12 research outputs found

    Développement d'une approche d'entrainement pour l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé pour les personnes ayant une déficience cognitive

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    Introduction : La mobilité détermine la possibilité de s'engager dans des activités de la vie quotidienne et contribue au maintien de la santé et du bien-être. De plus en plus de personnes présentent des limitations à la mobilité. Le fauteuil roulant motorisé est une aide à la mobilité qui peut devenir nécessaire. Les personnes qui ont besoin d'utiliser un fauteuil roulant motorisé peuvent présenter un ensemble complexe de déficiences physiques, cognitives ou sensorielles. Afin de favoriser une utilisation efficace et sécuritaire du fauteuil roulant motorisé, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé recommande d'entrainer tous les utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant motorisé à l'utilisation de leur aide à la mobilité. Cependant, les approches d'entrainements existantes ne répondent pas aux besoins de mobilité et aux besoins d'apprentissage des personnes ayant une déficience cognitive. De ce fait, ces personnes sont majoritairement exclues des processus d'attribution avant même qu'elles aient eu la possibilité de recevoir un entrainement adapté. L'objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à développer une approche d'entrainement à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé pour les personnes ayant une déficience cognitive. Cet objectif repose sur l'hypothèse qu'un entrainement à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé adapté aux besoins des utilisateurs ayant une déficience cognitive permettrait d'améliorer l'attribution du fauteuil roulant motorisé à cette population en lui permettant de développer des habiletés et d'améliorer sa sécurité. Méthodologies : Le modèle méthodologique New Medical Research Council Framework comprend quatre phases orientant le développement d'interventions complexes en santé. Ce modèle a été utilisé pour structurer les différentes étapes de cette thèse. Les quatre études réalisées complètent les deux premières phases du modèle (développement et faisabilité). Une étude de la portée a été réalisée afin d'explorer les relations entre le fonctionnement cognitif et l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé (Chapitre 2). Une étude transversale a exploré les relations entre l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé, le fonctionnement cognitif et la confiance chez des utilisateurs expérimentés de fauteuil roulant motorisé. Les variables étaient évaluées par des outils d'évaluation clinique reconnus (Chapitre 3). Une méthode mixte a été réalisée pour co-créer une approche d'entrainement pour la mobilité. Cette étude, incluant des utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant motorisé, des ergothérapeutes et des chercheurs, a utilisé des groupes de discussion focalisée (phase 1) et la méthode Delphi (phase 2) (Chapitre 4). La faisabilité et l'applicabilité clinique de l'approche d'entrainement ont été testées auprès de personnes qui venaient de se voir attribuer un fauteuil roulant motorisé ou qui avaient été évaluées comme nécessitant un entrainement supplémentaire avant de se voir attribuer le fauteuil roulant motorisé (Chapitre 5). Résultats : Une bonne efficience cognitive et la confiance perçue sont nécessaires pour utiliser un fauteuil roulant motorisé, les déficiences cognitives influençant négativement l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé et la confiance perçue par l'utilisateur. Cependant, malgré la présence de déficiences cognitives il peut être possible d'utiliser un fauteuil roulant motorisé de façon sécuritaire et d'améliorer les capacités à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé si elles sont entrainées (Chapitres 2 et 3). Ces constats ont bâti le socle théorique de l'approche d'entrainement. Les parties prenantes au projet (phase 1 : n=16; phase 2 : n=207) ont convenu que l'approche d'entrainement à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé en présence de déficience cognitive devrait être centrée sur les objectifs individuels de la personne, devrait être basée sur les occupations, devrait favoriser une relation de confiance entre la personne et l'entraineur, et devrait être réalisée dans un environnement réel, sécuritaire et adapté (Chapitre 4). Il a finalement été démontré que cette approche d'entrainement à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé est faisable et applicable en pratique clinique (Chapitre 5). Conclusion : Une nouvelle approche d'entrainement à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé pour les personnes ayant une déficience cognitive a été développée dans ce travail de recherche. Elle comble une lacune en matière d'entrainement à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé. Pour les ergothérapeutes, elle élargit les approches d'entrainement disponibles. Pour les utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant motorisé, elle offre la possibilité d'accéder à l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé et de développer performance et confiance lors de l'utilisation du fauteuil roulant motorisé. De futures études évaluant à plus grande échelle l'efficacité de cette nouvelle approche d'entrainement et évaluant son implantation en pratique clinique devraient être investies pour compléter les deux dernières phases du modèle méthodologique New Medical Research Council framework.Introduction: Functional and independent mobility determines the ability to engage in activities of daily living and contributes to health and well-being. However, more and more people present mobility limitations. To over come these limitations, power wheelchair is a mobility aid that may become necessary. People who require using a power wheelchair to enable them to be mobile generally have a complex set of motor, cognitive and sensory impairments. In addition, these individuals do not represent a homogeneous group of people. To promote safe and effective use of power wheelchair, the World Health Organization recommends that all new power wheelchair users have to be trained to use their mobility aid. However, available training approaches do not meet the mobility and learning needs of individuals with cognitive impairments. As a result, these individuals are largely excluded from power wheelchair provision before they get a chance to try using a power wheelchair or receiving appropriate training. This thesis assumes that power wheelchair training tailored to the needs of cognitively impaired users would allow future users would have a more independent and safer mobility. The overall objective of this thesis was to develop a power wheelchair training approach for individuals with cognitive impairments. Methodologies: The New Medical Research Council Framework methodological model includes four phases guiding the development of complex health interventions. This model was used to structure the realization of this thesis. The four studies correspond to the first two phases of this methodological model (development and clinical applicability). A scoping review was conducted to explore the relationships between cognitive functioning and power wheelchair use (Chapter 2). A cross-sectional study explored the relationships between power wheelchair use, cognitive functioning, and confidence among experienced power wheelchair users. The variables were assessed by recognized clinical assessment tools (Chapter 3). A mixed-methods approach was realized to co-create an innovative approach to power wheelchaur training for individuals with mobility and cognitive impairments. This study including power wheelchair users, occupational therapists, and researchers used focus groups (Phase 1) and the Delphi method (Phase 2) (Chapter 4). The feasibility and the clinical applicability of the training approach was tested with individuals who had recently been provided a power wheelchair or who had been assessed as requiring additional training prior to being provided a power wheelchair (Chapter 5). Results: Cognitive functioning and perceived confidence are necessary to use a power wheelchair, with cognitive impairments negatively influencing power wheelchair use and user perceived confidence. However, individuals with diverse cognitive impairments can safely use a power wheelchair and can improve their power wheelchair skills if trained is provided (Chapters 2 and 3). These findings formed the theoretical basis for the training approach. The stakeholders of the research project (Phase 1: n=16; Phase 2: n=207) agreed that the power wheelchair training approach should focus on the individual's goals, should be occupation-based, should foster a trusting relationship between the person and the trainer, and should be carried out in a safe, adapted, and real-world environment (Chapter 4). Finally, with few modifications the developed training approach may be applicable in clinical practice(Chapter 5). Conclusion: An innovative power wheelchair training approach adapted for people with cognitive impairment is available. It fills a gap in power wheelchair training. For occupational therapists it expands the training approaches available. For power wheelchair users, this innovative training approach has the potential to improve their performance and confidence when using a power wheelchair. Future studies evaluating the effectiveness of this new training approach on a larger scale and assessing its implementation in clinical practice should be investigated to complete the last two phases of the New Medical Research Council framework

