2,272 research outputs found

    Relating quarks and leptons without grand-unification

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    In combination with supersymmetry, flavor symmetry may relate quarks with leptons, even in the absence of a grand-unification group. We propose an SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) model where both supersymmetry and the assumed A4 flavor symmetries are softly broken, reproducing well the observed fermion mass hierarchies and predicting: (i) a relation between down-type quarks and charged lepton masses, and (ii) a correlation between the Cabibbo angle in the quark sector, and the reactor angle characterizing CP violation in neutrino oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, version published in PR

    Cool dwarfs in wide multiple systems. Paper 6: A curious quintuple system of a compact Sun-like triple and a close pair of an M dwarf and a very cool white dwarf at a wide separation

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    The system WDS 16329+0315 is an old, nearby quintuple physical system in the thick Galactic disc formed by a close-resolved, triple primary of solar metallicity, namely HD 149162, and a very wide, common proper motion, secondary pair, formed by the mid-M dwarf G-17-23 and the white dwarf LSPM J1633+0311S. We present an exhaustive astrometric and photometric data compilation of the system, including Gaia DR2 parallaxes and proper motions, and the first analysis of the nature of the faintest component. LSPM J1633+0311S (HD 149162 C) is a very cool white dwarf with an effective temperature of only about 5500 K, near the coolest end of the grid of theoretical models.Comment: The Observatory, in press, to appear in December 201

    Flavour-symmetric type-II Dirac neutrino seesaw mechanism

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    We propose a Standard Model extension with underlying A4 flavour symmetry where small Dirac neutrino masses arise from a Type-II seesaw mechanism. The model predicts the "golden" flavour-dependent bottom-tau mass relation, requires an inverted neutrino mass ordering and non-maximal atmospheric mixing angle. Using the latest neutrino oscillation global fit we derive restrictions on the oscillation parameters, such as a correlation between Dirac CP phase and the lightest neutrino mass.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Interactive effects of solar UV radiation and ammonium on the biomass andnutritional compound production in tank cultivated Hydropuntia corne (Rhodophyta)

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    Figueroa et al. (2016) Acta Aquaculture 16, 331-332Introduction Hydropuntia cornea is a red alga species cultivated in tanks under nitrogen enrichment with high biomass production and content of high value bioactive compounds (Figueroa et al., 2012; Robledo et al, 2014). In this study, the combined effects (2 × 2 factorial design) of solar radiation (in door (I), green house cutting off the UV radiation and out-door (O) with UV radiation) and nitrogen (ammonium) under high (HN) and low (LN) levels on biomass production (g DW m-2 d-1), biofiltration as Nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUE, %) and Nitrogen uptake rate (NUR, mmol N m-2 h-1), photosynthetic activity as maximal electron transport rate (ETRmax), starch content and antioxidant activity were analyzed in H.cornea grown in tanks for 35 days in the above mentioned conditions. Material and methods The red seaweed Hydropuntia cornea was cultivated in cylindrical tanks of 90 L (0.17 m2 superficial area) with open flow-through N and P-enrichment (5 NH4Cl: 1 KHPO4, in a concentration ranges between 50 - 250 µM). Seaweed density assayed in tanks was 9 g FW L-1. Turnover rates were 64 and 6.4 vol d-1 in high and low flow rate, respectively. Photosynthetic activity was measured by using in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence associated to photosystem II i.e. Electron transport rate (ETR) expressed as μmol electrons m-2 s-1. Starch (%) was determined according to anthrone method (Brooks et al. 1986) and antioxidant activity was evaluated following ABTS method (Ree et al., 1999) and expressed as Trolox equivalent (μM TEAC g-1 DW). Results Maximal photosynthetic production (ETRmax) increased throughout the culture time. (Fig. 1.A). After 35 d culture, ETRmax was higher under HN than that under LN both under in door and out door conditions (Fig.1A). However, biomass production expressed as g DW m-2 d-1 decreased throughout the experimental time (Fig 1.B). After 35d culture the highest biomass production was reached under HN-O and the lowest under LN-O although the differences were not so high (Fig.1B). The maximal efficiency of N assimilation (NUE %) was greater under LN (98%) than that under HN treatment (72%). NUE decreased throughout the time although after 35 d a clear increase was observed (Table 1). In contrast, the maximal nitrogen uptake rate (NUR) was higher under HN (45.5 mmol N m-2 h-1) than that under LN (25.8 mmol N m-2 h-1). The highest values of both NUE and NUR were obtained under solar radiation (outdoor treatments). Starch ranged from 25.1% (LN-I, 21 d) to 49.6 % (LN-O, 28 d) whereas the highest antioxidant activity was reached under LN-O after 21 d culture (68.5 μM TEAC g-1 DW). After 35d the highest level was again under LN-O (65.2 μM TEAC g-1 DW) followed by HN-O treatment (57.3 μM TEAC g-1 DW).Discussion and conclusions Ammonium supply, simulating fishpond effluents, and full solar irradiation (presence of UV radiation) have a positive effect on photosynthetic rate as ETRmax. The decrease in biomass production in spite of the increase of photosynthetic activity and nitrogen uptake rate is explained because the algae through the time could inverse more energy for the accumulation of metabolites (starch and antioxidant compounds) that that for growth. In any case the highest accumulation of starch and antioxidant activity were observed in the treatments associated to the greatest stress conditions i.e LN and outdoor culture due to UVR can negatively affect biological processes related to growth. As expected, under HN supply NUE was lower than that under LN but NUR was the reverse. H. cornea grown in simulated fishpond effluents displays a high biofiltration rate of inorganic N and accumulates commercially N compounds, as the photoprotector-antioxidant substances, mycosporine-like aminoacids (Figueroa et al., 2012) and C-compounds for nutritional uses or bioethanol production. In this study, the antioxidant activity was much higher than that reported in other seaweeds (Matanjun et al., 2008). H. cornea can be cultured and used to remove nutrient-rich fishpond effluents from aquaculture industries and besides, this biomass provides compounds of high added value for the biotechnology industry. References Brooks, J.R., Griffin, V.K., Kattan, M.W. 1986.A modified method for total carbohydrate analysisof glucose syrups, maltodextrins and other starch hydrolysis products. Cereal Chem 63:465-466. Figueroa, F. L., Korbee, N., Abdala, R., Jerez, C. G., López-de la Torre, M., Güenaga, L., Gómez-Pinchetti, J. L. 2012. Biofiltration of fishpond effluents and accumulation of N-compounds (phycobiliproteins and mycosporine-like amino acids) versus C-compounds (polysaccharides) in Hydropuntia cornea (Rhodophyta). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(2), 310-318. Matanjun, P., Mohamed, S., Mustapha, N.M., Ming, C.H. 2008. Antioxidant activities and phenolics content of eight species of seaweeds from north Borneo. J Appl Phycol 20:367–373. Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A.,Yang,M., Rice-Evans, C. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radic Biol Med 26:1231–1237. Robledo, D., Navarro‐Angulo, L., Valdes Lozano, D., Freile‐Pelegrín, Y. 2014. Nutrient removal efficiency of Hydropuntia cornea in an integrated closed recirculation system with pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis. Aquaculture Research, 45(10), 1648-1658Universidad de Málaga.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech

