3,517 research outputs found

    Selección y caracterización de levaduras no Saccharomyces en la D.O. Rueda para vinificación de uva Verdejo

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    En los últimos años existe cierta uniformidad en las características organolépticas de los vinos elaborados con la variedad Verdejo en la D.O. Rueda. Es por eso por lo que cada bodega busca diferenciarse cada vez más, ya sea innovando en sus métodos de elaboración o en el campo microbiológico. En este último entrarían en juego las levaduras no – Saccharomyces que, si bien hasta hace poco no se tenían en consideración, actualmente se ha demostrado que hay una gran variedad de ellas que son capaces de aportar características diferentes. Además, también se busca que la utilización de este tipo de levaduras contribuya a la disminución del grado alcohólico, pues otra de las problemáticas actuales, ocasionada por el cambio climático, es la elevada concentración de azúcar en las uvas y, por consiguiente, un grado alcohólico muy alto para vinos elaborados con la variedad Verdejo. En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un aislamiento e identificación de levaduras no – Saccharomyces procedentes de un viñedo de la variedad Verdejo ubicado en La Seca y perteneciente a la D.O. Rueda. Tras dicho aislamiento, se determinará la aptitud enológica y se llevará a cabo una caracterización de las levaduras aisladas con posible interés enológico.Grado en Enologí

    Addressing the recovery of feeding rates in post-exposure feeding bioassays: Cyathura carinata as a case study

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    Post-exposure bioassays are used in environmental assessment as a cost-effective tool, but the effects of organism's recovery after exposure to pollutant has not yet been addressed in detail. The recoveries of post-exposure feeding rates after being exposed to two sublethal concentrations of cadmium during two different exposure periods (48. h and 96. h) were evaluated under laboratory conditions using the estuarine isopod Cyathura carinata. Results showed that feeding depression was a stable endpoint up to 24. h after cadmium exposure, which is useful for ecotoxicological bioassays.This research was partially funded by research project 3M-RECITAL (LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009). M. Martinez-Haro has a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development (PIEF-GA-2011-299747) within the 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013) of the European Commission. P. Acevedo is supported by the ‘Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’ (MINECO) and ‘Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha’ (UCLM) through a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ contract (RYC-2012-11970).Peer Reviewe

    Insights Into SND1 Oncogene Promoter Regulation

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    The staphylococcal nuclease and Tudor domain containing 1 gene (SND1), also known as Tudor-SN, TSN or p100, encodes an evolutionarily conserved protein with invariant domain composition. SND1 contains four repeated staphylococcal nuclease domains and a single Tudor domain, which confer it endonuclease activity and extraordinary capacity for interacting with nucleic acids, individual proteins and protein complexes. Originally described as a transcriptional coactivator, SND1 plays fundamental roles in the regulation of gene expression, including RNA splicing, interference, stability, and editing, as well as in the regulation of protein and lipid homeostasis. Recently, SND1 has gained attention as a potential disease biomarker due to its positive correlation with cancer progression and metastatic spread. Such functional diversity of SND1 marks this gene as interesting for further analysis in relation with the multiple levels of regulation of SND1 protein production. In this review, we summarize the SND1 genomic region and promoter architecture, the set of transcription factors that can bind the proximal promoter, and the evidence supporting transactivation of SND1 promoter by a number of signal transduction pathways operating in different cell types and conditions. Unraveling the mechanisms responsible for SND1 promoter regulation is of utmost interest to decipher the SND1 contribution in the realm of both normal and abnormal physiology.Work in the authors' lab is supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness grants SAF-2015-64352-R and RTC-2015-3693-1 and Basque Government grants IT-971-16 and KK2018-00090

    A System to Generate SignWriting for Video Tracks Enhancing Accessibility of Deaf People

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    Video content has increased much on the Internet during last years. In spite of the efforts of different organizations and governments to increase the accessibility of websites, most multimedia content on the Internet is not accessible. This paper describes a system that contributes to make multimedia content more accessible on the Web, by automatically translating subtitles in oral language to SignWriting, a way of writing Sign Language. This system extends the functionality of a general web platform that can provide accessible web content for different needs. This platform has a core component that automatically converts any web page to a web page compliant with level AA of WAI guidelines. Around this core component, different adapters complete the conversion according to the needs of specific users. One adapter is the Deaf People Accessibility Adapter, which provides accessible web content for the Deaf, based on SignWritting. Functionality of this adapter has been extended with the video subtitle translator system. A first prototype of this system has been tested through different methods including usability and accessibility tests and results show that this tool can enhance the accessibility of video content available on the Web for Deaf people

    Discrete Element Model of Cement-based Materials by Additive Manufacturing

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    The aim of the paper is the simulation of cement-based materials by the discrete element method (DEM) and its application to 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing. DEM is a way of simulating discrete matter and it captures the dual nature of granular media which behaves both like a solid and a fluid. DEM is a very useful tool for the study of the mechanical properties of granular materials, such as compressive strength or wear. Numerical modelling of granular materials can be used to study the microscopic behaviour of rocks and similar materials (such as concretes, ceramic materials and different composite materials). These materials can be simulated as particles with an interaction of bonding between them. Previous work of the research group has employed discrete element methodology to study the wear behaviour of concrete. The numerical analysis will allow us to study innovative multilayer components of cement-based materials. The flexural behaviour of multilayer components will be simulated. These components are the object of the multidisciplinary research project in which additive manufacturing of structural components using cement-based materials is studied