    Relationships between Cognitive Functioning and Powered Mobility Device Use: A Scoping Review

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    Background. Powered mobility devices (PMD) promote independence, social participation, and quality of life for individuals with mobility limitations. However, some individuals would benefit from PMD, but may be precluded access. This is particularly true for those with cognitive impairments who may be perceived as unsafe and unable to use a PMD. This study explored the relationships between cognitive functioning and PMD use. The objectives were to identify cognitive functions necessary to use a PMD and describe available PMD training approaches. Methods. A scoping review was undertaken. Results. Seventeen studies were included. Four examined the predictive or correlational relationships between cognitive functioning and PMD use outcomes with intellectual functions, visual and visuospatial perception, attention, abstraction, judgement, organization and planning, problem solving, and memory identified as having a relation with PMD use outcome in at least one study. Thirteen others studied the influence of PMD provision or training on users’ PMD capacity and cognitive outcomes and reported significative improvements of PMD capacities after PMD training. Six studies found improved cognitive scores after PMD training. Conclusions. Cognitive functioning is required to use a PMD. Individuals with heterogeneous cognitive impairment can improve their PMD capacities. Results contribute to advancing knowledge for PMD provision. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerlan

    Relationships between Cognitive Functioning and Powered Mobility Device Use: A Scoping Review

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    Background. Powered mobility devices (PMD) promote independence, social participation, and quality of life for individuals with mobility limitations. However, some individuals would benefit from PMD, but may be precluded access. This is particularly true for those with cognitive impairments who may be perceived as unsafe and unable to use a PMD. This study explored the relationships between cognitive functioning and PMD use. The objectives were to identify cognitive functions necessary to use a PMD and describe available PMD training approaches. Methods. A scoping review was undertaken. Results. Seventeen studies were included. Four examined the predictive or correlational relationships between cognitive functioning and PMD use outcomes with intellectual functions, visual and visuospatial perception, attention, abstraction, judgement, organization and planning, problem solving, and memory identified as having a relation with PMD use outcome in at least one study. Thirteen others studied the influence of PMD provision or training on users’ PMD capacity and cognitive outcomes and reported significative improvements of PMD capacities after PMD training. Six studies found improved cognitive scores after PMD training. Conclusions. Cognitive functioning is required to use a PMD. Individuals with heterogeneous cognitive impairment can improve their PMD capacities. Results contribute to advancing knowledge for PMD provision

    Consensus for a power wheelchair training approach for people with cognitive impairments

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    PURPOSE: Power wheelchairs (PWCs) can enhance independent mobility. The World Health Organization recommends training PWC users. However, current PWC training approaches do not always meet the needs of PWC users with complex mobility and cognitive impairment. The aim was to co-develop an innovative approach to PWC training for individuals with complex mobility and cognitive impairments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A two-phase mixed method research, involving PWC users, clinicians and researchers throughout all aspects of the research, was realized. (1) Interviews and focus groups were used. (2) The Delphi method was followed to refine the PWC training approach. RESULTS: Phase 1: Twenty-six stakeholders indicated that PWC training should consider the client as a partner, the learning environment, the proposed activities, interactions with the trainer and intervention format. Phase 2: two hundred and seven participants agreed that the PWC training should be goal directed, should be client-centred and occupation-based, should enhance client-therapist relationships and should be realized in a safe and adapted environment. CONCLUSIONS: Stakeholders on PWC use came to agreement on key components that should be applied when training people with cognitive impairments. Stakeholders on power wheelchair (PWC) use came to agreement on key components that should be applied when training people with cognitive impairments.Power wheelchair training should be goal directed, should be client-centred and occupation-based, should enhance client–therapist relationships and should be realized in a safe and adapted environment.Results of this study may contribute to best practices for PWC training and may empower occupational therapists providing PWC in their clinical decision-making. en