1,341 research outputs found

    A clinical test for visual crowding

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    Crowding is a major limitation of visual perception. Because of crowding, a simple object, like a letter, can only be recognized if clutter is a certain critical spacing away. Crowding is only weakly associated with acuity. The critical spacing of crowding is lowest in the normal fovea, and grows with increasing eccentricity in peripheral vision. Foveal crowding is more prominent in certain patient groups, including those with strabismic amblyopia and apperceptive agnosia. Crowding may lessen with age during childhood as reading speed increases. The range of crowding predicts much of the slowness of reading in children with developmental dyslexia. There is tantalizing evidence suggesting that the critical spacing of crowding indicates neural density (participating neurons per square deg) in the visual cortex. Thus, for basic and applied reasons, it would be very interesting to measure foveal crowding clinically in children and adults with normal and impaired vision, and to track the development of crowding during childhood. While many labs routinely measure peripheral crowding as part of their basic research in visual perception, current tests are not well suited to routine clinical testing because they take too much time, require good fixation, and are mostly not applicable to foveal vision. Here we report a new test for clinical measurement of crowding in the fovea. It is quick and accurate, works well with children and adults, and we expect it to work well with dementia patients as well. The task is to identify a numerical digit, 1-9, using a new “Pelli” font that is identifiable at tiny width (0.02 deg, about 1 minarc, in normal adult fovea). This allows quick measurement of the very small (0.05 deg) critical spacing in the normal adult fovea, as well as with other groups that have higher critical spacing. Preliminary results from healthy adults and children are presented

    Influence of V/III molar ratio on the formation of In vacancies in InN grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy

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    We have applied a slow positron beam to study InN samples grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy with different V/III molar ratios (3300–24 000) and at different growth temperatures (550–625°C). Indium vacancies were identified in samples grown at V/III ratios below 4000. Their concentration is in the 10exp17cm−3 range. No strong dependence of vacancy concentration on the molar ratio was observed. At low V/III ratios, however, In droplets and vacancy clusters are formed near the substrate interface. The elevated growth temperature enhances the In vacancy formation, possibly due to limited sticking of In on the growth surface close to the decomposition temperature.Peer reviewe

    Maestría en gestión y desarrollo de la vivienda social de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la UNNE: gestación y evolución

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    El presente trabajo describe el proceso de gestación y evolución de la Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo de la Vivienda Social, del Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Vivienda (IIDVi), FAU, UNNE. Se presenta como primera maestría en esta facultad diseñada, dirigida y gestionada por docentes-investigadores de la misma institución, y también como nueva etapa de evolución de la unidad académica de pertenencia (IIDVi), así como de la cátedra Gestión y Desarrollo de la Vivienda Popular, con carácter de acto de transmisión, enriquecimiento y discusión del “estado del arte” del tema, desde una particular e ineludible óptica teóricoideológica

    Optical and electronic properties of silver nanoparticles embedded in cerium oxide

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    Wide bandgap oxides can be sensitized to visible light by coupling them with plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs). We investigate the optical and electronic properties of composite materials made of Ag NPs embedded within cerium oxide layers of different thickness. The electronic properties of the materials are investigated by X-ray and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, which demonstrates the occurrence of static charge transfers between the metal and the oxide and its dependence on the NP size. Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry measurements show that the materials have a strong absorption in the visible range induced by the excitation of localized surface plasmon resonances. The plasmonic absorption band can be modified in shape and intensity by changing the NP aspect ratio and density and the thickness of the cerium oxide film

    Error-Free 10.7 Gb/s Digital Transmission over 2 km Optical Link Using an Ultra-Low-Voltage Electro-Optic Modulator

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    We demonstrate the feasibility of 10.7 Gb/s error-free (BER < 10-12) optical transmission on distances up to 2 km using a recently developed ultra-low-voltage commercial Electro-Optic Modulator (EOM) that is driven by 0.6 Vpp and with an optical input power of 1 mW. Given this low voltage operation, the modulator could be driven directly from the detectors’ board signals without the need of any further amplification reducing significantly the power dissipation and the material budget

    Statins inhibit C-reactive protein-induced chemokine secretion, ICAM-1 upregulation and chemotaxis in adherent human monocytes

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    Objectives. We have recently shown that CRP induces chemokine secretion and adhesion molecule up-regulation in human primary monocytes cultured in adherence. Given the increasing evidence on direct immunomodulatory properties of statins, we investigated their possible anti-inflammatory role on CRP-treated human monocytes. Methods. Monocytes were isolated by Ficoll-Percoll gradients and cultured in adherence to polystyrene. Chemokine secretion and adhesion molecule expression were detected by ELISA and flow cytometry. Migration assays were performed in modified Boyden chambers. Intracellular kinase activation was assessed by western blot. Results. Treatment with simvastatin or atorvastatin decreased CRP-induced release of CCL2, CCL3 and CCL4. In addition, both statins reduced CRP-induced intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) up-regulation, but had no effects on CD11b and CD18. Treatments with 1 μM simvastatin or atorvastatin significantly inhibited monocyte migration in response to CRP. CD32 and CD64 (CRP receptors) expression on monocytes was not affected by statins. Statin-induced inhibition of CRP-mediated chemokine secretion, ICAM-1 up-regulation and migration occurred through the inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2. Treatment with l-mevalonate or farnesylpyrophosphate, but not geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate reversed the statin-induced effect on CRP-mediated functions and ERK 1/2 phosphorylation, confirming that statins blocked CRP-induced ERK 1/2 phosphorylation through the inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. Conclusions. Statins inhibited CRP-induced chemokine secretion, ICAM-1 up-regulation and migration in human adherent monocytes, through the inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase-ERK 1/2 pathway. This pathway could represent a very promising target to reduce CRP-induced activities in monocyte-mediated diseases, such as atherosclerosis or R

