4,845 research outputs found

    Study of thin dielectric films for thermo-dielectric energy conversion Quarterly report, 1 Mar. - 31 May 1966

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    Thin dielectric films for thermo-dielectric energy conversio

    Active Tectonics in Southern Xinjiang, China: Analysis of Terrace Riser and Normal Fault Scarp Degradation Along the Hotan-Qira Fault System

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    The northern piedmont of the western Kunlun mountains (Xinjiang, China) is marked at its easternmost extremity, south of the Hotan-Qira oases, by a set of normal faults trending N50E for nearly 70 km. Conspicuous on Landsat and SPOT images, these faults follow the southeastern border of a deep flexural basin and may be related to the subsidence of the Tarim platform loaded by the western Kunlun northward overthrust. The Hotan-Qira normal fault system vertically offsets the piedmont slope by 70 m. Highest fault scarps reach 20 m and often display evidence for recent reactivations about 2 m high. Successive stream entrenchments in uplifted footwalls have formed inset terraces. We have leveled topographic profiles across fault scarps and transverse abandoned terrace risers. The state of degradation of each terrace edge has been characterized by a degradation coefficient τ, derived by comparison with analytical erosion models. Edges of highest abandoned terraces yield a degradation coefficient of 33 ± 4 m^2. Profiles of cumulative fault scarps have been analyzed in a similar way using synthetic profiles generated with a simple incremental fault scarp model. The analysis shows that (1) rate of fault slip remained essentially constant since the aggradation of the piedmont surface and (2) the occurrence of inset terraces was synchronous at all studied sites, suggesting a climate-driven terrace formation. Observation of glacial and periglacial geomorphic features along the northern front of the western Kunlun range indicates that the Qira glaciofluvial fan emplaced after the last glacial maximum, during the retreat of the Kunlun glaciers (12–22 ka). The age of the most developed inset terrace in uplifted valleys is inferred to be 10 ± 3 ka, coeval with humid climate pulses of the last deglaciation. The mass diffusivity constant (k=τ/T, being time B.P.) in the Hotan region is determined to be 3.3 ± 1.4 m^2/10^3 years, consistent with other estimates in similar climatic and geologic environments of western China. These results imply a minimum rate for the Tarim subsidence of 3.5 ± 2 mm/yr. If Western Kunlun overthrusts the Tarim platform on a crustal ramp dipping 40°–45° to the south, it would absorb at least 4.5 ± 3 mm/yr of convergence between western Tibet and Tarim

    inPHAP: Interactive visualization of genotype and phased haplotype data

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    Background: To understand individual genomes it is necessary to look at the variations that lead to changes in phenotype and possibly to disease. However, genotype information alone is often not sufficient and additional knowledge regarding the phase of the variation is needed to make correct interpretations. Interactive visualizations, that allow the user to explore the data in various ways, can be of great assistance in the process of making well informed decisions. But, currently there is a lack for visualizations that are able to deal with phased haplotype data. Results: We present inPHAP, an interactive visualization tool for genotype and phased haplotype data. inPHAP features a variety of interaction possibilities such as zooming, sorting, filtering and aggregation of rows in order to explore patterns hidden in large genetic data sets. As a proof of concept, we apply inPHAP to the phased haplotype data set of Phase 1 of the 1000 Genomes Project. Thereby, inPHAP's ability to show genetic variations on the population as well as on the individuals level is demonstrated for several disease related loci. Conclusions: As of today, inPHAP is the only visual analytical tool that allows the user to explore unphased and phased haplotype data interactively. Due to its highly scalable design, inPHAP can be applied to large datasets with up to 100 GB of data, enabling users to visualize even large scale input data. inPHAP closes the gap between common visualization tools for unphased genotype data and introduces several new features, such as the visualization of phased data.Comment: BioVis 2014 conferenc

    Comparison and Validation of Three Soybean Phenology Models

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    Temperature and photoperiod regulate the duration of soybean development stages. Photothermal sensitivity varies between the genotypes, being higher in long-cycle cultivars compared with short-cycle ones. Temperature and photoperiod also vary according to geographic location (latitude) and time of the year (sowing season), generating a complex genotype-environment interaction. This interaction makes it difficult to predict crop phenological stages. A simulation model to predict the date of occurrence of these phenological stages is very useful for decision-making in crop management. In this work, we compared and validated three empirical models for simulating soybean phenology stages. The three models presented in this paper are in commercial phase under the brand SIFESOJA.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    DRSS communication considerations for manned space flight

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    A lower and an upper bound or manned space flight requirements for a data relay satellite system (DRSS) in the 1975-1980 time period are described. In all cases, the most stringent requirement is an intersatellite link to provide wideband information transfer from an overseas DRS to the Continental United States. A parametric communication analysis is made as a function of varying frequency and antenna aperture. The desirability of using a VHF frequency band for low data rates and voice relay and the requirement for frequencies of 8 and 16 GHz for video and wideband digital data relay are shown

    Propriedades psicométricas do questionário de expectativas para o consumo de álcool (AEQ-A) em estudantes de psicologia de Mar del Plata, Argentina

