483 research outputs found
Marginal AMP Chain Graphs
We present a new family of models that is based on graphs that may have
undirected, directed and bidirected edges. We name these new models marginal
AMP (MAMP) chain graphs because each of them is Markov equivalent to some AMP
chain graph under marginalization of some of its nodes. However, MAMP chain
graphs do not only subsume AMP chain graphs but also multivariate regression
chain graphs. We describe global and pairwise Markov properties for MAMP chain
graphs and prove their equivalence for compositional graphoids. We also
characterize when two MAMP chain graphs are Markov equivalent.
For Gaussian probability distributions, we also show that every MAMP chain
graph is Markov equivalent to some directed and acyclic graph with
deterministic nodes under marginalization and conditioning on some of its
nodes. This is important because it implies that the independence model
represented by a MAMP chain graph can be accounted for by some data generating
process that is partially observed and has selection bias. Finally, we modify
MAMP chain graphs so that they are closed under marginalization for Gaussian
probability distributions. This is a desirable feature because it guarantees
parsimonious models under marginalization.Comment: Changes from v1 to v2: Discussion section got extended. Changes from
v2 to v3: New Sections 3 and 5. Changes from v3 to v4: Example 4 added to
discussion section. Changes from v4 to v5: None. Changes from v5 to v6: Some
minor and major errors have been corrected. The latter include the
definitions of descending route and pairwise separation base, and the proofs
of Theorems 5 and
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Family medicine physician residents\u27 perspectives on domestic violence
This project surveyed 21 respondents to determine whether family medicine physician assistants\u27 medical education and training while in residency is sufficient to assess or identify domestic violence. The project found that although family medicine physician assistants do receive education and training on domestic violence, it is insufficient because victims may still go undetected and unserved
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Implications of complex connectivity patterns, disturbance, Allee effects, and fisheries in the dynamics of marine metapopulations
textNearshore populations have been depleted and some have not yet recovered. Therefore, theoretical studies focus on improving fisheries management and designing marine protected areas (MPAs). Depleted populations may be undergoing an Allee effect, i.e. a decrease in fitness at low densities. Here, I constructed a marine metapopulation model that included pre- and post-dispersal Allee effects using a network theory approach. Networks represent metapopulations as groups of nodes connected by dispersal paths. With this model I answered four questions: What is the role of Allee effects on habitat occupancy? Are MPAs effective in recovering exploited populations? What is the importance of larval dispersal patterns in preventing local extinctions due to exploitation and Allee effects? Can exploitation fragment nearshore metapopulations? When weak Allee effects are included, habitat occupancy drops as larval retention decreases because more larvae are lost to unsuitable habitat. With strong Allee effects habitat occupancy also drops at high larval retention because more larvae are needed to overcome the Allee effect. Post-dispersal Allee effects seem more detrimental for nearshore metapopulations. MPA effectiveness seems also lower in a post-dispersal Allee effect scenario. In overexploited systems, local populations that go extinct are also less likely to recover even after protecting the whole coastline. In exploited nearshore metapopulations with Allee effects, local occupancy or the recovery of local populations depends not only on larval inflow from neighbor populations, but also on larval inflow for these neighbors. Nearshore metapopulations with intense fishing mortality and Allee effects may also suffer a decrease in dispersal strength and fragmentation. Population fragmentation occurs when large populations are split into smaller groups. A tool for detecting partitioning in a network is modularity. The modularity analysis performed for red abalone in the Southern California Bight showed that exploitation increases partitioning through time before the entire metapopulation collapses. These findings call for research effort in estimating the strength of potential Allee effects to prevent stock collapse and assess MPA effectiveness, evaluating the predictability of local occupancy by centrality metrics to help identify important sites for conservation, and using modularity analysis to quantify the health of exploited metapopulations to prevent their collapse.Ecology, Evolution and Behavio
Lineage and Legacy : Horton Through the Ailey Lens, Then and Now
This written thesis includes my research and investigation into the ideologies of cultural relevance, equity and inclusion through the legacy and lineage of the Horton technique at The Ailey School. I examine the history of Lester Horton, Alvin Ailey and my experiences as an Ailey student, dancer and educator for nearly thirty years. I used this knowledge in the creation of my choreographic thesis offering, Roots and Routes . In this work I explored the historical and contextual framework of Horton at The Ailey School, while additionally giving voice to the use of this traditional, codified modern dance technique as a foundational tool in the creation of contemporary work
The Evaluation of a Title XX Training Grant in Child Care Treatment
The focus of this paper is two-fold. First to evaluate a course in child care, treatment, and, second, while doing so, to trace the evolution of child care as a profession. The course being evaluated here was not an isolated event. It was a small part of a national movement to upgrade child care and the child care worker. This is a young, upcoming profession in its developmental stages. Consequently, many of the issues and training methods presented here will be improved and become more sophisticated by the time this paper is printed.
