Este documento forma parte del material de consulta y ampliación del curso MOOC Mentoría en la Universidad. Formación de las Figuras Implicadas (MUFFIM

    Mentoría en la Universidad: Formación de las Figuras Implicadas (MUFFIM). Módulo 4, Competencias específicas

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    Este documento forma parte del material de consulta y ampliación del curso MOOC Mentoría en la Universidad. Formación de las Figuras Implicadas (MUFFIM

    Relationship between Sports Practice, Physical and Mental Health and Anxiety–Depressive Symptomatology in the Spanish Prison Population

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    [Abstract] The objective of this study was to evaluate, in a group of Galician inmates, if there were variations in the levels of physical and mental health and anxiety–depressive symptomatology, depending on the sports’ practice performed. The relationship between these constructs was also investigated. The sample was composed of 509 people deprived of liberty in prisons in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain. A quantitative methodology was used, with the questionnaire as an information collection instrument, Student’s t-tests, Pearson’s correlation analysis and a stepwise regression analysis were carried out. The results indicated that those who performed physical activity during their stay in prison had higher levels of physical and mental health, as well as lower indicators of anxiety–depressive symptoms. People who did not practice sports showed a decrease in their perceived health levels when compared to those perceived in their pre-prison stage. A negative association was shown between perceived health levels and anxiety–depressive symptomatology. Perceived physical health, alone, explained 35% of the variance in perceived mental health. These results add to knowledge about the relationships between perceived health, anxiety–depressive symptoms and sports practice in the group of people deprived of liberty, highlighting the importance of promoting physical activity in penitentiary institutions

    Mentoría en la Universidad: Formación de las Figuras Implicadas (MUFFIM). Presentación

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    Este documento forma parte del material de consulta y ampliación del curso MOOC Mentoría en la Universidad. Formación de las Figuras Implicadas (MUFFIM