131 research outputs found

    EKG:n pitkäaikaisrekisteröinti

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    Vertaisarvioitu. Näin tutkin.EKG:n pitkäaikaisrekisteröinnillä tarkoitetaan menetelmiä, joiden avulla sydämen sähköistä toimintaa seurataan mukana kuljetettavan rekisteröintilaitteen avulla. Alkuperäisen, Sir Norman Holterin kehittämän, EKG:tä jatkuvasti rekisteröivän laitteiston rinnalle on sittemmin kehitetty menetelmiä, joissa talteen kerätään ainoastaan tietyt kriteerit täyttävät löydökset sekä löydökset tutkittavan potilaan oireiden ajalta. Tavallisimmat EKG:n pitkäaikaisrekisteröinnin aiheet ovat olleet rytmihäiriötuntemusten selvittely ja etiologialtaan epäselvä synkopee. Rekisteröintilaitteiden sekä muun kardiologisen diagnostiikan ja hoidon kehitys on merkittävästi laajentanut ja muovannut tutkimusaiheita

    Seventh time lucky-A case report of multiple radiofrequency ablations for right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia

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    Right ventricular outflow tachycardia initially refractory to radiofrequency ablation may be successfully treated after radiofrequency ablation at multiple sites. Repeated radiofrequency ablations as well as cooperation across borders with referral to an international center of excellence may be required in complicated casesPeer reviewe

    Eteisvärinän lääkehoito

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    Teema : eteisvärinä. English summaryPeer reviewe

    Oraalinen antikoagulaatiohoito sydänsairauksissa

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    Sydänpotilailla antikoagulaatiolääkityksen tärkeimmät käyttöaiheet ovat eteisvärinä, mekaaninen tekoläppä ja vaikea hiippaläpän ahtauma. Muissa sydänsairauksissa antikoagulaatiohoitoa ei yleensä käytetä, ellei liitännäissairaus edellytä sitä. Vakaassa sepelvaltimotaudissa riittää yleensä suora antikoagulantti tai varfariini yksinään. Asetyylisalisyylihapon tai ADP-reseptorin salpaajan samanaikainen käyttö lisää vuotovaaraa. Tavanomaisissa sydäntoimenpiteissä hoitoa ei yleensä tauoteta.Peer reviewe

    Senior citizens evaluating welfare technology: User experiences in SENER-project

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    ´In an aging society, it is important to work for finding ways to integrate seniors in the society and to pursue seniors’ wellbeing and independent living. The aim of this research is to explore the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) in enhancing active aging. More precisely, the research examines user experiences of 24 senior citizens in piloting health technology, the wellbeing box products, in the SENER-project.The data were collected in interviews including semi-structured questions concerning senior citizens’ experiences. In addition to qualitative data, information about usage times of tested devices or programs was analyzed to construct user type categories.Three main type categories emerged: drop-outs, passive users, and active users. Drop-outs were too fragile to see more benefit than nuisance in the devices. In cases of passive users, families benefited more of the devices than the seniors themselves. Active users used the devices and programs themselves in various ways, for example monitored their health.Senior citizens are heterogeneous in their use of ICT. Products of the wellbeing box were motivating in the sense of active aging policy if there existed an interest in health promotion. Seniors must not feel too fragile, and they have to see more benefits than nuisance in the use of ICT if they want to start to use it. Devices must not have technical problems, and enough guidance that matches the skills of the users must be offered. Senior citizens do not want technology to replace human help, but health information gathered by monitoring devices could be transmitted to home help personnel

    Label-free 3D super-resolution nanoscope with large field of view

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    Photonic nanojet interferometry (PM) permits three dimensional (3D) label-free and super-resolution surface characterization. PM is based on coherence scanning interferometry (CSI), featuring Angstrom level vertical resolution. Being an optical far-field technique, CSI is diffraction limited and according to the Abbe criteria, can laterally resolve, points that are separated by a few hundred nanometers. We overcame this limitation by using dielectric microspheres that generate photonic nanojets. Now sub 100 nm features can laterally be resolved while preserving the vertical resolution of the CSI system. The microsphere material could be polymer or glass with a diameter between 8 and 12 mu m, which limits the field of view (FoV) of the PNI system to similar to 10 mu m(2). Here we present a method to increase the FoV of a PNI based device by stitching a sequence of adjacent 3D images. We imaged a recordable Blu-ray Disc (BR-D) using a custom built Mirau type scanning white light interferometer with enhanced lateral resolution. Four 3D super-resolution images with constant 80% overlap, were stitched together using in-house software. The resulting high fidelity image shows that 45% overlap and the above described procedure could be used to enlarge the FoV of label-free 3D super-resolution imaging systems.Peer reviewe