216 research outputs found

    Understanding migrants in COVID-19 counting: Rethinking the data-(in)visibility nexus

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    none3siThe COVID-19 pandemic confronts society with a dilemma between (in)visibility, security, and care. While invisibility might be sought by unregistered and undocumented people, being counted and thus visible during a pandemic is a precondition of existence and care. This article asks whether and how unregistered populations like undocumented migrants should be included in statistics and other “counting” exercises devised to track virus diffusion and its impact. In particular, the paper explores how such inclusion can be just, given that for unregistered people visibility is often associated with surveillance. It also reflects on how policymaking can act upon the relationship between data, visibility, and populations in pragmatic terms. Conversing with science and technology studies and critical data studies, the paper frames the dilemma between (in)visibility and care as an issue of sociotechnical nature and identifies four criteria linked to the sociotechnical characteristics of the data infrastructure enabling visibility. It surveys “counting” initiatives targeting unregistered and undocumented populations undertaken by European countries in the aftermath of the pandemic, and illustrates the medical, economic, and social consequences of invisibility. On the basis of our analysis, we outline four scenarios that articulate the visibility/invisibility binary in novel, nuanced terms, and identify in the “de facto inclusion” scenario the best option for both migrants and the surrounding communities. Finally, we offer policy recommendations to avoid surveillance and overreach and promote instead a more just “de facto” civil inclusion of undocumented populations.openPelizza, Annalisa; Milan, Stefania; Lausberg, YorenPelizza, Annalisa; Milan, Stefania; Lausberg, Yore

    Compatibility between entomopathogenic fungi and biorational insecticides in toxicity against Ronderosia bergi under laboratory conditions

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    Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of combinations between two biorational insecticides (luphenuron, methoxyfenozide), a new synthetic chemical pesticide (rynaxypyr), and three entomopathogenic fungi strains (Beauveria bassianaLPSc 1067, LPSc1082), and Metarhizium anisopliae (LPSc 907) in the biocontrol of the pest grasshopper Ronderosia bergi (StĂ„l) under laboratory conditions. The insecticides were tested at three concentrations: the average concentration recommended for application in the field (100%) and 50% and finally 25% of that level. The fungal strains used were adjusted to 1×108, 1×106, and 1×104conidia ml-1. The combinations of those insecticides with B. bassiana (LPSc 1067, LPSc 1082) and M. anisopliae (LPSc 907) caused higher mortality to R. bergi nymphs than any of the individual agents used alone. The three insecticides tested did not affect the isolates of the two species of entomopathogenic fungi employed. In conclusion, the use of these biorational insecticides in an IPM program aimed at control of the grasshopper R. bergicould be of value

    Sistemas de condução de plantas.

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    217) O que se entende por condução das plantas? 218) Qual o objetivo da condução das plantas no pomar? 219) Qual a relação entre o sistema de condução das macieiras e os porta-enxertos utilizados? 220) Qual a forma de condução ideal para as plantas de macieira? 221) Qual o sistema de condução utilizado nos principais países produtores da cultura da macieira? 222) Qual o principal sistema de condução para a cultura da macieira utilizado no Brasil? 223) Como é possível obter uma planta em líder central no sistema livre? 224) Como é o sistema de condução de plantas em líder central com sistema de apoio? 225) Quais as vantagens no uso do sistema em líder central com sistema de apoio quando comparado ao sistema livre? 226) Quais os sistemas de condução recomendados para plantio em alta densidade? 227) Como obter uma planta no sistema de condução em solaxe? 228) Qual formato assume uma planta em sistema de condução em solaxe? 229) Quais as vantagens do uso do sistema solaxe? 155 230) Quais as desvantagens do uso do sistema solaxe? 231) Qual manejo deve ser dado às plantas conduzidas em tall spindle no momento de sua implantação no pomar? 232) Quais cuidados devem ser observados durante o período de crescimento das plantas conduzidas em tall spindle? 233) Quais as vantagens do uso do sistema de condução tall spindle? 234) Qual densidade de plantio e espaçamento é recomendado quando do uso do sistema de condução tall spindle? 235) Quais as recomendaçÔes de espaçamento de acordo com diferentes cultivares de macieira e condiçÔes do solo? 236) Quais porta-enxertos são recomendados quando utilizado o sistema de condução tall spindle? 237) Em que consiste o sistema de condução de plantas em Bibaum? 238) Quais as recomendaçÔes de espaçamento, densidade e altura de plantas para o sistema de condução Bibaum? 239) Quais características assume uma planta conduzida em Bibaum? 240) Como conduzir uma planta em Bibaum? 241) Quais as vantagens do uso do sistema de condução de plantas em Bibaum

    The “Personal Health Budget” intervention model in early psychosis: Preliminary findings from the Parma experience

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    Objectives Personal Health Budget (PHB) has recently been provided to people with severe mental illness, reflecting a policy shift towards a personalized mental health care based on individual unmet needs. However, evidence on effectiveness of PHB initiatives is still limited. Aim of this research was to provide preliminary data about the beneficial effects of adding PHB to a multicomponent EIP intervention in patients with First-Episode Psychosis (FEP) along a 2-year follow-up period. Methods Participants (n = 49) were FEP patients, aged 18-50 years, entered the “Parma Early Psychosis” program and completing the Health of Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS), the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF). Friedman test for repeated measure (with Wilcoxon test as post-hoc procedure) was performed to evaluate the longitudinal stability of functioning and clinical parameters. A linear regression analysis was also carried out. Results A significant effect of time on all HoNOS, BPRS and GAF scores along the 2 years of follow-up was found. Regression analysis results specifically showed a relevant association between a PHB multiaxial intervention and the longitudinal decrease in BPRS “Negative Symptoms” subscores, as well as in HoNOS “Behavioral Problems” and “Social Problems” scores. Conclusions Our results support the general applicability of a PHB approach within an “Early Intervention in Psychosis” program for help-seeking adults with FEP