    Using Recommendation System for E-learning Environments at degree level

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    Nowadays, new technologies and the fast growth of the Internet have made access to information easier for all kind of people, raising new challenges to education when using Internet as a medium. One of the best examples is how to guide students in their learning processes. The need to look for guidance from their teachers or other companions that many Internet users experience when endeavoring to choose their readings, exercises o practices is a very common reality. In order to cater for this need many different information and recommendation strategies have been developed. Recommendation Systems is one of these. Recommendation Systems try to help the user, presenting him those objects he could be more interested in, based on his known preferences or on those of other users with similar characteristics.This document tries to present the current situation with regards to Recommendation Systems and their application on distance education over the Internet

    On the Effectiveness of Hand Collection to Complement Baits When Studying Ant Vertical Stratification in Tropical Rainforests

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    Choosing an appropriate sampling method to study ants is a key factor since distinct sampling methods can capture distinct ant fauna and, therefore, leading to bias in the interpretation and conclusion of the patterns observed. Despite it is well known that the ant fauna is vertically stratified, some of the sampling methods cannot be used throughout the whole vertical stratum (e.g., fogging and Winkler extractor). Here we compared the complementarity of hand collecting and baiting (with tuna or honey) in ant surveys focused on the stratification of the ant fauna in a tropical rainforest in Mexico. We found a total of 44 ant species, belonging to 17 genera and five subfamilies. The three sampling methods were clearly complementary at both the forest floor and canopy levels, even with as little as 10 minutes of search time for hand collecting. The ant species composition differed among sampling methods at both vertical strata. Hand collecting yielded higher ant species richness and more exclusive species than either bait at both vertical strata, but both tuna and honey baits also led to the detection of some (though fewer) exclusive ant species. The combination of hand collecting, tuna, and honey baits should thus be considered complementary tools for ant inventories, since using the two methods together yielded more complete inventories at both vertical strata. An additional advantage is that both methods can be used in both strata, ensuring that data in different vertical strata are comparable and allowing more reliable comparisons among these different habitats

    Model Innovation of Process Based on the Standard e-commerce International GS1

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    This article focuses on the design and characterization of management model for MSMEs, based on e-commerce and the GS1 international e-com standard. The first part contextualizes electronic commerce and its impact on domestic industry, and briefly describes the B2B e-commerce model used in Colombia. Subsequently the first step to apply the model is presented, which corresponds to the design of a diagnostic methodology that evaluates the technological, technical, commercial and administrative aspects of the organization; after that are exposed the results of the pilot experiment performed on a MSME from Bogota, and finally will be explained the procedures for the implementation of the model

    Virtual Objects on the Internet of Things

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    As technology advances more and more things began to appear in digital format, such as: tickets, agendas, books, electronic purses, etc. Internet of things encourages communication and integration of physical objects with each other and people to automate tasks and improve efficiency. Digital objects like physicists should be part of Internet of Things but the different structures of these digital objects causes in most cases these digital objects can interact only with specific applications that know the specific format. Based on the problems in this paper proposes a structure that supports the generic construction of virtual objects irrespective of their business logic and their integration with other applications and things

    Argument in education of students from media approach socioscientific of self-medication

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    En este artículo presentamos una investigación didáctica cuyo objetivo consistió en analizar los procesos de argumentación en estudiantes de educación media, a partir del abordaje de la cuestión sociocientífica (CSC) de la automedicación, un fenómeno que en la actualidad afecta a muchas personas al desconocerse las contraindicaciones existentes por el consumo indebido de medicamentos. El abordaje didáctico de esta controversia conviene hacerse a partir del enfoque ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y ambiente (CTSA), en la medida que establece un referente coherente para tratar los impactos y riesgos del desarrollo científico y tecnológico como el abarcado por la producción industrial de medicamentos. La investigación adoptó una metodología cualitativa constituida por una etapa diagnóstica y una etapa de diseño y de desarrollo de estrategias de enseñanza. Los resultados evidencian bajos niveles de argumentación sobre la cuestión tratada, así como las posibilidades de su mejoramiento al abordar la automedicación como una CSC.This paper presents an educational research whose objective was to analyze the processes of reasoning in high school students, from a social scientific approach to the question (CSC) of self-medication, which is a phenomenon that currently affects many people disregarding existing contraindications for drug misuse. The didactic approach to this controversy should be based on science, technology, society and environmental (CTSA) approach, insofar as it establishes a coherent reference for dealing with the impacts and risks of scientific and technological development such as that covered by the industrial production of medicines. The research adopted a qualitative methodology consisting of a diagnostic stage and a stage of design and development of teaching strategies. The results show low levels of argument on the issue being addressed, and the possibilities of its improvement in addressing self-medication as a CSC