    Injecting Electrons into CeO2 via Photoexcitation of Embedded Au Nanoparticles

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    The electron injection efficiency and the steady state absorptance at different photon energies for a composite system made of Au NPs embedded in a cerium oxide matrix are reported. Cerium oxide can be coupled with plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) to improve its catalytic properties by visible-light absorption. The present work is a study of the ultrafast dynamics of excited states induced by ultraviolet and visible-light excitation in Au NPs combined with cerium oxide, aimed at understanding the excitation pathways. The data, obtained by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, show that the excitation of localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) in the Au NPs leads to an ultrafast injection of electrons into the empty 4f states of the surrounding cerium oxide. Within the first few picoseconds, the injected electrons couple with the lattice distortion forming a polaronic excited state, with similar properties to that formed after direct band gap excitation of the oxide. At sub-picosecond delay times, we observed relevant differences in the energetics and the time dynamics as compared to the case of band gap excitation of the oxide. Using different pump energies across the LSPR-related absorption band, the efficiency of the electron injection from the NPs into the oxide was found to be rather high, with a maximum above 30%. The injection efficiency has a different trend in energy as compared to the LSPR-related static optical absorptance, showing a significant decrease in low energies. This behavior is explained considering different deexcitation pathways with variable weight across the LSPR band. The results are important for the design of materials with high overall solar catalytic efficiency

    Ultrafast Formation of Small Polarons and the Optical Gap in CeO2

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    The ultrafast dynamics of excited states in cerium oxide are investigated to access the early moments of polaron formation, which can influence the photocatalytic functionality of the material. UV transient absorbance spectra of photoexcited CeO2 exhibit a bleaching of the band edge absorbance induced by the pump and a photoinduced absorbance feature assigned to Ce 4f → Ce 5d transitions. A blue shift of the spectral response of the photoinduced absorbance signal in the first picosecond after the pump excitation is attributed to the dynamical formation of small polarons with a characteristic time of 330 fs. A further important result of our work is that the combined use of steady-state and ultrafast transient absorption allows us to propose a revised value for the optical gap for ceria (Eog = 4 eV), significantly larger than usually reported

    P660Molecular insight in apoM-S1P-induced cardioprotection against ischemia/reperfusion injury

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    Purpose: Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is a plasma lipoprotein that mainly associates with high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and that serves as a carrier of the bioactive lipid Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P). Recent studies indicate that S1P binding to G-protein-coupled receptors, known as S1P-receptors, in the heart activates signalling pathways promoting cardiomyocyte survival, but downstream targets are largely unknown. Here, we investigate the putative role of the apoM-S1P axis in relation to cardioprotection against ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury. Methods and Results: ApoM transgenic (Apom-Tg) mice, in which plasma S1P is increased by >250%, and wild-type (WT) mice were subjected to 30 min of left coronary artery ligation and 24 hrs reperfusion in vivo. We found a reduction of infarct size in Apom-Tg mice (15±1%) in comparison with WT mice (29±4%, N=8-9, p<0.01). In agreement, neutrophil infiltration into the infarcted area was lower in Apom-Tg mice (14.8±0.2% vs. 25.9±5.1 in WT, N=3, p<0.05). Interestingly, 5 min of S1P treatment at the onset of reperfusion reduced infarct size in response to 30 min of no-flow global ischemia (control: 23±3%, S1P-treated: 11±2%, N=5, p<0.05) in ex vivo Langendorff perfused hearts, suggesting that S1P exerts a direct protective effect on cardiomyocytes. Moreover, the sensitivity to ex vivo IR of Apom-Tg mice was not different from WT mice, further supporting that the cardioprotective effect observed in vivo is due to increased plasmatic S1P in these mice. To obtain further insight into the mechanism underlying S1P-induced cardioprotection, neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes were treated for 5 min with S1P after pre-incubation with PKC kinase inhibitors or with specific antagonists of S1P receptors. We found by Western blot that S1P induced phosphorylation of the gap junction protein Connexin43 (Cx43) on Serine 368 by a PKC-dependent mechanism and that this phosphorylation was mediated by S1P2 and S1P3 but not by S1P1 receptors. Finally, 5 min of S1P treatment reduced gap junctional communication between cardiomyocytes (9±1 cells, N=29) in comparison to control conditions (15±2 cells, N=34, p<0.01), as assessed by dye coupling assay. Conclusion: Increased plasma apoM-S1P in mice protects the heart against IR injury. The molecular mechanism might involve reduced cardiomyocyte death by activation of S1P2 and S1P3 receptors, which leads to PKC-dependent phosphorylation of Cx43 and reduction of cell-to-cell couplin