At the same time there is a need to keep interested persons informed and knowledgeable about the state of the art. It is for this reason that the evaluation of this particular course, a microcosm in the world of child care, has been presented in the context of the overall picture. It is also important to keep in mind that because of the dynamic nature of the child care field, this report is, in effect, a snapshot in time. It should be viewed in these terms. It is hoped that this contribution will serve as an appetizer to a very exciting field of professional accomplishment
Evaluación del crecimiento de langostino blanco Litopenaeus vannamei cultivado en jaulas flotantes en la laguna Ñapique, distrito de San Cristo, Sechura-Piura
Se ha identificado en la zonas aledañas a la laguna Ñapique,la escasez de oportunidades de desarrollo de actividades económicas y rentables para los pobladores de Cerritos, Cristo NosValga, Onza de Oro, Santa Clara, Alto Huaraz, Chutuque, Laguna de San Ramón, Valverde, y MalaVida, quienes se dedican a actividades agropecuarias primarias la que absorbe una gran masas de la población económicamente activa, con un rendimiento promedio por debajo del promedio departamental de Piura cuenta con dos grandes reservorios e innumerables cuerpos de agua como lagunas y reservorios pequeños que utilizan los agricultores para sus actividades agrícolas, los mismo que presentan condiciones ecológicas favorables para la explotación acuícola de los recursos hidrobiológicos. La Dirección Regional de Pesquería considera potencialmente valido el desarrollo de la acuicultura en estos ambientes y dentro de los lineamientos de la política actual promueven el desarrollo de la acuicultura para lograr uno de los principales objetivos: vencer la pobreza y la desnutrición (ley No 27460 y reglamento, 2001). Una oportunidad para incrementar y desarrollar la economía de la zona es la actividad acuícola aprovechando la laguna Ñapique mediante el cultivo de langostino blanco Litopenaeus vananmei,en jaulas flotantes, integrado a actividades como la pesca artesanal y turismo. El impacto de dicha actividad generaría un efecto multiplicador a nivel regional sobre todo en los diferentes reservorios de agua del valle de San Lorenzo que se aproximan a las 200 ha y directamente beneficiaría a los 14.455 pobladores del distrito de Cristo Nos Valga, con la creación de puestos de trabajo, incremento de la producción pesquera, disminuir el índice de desnutrición y el índice de extrema pobreza. El objetivo principal fue evaluar el crecimiento durante todo el cultivo del langostino blanco Litopenaeus vananmei en jaulas flotantes, aprovechando el cuerpo de agua laguna Ñapique de manera ecológicamente sostenible, evaluando la densidad optima en la fase de precría y engorde, las tasa de crecimiento, rendimiento en biomasa, supervivencia y factor de conversión alimenticia
Effect of band structure on ferromagnetism*
Journal ArticleWe extend Nagaoka's study of the ferromagnetism of nearly half-filled bands in the infinite-repulsion limit of the Hubbard model by including next-nearest-neighbor tight-binding overlap matrix elements K2. Particles can now get past one another, even in one dimension. We find corroboration of Nagaoka's results, viz., either possibility or impossibility of ferromagnetism depending on the relative sign and magnitude of K2
Estudio de la discapacidad en la región de Piura y guía de recursos sociales de accesibilidad
La discapacidad es un tema complejo, que resulta de la relación entre la salud individual, el entorno, las características personales y los factores psicosociales (Escobar et al., 2005) esto refiere que la discapacidad ya no se considera la mera consecuencia de una deficiencia, por lo tanto el modelo social de la discapacidad ha agudizado la conciencia de que las barreras a la participación son causas muy importantes de discapacidad. En el Perú como en muchos países, las personas con discapacidad, son consideradas como uno de los grandes grupos de poblaciones que se encuentran en situación de riesgo o vulnerabilidad, esto se debe, a la situación de pobreza y extrema pobreza en la que se encuentran y a la exclusión, marginación social y discriminación de la que son objeto. Se puede afirmar sin embargo, que la discapacidad es resultado del contexto en el que la persona vive, de las políticas y programas de atención y de los recursos que dispone para minimizar las consecuencias negativas de la deficiencia. De ahí la importancia del desarrollo de políticas encaminadas a la promoción de las personas con deficiencia en materia de salud, empleo, educación y urbanismo, entre otros. Este proyecto se centra en el sector de la discapacidad y la dependencia. Es un tema innovador en cooperación; su principal objetivo es analizar la situación socio demográfica de las personas con discapacidad en Piura así como también la elaboración de una Guía de Recursos Sociales de accesibilidad, puesto que este sector de población es el más olvidado por parte de los programas y proyectos internacionales de cooperación, así como también de políticas locales que mejoren la situación de las personas con discapacidad
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