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas (estructura factorial, consistencia interna y validez concurrente) de una versión adaptada del Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire Adolescents (AEQ-A) en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina. Las expectativas hacia los efectos del alcohol se refieren a las creencias que las personas tienen sobre los efectos que produce el consumo de alcohol en el comportamiento, y han sido relacionadas con el inicio, el mantenimiento y los patrones de consumo. Si bien se han desarrollado varios instrumentos para su medición, el AEQ-A ha sido uno de los más utilizados; sin embargo debido a la variabilidad cultural de las expectativas, es recomendable realizar adaptaciones del mismo a los contextos particulares en estudio. Para este trabajo se utilizó una versión del AEQ-A previamente validada en Mar del Plata, Argentina, que consta de 40 ítems medidos en una escala dicotómica (verdadero/falso). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1076 estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios, en los cuales se encontró una estructura de seis factores que reunieron 37 ítems. La consistencia interna de cada subescala fue adecuada y la validez concurrente fue satisfactoria ya que los puntajes en las subescalas de creencias sobre los efectos positivos del consumo en situaciones sociales se relacionaron con el consumo excesivo episódico. Se concluyó que contar con instrumentos de evaluación de las expectativas permitirá estudiar los factores psicosociales asociados al consumo y brindar información útil para el diseño de intervenciones.The aim of this article was to analyze the psychometric properties of an adapted version of the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire Adolescents (AEQ-A) in university students from Mar del Plata city, Argentina. Expectancies about the effects of alcohol refer to the beliefs that people hold about the consequences of alcohol consumption on behavior. Expectancies have been related to drinking initiation and maintenance, and to habitual drinking patterns. Although several questionnaires have been developed to measure expectancies, the AEQ-A has been one of the most frequently used. Studies in different cultural contexts have shown that, given expectancies’ cultural variability, the questionnaire must be adapted to each particular context. A version of the AEQ-A previously validated in Mar del Plata, Argentina, was used, consisting of 40 items measured on a (true / false) dichotomous scale. The sample consisted of 1076 psychology students from the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were performed. The factorial analysis resulted in six factors containing 37 items. Internal consistency of each subscale was adequate. Concurrent validity was satisfactory inasmuch as scores on the subscales about beliefs associated with positive effects of consumption in social situations relate to heavy episodic drinking. Instruments like this one to evaluate expectancies, will allow the study of psychosocial factors associated with consumption and provide useful information to develop prevention strategies.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as propriedades psicométricas (estrutura fatorial, consistência interna e validade concorrente) de uma versão adaptada do Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire Adolescents (AEQ-A) em estudantes universitários da cidade de Mar del Plata, Argentina. As expectativas para os efeitos do álcool referem-se às crenças que as pessoas têm sobre os efeitos que produz o consumo de álcool no comportamento, e têm sido relacionadas com o início, a manutenção e os padrões de consumo. Embora tenham sido desenvolvidos vários instrumentos para sua medida, o AEQ-A tem sido um dos mais utilizados; no entanto devido à variabilidade cultural das expectativas, é recomendável realizar adaptações deste aos contextos particulares em estudo. Para este trabalho, utilizou-se uma versão do AEQ-A previamente validada em Mar del Plata, Argentina, que consta de 40 itens medidos numa escala dicotômica (verdadeiro/falso). A amostra esteve composta por 1076 estudantes de Psicologia da Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Realizaram-se análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias, nas quais se encontrou uma estrutura de seis fatores que reuniram 37 itens. A consistência interna de cada subescala foi adequada e a validade concorrente foi satisfatória já que as pontuações nas subescalas de crenças sobre os efeitos positivos do consumo em situações sociais relacionaramse com o consumo excessivo episódico. Concluiu-se que contar com instrumentos de avaliação das expectativas permitirá estudar os fatores psicossociais associados ao consumo e dar informação útil para a elaboração de intervenções

    Sociodemographic and health correlates of sleep problems and duration in older adults in South Africa

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    HIV-related symptoms and management in HIV and antiretroviral therapy patients in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A longitudinal study

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    Aim: The study aimed to determine the prevalence, predictors, and self-reportedmanagement of HIV- or ARV-related symptoms among HIVpatients prior to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and over three time points while receivingARTinKwaZulu-Natal, SouthAfrica. Method: A total of 735 consecutive patients (29.8% male and 70.2% female) who attended three HIV clinics completed assessments prior to ARV initiation, 519 after 6 months, 557 after 12months, and 499 after 20months on ART. Results: The HIV patients reported an average of 7.5 symptoms (prior to ART), 1.2 symptomsafter 6months on ART, 0.3 symptomsafter 12months onART, and 0.2 symptoms after 20months onARTon the day of the interview, with a higher symptom frequency amongst patients whowere not employed, had lowerCD4cell counts, experienced internalised stigma, and used alcohol. The most common symptoms or conditions identified by the self-report included tuberculosis, diarrhoea, headaches, rash, nausea and vomiting, pain, neuropathy, lack of appetite, cough, and chills. Overall, the participants reported medications as the most frequently occurring  management strategy, with the second being spiritual, and the third being complementary or traditional treatments. The use of all other management strategies decreased over the four different assessment periods from prior to ART to 20 months on ART. Conclusion: This study found a high symptom burden among HIV patients, which significantly decreased with progression on antiretroviral treatment. Several symptoms that persisted over time and several sociodemographic factors were identified that can guide symptom management. The utilisation of different symptom management strategies (medical, spiritual, complementary, and traditional) should be taken into consideration in HIV treatment.Keywords: HIV symptoms, management strategies, antiretroviral therapy, longitudinal stud