    Polarization tailored novel vector beams based on conical refraction

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    Coherent vector beams with involved states of polarization (SOP) are widespread in the literature, having applications in laser processing, super-resolution imaging and particle trapping. We report novel vector beams obtained by transforming a Gaussian beam passing through a biaxial crystal, by means of the conical refraction phenomenon. We analyze both experimentally and theoretically the SOP of the different vector beams generated and demonstrate that the SOP of the input beam can be used to control both the shape and the SOP of the transformed beam. We also identify polarization singularities of such beams for the first time and demonstrate their control by the SOP of an input beam

    Discrete dark matter

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    We propose a new motivation for the stability of dark matter (DM). We suggest that the same non-abelian discrete flavor symmetry which accounts for the observed pattern of neutrino oscillations, spontaneously breaks to a Z2 subgroup which renders DM stable. The simplest scheme leads to a scalar doublet DM potentially detectable in nuclear recoil experiments, inverse neutrino mass hierarchy, hence a neutrinoless double beta decay rate accessible to upcoming searches, while reactor angle equal to zero gives no CP violation in neutrino oscillations.Comment: minor changes to match version accepted in PRD, one reference adde

    Biology of killer yeasts

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    Killer yeasts secrete proteinaceous killer toxins lethal to susceptible yeast strains. These toxins have no activity against microorganisms other than yeasts, and the killer strains are insensitive to their own toxins. Killer toxins differ between species or strains, showing diverse characteristics in terms of structuralgenes, molecular size, mature structure and immunity. The mechanisms of recognizing and killing sensitive cells differ for each toxin. Killer yeasts and their toxins have many potential applications in environmental, medical and industrial biotechnology. They are also suitable to study the mechanisms of protein processing and secretion, and toxin interaction with sensitive cells. This review focuses on the biological diversity of the killer toxins described up to now and their potential biotechnological applications

    A mesoscopic stochastic model for the specific consumption rate in substrate-limited microbial growth

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    The specific consumption rate of substrate, as well as the associated specific growth rate, is an essential parameter in the mathematical description of substrate-limited microbial growth. In this paper we develop a completely new kinetic model of substrate transport, based on recent knowledge on the structural biology of transport proteins, which correctly describes very accurate experimental results at near-zero substrate concentration values found in the literature, where the widespread Michaelis-Menten model fails. Additionally, our model converges asymptotically to Michaelis-Menten predictions as substrate concentration increases. Instead of the single active site enzymatic reaction of Michaelis-Menten type, the proposed model assumes a multi-site kinetics, simplified as an apparent all-or-none mechanism for the transport, which is controlled by means of the local substrate concentration in the close vicinity of the transport protein. Besides, the model also assumes that this local concentration is not equal to the mean substrate concentration experimentally determined in the culture medium. Instead, we propose that it fluctuates with a mostly exponential distribution of Weibull type

    A new neutrino mass sum rule from inverse seesaw

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    A class of discrete flavor-symmetry-based models predicts constrained neutrino mass matrix schemes that lead to specific neutrino mass sum-rules (MSR). One of these implies in a lower bound on the effective neutrinoless double beta mass parameter, even for normal hierarchy neutrinos. Here we propose a new model based on the S4 flavor symmetry that leads to the new neutrino mass sum-rule and discuss how to generate a nonzero value for the reactor mixing angle indicated by recent experiments, and the resulting correlation with the solar mixing angle.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure